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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1901)
VOL. XVI., NO. XXXVII ESTABLISHED IN 1886 PRICE FIVE CENTS V- v" i, .. H M 0H HJtfr9M?'R-?"i'dEHH2Lril?ttBBMHP biiiiTbiiihb t 7 W' LINCOLN, NEBR., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER U, 1901. THE COURIER, EXTERXDIN THK POSTOFTICE AT LINCOLN AS SECOND CLASS MATTES. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY TIE COURIER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING GO Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS, : : : EDITOR Subscription Rates. Per annum II 50 Six months 1 00 Rebate of fifty cents on cash payments. Single copies 05 The Courier will not be responsible for vol notary communications unless accompanied by retnrn postage. Communications, to receive attention, must be signed by tne full name of the writer, not merely as a guarantee of good faith, but for publication if advisable. J OBSERVATIONS. ii,ooA The Coronation. A feudal ceremony left over from ages that have gone, a curiosity as strange as the hairy elephant whose sole survivor was imprisoned in a block of ice, the coronation of King Edward of England is a spectacle worthy the attentionof antiquarians. When the retainers, serrs and vil leins of a hundred barons renewed their vows and declarations of de devotion as each new heir came into his inheritance, the elaborate fealty service which is the meaning of the coronation ceremony did not shock Englishmen who, in spite of the royal fiepartment in their government, have attained self government. Now there is nothing left in Eng land that corresponds to the corona tion. At the present day when the heir to an old title and large estates comes into his own, all that remains lof the ancient oath of life-long de votion to the young lord is the merry making and feasting whicli followed and closed the mediaeval ceremonies. The managers of King Edward's coronation are perplexed to know what to retain and what to leave out from the old coronation regime. A king belongs to the ancient order of things. In a few hundred years a king, princes and princesses will have joined the company in fairyland. In the scheme of things republican there is no room and no appropriation for them. And as sure as political free dom and constitutional equality prevail,-kings are doomed. But so long as a king is supposed to rule England he must be crowned, he must swear to keep faith with the people, and representatives of the people must do homage to him. Nevertheless the gentlemen of the bedchamber, the keepers of this and that, equerries, knight challengers, bearers of arti cles so obsolete that even a king loaded down with a jeweled crown, a sceptre, immense necklace, an er mine robe and orders of various kinds, refuses to wear them, must be placed in the procession and as near to the royal personage as their grandfathers were to Edward the Confessor when he was crowned. In thus forcing the twentieth century to adapt itsplf to the ways of the eleventh century, the management of the coronation festival is puzzled. To incorporate a mediaeval order of things and to sat isfy descendants of mediaeval func tionaries is a task equal in ditllcul ties to any one of the seven labors of Hercules. The guests who have no responsi bilities outside of those connected with the preparation oi suitable cos tumes, are perplexed by a request from Queen Alexandra that all dresses worn at the coronation ceremonies and festivities be made of British fabrics. It seems that for some un reckuned period England has been entirely dependent upon Europe for the tiaer dress materials. Irish pop lin is the only silky fabric manu factured in England. The recogni tion of the real state of tilings which Queen Alexandra's request developed has increased the misgivings of stu dents of England's commercial status and a consternation unwarranted by the actual conditions is apparent. Meanwhile Queen Alexandra's patri otic determination has caused an in creased demand for English-made goods and at least temporarily stimu lated manufactures and exports. The Irish Redistribution Bill. Of the three populations represent ed in the British house of commons, the smallest, which is Ireland, re turns 103 members; Scotland, with a somewhat larger population, returns only 72 members; while the admin istrative county of London, to say nothing of all the rest of England, with a population considerably great er than the sum of Ireland's and Scotland's, returns only 62. Taking the three units, Scotland has one member for every 62.C00 inhabitants, Ireland one for every 43.000 and Lon don only one for every 73.000. That is to say, six Irishmen have as much representation and legislative power at Westminister as nine Scotchmen or ten Englishmen. The preponderance is unfair, and besides it is a reflection on the Irisii members who can satisfactorily rep resent just as many constituents as Englishmen or Scotchmen. And inasmucli as representation is based on the population, the discrimination in favor of the Irish members is un conventional and unconstitutional. Even the strongest Irish nationalists cannot justify the arrangement though, of course, when the bill is before the house they will vote against it. Messrs. Redmond, Dillon and