The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 21, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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v- ""
When- vou travel to: trie mountains
the lakes or the: sea: yoiLcarradct to: I
the comfoir ana: pleasure: or your trip.:
by starting: with, the right sore of;
tninU? -nnrtfrnvftlincr harrc- Wehave
t- trunks and bags than are equal to: every, emergency of k
2;a ion g: journey ay sea, or lancu.
MIfofoiR & PAIN
iiSKs leases:
"Wlinse worwft&jSGssrRivetfc isfeyorabLy knowrr.. wilt
continue to do: 3famcurmg;. Sfianrgooim. Eairfressmgr,,
and wilt give: treatment o scarp; diseases. Swiicfies-and-
pompadours made: to order andl ail kinds, or Bair
work: carefully done;.
r-35 o r2x.
Tereptione1 3'8l
i-iv V V IE Eot' fifes, are: kept ms fire proof buildings..
:prooi: buildings.
fea:fo nd: p ai
..rrA Tim,,.
From; Misoart River Points to- Denwerj.
Colorado Springs and-PaeSIu,.
Srr X. Jbir 1 1 fi-r ft' .Time is m sn
i !) Spfc 1-1" ?".LJ JnlrlO-AJ3r
Similkf nduci. Rit- on sntnn dittos ttv
other Colorado a art Otnti ToorlKt Points.
3ts. from otiipr points aa- Boric: loiand-
f tote pTmnortionatfcljr lowri? ow SHinn
itatenorstiie. Kcturn nmixociiai, woi.
TH superb: train;.
(Colorado Flyer
leaves Kmiwm- City daily at tf-St p- m..
Otnnb-at 5:3-p: m-,. 8K4o at 5:ttl p. m.
arrlvlnjf D'nwlliBj. m..roIorado Sp'a
t Man i tori in-5fam.TJahl 115lim,
Writ "ordetailir anti-Colorado literature,
liw W, Thompson;, Ay Gv RA,
I Jors SkbaWTas,. Cr, PI A.,, Chicago-,
el w. bqwn:
Fine Stationer?
Calling: Carda... . . . .
SbJiTeventh; Street.
phone aa
1 feBggsssijfcgggto
. TTIK - .
, . , of UNeOLfNSBR, , , ,
Capitar ,,,,,$ 20CLflCO0G
Sorpfasaad: Profits 4255:0ff
Depute , , , 2,42052.12
SriCBvrafasXy A-LSa-wyey
Postdate VkePraiicat,
H, B. Ewans, i'raafc: Parity.
Aat Cas&Zcr, Aat Catftfrr.,
Lincoln. Neb.
r,Incotnt Xebr
Office HOG O SrwRfiotss 212; 21.
2f4rRSas&r BTccfc. Tee5one 525
Rrwimcg I3IQ G St. Tdjccc K?S4
AJnn-nnbro tfc weria'ie pn&
piiBbe?a; riftnttr IiiiijiiimqC tr
niffhipgT iinnirimnnt forr otbaf- paople;,
whoriictheirr tunc vrortc eqnUj7 st11
tryin;to:be-amHed. THfctherttatHan
agenvactorpsinfHBiaiitii lectnrKBf Be
!onunder-tue? tirat! dawftrnrttdg; witlii
the-.macjTothenformK of! eBtartunmectt'-toj:.ta8tori;
mirratKanaibaasniiaedjandi ihcidamU
tale&Te-ttcoirtaaai toisxc of! apnrociav
itoncof:ttie;effirtcof.'ttitteHtertMnBrB:. FewTisraonKarai capable- off 9Bifir
tertainment: N6tTauuij:i.VK reatrarce
7itbizr.thBmseirBB3sanlc:eat:to. pan: ac
Hourrof .'enf orcadl idleneac: wittiont reati
1 tamtam and. irritability; Dednita; andi
concentrated, ttiougfatt iia an: unknnwa:
process to the mat aetc Oha-'pHw of! s.
sobjecfciraii: rbiclh appeaiJE tw them;,
and:thar!onl j: 1m x. anperrlcial. manner:.
