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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1901)
? gggSSBwBew'tfasaaftfc.'Oai.wi tHB 60UR1HR. &- T5he Ivy Press ShcaviSS jggi , f ZZZZZZZZZZ. LITHOGRAPHING ENBO S SING 125-127 NortK TwaJfth StrMt " " " 7 " " , '" Z. LINCOLN. MEASKA PESICmwc A WMtwn Printta Placa wbtr you mm what ya wmtwhwiyou want It Daintily ottn up Boa Mf and all kte4a of Wadding Sutlonory and CaUla Cards r SoocUltlos V V w tv gD?IETY tt Phon 832 LESH 4L LEMON a F i t i : SHERIDAN COAL . . HAS NO BSQTTAI,. LANDY CLARK, Agent. 5 Office, llOO O (St. Tel. IOCS. 000fO0IMllllllMI I SAVE YOUR TEETH... Affoodsetof teetb..-...$7.50 22K gold crown 5.00 Bridge work, per tooth. . . 5.00 Gold flllinfca from $I-OOup Silver fillings from 50cup Teeth extracted without pain 25c ALL WORK WARRANTED. DR. A. B. AYBES. 127 South Twelfth St., Lincoln. IIIIMMMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMmMitlll J. F. Harris, No. I, Board of Trade, CHICAGO. STOCKS AND- BONDS Grain, Provisions, Cotton. j j Private Wire to New York Gtyaad Many Gtk East and West J J J MEMBRR Maw York Stock Exchange. Chicago Block Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade KRFECIKH Shoes ever brought to Lincoln. iVKJ aaJ jj7flaKwi& PERKINS & SHELDON CO. 1120 O Street. tsntuu. CHOCOLATE . BONBONS For Sale By 1 FR1RKLIN ICE H And Dairy 6o. Manufacturers of the finest qual ity of plain and fancy Ice Cream, Ices, Frozen Puddings, Frappe and Sherbets. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. 188 SO. 1 2th St. PHONE 205. if IV.I UUVblllllili Bring your Fur Garments and have them repaired or remod eled, because it will be cold again thie year. By the way, you can order a Fur Garment made in the latest Btvle at 0. STEELE. RRW taaaS I B.H Al I ! llggl.lllga BPHH Perfection Absolute perfection is often claimed for shoes that are simply stylish. Our Mannish Shoes are not only perfect in style, but in every detail, being- the most serviceable lot of H M MY The summer outing season Is over, and the travelers are rapidly returning from the country, the mountains and the seashore. A few more days of vacation remain to the university students, which will be healthfully employed in amusements made possible by the cooler weather. With the approach of the college year a gentle ripple of excitement is mani fested in all parts of the city. The mer chants wipe the dust from their show cases and display their goods in tempt- ing array. The houses are peppered with sigoB of "Rooms" and "Board." Even the massive college buildings seem to feel a responsive thrill as the work of scouring and scrubbing and general renovating goes rapidly on. Soon the students will arrive, and during the opening days of college young men and women may be seen at all hours wandering up and down the streets, dodging into houses bearing the sign "Rooms, to Rent," sometimes emerging with smiling countenances, s ion to return followed by the inevita ble express man bringing trunks and telescopes and sometimes, alas, to look further before finding a resting-place from their labors not yet begun. In the stores, too, is felt an unusual ac tivity. A f6w yards of denim or cretonne, a screen or a picture are purchased in a pathetic attempt to render home like the rooms to be occupied during the year. Groups of students also crowd the millinery and suit depart ments; not much money is Epent in these opening days, however. The girls still wear their dainty organdies and muelins and their lace and flower trimmed bats dresses and hats kept religiously for Sundays during the sum mer, now recklessly worn every day. Shirt waists and golf skirts are also seen in all colore and conditions. Many of the students go swaggering Those present were: Mesdames Auld, along as though the college and the city Yaho, Miltonberger, Townsend, Naylor, were built for their express accommoda- e Witt, Grainger, Whiting. Dobson, tion. Others go fearfully and warily, Wilson, Ernst, Haas. Nicholson, Hay as if expecting the sidewalks to rise up