Healy declare that the Act of Union forbids a reduction of Irish representation. They contend also that the depopulation of Ireland, in the last sixty years, is due to Saxon tyranny. The Man on Horseback. M.. Fournier, the winner of the automobile race from Paris to Berlin, is the momentary idol of the French. The Anglo Saxon cannot understand the Latin, consequently there is ever lasting contempt on one side of the channel for the people on the other side. In this country which is Saxon still, when Mr. Alfred Gwynne Van derbilt attempts to race his sixty horse power automobile in Newport, he is arrested and fined. In the cen tre of Paris M. Fournier races his red and black automobile through the streets at what speed he chooses and the Frenchmen, whose lives he en dangers, throw their caps in tiie air and shout, "Voila Fournier, Vive Fournier." To the Saxon mind M. Fournier seems to be a good sports man, to possess very steady nerves and an overwhelming appreciation of the necessity and joys of winning a race. M. Fournier has started for America where it is likely he will be lionized and unlikely that he will be idolized. Prize lighters, marksmen, owners of fast horses and fast ma chines excite our curiosity, some times our admiration, and from a large portion of the community dis approval, but never enthusiastic de votion. The police keep a suspicious eye on owners of fast horses and fast gasoline carriages and if they are sped faster than the law or than the safety of the American pedestrian allows, the owners are arrested and fined and assessed the "costs'' of their own prosecution. A nation may be known by its heroes as well as by its songs. From Charlemagne to Na poleon there is not a Frenchman to compare with Washington, Franklin, Adams and Lincoln. To be sure en thusiams are necessary to every peo ple. Apparently a little man on a gasoline tank does for the French members of the romance branch. Our colder blood is not stirred by spectacle and thus occasionally a Washington or a Lincoln must occur to prevent sluggishness. "Shermanired." The letters I have received since an observation of last week in regard to the comparatively new process to which the University of Nebraska is being treated, indicates that at least the readers of The Courier are in terested in Professor Sherman's in vention. It has not beeu patented, though the students of English at the university have been subjected to the perfected process for perhaps fifteen years. Any other college is at lib erty to adopt the invention and it has been well advertised in college circles. They know in Columbia, In Michigan, and at all universities how literature is taught in the Nebraska institution, but the method of instruction here remains unique. Although the process is not with out merit, its application to students excludes from their view the broad and fertile fields of English litera ture. It is Professor Sherman's hab it to go exploring in those tields him self and cull for his own and his pupils' analysis Mowers from Brown ing and Shakspere, with a few weeds from Barrie. But as Doctor G. Stan ley Hall &ay, this is a mediaeval method and does not produce Catholic scholarship. The didactic method and the imposition of one lecturer's invention upon students is in vogue only at the University of Nebraska. The process Is so deeply rooted at this university that only the most energetic action by the regents can disturb it. Professor Sherman is ai the head of the department of Eng lish, and with an inventor's enthu siasm for his own invention he in sists that all the professors and in structors learn his process and teacli it and nothing else. In the mean time graduates and under graduates of the English department know nothing of English literature, and in the period when all the pores are open to inspiration receive nothing but the "Analytics of Literature," an unrecognized and undemonstrated substitute for the study of English. Besides being an inventor Professor Sherman i? a skillful politician with a tine Italian hand, and professors and instructors in English who do not teach "Analytics" with all its sym bols, eagerly and faithfully, do not' remain members of the faculty, for very long. The department of English should be investigated with a view to dis covering why English literature is no longer taught in the English depart ment. It may be concluded that it is worth while excluding the study of the periods ot English literature for the sake of speculating for a term on the hidden and lost meaning of Sor dello, and the subjectively silly stories of Barrie. But the regents owe it to their constituents, to the under-graduates, and to the reputa tion the Nebraska State University has won by the sound achievements in letters, science, economics and history of other professors, to inves tigate the system of teaching English. Criticism of a man so well known and highly respected as Professor Sherman is an unwelcome, an un grateful task; but several hundred students enter his classes every year. If the system which Professor Sher man has established is ineffectual in teaching literature and fails to con vey to the students the inspiration, of the most notable and vital voi-( t; Kl I 1 i il M ;B f v $ II i K. iVJ 4 s. Z ! .. J i -J .l "j i ! i 1 I ! 3i ? , W I 3 '