Bird-'aieyfcviBWKoCIifa.iittiia; large, andl
icr-detaiL are;- all! theirr mental: viaansv
caxc retain:. Verj? different wa; the:
j7frriTnpnpftr-TTnlmjr VTho. VTIW. ablfc tOJ
And: in: a- broken:dbwiE wagons wheel,
material for the following-dissertation::
"Eboic;''Taaia "iff xoo: vfantt to aea
onaoCtbe groat est: tridmpHs- of: human:
ingenuity.T one oH the; moec: beautiful,,
as itifl one of! the moitt useful, offall. the
mecHaniimB: which: thV intalliijenca- of:
ancccsair&agea Haff called! ihtnr being;!"
"Cgeer nothing;!'' mj. campam'bn: anH
wered:,"but: am olff broken-down: wagon;.
Why thej IeaveanciLa-niecaofr 1'umHeiv
ingrtraahiabouUtheirr place, wtiero: pen
p'acansea ibae tho pafia,,iB nmmt than:
rcarracamnCfon!' "ndlxer,!" aaidl Iv,
"tnerie aneot'the; mast: extraordinary'
products of human, geniua: and"; akilK;
am abject: which: combines: the; useful:
and. the beautiful, to an. extent: which:
hardly auj aimple: fonn: of. meshaniam:
can.pretendl to; rirall. Do jau: nntica
haw, while everything: alea' haff gona tn:
smash, the whesUramaTna-aound: and: fit;
fur: service?- LooicaCit. merely- for iia
Beauty:. Sea.- tha- per&et circles;, tha
outerandltharnnBr; JL circle- ia in: it-aeiraconBummata-
wonder off geomet
rical, ay mmetry Itikthalinarn: whfch:
the- amnfpotBnt energx delighta:- ooi
move; There ia no; fault in; it to1 ba
amandad:. Thatiratcircieand: tile laet
both: embody the1 same complete- fill
fiJlmentaf aperfectdesfgiE. Then: look:
au the ravg which: pasff fmm. the inner
to' tha outer circle. Eow beautifully
they bring-the greater and. Iesaer ciri
deaihcci cannectian: with: each, other!
TheitiawerH know that secret;. the-margnerite-nr
the meadow displaya it
as clearfy aa the- great sun. in. heaven.
EbwbeantifnC is this flower of wood!
and' LroOr which: we were ready ta pass
By without wasting: a. Took upon, ill
But ita beauty is only tha beginning; of
its wonderful claim, upen. us for our
admirasiaa. Look at that held: of ti'ow
eang grasev the trttieum vuHjar,r-SB&-how
ha waves follow the breeze utaatiny
altematinna ot light and shadows Tau:
admire it Car ita lovely aspect? But when:
. you. remember thas this fiaweringr grass
Ik vrheat the finest food of tha highest
human, races,, it gams a dignity,, a glory
chat ita Beantj aTone- cnuTd not give
ZTcwDcok at that exoaiaite structure
lyinjc neglected and disgraced but es
aentially. unchacged in. ita perfectibar
before yaa. That slight and delicate
faoking fabric has stood such, a trial as
hardly any slender contrivance, ex
cepting; always the Talves of tha heart;.
waa ever subjected to. It has rattled
far years over the cabble-stonea of a
rough, city pavement. It has. climbed
overall the acadental ahatractibes it
met In tie highway; and dropped into,
ail the holes and deep ruts that made
the heavy farmer sitting over it use his
SacdaTTocaottIaryin.a weekdav form
J of speech. Atocetama or another, al
l most every part cf the ord wagon: has
'giveaway. It has had two new pairs
'of. shafts. Twice tha axfe lua broken
onTcloatothe.Hub',.orrnave. The
broMee whesn TaMm and: Hiilda -
harwajwoafc ttuv cailedl 's. ride o.
