m THE COURIER. and seeming in such perfect health which relieves her from the pr.inful task solf-serviog plan which has proved alto- franchise league, of which Mrs. Daldy, ot that no one sounded a warning of taking to the city jail as the only pos- Kether satisfactory. No more satisfying Auckland waB president, and Mrs. Kit Finally her eyesight failed; then the eible place, the unfortunate runaway sight could be imagined than the bevy bod secretary, was the medium through other senses became disordered. The girl, or temporarily homeless woman, ot girls lunching and chatting in the which the preliminary work wai carried enw of touch became so abnormal In mpny cities, Des Moines, Iowa, for ex- freedom and leisure which are the neces- on; and in discussing it Mrs. Kitson, a that she had to be surrounded by pil- ample, no other provision is made for sary adjuncts to a pleasant meal. Lunch charming little woman who had lived lows to prevent exquisite suffering, such cases. is served on the European plan. Girls all her life in London until her removal Then, when the whole sensory tract The charity organization furnishes us who bring lunches from home are espec- to New Zealand, said, "We keep a Bbarp became in solved, she became insane many opportunities to extend relief, as ially invited to come to the dining room, eye on Parliament, and not a speech and ended her days in an asylum, do the Salvation Army and Volunteer A cup of tea or coffee or a glass of milk made in our favor passed unnoticed. Few cases are so strongly outlined as workers. It 13 significant that the aseo. may be had at the triiling expense of this; but the number of those where ciation is in close touch with all these three cents. the constitution is so broken that a organizations. The lunch secretary is Miss Etta Bank vigorous life work is impossible, is During the past year more than eighty eon, recently chosen by the board to take legion. penniless women and girls have stayed charge of the dining room. We are able Asa practical equipment for a life over night and taken meals in our home, to report the boarding department in work, the value of knowledge gained One room is set aside for such transients, most excellent health so far as popular- iant inteligence and great personal al- from sources outside or college walls and when necessary, temporary changes ity goes, and care and attention to detail traction. On the day of the election is incalculable. Says Lowell, the are made to care for all who come. have made it so popular that at this early Lady Stout officiated as an election student, the critic, but also the prac- Employment has been found for num- ate a" tno twety rooms are tak-n, save judge, sitting all day in the polling booth tical man of affairs: "Are not our DBrB Figures, not alays tiresome, are one Last year we were able to partially in one of the worst districts ot Dunedin, educations commonly like a pile of to be had from the secretary, Bhowing an refurnish the house, and the manage- where she then resided. It Is a remark books laid over a plant in a pot? The astonishing number of applications. ment hre adding the furnishings nece?- able fact that of the total number of compressed nature struggles forth at Twenty-eight girls wrote or applied in Bdry to tne comfort of the occupants, as women enrolled at the first election after "'every crevice, but can never get the person durine Aueust No -harea is rapidly as funds will permit. Untortun- they were enfranchised, over 91 per cent We wired our congratulations imme diately, and did our best to convert thoso who were opposed to us." One of the leaders of the suffrage movement was Lady Anna Stout, tho wifoof the chief justice.a woman of brill- cramp ana sounu -mu ui iu wenpenii made for such assistance. The efficient all our youth in building a vessel for house .secretary, Mrs. Andrus, has nu our voyage of life, and set forth with merous applications also for assistance streamers Hying; but the moment we ia Becuring positions, and in many in come mgu me greau luaustuue uiuuu- 8tances has supplied such applicants ately carpets and curtains, rugb and other things will wear out and refuse to renew themselves. Owing to the gener osity of the business men of Lincoln, we are enabled to make our little cruse of voted. After the puffrage bill was passed the franchise league disbanded, but reorganized immediately under tho title of the Woman's Political Educa tional League. Systematic study of po litical questions was taken up, and the tain of our proper destiny, out leap wjta DOSitions. Places are found for oil go a long way. all our carefully-driven bolts and -rs wno W;BQ 0 worij antj attend n8 management has secured for us result has been one of the most intelli- nails, and we get many a mouthful if 8Chool visits are made and (lowers sent De commendation and confidence ot tho gent voting classes in the world. As to goon salt onne, ana many a ouueu n to the girls who are ill, whether pre the rough waters of experience, before viously known to the management or not. we secure the bare right to live." r WOCOIOO06I8 M09C8009000i THE Y. W. C A.