The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 07, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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"Any kind," said tho young woman,
"but my work is confined pretty closely
to old photographs or those that have
been soiled by constant use in decorat
ing a room. In 75 per cent of the board
ing and lodging house rooms in this city
the chief decoration is the pictu.-esof the
frtenda of the occupants,' sayG the New
York Herald. "Bv the time these photo
graphs have done duty as an art gallery
for a year they are bound to look a little
the worse for wear. They will be grimy
with dust and sprinkled with spots.
Just now, too, it is the fashion to trot
out all the old-fashioned photographs of
your great aunts and uncles and cousins
that have been dumped away out of Bight
and out of mind for bo many years.
"All these old-timers are sadly dilap
idated, and while it is not advisable to
try to make them look new, thuB de
stroying the unities of time and coitume,
it is well to clean off the lly specks and
other unsichtly splotches before placing
them on view. 1 have made this reno
vation my trado. Not everybody with
spotty relations haa time to give them a
scrubbing, for it is a task that requires
considerable care and attention."
'That is a great idea,'' said the visitor.
"We have a whole wall full of disfigured
relations at home. I believe I'll have
ou come around and straighten them
up. You can at least clear their sallow
complexions. That is," she added, "if
you don't come too high. What are
jour prices, may I ask?"
"Oh," Baid the young woman, "they
are regulated by tho number of spotB. 1
charge all the way from 10 cents to $1 a
The summer of unusual beat now fad
ing into cool and comfortable autumni
has been a great time for tours and tour
ists and Bummer resorts. With most
people the summer trip is a matter of
luxury. This season with many people
it was a matter of necessity. The awful
beat beating down upon them week after
week harried their nerves and tossed
them night after night on sleepless beds,
and on their faces could be read the ten
sion and weariness as they walKed un
steadily up and down the streets in all
the cities of this country.
In New England and the eastern states
those who could bid themselves in the
deep woods of Northern Maine, or gath
ered into summer cottages and camping
places on the tops of the eastern moun
tains, or swarmed at the watering places
along the cool Eea shorn. From Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois and Iowa theyiiurried
away almost in train loads to the wooded
lake regions of northern Michigan, Wis
consin and Minnesota. For the people
of Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas
and Nebraska, Colorado was the nearest
point, and so the paBsenger trains from
tueeo states converging at Denver and
Colorado Springs unloaded their passen
gers by the thousands day after day and
week after week until the whole moun
tain region of Colorado was literally alive
with poople.
A few of them settled down at once for
rest in some favorite resort, but most of
them hurried here and there fiom one
sight-seeing place to another. Mostly
they traveled about the state on cheap
excursion trains which whirled them up
and down deep mountain gorges and
along by the little noisy mountain
el reams, but many made ohort trips in
carriages, coaches and tallybos. Gay
parties decked out in brilliant colors
could be seen waving their salutes from
the high mountain roads and you could
bear tbem shout the exultation which
they felt from the exhilerating ride.
Now and then from some quiet spot by
the roadside, where there was a pair of
tired and bony horses, an old worn out
wagon and some dusty accoutermenta of
travel, a weary and sunken face would
look wistfully out from the lonely little
camp, and you could read at a glance on
that face and the surroundings a story
of poverty and of a desperate struggle to
retain in a poor emaciated body a life
that was fluttering to escape and to be
Wherever people are grouped for rec
reation, wherever they gather to escape
environment of heat and cold, on land or
sea. from gilded hall or squalid cabin,
from palace car or dusty road wagon
these weary faces look out at us with
their story of lost health, admonishing
us that we never realize how sweet life
is and how much we are in love with it
until we begin that search for lost health,
that weary and pathetic eearch which
moves from place to place, which looks
and yearns and searches but never finds.
While one part of the people are seek
ing mora life and hoarding and holding
on to the little that they have, the other
part are recklessly squandering and wast
ing it; and bo subtle is it that this man
may not pick up and save for himself
that which the other throws away.