HuHiiii,. TJwfnacvvwtkiekedlin . i
vidou marefc. Th aprine; gave ,y
and: the fleerr burflpedl om the .
E&eryrpartioKoffttis: wagon: became v
preyjoffitaapecitil. accident: except t
mot:fragilalooking:of:airitc parts,
wheel:. Whew cans heipj admiring .
exact dirtribntlorx: off the: power f
awtHnryaC trie; leaetpoasibie' expen
turo of! material: which: ik manifestea
thiawondronatriumphiof.' Human -iuaandatdlir
The apokes: are plan -i
uxttieaolidlhuriaacarongly aa the , 7
taettcoff a- lias: ire thrarr deep-rinnK.-n
gacfeta;. Eachiapnfabaa: ibr own er
ritory ik-the; cirnnmferenca, for whi 3
it: is: respsnabTc According: to :m
IaadithBrvehTcle:- ian erpected! to ar
thay'anfcfeir arnnany;, stoat: or alenUfr
but they share- their.- joint: labor v ;ii
abeolute' jUHtJp, oot one- does niir
not: ana does lea;, than: iter fust prop r
tibir:. Tha-autexrendl off tha spokes a
received! into. thai deep mortise of :m
wooden: feiliea;, and! tha- structure m
pearBTcnmpretei. But how long wnu.u
it take to turn: that circle into a palyr.
unJesa-somamighty-cnunteracling or a
sHouldi prevent it?: Sea; the iron :ro
brought: hot tromi tha- furnace and aid
arnundi the smoking: circumferc!i-
Oacaur.pracs; tha- workman: cools iiu
hot iron;; and; aa it shrinks: with, a for a
that seems: like.- a. hand-grasp af -ha ciaepa; the- fitted 'nii; -mentaoCthe-
structure- anil compresses
them: Into a: singie; Inseparable whuie.
Waaricnot: worth: our while- to stop 1
momencbefhrapaeeingrtfaat old broken
wagon;, and! s&g; whether we could lut
ti'nd.aa much: m. it aa Swift found in 119
'Mjaditatianaan:a:riraamstick?, I have
been: laughed; at far making-so much ir
suchiaicommamthingrae: a. wheel. lui
atBl.' Solbmon-'k court fool, would have
acoffedl at tha- thought of: the young
Galilean who (iarmf. compare the ilies
affthe-ttelditnihlB augnec master. vr
(ftntrari.Iavery well' for a. Sbrth
mericamrndkurand'hia degeneratB suc
cessor; wha hut? grown: too grand a
admira any thing-but himself; ana taitra
acynlcal pride urbieetalid indifferom-j
to everything: worth, reverencing r
A.Geat Ufcvspactr.
Tha Sunday edition, of the St. Lou
Bepublicia a. marvel at modera aeiv
paparentarpriHe.. Tha- arganization
its. news service-iawarid-wlde.. campi"'
in. every department? in. fact, superior
thac at any other newspaper.
The- magazine section, is illustrated
daintily tinted: colors and splendid oa.
tone- pictures. This section cancan:
more- high-crass literary matter tha .
any ot the monthly magazines. Th"
fashions illustrated in. natural caiura ira
especially varuablatatha ladies.
The colored: comic section: is a zeauit!
uuigh-makar. The funny cartoons u
by tha Best arairta. The humorj'.
stories are- hign-daas,, By authors 3f 1
tional reputatlaa.
Sheet musur a high.-class., popu
songfe furnished: free every Sunday
The price of the Sunday Republic
mail one year is SLOO. For safe by
news dealers.
A. ticket calTectoran- a railway j
leave to ga and get married and v .
given, a pass over the line. On irta v 1
back he showed to the new collector 1
marriage, certificate by mistake for 1
pass. Tha- Tatter studied, ifcearafu
and thee saldi "Eh,, moo. you've :?
ticket for a Iang wearisome journey -not
on the Caledonian, railway U