The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 07, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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pB' -JBgpBlBBglv?. feaSaglfSgBtBBBBagaJlliBtiiMIB
HEie bHHDS- llMlffiHlBBH
1400 O &XRK.BX.
Successor to XI O. Hanna.
CFirst Pub. Aug. 21. -3 1
Notice of Final Report.
Estate No. 1125 of Nathan 8. Harwood. de
ceased, In County Court of Lancaster 1 ounty,
The state of Nebraska to all persons Inter
csted In said estate, take notice that K. L.
Harris, administrator, has filco a final account
and report of his administration which has
been' set for hearing before said court on Sep
tember 10, 1901. at ten o'clock A JJ- when you
may appear and contest the same. Dated Au-fc-ust2J.
(seal Frank R. Watkks.
County Judge.
By Walter A. Leese, Clerk.
( From the Sunday Papers. J
First Pub. Aug. 21-3.
Notice of Final Report.
Kstate No. 1231 of Jeflewon H. Foxworlbjr,
deceased. In county court of Lancaster county,
The state of Nebraska to all persons interest
ed in said estate, take notice that the adminis
trator has filed a final account nd report of
hls-adminlstration. and a petition for final set
tlement and discharge as such, which has been
t-et for hearing before said court on the 12th
day of September 1801, at ten A. M., when you
may appear ana contest the same. Uatea Au
gust 23 1901
, Seal.) FRAN K R. WATERS. County Judge.
ly Walter A. Leese, Clerk.
(First Pub., Aug. 31-3
Notice ot Petition.
Kstate No. 15SG of John J. Gillilan, deceased,
ln county court of I anciistcr county, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to all person? in
tercsied in said estate, take notice, that a
petition has been filed for the appointm nt of
husie H. Gillilan as admlnistratiU of said es
tate, which has been set forbearing herein, on
Nptember 19, 1901, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Hated August 28, 1U01.
seal. Frank k. waters,
County Judge,
y Walter A. Leese, Clerk County Court
Northwestern Line.
Sept. 1-10 Round trip ticketB to St.
1'aul and Minneapolis, Sll 10; Dulutb,
S1510; MBnkato, Minn., S3 So; Kasnia,
Minn., 89.05; Hut Sprite, S. D., $14.00;
Deadwocd, S. D., glS.SO. Final limit to
return Oct. 31st. City ticket office 117
S lOih St. Depot Cor. 9ih and S Sts.
Rainy-day clothing is a subjct for
Crave consideration. Men do not de
molish as readily as do women nnder the
stress of wind and water. Hence they
do not need 10 thiok so seriously about
the weather. But a woman who desires
to dress well and look well, not ocebsion
ally, but always, must dress with refer
ence to the elements.
Every season finds rainy day rpgalia
made more attractive, and a complete ar
mor is well nigh approached. With the
beginning of the rainy season smart wo
men will be Been wearing one of two
things either the fashionable water
proof ulster, still tremendously in vogu ,
or the short skirt, cut ankle length, ac
company iog a three quarters length coat.
The latest thing in such a suit was
shown this last week. A sample cos
tume, and one which will douDtlees be
duplicated many times, was made of
heavy frieze, doublefuced, wat-r-proof,
in a warm brown shade most attractive.
The three quatters length coat was orna
mented with a high collar of velvet,
boasted many pockets, a very full back,
and a doub.'e row of heavy brown but
tons. The short skirt of tbe same mate
rial quite decidedly cleared the ground,
and was finished with many rows of
stitching. A decided innovation, both
for this costume and all rainy-dar wear,
is the heavy, thick-soled boots to be worn
with spate matching the short skirt or
ulster. The tailor showing tbe brown
suit just described has on sale spats of
tbe same material and also very modish
raiuy day hats in turban effects, elitcbed
and trimmed with quills, the biovn
fntze being again Ustd. It is tbe gen
eral op'nion that this very complete out
tit will impress its usefulness upon sen
sible women, and as a result become pop
ular. For small women the ulster will always
retain its attraction, because it increases
height. A little woman in a three quar
ters length coat is certainly a ludicrous
object. She will Hod, however, that she
can wear a moderately short skirt under
an ulster quite conveniently, thus taking
advantage both of the becoming and com
fortable thing. The best style of ulster
for autumn is now shown in water proof
browns and grays, heavy, cut with full
back, belted in, military sleeves with
straps neatly fastening them close about
the wiU'. Such a garment can b3
made use of in any number of ways, so
that its goneral service may appeal to
some women as worth more to them than
the undeniably admirable three-quarter
coat and short skirt as a suit.
Umbrellas will be much lighter this
season than hitherto, and there will be
some stylish designs, matching short
skirts and mackintoshes.
Women who wear their hair simply,
who place on it some jaunty hat which
has as little trimming as possible, over
this a veil thick enough not to lose its
shape when wet, 'who incase their feet in
thick-soled boots, and who possess a
well-cut mackintosh or water- proof cloth
suit, can brave any storm and still retain
self respect when, oa returning home,
they meet their looking glasses.
People are tiring of cretonne window
boxes and sea's to some extent, though
in all probability they will always be
used more or less, but they have ceastd
to be a novelty, and here is something to
supply thrir place. There are boxes and
window seats of bamboo covered with
Japanese matting in the matting color,
and also in dark red. A square seat,
which is at the s&me time a commodious
shoe box, covered top and side with the
matting.will cost $3 50. Another which
is a different shape, more on the order of
a tabourette, is aho a box and big win
do boxes or seats are large enough to
bold almost a summer's wardrobe of
gowns, and will cost some 23. They are
suisfactory because tbe bamboo and
and mnttiog will go with everything, al
ways look pretty and cool, and they are
A suggestion of color on the handker
chief is coming more and more into een
eral favor. Narrow hemstitched bor
ders of a color matching the summer suit
:e used.
All indications are in tbe direction of
two classes of coats for the coming sea
son those 27 inches long and those 42
inches. Some handsome models are of
zibeline, with revere and collar of broad
cloth in a lighter shade. Embroidery is
addel in several cases, and in others
there is a cording or applique of faUIe or
velvet. For formal wear velvet is said to
be a certainty, as well as high-grade vel
veteens. As a rule, coats of these last
materials wi 1 be made long, with ample
fulness in the skirts.
The long coat of former years has often
failed to be becoming because ot its at
tempt to cling closely to tbe figure, with
out due allowance for ekirts.-but the new -style
is half fitting, with a sudden flare
at the waist line to allow for the curve of
the hip--.
The favored materials will be kersey,
frieze, vicuna, broadcloth and silk.
There are many varieties of the mode,
including the double-breasted surtout.
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