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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1901)
VOL. XVI., NO. XXXT1II ESTABLISHED IN 1886 PRICE FIVE CENTS LINCOLN. NEBR., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1901. THE COURIER, gratitude with which his name will in this country by killing one as soon of it to the unsuspicious considera- be mentioned in anarchist meetings, as his unmistakable rattle announces tion of the community. And at least KitwrniDiHipowOTcKLiscoL!. as Considering the peculiar reasoning of his presence. The anarchist is op- three generations must elapse before anarchists, considering the fact that posed to society and announces it. the disgrace entailed by the founders published eyeby Saturday tliey yo on committing murders Society's only protection is to declare of the family in being born and re- BT whose only effort is to make the laws a war of extermination; for, unliKe siding elsewhere for awhile is re- TBI nnnDICD BDMTUP IbTl uliaiWUWG nn of wllicU tilfcy comPlain mre string- the rattlesnake, .anarchists strike moved. No matter how well-to-do or IHt UllUKliK rnlMIIRu MU rUDLIonlnb liU ent, Czolgosz' execution will have no without warning. Czolgosz carried gentle the members of the family are. Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs. deterrent effect upon assassination, his loaded pistol wrapped in a hand- there is no record of any who have Although anarchists are cowards, kerchief, shook hands with the Presi- completely recovered from the dis- Telephone 384. they are more afraid of other anar- dent with his left hand and then shot ability of possessing ancestors who SARAH B HARRIS " EDITOR cl,ists than (,f tlie Iaw and wnen one nim twice before the sleepy detec- from the dawn of American history AKAnftmuwia, miw draws a lot which designates him as tives suspected him. It should be ignored the advantages of Massachus- Subscription Rates. an assassin, he is afraid not to kill, made alife oflensc to attack the etts as a native state and gave birth P 1 50 To execute Czo,Bsz is the same as Presided A soldier who strikes his to children in some other state or Sixmonths'!!!."!!!."!f. ..."!."!!!!! 100 billing a rattlesnake. It is no lesson superior otlicer in time of war incurs country. ."""" "" to other rattlesnakes; they have just the death penalty and usually re- There is great difference of opinion Kebatc ot liny cents on cash payments. as mneh yenom left. tUey win as celves it. Now an attack on the life about the justice of the laws of he Single copies 05 readily use it. When one assassin of the President convulses the coun- redity, but the citizens of New Eng- - and anarchist is executed there is try. If he is wounded the national land believe that there must still be The Courier will not be responsible for to! , , . , nntary communications unless accompanied by just one less anarchist, and that is and international business which he something the matter with the man recomn?Sni? receive attention, must a,L There are several thousand left was elected to attend to is interrupt- whose great great grandfather cared be iwned by the fnU name of the writer, not in this country, unterritied, and stim- ed and waits while the victim of hate so little for his direct descendants as merely as a guarantee of good faith, but lor ..,.,j , -, , , , ... , . , . , . ......,. ... publication if advisable. mated by Czolgosz' success to kill his and treason languishes on a sick bed. to allow them to be born in any state successor. The seventy million peo- We make such a fetich of freedom west of the utmost limits of culture. :00'' P'e in this country whose president that the election to the presidency of The unfortunate Posburgs are suf- McKinley had become have been de- the United States is almost a war- fering from this tradition arid habit. C OBSERVATIONS. featedbythe act of one man. His rant of death. It is better for all tf Instead of pitying them for the cause- 4 life is forfeit to the law. It is all us to give up the right of approaching less suspicion and surveillance to &0& we can take from him, but his execu- the president with a bandaged hand which all the surviving members of tion in no wise repairs the assault he or with our hands in our pockets than the family have been subjected, Pitts Anarchy. i1Us made on the republic, that the president should be endan field considers that the Fosburgs have President McKinley is dead, killed Meanwhile there is no doubt of the gered. made their chief of police a great deal by an anarchist. In any case his life temper of the people. There is little There are other perquisites that the of trouble for people who do not be and services -to the nation would be doubt that their representatives will assassination may deprive us of. For long to Pittstield. The citizens rc tenderlyand approbatively consider- enact a law in the first congress that instance we have nearly killed several sent "new families' or growth from ed. When a president is assassinat- assembles curtailing the liberty of other presidents by insisting on our the outside. Usually this peculiarity ed the English language is apparent- rres speech at anarchist meetings and right in shoals of a thousand or more of Massachusetts people whose an ly unequal to the strain of expressing 0f the publication and distribution to shake their poor hands. Then we cestors have lived in the same house