The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 07, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Professional Directory.
Mee ,618 tor. Benl. P. Bailev
iM Sunday. ulfSSSfflSWS
t Office, Zehrnnu Block 1 9 to 10 a m
I Residence. 1313 C street Jlfto 4pm
I Dr. J. B. Trickey, J , .mn is to 12 . m
1 Refractioniat only ) 0ffice' I035 ,treet J to P-
w. Louis N. WentelD.D.S.j0&r3!k,B,n31l
( so 11th itreet. I
.Oliver Johnson, D-RalSS"1"9'''!
I 1 1105 O street
iw...lioiJ Dr. Buth M. Wood. m-so.ic.hst. I Ho,,rs; ,0 to '-
I I J A. M.;2tolIM
San Francisco and Return
$45.00 tTpnd
ale ol' gale September- 1911) lo 2TU).
Final Limit ftoocmbcp 1 lb. 1901.
Gity Ticket Office Burlington Depot
Gor. lOtn and O Streets. 7th St., Between P and Q.
Telephone 235. Telephone 'IS.
The best Shoe for women. Dear
to the hart. but not to th purse,
is "SOROSIS." ft
A model for every type of foot, a
Etyle for every occasion.
Xi xx r rxit tx r &
Iol i s li i ii 8T-
Twenty eight years experience as an
inside decorator. Reasonable prices.
Plione 5232.
For sale only at
008 900j
1043 O St.,
Lincoln Nebraska
Place Vour Orders with
and gtocks.
1035 N St., Lincoln, and Hastings, Nebr.
M. B. KETCH UM, M. D., Phar. D.
Practice limited to
Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat, Catarrh
and Fitting Spectacles.
Fhooe SIS. Hours I) to o; Sunday
to '1:M. Rooms ?Ali-'Mi Tnird Floor
Richards UlocP, Lincoln, Nebr.
the peak, or why he did not buy a meal
when he returned to Manitou, and why
he did not stay there all niht, he looked
at me in disgust and answered, "You
d'think a feller vanta to be ropped?
Don't I got my wittala pail by dther
veek in dem sprinks?"
In a nest of blue balsam pines near the
Cog road, nearly halt way up the peak, a
group of Nebraska univorsity boys
camped this summer. Everybody knew
about it; for whenever the cog train
went by with its load of passengers and
whenever a group of single footers hiked
themselves wearily along by the camp or
a troup of donkey trail passengers went
by, these leathery lunged youngsters sent
out a college yell that hushed the roar
ing cataract and startled the eagles
whirling high above the canon walls.
From Colorado Springs to Cripple
Creek there is lately put into operation
a new railroad called "the High Line."
Every one who travels over tnis road
agrees that there was no mistake made
when they named it. It'a a higher tler
and Hies higher than any other railroad
I know of in this county. It starts at
Colorado Springs on the very highest
ground that it can rind and pointing its
nose toward the sky mounts right up to
the very top of the range, winding its
way round and round, movingslowly over
creaking trestle work, diving through
rock-blasted tunnels, circling round
dizzy precipices this way and that, mak
ing loops and lap-overs and tying itself
in a double bow knot over and over again
until it lands you at Cripple Creek, the
most disappointing, deso'ate, treeless and
cheerless place you ever eaw.
Cripple Creek is not in a deep gash
with canon walls touring above it, but
is built on a mile fquare of almost level
prairie land surrounded by an amphi
theatre of round, high, smooth-surfaced,
treeless but grass-covered hills. The
whole scene in this Cripple Creek min
ing region is not one of mountains but of
very high, vory round and shapely and
very smooth bills, all etriped and rib
boned round and round with steam and
electric car lines, which wind and curve
and cross and recross and tunnel in and
out carrying people who swarm to see the
greatest gold mining camp in the whole
country. Here and there on the sides of
these steep, smooth bills you see cheap
looking and shackly frame buildings
shaped somewhat like the frame grain
elevators in the grain districts of Ne
braska. These show operated mines.
