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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1901)
1 THE COURIER. tNWHHH'"'''"MW MIDIIIIHMIIIIiIMHnMMi r Ttlllllllll , IINCOIN TRAXSFBJR CO 1 Office lOtH and Q St.. Phone 176. Piano and Furniture WE SELL . . Moving I A" Qrdea of Coal. WE CARRY . . A Pino Lino of Car riages and Buggies. . TP Wvn "Want: TPlTsaf.-rnacso Qmvn-t, i-n -r-r wi i. i i M &a. w uuw .a. aa hiu iriMnn iini u i '1-4 .v rin i in J - .-WW SVU.X1. WAX WO. "' nnmmn ...,,,, f PICTURES . . . We have just received a line of hand tinted platino-types 7s9 9x1 anJ 10x20. The subjects are "ThePrayer," "Sweethearts." "Colonial Girl " "Mignon," "Spring and Autumn." "Indecision," "Lullaby," "Carna tions," at prices ranging from 81.25 up to S3 00. We are aleo sbowine a line of Pastels, 10x20 to 20x30. from S1.23 to 82 50 and a line of Water Colors from 75c upward. Our Framing Department is now in working order and all work done in this department is guaranteed. Don't for get that we make a specialty of engraving engraved plate and 100 cards during this week for $1.00. THE LINCOLN BOOK STORE, 1126 O STREJRT. Laura Geeina Mulder and Mr. Arthur Married, on Wednesday afternoon, at Leonard Ferrier. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrier the home of the bride's mother, 1500 S will reside at 348 North Twenty-fifth street, Miss Maude Sprung and Mr. etreet. Charles H. De Ford. Mies Jeannette Palmer entertained the Misses Alice, Ethel and Elizabeth Dovey of Plattetnouth over Sunday. Misses Alice and Ethel Dovey enjoy an enviable reputation as singers. Their profes sional names are the Misses Nebriska. Gregory, The Coal Man, 11th &. O. Married, at the home of the bride at Marysville, Kansas, on Wednesday afternoon, Miss Lottie B. Logan and Mr. Frank N. Andrus of Lincoln. Mrs. L. W. Pomerene has returned from Chicago and Lake Geneva, Wis consin, where she has spent several weeks. Mrs. W. B. Ogden, Miss Marian and , Master Bruce are expected home from ft Voii7ap1r OYiin navf wAalr -v.xu.1, wu.v, u.a nww. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Har ris, on September 31st, 1901, at Lake Forest, Illinois, a son, John Francis Bacon Harris. Mr. Clarence Johnson Thursday from Ogden, Utah. returned Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald will ontertain this evening in honor of Mrs. D. D. Muir. The American Savings Bank of 132 'orth Eleventh street, pays interest on deposits. Mr. y L. Geisthardt returned Thurs day from an eastern trip of five weeks. Dr. and Mrs. C. H.Gordon entertained the teachers at a reception at the high Echool library Friday evening. LV 'Mrs. D. D. Muir, accompanied by her son, Mr. Wilson Muir, will leave to morrow for Chicago, where Bhe will spend a fbw days before going on to Rutland, Vermont. Miss Annie Vanderpool is visiting relatives in Omaha. Misses Mary and Florence McGahey have returned from their summer vuca tion at Wequetonidng, Michigan. Mrs. Gilbert Cooper is visiting in Omaha. Miss Gere and Misses Ellen and Fran ces Gere have returned from Seattle, wlere they have spent the last six weeks. F.ugraved plate and 100 card?, any size, this week for 81.00 at the Lincoln Nook Store. Professor and Mrs. II. W. Caldwell have returned from the Pacific coast. Mr. Alex Berger and children have returned from Colorado, where they have spent the summer. Mrs. W. C. Wilson and Master How ard Wilson returned Wednesday from Detroit and Mackinaw, Michigan. Miss Margaret Kyle will speak in the interest of the Young Women's Chris tian association in the First Congrega tional church next Sunday evening. Mrs. R. O. Pnillips and Miss Mary Minor have returned from Seattle, where they have spent the summer months. MiS9 Margaret Hallett left on Monday for Minnesota, where Bhe will be the guest of friends in St. Paul and Minne apolis. Colonel F. M. Woods has returned from his summer outing in the Lake Superior region. Mrs. Mary J. Willis and Miss Jessie Willis have returned from Colorado, where they spent the summer. Frank Brown has returned to Fairi bault, Minnesota, where he will resume study at the Shattuck school. Dr. B. F. Bailey returned on Thurs day from hs trip to Colorado. Mr. John T. Rivett and family, who have spent the last four months in Eng land, are expected home the first week in October. Messrs. Arthur Raymond and Willard Yates left Sunday evening for Sche ectady, New York, where they will con tinue their work in Union college. Mrs. Carl Funke and Miss Claire Funke have returned from Newark, Ohio. Miss Rose Clark left on Thursday for Huntington, Pennsylvania, where she will occupy the position of piano in structor in Juniata college. Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Gingery are spend ing the week in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. James Stevenson are en tertaining their daughter, Mrs. F. W. Drummond of Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miller are spend ing the week in Pawnee City. Dr. Carr, surgeon. HI South 12tb. "My brother says he can't sit down and he can't stand up." "Well, if he tells the truth, he lies." a rMMfl THE LINCOLN ACADEMY An accredited school to the State Universities of Nebraska and Iowa. J Prepares for the leading Colleges and Universities. AIJRD 2VT. WILSON, Tx. X. (Yale), Principal. ADVISORY BOARD: Chancellor E. Itenjamln Andrews Key. Dr. H. O. Rowlands 5 Professor Grove K. Harbor . Mrs. A. J. Sawjcr 5 Professor Erwln II. Harbour Dean Lucius A. Sherman 2 Dean Charles K. llessey Professor W.U.L. Tailor 5 Adjunct Professor Wllilam F. Dann Professor Henry H.U'anl 5 Dean Kllcry W. Davis Key. Dr. Fletcher U. '.Vharton '2 Professor Fred Morrow Film; Airs. II. II. Wilson. 