a people's grief for him and horror of anarchist newspapers and propa- insist upon our right to go into the for an acceptable period affects and hatred of the assassin. Yet in ganda of all kinds. As a people we White House and look at the presi- strangers uncomfortably but not what has been said north and south have no right to elect a man to an deut and his family. Grover Cleve- fatally. In the case of the Fosburgs about the murder of the president it orlice in wWich he is a particularly land denied the right and sequestered the Massachusetts disapproval or is apparent that we have come to a conspicuous mark for anarchists and his family from the uninvited public, strangers is in the way of making a turning of the ways. When Presi- guar(j i,jm fr0m attacks carelessly But his haughtiness lost him votes. further residence in Pittstield unbear dent Lincoln was shot the country and imperfectly. In thirty-six years It is likely that the Buffalo hand- able. had not begun to recover from the three presidents have been killed, shaking is the last one of the kind Most modern towns are g'ad to wel fever, the insanity of a civil war. Lincoln's and Garfield's death seem that an American president will ever come wealthy new-comers who in Men hated to the death. There was no not to have convinced a democracy- be called upon to suffer. There are crease the property of the town and temperance, little patience, and small mad people that there was need for other lessons that the great, innocent, share the tax payers' burden. But it statesmanship. North and south extra precautions around the life of democratic American public is no appears that in Pittstield the citizens hated each other with an apparently the man whose death would affect learning in bitterness of spirit, and if prefer residents whose ancestors are irreconcilable hatred. Booth thought seventy million people and throw out the representatives of the people well known and whose skeletons ap hewas avenging a devasteatd and 0f adjustment millions of dollars learn them, too. President Roosevelt's pear at every sewing circle occasion, plundered section. Garfield's assassin worth of stocks. But McKinley's wire can lie down at night in greater !t is said that every unavailing argu was excited by the bitter controversy death has demonstrated that the an- surety that her husband will live mentor the Fosburgs' innocence is between the President and Mr. Conk- archists are watching to kill the out his term. finally answered by the Pittsfieldian ling. President McKinley was assass- president. Garfield's death siiowed o ji inquiry: "Who are the Fosburgs nny- inated at a time when north and that the president was at the mercy T j- i Way?" There Is no answer' and the south, east and west are singularly 0r cranks. Extra Judical. Pittsfieldian considers the silence a and demonstratively harmonious. The lesson is that the American The people or Pittstield, Massa- conression or guilt. Even when the The war is over and has left no bit- president should be guarded as care- chusetts, with the New England un- otherwise intelligent citizens'or this lerness in this country. England and fUuy as his high station and its ex- willingness to be convinced, have distinguished state move onto less Germany are appalled by our com- posure demand, and that anarchists ostracized the Fosburgs, rather, son historically sacred territory, they are niercial supremacy, and, according to should be exterminated like rattle- and mother, although even the silly unable to take the humble attitude the correspondents,contemplate retal- snakes. ch5ef of Police accused only the bro- assigned to strangers soliciting the iat..ry measures. Fresh from naval, The farmer does not wait till the ther of murdering his sister. Massa- good will and hospitality of earlier manufacturing and agricultural tri- snake bites when he finds one in his chusetts people are honest and some corners. Their first words on the way uniplis, the country was never less iield. He kills him because he knows are very clever. They make a point from the station are generally words in'-aned for the murder or the man the species and that rattlesnakes are or learning everything accumulated or instruction and warning. Of course misrepresents the country and has all alike. Their bite is deadly poison, in the knowledge-books, and besides where the country is new enough, d'Tie so much to insure its prosperity, and if one or them considers his reel- they read the newspapers more than tendered, even when they are rroni There was no motive lor the mur- jngs sufficiently outraged he will bite, their ignorance or and their indiff- Boston itself, have learned to keep d(r of President McKinley except A man ignorant of what a snake dis- erence to other parts of the country still; but where convention is crys arurchy. The man was sane. He approves is likely to offend one or indicate. But when a ramily rrom talized, the genuine Bostonian's de-l-i an elaborate plan and is now them unwit.ingly and pay for it with some unconsecrated state moves into sire to show strong against a back taking what comrort he can in the his lire. The American farmers have Massachusetts, a generation or two ground of savagery is irrepressible, n' ' Tiety he has attained and the almost exterminated the rattlesnakes is required to introduce the members and thus his popularity cannot be n i ti .1 t t 1 d ti r .1 i i 4 t i i