As the best hotels in Manitou where
the price was high and the service poor,
you could eee groups oMall, shaggy, and
loose jointed-men, swarthy-faced and
coarse looking, but good natured and
companionable, and you would know by
their dialect and the splendid stories they
told each other as well as by their swag
gering talk of cotton and cane and cattle,
that they were from the south, mostly
from Texas.
"Mighty sight o' people heah f'm ouah
Etate." one of them said to me. Then he
stretched himself up to his full height
and swelled out his chest and hooked his
thumbs into his suspenders and spoke of
Texas as the greatest state in the union,
and that it was in the union, sah, and
was ready to back the union with money
and men whenever the union needed it.
I admitted what he said and liked him
for it.
The Texans predominated at Manitou
this summer. They were everywhere,
and they are popular and interesting
when they get away from home and are
on their good behavior. The men swag
ger and chew tobacco and smoke and tell
stories, but they tell the best and most
original stories ever heard; their chil
dren are not afraid of them, and their
handsome daughters have that frae and
independent air peculiar to the girl who
is on good terms with her father and
knows that he is ready to back her up
under any and all circumstances.
Along the etaep grade of six or seven
miles on which the cog road is built
from Manitou to the top of Pike's Peak,
you could eee if you had been there this
summer a constant stream of people toil
ing wearily up and then shambling down
again, always buoyant with expectancy
before and generally very much used up
and Bore-jointed after taking this trip.
One voung German told me in broken
English how he had walked up to the
top of the peak in the afternoon and be
cause the price for sandwiches up there
was almost as high as the peak refused
to eat, and on returning to Manitou too
late for the car walked the eight miles
further to Colorado Springs that same
night. He told me how very tired he
was when he reached the top of the peak
after toiling wearily up the steep grade
all the afternoon, and how hungry be
was, and how he waB still more and more
tired and more hungry when be had
walked back again to Manitou, and how
keen was his disappointment when he
reached Manitou to find that the last car
for Colorado Springs had just pulled out,
and how the still further walk of six or
seven miles almost killed him. He grew
animated in his talk and shook his Gat
and was still angry while relating all this
to me a week after it occurred. When I
asked him why he did not buy a lunch
for himself and rest awhile on the top of
rrt ii- i
x ne new season s prettiest ami
most popular creations. Ultra
fashionable garments and neckwear
of the richest and daintiest t3?pes.
A showing- most worthy of your
Walking" skirts of heavy Melton
cloth, oxford and brown. . . . $2.97
Dress skirts of all wool cheviot
or ladies' cloth, trimmed with silk
or satin bands, flounce stTle, black.
blue, brewn, grey and oxford, each $5.00
Waists of plain all wool flannel, black, blue and
red, each 95c
Cheviot and Venetian suits in blue, black, navv and
tan, each $10.00
Box Jackets of beaver cloth, all lined 5.00
Oxford cloth ulsters, very new 7.50
Tarn O'Shanter caps in camel's hair wool, red, blue
and grey, each 45i-
Misses' felt hats, good quality, castor, grey, blue
and red, each 49c
Trimmed street hats at $1.00, $1.50 up to $5.00
Children's and misses trimmed hats. . .$1.00 to $3.75
Women's dress hats ranging" from $5.00 to $25.00.
ron, -ni
32iva' a
One of the Richest Mining
States in the Union.
Readied Best or
Do not make a mistake.
All Western States and Points
of Interest Reached with Least
Inconvenience via the Union Pacific.
"bid Sol "looks down
From his perch above
And smiles on all tbe world.
Fe has seen our Shower,
And knows of its Power,
Cleansing, Kefreshing and Cool.
f?e don't care a cuss
X About any of us.
O Though so hot we can hardly breathe.
g The hotter we get,
) i ne Droaoer ne smiies,
)Just laughing up his sleeve.
So why shouldn't he smile,
"When he knows all the while
" What fools these mortals be."
For sale by
1I06 O Street, Lincoln, 3Veor.
Descriptive Pamphlets Mailed Free.
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