" THE COURIER. I -4? if hi in in my mi ii mm ii i inn mm i I! t -c- r-- Avxioj? XJWC J ? : THE LINCOLN ACADEMY . . . An accredited school to the State Uuivnrsiiies of Nebraska and Iowa. Prepares for the leading Colleges and Universities. S AIFIE;i X. WILSON, Ilx. X. (Vu!o), Principal. ADVISORY BOARD: 5 Chancellor K. licnjamin Andrews Itcv. Dr. II O Rowlands 2 l'rofessorCrmeK. Harbor Mrs. A. J Sawyer Z Professor Km In II. Harbour Deun Lucius A. Shrrman 2 Dean Charles K. Ilesspy l'rofewtor W C! L. Taylor Adjunct Professor William F. Da mi l'rotessor Henry Ii. Wan! 2 Dean Kllerv W. Davis Kev I)r Fletcher I.. '.Vharton 2 Professor Fred Morrow Flint: Mrs. II. II. Wilson. 2 Dean Manoah 11. Kecsc Address of Principal, 819 South 11th Street. Lincoln, Xebr. Office lot and Q St. Pnone 176. WE DO . . . Piano and Furniture Moving I WE CARRY . WE SELL . All Grade of Coal. I A " "SL"' f-- w- uuu uugg.cn. If You Want First-Class Service Call on Us. f . &r HEADQUARTERS I?OR WOOD iVIVI COAL Gregory, The Coal MaD, 11th Jc 0. The American Savings Bank of 132 ... , , 'orth Eleventh sfreet. pays interest on Mr. Booth, coach of the foot ball and deposits. base ball team at tne university or. ise- braska, returned on Thursday from an extended eastern trip. Mr. D. D. Muir left for the east on Monday, after a visit of two weekB in this city. Married, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross.on Wednesday. Miss Hettie South worth and Mr. GuyE.KIumb, both Green are in Keokuk, Iowa of York, Nebr. Miss Margaret Winger and Miss Lucy Miss Flora Bullock has returned from Wyoming. Next Tuesday she will leave for Nebraska City, where she will resume her school work in the Institute for the Blind. Mr. and Mrs. John M. returned from Minnesota. Stewart have will tend to awaken new interest and inspiration in preparation for the school work soon to begin. The lectures by Professor Davis and Dr. Andrews will be open to the public free of charge, and it is hoped that a large number of our patrons will avail themselves of the opportunity to hear live discussions of educational questions by these leaders in the educational field. Ab at present arranged, the hours will be as follows: 8:00 to 9.00 A. M.. Pro fessor Sherman Davis; 0.00 to 10:00 A. M., Dr. Andrews; 10.00 to 10:20 A. M., intermission; 10:20 to 11:20 A. M Pro fessor Sherman Davis; 11:20 to 12:20 A. M., Professor Rowe and Mies Webster. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bixby entertained Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Maynard and Miss Mabel Maynard of San Jose, Cali- Robinson, Nebraska. fornia, this week. Dr. Benjamin F. Bailey is spending the week in Colorado. Miss Darleen Woodward has returned from a visit in York. IJA listening to noblo music will go fur to ward rendering these coarse amusements distasteful; even the average mind will not turn readily from a Beethoven Bona ta to a street corner Hirtution. During the winter months the churches are warmed for the morning and evening services; an hour of music on Sunday afternoon could bo furnished without expense through the coopera tion of the church ollicials and the mu sicians, and would be in truth a work of philanthropy. That tho people who most need entertainment will avail them selves of such opportunities, has been demonstrated in Omaha, and tho differ ence in temperament between the resi dents of Omaha and Lincoln is not great. Mies Belle Hamilton is visiting in Fort Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Tuttle of 723 South Fifteenth street have returned from California where they have spent the last three months. Judge A. W. Field is entertaining his father, Mr. W. R. Field, and his sister, Mrs. Philpott, of Yuma, Colorado. Mrs. A. V. Whiting and Misses May and Adelloyd Whiting have returned from an extended eastern visit. Mr.'and Mrs. W. D. Fitzgerald and MisB Helen Fitzgerald have returned from their eastern trip. If you are a man and it is too hot or too far to go home to lunch, don't starve yourself and don't eat a cold lunch, go to the Palace Dining Hall, 1130 N dtreet, where you can get a hot meal, well cooked and well served, for 25c. If you are a woman and your cook leaves you without notice, don't despair; take your family to the Palace Dining Hall. Sun day dinners a specialty. Judge and Mrs. E. P. Holmes are home from the east where they have spent several months. Deputy City Attorney Flaherty is Mr. J. E. Hickey has returned from his eastern trip. Mrs. C. II. Gordon has returned from an eastern trip. MrB. J. II. Spencer has returned from Lake Okoboji. Mrs. P. A. Summerlad has returned from St. Joseph. Dr. Carr, Burgeon. Ill South 12th. Teachers' Institute. Next week the city teachers' institute will be held in the high echool building, beginning Monday and closing Friday. The regular sessions will be in the fore noon of each day, beginning at eight o'clock. The afternoons will be reserved for voluntary meetings and consultations with reference to the work of the schools. The lectures and their subjects will ba as follows: Professor Sherman Davis, university of Indiana, "Life Relations in Educa tion." Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrews, uni versity of Nebraska, "Moot Points in Up-to-Date Teaching." Professor R. K. Rowe, university of again in Lincoln after visiting in Dixon Chicag0( ,.Uow to Teach WrU;Dg in the county for several days. Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond is expected home from New York City next week Tuesday or Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Perry are home fiom a two months' trip througbnorth ern New York. Professor Clemens Movius returned last Saturday from his European visit. Mrs. Lewis Gregory has returned from a month's vacation spent in the east. Miss Anna Lytle of Greenwood visited friends in Lincoln on Wednesday. Wilson Muir is the guest of his grand mother, Mrs. Frances H. Wilson. Mi&3 Mary Cook of Beatrice is guest of Miss Dorrance Harwood. the Mr. Harold Scudder has returned to Lincoln from Colorado Springs. Public Schools." MisB Sarah Webster. "Drawing." Professor Davis' work in institutes re ceives favorable comment wherever he goes; while Chancellor Andrews' lec tures always give profit and pleasure. Professor Rowe is one of the joint au thors of the system of writing to be used in the schools, and is now connected with the department of education in the university of Chicago. He will un doubted render the teachers much assistance in planning for a forward movement in the teaching of writing. Miss Webster is the newly elected supervisor of drawing and writing. She is expected to meet the teachers during the three last days of the institute for consultation and planning the work of her department for the coming year. An interesting and profitable session is anticipated. All teachers in the city schools are required to attend unless ex cused, as the discussions and lectures Free Recitals. The Bubject of harmon is one which is worthy of our most serious considera tion, not alone in its relation to the sci ence of music, but to every human life. It is generally conceded that harmony of surroundings, both animate and in animate, is absolutely essential to the best development of every human being; and the greater the talent, the natural ability, the more necessary this har mony becomes. It is an unconscious need, often a need which brings irrita tion and diminution of mental powers the possession of this mysterious some thing as unconsciously tending to the fullest development of these powers. And, generally speaking, in exact pro portion to a person's mental ability is his sensitiveness to outward impres sions and to harmony between himself and his surroundings. Perhaps this innate longing in the hearts of men for the pure, the true and the beautiful may, in a measure account for the large attendance at the band concerts during the summer, and at every musical performance where ad mission is free. In Omaha free organ recitals have been given by Mr. Butler at Trinity Cathedral on Sunday afternoons for several years. A program composed largely of classical organ music, with vocal or violin solo, tills the church regularly in hot weather and in cold, in sunshine and in storm. The popularity of these recitals is evidence both of the ability of the performers and of the de sire of the people to hear something bet ter than the rag-time melodies which greet their pars on week days. With so many accomplished musicians in Lincoln, both vocalists and instru mentalists, why could not a similar series of free recitals be given in this city on Sunday afternoons? The effect of listening to good music cannot be other than refining and ennobling. The majority of the young people will not stay at home on Sunday afternoon, and if nothing more attractive is ottered, they will spend the hours in aimless wandering around the streets.or in more harmful amusements. An hour spent in Driverless Horses. In the number of driverless horses daily rushing about the streets, Lincoln would win the prize in any contest. Occasionally a man is seated in tho ve hicle, but more often a small boy is holding the reins; and a simple holding of tho narrow strips of leather by no means constitutes driving. Delivery wagons are whirled around corners with no regard for their own or tho pedes trian's safety, while drays and carriages of all descriptions thunder over crossings and car tracks with a recklessness cal culated to increase the popularity of accident insurance at least a hundred per cent a day. Teams are left standing unhitched by their drivers with a sub lime indifference to consequences should anything come along of a startling na ture to horseflesh, and not only in tho residence portion of the city, but in front of down-town business blocks is thi often true. Section 1033 of the Revised Ordinan ces of the city of Lincoln plainly states: "No person, upon turning the corner of any street, or crossing the intersection of any street in tho city of Lincoln, shall ride or drive any horse or horses or other animal with greater speed than at the rate of four miles an hour, under penalty of a tine of not more than ten dollars for each offense." Section 1002 states as definitely: "No person shall Itave any horse, horses, or other animal, attached to any carriage, wagon, cart, sleigh, sled, or other ve hicle, in auy parts of the streets of this city, without securely fastening uch horse, horses or other animal, under penalty of a fine of not more than ten dollars." A few complaints of the violation of these ordinances will perhaps be re quired by way of illustration of their practical meaning. "Do you like your household duties?'1 "Well, I like to do fancy work, but that's about all." "I see; you do fancy work and don't fancy worK." Indianapolis Sun. and WHITJEJBJREJiVST COAL Se 11113 CO. Cooper's Manufactured Ice & Cold Storage Co. Office 109 So. Ilth .4 i ( " Mi II 1.4 I i fill m g s .i I ml Si.-1 tS t. B ; tifr J-1 "I :t UJ i K ii