5 Dean Manoah II. Keese Address of Principal, 6IJ South Ilth Street, Lincoln. Xebr. WOOD AIVT COAL OMAHA LETTER. Omaha, Nebr., September 8, 1901. Dear Eleanor: Can it be possible I am so many miles from the spot from which I last wrote you? And yet it must be so! For if I raise my eyes from my paper now, it is not to meet miles of iupenutrable forest, or a blue mist-hung valley. There is no clamor of water in my ears. None of the mysterious night voices of the mountains, which lured while they repelled me; drew me toward them only to throw me back upon myself in undefined terror. Oh! they certainly had a beautiful fascination for me, those gloomy, secret burdened mountains. I think in some former incarnation I must have murdered some one or slain my soul, there, and the ghost of some other self is doomed for millions of years to wail out its penance between th earth and hidden sky. You see, 1 have not quite shaken on" the spell yet. Like the transplanted sea shell, yet do I hear in my heart the moan, moan of the water. I do try to be more rational. I imag ine what mother would say if she knew I am still afraid in the "wee etna" hours. I resolutely lift my eyes and prove to myeelf that I can see only four walls covered with delft blue paper. Oppo site me hangs my familiar Gibson girl, a sketchy suggestion of the up to date young woman, with strubly hair, long arms and sweeping lines of drapery. Gibson does not follow the fleshly echool of art, and it does occur to one occas ionally that if one of his models could be taken off a pickle diet for a time and fed properly, she would be beyond criti cism. This is a very rambling perontion.and the worst of it is, I do not seem to have a single clothes-pin to keep my mental rags from flying widely. You need not have been alarmed about my illness out there, but it was good of you to telegraph. You needed to square yourself some way for your shameful neglect of me this summer. I was only another victim of nerves. I was not in pain a single moment. I really think a good decided ache 6ome where would have been a relief. I am a good deal of a chameleon and take my color from my surroundings. If the place there had not impressed me as joyless, the fact that it was tho first time in my life when I came right face to face with a deep, hopeless grief would have beon enough to weight my heart. The last week we were on tho ranch I could not do much but lie about, and try to keep myself from Hy ing to pieces. The evening papa came up from the little town with tho telegram which meant our immediate return, poor Jim dropped his taze into his two bands and sat perfectly motionless for a long, long time. Then when he finally looked up, he and I were alone God grant that be the last time 1 see such a look on any human face. I gave a little smoth ering cry and reached my hand toward him, he took it in his two icy cold ones. "It I could ooly bear part of it for you)' I said. "I am glad you cannot," he replied, in a husky voice. "You have dono moro for me now than I ever thought any human being could do. That is why, in my selfishness, I feel almost as if 1 could not bear to lose your sweet wom anly sympathy." I didn't say much there are supreme moments, pinnacles of mental emotion, when the air is so rarefied one can scarcely breathe, let alone talk. I had a lightning gleam across my inner con sciousness, and it revealed the possi bility of a degenerate in me were it pos sible to proceed along the path marked within, for in one blinding instant I . realized that if Jim Kelar were a man strong and well, and if that dead girl who once broke his heart were to live again and love him, my heart would break. The carnival spirit begins to stir a mong the dry bones of the city. Miles of bunting in the Ak-Sar-Ben colors are being rolled, twisted and draped in to artistic designs, and other than ar tistic in many cases. I think they have enclosed more space than usual for the street fair it looks so at least. Booths are rapidly nearing completion, and a lively air of activity circulates about the corners of Eighteenth and Douglas. I am not advised as to whether the Lady Centipede or the human snake-eater has arrived, but probably not. If the sky of tonight fulfills its prom ise, the general enthusiasm is likely to get a good wetting down. The Knights have been extremely busy f5r some time and the parades will in all probability be worth seeing, especially for those who have the parade habit. A large part of Omaha is addicted, judging COAIv a ICE WHITSBREAST COAX, 5 XIAXI3 CO. Cooper's Manufactured Ice & Cold Storage Co. Office 109 So. Ilth i "I i;i , i'i v I I 1 1) i t I i M J I 5 ; 5 i a tit H M Tl i I'M H ''I I1-! t n 1 1 ! J I