-A BRIEF SURVEY. LHBS- 0OOOO 9 too It is generally conceded that if an or ganization is to be effective in a commu nity and pay for the time, labor and cap -fal invested in its creation and contin ' uance, there must be a need for its exis tence, a field lor the work which it es says to do. The tocial side of the plan is of equal importance. Parties and socials are held frequently in the parlors, by the young women who enjoy membarsbip in the V. W. C. A. and their friends. The parlors, increasingly pleasant, are open all day, and all women are welcome to use them. Trolley rides, Mav festivals, Halloween gayeties, Christmas frolics, bicycle runs, breakfasts and other pastimes which girls arrange for and enjoy, have been 'features" during the year just past. It is the desire ot all connected with the management that the young women of the city take still more interest in plan ning such pleasures next year. Educational classes are formed as a demand arises. Our educational com mittee has arranged for a series of lec- business men of the city. The policy for the ensuing year is to be practically unchanged. The one point to be in sisted upon is that the association keep clear of indebtedness. The house is self - the result, its entire success may be in ferred from the fact that a few years ago one solitary member rose in Parliament to move the abrogation of tho law; bo he could not get a second, and sat down supporting; the dining room is self-sup- amidst roars ot laughter; itwas the death porting. The other expenses of the or- of opposition. ganization are paid by the membership Australia is somewhat behind New fees. These expenses are the running Zealand in the adoption of progressive expenditures, salariee, light, etc. Now, the last and most important word. The women of Lincoln who be lieve in this work should be members. The fee is one dollar per year, or at op tion five dollars; those paying five dol- ideas; but equal suffrage is already guar anteed, being supported by the ablett men and women in the colony. Among them ia Lady William Windoyer, well known in the United States, Those hus band was a distinguished judge, and lars being designated sustaining mem- whose daughter was the representative bers Many women hesitate to become from Australia to the Columbian Expos members because they have very little or ition. Women are admitted to the uni no time to give to the association; the versities of Sydney and Melbourne, lie whole necessity is not service. Funds ing students in their owe colleges and a are quite important. Such hesitating recognized part of each foundation, they women may rest assured that we shall receive the same degrees as are conferred .... . . . u.. j ..., .: : a Considerable interest has been man- ". uj mou uu .uCU H.uu.uCUt m fuy apprecIate their interest, it it be ex- upon students of the other sex. Lady ifested in the work and ways of the university and club circles. A special pre88ed by the Bppiicatj0n for a member- Duff, whose husband was governor in Voung Womena Christian Association of series of five has been made possible by ehp card New South Wa,e(J jQ lg91 otked Jflie this city, and many women and some five generous women, each ot whom will Jt ,s 0Uf earnMt h(jpe tfaat the mem faUgably for the Woman's College ot men have at different time inquired of open her beautiful home one evening to ber(j and frIenda of th(J a88Ociat;0n wiU Sydney-a magnificent building, fully the eecretary, "Does the Association pay? the members of the association and fur- ra, tQ tfae BU port of lhe maDagement equipped in all its departments, tho cor- Is there really a need for it in this city nish a lecture or otner onteriainmenr. of churnhps?" Tt hB alwava been the The committee finds little call for ele- conviction of the women comprising the mentary instruction management that it does pay, a thousand fold in ways we know, and its influences reach out to many whom we may never Bee. The scope of the work is such that an exhaustive survey would tire, and tben perhaps fall short ot perfection. It is therefore a boon to be enabled this Jt has been found best to arrange for a general culture course instead. Practical instruction is given, however, to girls who are not pro vided with a means ot livelihood. during the coming year. Martha Pierce, Pres. J. Maroaret Kyle, Gen'l. Sec'y. nerslone ot which was laid in that year. In her labors Lady Duff was aided by Miss