12 THB GOURIBR. v LO. 4s . '- - U hi t 3f When :: Wm When vou :: vU. the lakes : : Tl51 VPl e COIort an" Pleasure of your trip :: IldVCi by staiting with the right sort ol trunks and traveling bags. We have : : trunks and bags that are equal to every emergency of 1 t J : a long journey Dy sea or iana. MlbbBR & PAINB lMMiiiiiiMMiimiiiimMniiMiiiiiootoneMm( f Whose work with Miss Rivett is favorably known, will continue to do Manicuring-, Shampooing', Hairdressing1, and will give treatment of scalp diseases. Switches and pompadours made to order and all kinds of hair work carefully done. 143 So. I2tla. Telephone 38. fl I A W Y F R S - -Sed The Lr. VY 1L l0" tiles are i CHEAPER THAN EVER loraflo and gtal Daily Tune 18th to Sept-JOth, X90J.- ..VIA THE.. GKEAT BOCK ISLAND EOTJTE Round Tp Rate From Missouri River Points to Denver, . Colorado Springs and Pueblo, dl J- July 1 to 9 &1 Q June l&to30 51 ) Sept- J-JQ ql? July lO-Aug.31 Similar reduced Rates on same dates to other Colorado and Utah Tourist PolnU. Bates from other points on Rock lIand Boute proportionately lower on same dates of sale. Keturn limit Oct. 31, 1901. THE SUPERB TRAIN, Colorado Flyer Leaves Kansas City daily at 6 30 p. m., Oman at 5:20 p.'m., SUJoe at 5:00 p. m., arriving Penver 11 K0 a. m.. Colorado Sp'ga lManiUu)10'S5a.m.,Puebli 11:50a.m. . Write for details and Colorado literature. E. W. Thompson, a. G. P. A. Topeka, Kane. John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago. - ... of LINCOLN, NEBR. . . . J J J Capital $ 200,000.00 Surplus and Profit . 54255.08 Deposits .... 2,480252.18 J jt S. H. Buraham, A. I. Sawyer, President Vice President. H. S. Freeman, Cashier, B.B.Evans, Frank Parks, Ass't Cashier. Asst Cashier. UNIJED STATESDEJ0SlJ0JY. TDHJEv FIT WflTim Bl travel to the mountains. or the sea you can add to! ?0lri-eT kept in fir ur LEGAI,.NOTICEP kept in fire proof buildings. c 6 6 H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Wbltlxi Z Fine Stationery and Calling Cards 127 So.Eleventh Street. PHONE 68 I SADDLES HORSE COLLARS iOURDealerto BEFORE YOU BUY. MANUFACTURED BY HARPHAM BROS.CO. Lincoln, Neb. J. E. HAGGARD. M. D. H,li3.oolsa Xebr. Office H00O Street, Rooms 212, 213, 214, Richards' Block. Telephone 535 Residence J3 JO G St. Telephone -K984 it . .S"""?S..rl. sHoWTnffl coachmen's coats, long direc'oires and automobile styles, while for etoim coats the Ragland and Newmarket, made of kt-reey or Irish fruze. will be the favor ites. The important feature of the autumn tailor-made costume is the return to the simpler lines of a few years ago. It has o en so elaborated of late that it was hardly recognizab e as the mode based on the severity of masculine fashions. E nbroidery, applique, the thousand and one fanciful touches of last year, will bo ignored by the tailor maid of 1901 '02, who veil! tolerate nothing more frivolous than Etitcbings, traps and military braid. Corded fabrics are returning to favor for these costumes, displacing to some extent the smoothly finished cloths ti vogue last year, says the Saturday Republic. The fashions indicated thus far are not encouraging to the petite or the ex tremely slender young woman, but there is hope, even for her. Short box coats, blouses and Louis XV coats all have place in the list of modish garments, so every one may choose. A little woman is likely to be grotesque in a long or a ' ihree-quartera'' coat, and is pretty cer tain to be insignificant in a severe tailor made cofetume. Her only chance lies in studying her individuality, and even ac centuating it. The dainty and the es sintially feminine are her distinctive characteristics, and if properly treated, may give her a charm all her own, even if entirely unlike the more imposing im pression made by the tall girl of ampin proportion who can look stunning in se vere simplicity. The little woman must have a tailored gown, of course, but the tight-fitting coat tha extends below the waist line is not for her. A j-iunty reefer may suit her well, and she is to be pardoned it she re fuses to let the Eton go. It was made for her by the guardian genius of little women. If Mr. F. Marion Crawford doesn't l,)ok out, some day he will say some thing which will bring upon him the dire displeasure of the editors. He came perilously near the danger line in "A Rose of Yesterday" when he said: "She rarely read newppapers. and generally trusted to other people to learn what they contained. The maimty read papers for amusement, or for the sort of excitement produced on nervous minds by short, strong shocks often repeated. These are the persons who