den, Baldwin, Blackburn, and Agnow; and strike them in the face. Put them Mieses Curtias, Nicholson, Ernst and all together in the great teacher fac- Haas, tory, and at the end of the year it will T. n . . . ... . , . .. . be impossible to tell which were the T Century club will hold the first wise or the foolish, the grave or the gay "" rf the season next Tuesday t, luogay. with MfB Henry nart,ey Mrs.J. K. Miss Nelia Cochrane, who has been Hill, the retiring president, and her spending several weeks in Canada after successor, Mrs. A. L. Candy, will ad- a trip to Buffalo, left on Tuesday for dreB8 the club, and Miss Edna Polk will Portland, Maine, from whence she will reac a paper on "The Kingdom of the go to New York by boat. Writing of Ptolemies, 323-30 B. C." the President's assassination Miss Goch- rane states: "We were in Montreal when we heard about it and were com pletely stunned. The bulletins con tained nothing else, and even the waiters and maids were deeply interested. On every side we beard sympathy expressed. Only once did I hear anything to the contrary. I was reading the latest news from a bulletin board when an English man Baid, with the greatest imaginable scorn, "O well, those Americans! they are always doing eometning!" I was bo angry I did not know how to keep still. I wanted to say that it was only foreign trash that would do such a thing. "It is very interesting to visit a coun- try under different rule. In one of the hotels I asked the maid if thevhn many visitors from the States. She said "Yes." She also addnrf ih.f ti were ao different from the Eoglish be- cause they were so pleasant. The Duke and Duchess of York will visit here in a week or two. Great pr p arations are being made all throuu'. Canada, but Quebec seems determine i to outdo every other city. We stoppi i at the hotel in Montreal where the royal party will be entbrtamed, and wert shown the house at which the Duke will be a guest. "In Toronto, when we were there, a man went into the police court with his coat and vest off. The judge ordered him out of the room and said, This is not the United States.' Miss Adele Randall, whose mother, Madame Randall, was a long-time resi dent of Lincola, has just returned from a residence in Germany where kind friends have enabled her to live and learn for two years. She has taken all Borta of honors and has a number of diplomas. Doctor Frank S. Billings induced one of the most eminent Ger man scientists to receive this youDg American girl into his family. She was therefore introduced into universitj circles and has had an acquaintance with German professors and their fami lies not often enjoyed by the foreign student. Miss Randall goes to her brother in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, whero they will keep house together. Mr. John H. Farwell spent a few das in Lincoln en route to San Francisco. Be will sail on the sixteenth for Manila, where he will occupy the position of in terpreter on the staff of Governor Gen eral Taft. Mr. Farwell has been consul in Mexico and has brilliantly fulfilled the duties of his position. His appoint ment on the staff of Governor Genera' Taft is a promotion and a recognition of his ability and fidelity. The first regular meeting of the E. E. D. kensington was held with Mrs. J. H. Auld Wednesday afternoon. Miss Dorrance Harwood and Misa Ruth Prentiss will leave next Monday for Lake Forest, where thny will be students at Ferry Hall. Miss Ruth Jakway will aUo go to Ferry Hall. Mrs. Jakway'and Miss Ruth are the guests of friends near Chicago this week. Miss Blanche Edmiston gave a coach ing party on Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Barker of Portland, Oro Rd and Miss Shedd of Ashland. After the drive they were entertained at sup Per by Miss Whedon. Bohemiennes formed a theatre a' the 0Iiver on MoDdy evening. After the Performance the members m" 0Dterta,ned at "upper by Mrs M Leonard at the Lincoln in horn W in nonor oi Mrfl-Frank I"ine. Married. at th p.mmi w,.i:. church, on Tuesday evening, Miss r ii , ip-