Wooley, one of the foremost educat- ors of New South Wales, and a leader in the suffrage movement, whose father was The following interesting account of dean of the university and by Miss Mac the women of Australia and New Zeal- donald. who waaeleclpd hnfl n.iirpBBnr An arrangement is made whereby girls and is given by a correspondent of the principal of the college. Miss Macdon may enter the domestic science depart- New York Sun: ad received her degree from London ment at the university at a reduced As it was a long voyage from England University, having distinguished herself week to place before the friends of the price for tuition. We have had so many to New Zealand, only the most enterpns- prior to tnat at tbe University of Edin- aseooiation the Y. W. C. A. itself as far girls, unprepared for any definite work, ing women had the courage to emigrate; burgh, where she stood first in the local as may be, that it may speak for its own seeking employment, that we have ar- this, undoubtedly, had its effect upon examinations. existence. ranged thie year to teach, at very small the present British population, who, men It win be Been that the women of tbe 'The features of the work are as varied cost to herself, to any girl a nay to make and women both, are the veryfiowerof antipodes are full in touch with those as the needs of the great numbers of her living independently. Any young the British colonies. They are surpris- 0f the mother country and the United people who pass in and out of the pleas- women interested will be furnished with ingly tall, athletic, with fresh, rosy com- states, and are being well equipped for ant rooms at 12th and P streets, where full information by the general secretary, plexions, and this notwithstanding the the important part they are destined to the association has its office, lunch room, Miss Kyle. enormousquantitiesof tea theyconsum-, p,ay ia the development ot their far-off and boarding department. The notion The gospel meetings which are held on strong as lye, in huge cups, morning, ;8iand-a and continent. that the organizatiou is exclusively char- Sunday afternoons at four o'clock are noon and nignt. itable in ito aim and method is as erron- not intended to take the place of church eous as that other one which assumes services, but are planned to promote de that its work is purely social, or still a velopmeut of character and spiritual third which presupposes an attempt to growth. The devotional committee is fill the place which a church organiza- most efficient and active. Each meeting Because of their fewness, the women -The sign in the window said "Photo- of New Zealand were treated with dis- graphs repaired." tinguished favor, and their children and " nave no commission to give you to grandchildren have reaped the benefits, day," said the visitor, "but I jjst thought The universities have been coeducational I'd drop in and find out what that notice -- .... . hon takes in the life of the city. is specially planned. This committee ror many years, awaruiuRwouiou urKrcD3 '"- Like the famous blind man, all are saves money each year toward sending a with a jus'.ice that Oxford and Cam- The young woman at the desk stopped partly in the right yet all are in the delegate to the Geneva conference. An bridge might well emulate. There are working for a minute wrong. It is true that the association unique feature ot the Sunday meetings several clever young women employed That sign, she said, "is something of does a large charitable work every year, this year will be a concert on the first upon the colonial newspapers, while oth- a misnomer. It doesn't read exactly The fact that it furnishes the only place Sunday of each month. Miss Leta Trigg, ers are making their way in other pro- right. It ought to be 'Photographs of refuge for certain unfortunates, is tee- chairman ot the mueic committee, has fessions-notably that of medicine. cleaned, for although 1 do a little repair, titled by the allowance of a hundred dol- secured some of the best talent in the In 1893, after several years of perse- ing occasionally, such as pasting on cor- lars annually by the city council. The city for these concerts. vering work, in which the women were ners and mending cracked nose, most ot police matron is in close touch with the Not the least cause for satisfaction is aided by such men as the late Sir George my work ,8 scouring.' ,,..:. ju. i o,i ... ,i,..ntv DnH arn mnB(7Pl dininif Grey, the former premier, the bill legal. But what kind of photographs do you her satisfaction, with an arrangement iojm. Some months ago we adopted the mag universal suffrage was passed. A clean!" asked the visitor. i t 3i H V . k $ i 14 lis i 5-t 1 1 "t l ii ! 1 y n ,1 M m ?! s' m St SI If : a 1 V i Ml u i V ? .-i'l - ' . . ! u ' H