The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 21, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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the beacb, where, by merest chance, the
farmer bad found him and brought him
back to life.
T'-o months passed before the eick
man was able to return to the scene of
bis former happiness. Saddened and
desolate, be wandered over the ground
whose landmarks had been swept away
by the anger of the elements, ground
once eo familiar, now so strangely al
tered. He lingered by the ruins of hie
dwelling as by a new-made grave. Ev
erywhere be asked the Bame question,
and everywhere he received the same
discouraging answer.
No oce bad Been his wife since the
night of the Hood.
His heart grew heavy with despair.
He bade good-bye to the wreck of his
fortunes and the renting place of his
broken hopes. Then he turned bis face
toward a new flald, to begin life over
again, alone. There could be no solace
for his grief, but in labor might he
found some measure of forgetfuloees.
Frank Parrish went to the home of
bis brother, Charles Parrish. in the
mountains of Lincoln county, New Mex
ico. Slowly carao back to him hia
strength and health, but the joy of life
was no looger-his. To work for work's
sake was not the eame task that it had
been when work meant the care of the
little woman who to him was the dear
est and loveliest in all the world; the
building of a home together; the delight
of daily companionship and sympathy;
the constant presence of that inlluence
which has power to make devils or
heroes of men the passionate influence
of love.
I 1 was not satisfactory at its best,
working merely for work's sake, but
Frank Parrish did what any man with
the right sort of stuff in him would have
doue he tried with all his might to
make something worth while of himself
in his new environment.
To inspire him he bad bis memories;
and they were sweet.
AH this time Mra. Parrish was wearing
the sombre weeds of widowhood in Mur
freeshoro, Tennessee. She bad gone
there to make her home with a distant
relative of who she bad never happened
to speak to her husband. Of ber hus
band's brother she knew nothing more
than tbb fact of his existence somewhere
in America.
When the fury of the Hood had torn
her from her husband's arms, a wave
had driven her againet some wreckage.
She grasped at it and slowly, painfully
drew herself upon the roof of a bouse
perhaps it was that of her own bouse.
She never knew. There she remained
until the storm had spent itself until
the heavy clouds had broken until the
blackness of the night had been split,
and a new day had dawned. Within a
few hours more she was found and res
cued. She sought everywhere for her hus
band, amid the ruins of their home,
among the sandhills, even upon the big,
black bargee, into which were tumbled
the swollen bodies for carriage into the
tea, there to be weighted down and
Euuk. She questioned the living, and
gazed into the silent faces of the dead;
but nowhere did she h'nd a trace of the
man she sought.
Then she made her way to Tennessee.
As the weeks went by she regained her
health, for jouth is buoyant and recu
perative; put mind and heart were not
at rest her loes at times eeemed too
great to be borne. She was so melan
choly that her relatives finally planned
a change or scene for her. She acqui
esced with indifference.
In the day of her happy wifehood
she bad been a merry mate for the man
who loved her. Now she ws pensive
and earl, her thoughts always with the
husband whose tragic fate she stead
fastly mourned.
Pne of Mrs. Parriebe pew-found
friends was a Mies Ellen Alexander,
who was about to leave Tennessee for
New Mexico to teach in a private Bchool
in Otero county. Before the commence
ment of the term it was arranged that
Mrs. Parrish should accompany her.
In New Mexico she would flud different
associations, and the change would per
haps enliven her depressed spirits.
Late in July Mrs. Parrish and Miss
Alexander arrived at Roswell. The dBy
was Thursday. 1 hey learned that the
stage by which they were to proceed to
Lincoln and Captain, at which place
Miss Alexander bad a married sister,
would not go until Monday.
The next day Mr. Parrish came to
town to purchase supplies aud machin
ery. He wished to go back that same
day, but was delayed until Sunday. He
was disappointed. For two days the
husband and wife were in the little
town without knowing it, both detained
there against their wills.
On Sunday at noon Mrs. Parrish left
the hotel at which she was stopping for
a walk.
On Sunday, at noon, Mr. Parrish, his
team ready, stepped from the postoflice
to the sidewalk, and in another moment
would have mounted the vehicle, taken
up the reins and been on his way to the
Looking up, he saw before him what
he thought was a vision a wraith from
the sea. But the vision was so real
that it did not melt in the sunshine of
that Sabbath noon. It did not fade
away, as all the other visions of his lost
love bad faded, phantoms of a fond im
agination. Indeed, it held out two long
ing, trembling arms, and the light of
deathless devotion illumined its face.
My wife! My wife!"
And bo it is that a second honeymoon
has begun down in the New Mexico
mountains. St. Louis Republic.
Masquerading in plays is not uncom
mon. We are used to seeing queens
and kings disguised as peasants, but it
is something new to witnesB a lady of
title maequerading as a cook. Ttiij is
what the chief character does in "Lady
Huntworth'a Experiment." This com
edy will have its first presentation in
this city at the Oliver Theatre next
Thursday evening. Those interpreting
it will be members of Daniel Froh man's
company, formerly of the Lyceum Thea
tre, New York, and more recently of
Daly's Theatre. Miss Hilda Spong, the
feature of the organization, has never
appeared here, but a great deal has
reached us as to her dramatic ability,
beauty and stunning physique. Mies
Spong makes an imposing society fig
ure in the last act of the play, though
in the first two acts she is merely the
cook in the household of a village clergyman.
No firm of theatrical managers has
given the public more successful melo
dramatic productions that the Holden
Brother?. Their name attached to a
dramatic enterprise is always a guaran
tee of the attraction. This season they
have outdone all former efforts in their
production of "The Denver Express."
Nearly a car load of scenery is carried
for the production and the mechanical
effects are more elaborate than any
thing in this line ever attempted. The
raiding of the emigrant train in the first
act and the wonderful railroad scene
in the third act are both novel features
and new to stage productions.
At the Funke Opera House on Mon
day and Tueedjy nights. eats pqv
on sale,
Of IVFRTHEATREF-c zninSdo?T. &
VLl VLl I IlliV IVLi Corner PuuuUthSts. Phm.
Thursday, September 26.
Another Original New York Company.
Mjp. Daniel Frohman
The original Company and Production NONE BETTER
Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50; Box Seats $2.00.
THE FUNKE f & fflw TSTo.f. grawford
x -' x ' Cor. O and 12th SU. Phone 601
Scenic Sensation,
A Carload of Special Scenery and Effects. An Unsurpassed
Prices 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Seats now on sale.
lsL S i H F
Union Pacific K- o
Oregon ?hort Line R.R. Go.
Oregon K.R.& NavigationCu
One Hundred and Fifty Miles Along the Columbia
River by Daylight.
Than Any Other Line Three Trains Daily from Omaha.
Mrs. Dogge't Oh, dear. I don't know
what on earth to do for poor Prince.
Mrs. Fayth Kuer Why don't jou
try Christian Science? It worked won
dera for our biby.
Mrs. Doggett But, my gracious! I
can't afford to experiment on this dog;
heB won prizes t fjye ehowB. Piocese
ot Tennessee,
grain, Eromions
and gtocbs.
1035 N St., Lincoln, and Hastings, Ncbr.