ponder the paper daily for half an hour in absorbed silence, and then lift up their voices and cackle out all they have read, as a hen runs about and cackles when she has laid an egg. They fly at every one they see, an unnatural excitement in every tone and getture. and ask in turn whether each friend has heard that this one is engaged to be married, and that another is dead and has left all bis money to a hospital. When they.have asked all the questions they can think of. without waiting for an answer, they relapse into their normal condition, and become again as other men and women are." Entertaining Fiction. One advantage of reading a serial story in a daily newspaper is that an in stallment of convenient length is re ceived every day that does not consume an undue amount of the reader's time. An installment of a high grade serial story appears in every issue of The Chi cago Record-Herald a popular feature of that enterprising Chicago daily. Every issue contains also a short illus trated humorous Btory on th editorial page. Readers of The Chicago Record Herald can depend upon a never-failing source of pleasant entertainment in the dote worthy Action that is always to be foucd in its columns. Is the Airship Coming? Recent experiments wtth dirigible lal loons, together with the interest aroused by the forthcoming competitions for air ships at Paris, lead optimists to thick that aerial navigation ie much nearer than ever before. To these Prof. Simon "Newcomb'a conservative article in the September McClure's, "Is the Airship Coming? ' will be incontrovertible testi mony in rebuttal. Looking at the ques tion of aerial navigation both from tha scientific standpoint and from the prac. tical standpoint, Prof. Newcomb points out the very serious difficulties which must be overcome. He also shows that, from a commercial standpoint, there is no demand fur, or need of, transportation by airship. This he considers a very ser ioub obstacle in the solution of the prob lem. There is, be believes, nothing iu tne realization of aerial navigation to warrant an inventor's giving time and thought to the subj-ct. He says practi cally, "What's the u6e?" Mr. H. C. Beeching, whose contro versy with Andrew Lang about the teaching of literature the reader will remember, contributes to the current Longman's eome amusing answers to examination questions set in the English public schools. Whether or not Eng lish literature can be taught and here we have Beeching pro and Lang con it is pretty certain that it is not success fully taught in the English schools, says the New York Evening Post. Hear what the tnglish schoolboy learns at considerable pains about Wordsworth. "Wordsworth was an early Victorian pjet. He wrote the 'Excursion.' He also wrote the 'Ring and the Book.' " "Wordsworth's 'Excursion' is one of the fiuest poems of its sort ever written. Be sides this, be wrote numerous preludes which are very beautiful." "Words Wir.h wrote the 'Fate of theNortons" and 'Iuiiuiationa of Immortality' " , ''Wordsworth regarded Nature as a swaetheart. His principal work is 'Tales of a Wayside Inn."' William Wordsworth is Known as the poet of Nature. In his youth he received a university education, and that led him to Bay that the meanest flower that blew gave him thoughts too deep for tears It seemed as if a blade of grass spoke to him. Probably the beauties of his home surroundings (Lake District) ltd him to love Nature. His longest poem was the 'Excursion'; but many shorter ones are well known, as 'Lucy Gray,' 'The Poet Boy, Tne Pet Lamb,' while his 'Ode on Immortality' 16, indeed, grand." But for the unfortunate intrusion of the "Post-Boy'' one might have been al most persuaded that this young gentle man had read the poems of which he spoke bo glibly. One of those felicitous blunders that occasionally enlivens the examiner's , drudgery is the following: -'Woidsworth dieJ a natural death. This apparent truism seems less 6trange when the boy goes on to explain: "He was the author of the 'Excursionist.' " What the Story Teaches. The teacher was telling the story of the goose that wanted to be a swan and was mocked at for it. "And now, whal'a the moral of it?"' she asked. "A person should be satisfied with be ing a goose," answered the dunce of the class. Philadelphia Times. Thou'rt like unto a flower I " he cried. "Be mine I "with roguish tilt, She raised her face to bis and said: "I'm like a f Iower-I wilt 1 " Philadelphia Bulletin. InquiringPerson "Whatdoyou think of barking as a business? Spieler Dog's life, sir; dog's life." I tl m .il; i Hi fcfeS