Besides these the whole country is gabed
everywhere with holes out of which has
been taken and piled up mounds of grey
colored dirt and rock. These are un-v
worked, but perhaps valuable claims, the
hole and the pile of dirt near it being the
evidence that the claimant has performed
the necessary work to hold his claim un
der the law. Cripple Creek is situated
on the top of the mountain range, just at
the foot of Pike's Peak on the south, and
is only 19 miles by air line from Colorado
Springs. You can look at it aod endure
the sight of it for an hour or two in the
day time, but you'll get the jim-jams if
you stay there over night.
J. W. J.
The British Doctors are Doing This to In
troduce Themselves. Three Months'
Services are Given to All who
Call at Their Office af the
Corner of Eleventh and
N Streets.
A staff of eminent physicians and
surgeons from tho Britisb Medical In
stitute, at the urgent solicitation of a
large number of patientB under their
care in this country, bavo established
a permanent branch of the Institute in
this city, at the office, corner of Eleventh
aud N streets, in the Sheldon b'ock
These eminent gentlemen bavo de
cided to give their irvices ent:r3.'7 tret
for three months (oiedicines excepted)
to all invalids who call upon them for
treatment between now and Sept. 3th.
These services will not only consist of
consultation, examination and advice,
but also of all minor surgical operations.
The object in pursuing this course is
to become rapidly and personally ac
quainted with the sick and alllicted. and
under no condition will any charge what
ever be made for any services rendered
for three months to all who call before
Sept. 8th.
The doctors treat all forms of diseapo
and deformities, and guarantee a cure
iii every case they undertake. At the
first interview a thorough examination
is made; and. if incurable, you are frank
ly and kindly told so; also advised
against spending your money fof use
less treatment.
Male and female weakness, catarrh
and catarrhal deafness, also rupture,
goitre, cancer, all skin diseases and all
diseases of the tectum are positively
cured by their new treatment.
The chief associate surgeon of tbo
Institute, assisted by one or more of his
Btpft associates, is in personal charge.
Ollice hours from 0 a. m. till 8 p. m.
!No Sunday hours.
Special Notice If you cannot rail
send stamp for question blank fur homo
Shore it Michigan Southern K'y for u
special through train to Cleveland,
which will leave Kansas and Oklahoma
Sunday, Sept. Sth. Passengers on this
special train will be given tho privilege
of going and returning via Toledo on
boat or all rail as they may elect. Pas
sengers making return journey by boat
will have a delightful stop of three hours
at the celebrated lake resort Put-in -Bay.
Any Rock Island Agent or tho
undersigned will give full details and ar
range for sleeping car reservations.
E. W. Thompson, A. G. P. A., Topeka.
Reduced Rates and Special Train to Na
tional Encampment. G. A. R.
The Great Rock Island Route will sell
tickets to Cleveland. O., and return, for
the Grand Army meeting, at greatly re
duced rates. Tickets will be on sale at
points west of the Missouri River Sept.
7th to 10th, inclusive, except Oklahoma
and Indian Territory, where selling dales
will be 7th and Sth. Return limit Sept.
15th, except that extension limit to leave
Cleveland, up to and including Oct 8,
1001, may be arranged by depositing
tickets with Joint Agent at Cleveland,
ana payment of small fee. Comrades of
tho "Rank and File" bavo selected tho
Great Rock Island Routo and Lake
A Great Newspaper.
The Sunday edition of tho St. Louis
Republic la a marvel of modern nows
paper enterprise. The organization of
its news service is world-wide, complete
in every department; in fact, superior to
that of any other newspaper.
The magazine section is illustrated in
daintily tinted colors and splendid half
tone pictures. This section contains
more high-class literary matter than
any of the monthly magazines. Tho
fashions illustrated in natural colors aro
especially valuable to the ladies.
The colored comic section is a genuine
laugh-maker. The funny cartoons aro
by the best artists. The humorous
stories are high-class, by authors of na
tional reputation.
Sheet music, a high-class, popular
song, is furnished free every Sunday in
The Republic.
The price of the Sunday Republic by
mail one year is SiOO. For sale by all
news dealers.
Urban Why, old man, those chickens
of yours are regular game cocks. What
makes them such fighters?
Suburban I'm sure I don't know, un
less it comes from feeding them scrape.
Detroit Free Press.
Client By what right aro you keep
ing that 23,000 damages you recovered
for me?
Lawyer Didn't you tell me in the first
placo that all you wanted was satisfac
tion? Ohio State Journal.
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