The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 31, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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I bare felt to be a great honor. Many
people talk to me from their lips, but
very few from their hearts, and your
confidence is sacred.
He bowed, sat Rob down from his
shoulder where he had been riding in
royal state, and opened the gate for me.
I sat by my window long that night
and wondered. Here was this man,
simply thrown by the waves out upon
the desert beach of time, stripped of
everything save the doubtful gift of life
itself. How could he endure it? How
did he, all through the white unbroken
winter? Perhaps hi& heart froze, too.
Still he must know that in ever quicken
ing time, when the leaves break forth,
his old sorrow would wake and cry.
I sent my troubled, aching sympathy
out into the night, up to the great white
stars which never, in all the long years,
have answered that wailing, anguished
cry of humanity, "Why?"'
I just possibly may go home next
week and open the house for the rest of
the family. Papa and I may go to
gether. If so, I may not write again
from here.
You are not doing especially well in
the letter line. I suppose you are hav
ing too gay a time.
I really do not believe I will ever come
to the mountains again. They seem to
draw close and closer, hem me in with
the stony intention of falling on me, if
they happen to take a notion to. Fancy
the sun dropping out of sight at four or
so in the afternoon!
Considering the height they look to
and never reach, and the snadowB they
live in, it is little wonder mountain peo
ple are big and Bad. Yours,
Its Usual Effect.
Jones I've just been doing something
that always makes me feel cheap.
Smith What is that?
Jones Comparing my salary with
what I think it ought to be. Town and
Reduced Rates and Special Train to Na
tional Encampment. G. A. R.
The Great Bock Island Route will sell
tickets to Cleveland. O., and return, for
the Grand Army meeting, at greatly re
duced rates. Tickets will be on sale at
ypoints west of the Missouri River Sept.
7th to 10th, inclusive, except Oklahoma
and Indian Territory, where selling dales
will be 7th and 8th. Return limit Sept.
lath, except that extension limit to leave
Cleveland, up to and including Oct 8,
1001, may be arranged by depositing
tickets with Joint Agent at Cleveland,
ana payment of small fee. Comrades of
the "Rank and File" have selected the
Great Rock Island Route and Lake
Shore & Michigan Southern R'y for a
special through train to Cleveland,
which will leave Kansas and Oklahoma
Sunday, Sept. 8th. Passengers on this
special train will be given the privilege
of going and returning via Toledo on
boat or all rail as they may elect. Pas
sengers making return journey by boat
will have a delightful stop of three hours
at the celebrated lake reBort Put-in-Bay.
Any Rock Island Agent or the
undersigned will give full details and ar
range for Bleeping car reservations.
E. W. Thompson, A. G. P. A., Topeka.
From the SumUy Papers. I
In all the range of human error none
is more fatal than the assumption that
what is sanctioned by the world of fash
ion is suitable for all. The principles of
art in utility and utility in art alike de
mand that everything useful shall be
adapted to the purpose for which it was
designed, and nowhere should this prin
ciple be more strongly insisted on than
in dress, which is, or should be, a combi
nation of the UBeful and the artistic.
There are many points to consider when
one wishes to dress fashionably, yet has
an abundance of neither time nor
money; and when viewed from this
standpoint perhaps it is not surprising
that so many young women fail misor
ably in the attempt. The Baddest part
of it all is that those who make tho most
egregious failures often appear most
complacent over their fancied success,
declares an eastern corrospondent.
The street cars furnish the most as
tounding examples of this fact. A few
days ago a woman, young and pretty,
entered a Broadway car dressed in a
manner that made her "the observed of
all observers." Her costume was a
compendium of fashion magazine infor
mation, inaccurately applied. She had
read, undoubtedly, that short sleeves
were to be worn this summer, and she
wore them! They stopped half way be
tween shoulder and elbow.
She had seen or heard that ornate low
Bhoes with large buckles would be "fash
ionable," and she wore Louis Quinze
slippers with huge rhinestone ornaments
that must have cost half her week's sal
ary. She had ascertained that the stockings
must match the gown, bo above the slip
pers were revealed white "plaited Block
ings,'' worn because her gown was of
white organdie selected because all
fashion writers had assured her that
"this is to be a white summer."
Having read that feathers are in high
favor, especially white ostrich plumes,
that misguided girl bad on her hat two
long, thin, dejected looking feathers, not
greatly inferior to those found in good
feather dusters.
The sight was actually saddening.
She had expended on the shoddiest of
outtits a sum sufficient to have given her
a pretty and appropriate costume, simply
because she lacked that fine taste in se
lection that alone makes suitable dress
possible even when one has not sufficient
means to consult an "artist" in clothes.
"This will be emphatically a velvet
winter," writes Miss de Forest in her
Paris letter to the September Ladies'
Home Journal. "This means that vel
vet will add a luxurious touch to almost
everything. There will be very little
combining of colors in the body of the
gowns, and bright notes will be given
only by hints of color or in vests and
such accessories. Gray will bo worn
more than ever. A great novelty in the
new styles is the "kimono" wrap. In
Paris this picturesque Japanese model iB
made in light cloth with richly embroid
ered facings for opera wraps and in dark
cloth, trimmed with fur and velvet, for
an all-around winter coat. The bolero
and the Eton jacket will be as popular
as ever, and all the coats will be long.
Collars, whether of lace or embroidery,
are mounted now on a second sjlk-faced
cloth collar. The latest thing in skirts
this autumn is the one which Hares and
forms of itself a flat ruffle. There will
not be much fullness at the waist line
in tho gowns for the autumn. The pret
tiest things for 'between seasons' are
certainly the Russian blouses of taffeta
or cloth. They are tucked or side-plaited,
and are generally lined with dainty
colored Bilk. The full sleeves are gath
ered either int a cuff four inches or
1 "Old Sol "looks down
2 From his perch above
And smiles on all the world.
jg He don't care a cuss
A About any of us.
O Though so hot we can hardly breathe.
g The hotter we get,
i ne woaoer ne smucs,
ljust laughing up his sleeve.
II06 O Street,
He has seen our Shower,
And knows of its Power,
Cleansing, Refreshing and Cool.
So why shouldn't he smile,
When he knows all the while
44 What fools these mortals be."
For sale by
JLlrxooln, Koto.
I Descriptive Pamphlets Mailed Free.
This mountain is 1,100 feet high, and
between Laramie and Eawlings, for 117
miles, it is constantly in sight. This is
in the Medicine Bow Mountains, one of
the historical ranges of the west, over
which roamed at one time great herds
of Elk. from which the mountain was
Other famous landmarks are also seen
all along this line.
E. 15. SIvOSSON,
more in depth, or into a narrow wrist
band. "A feature in the very newest gowns
is the Russian Bleeve; and in the smart
visiting dresses the sleeve is none the
less linished by a wristband. Puffs may
be let in at the elbows, and it may be
varied in other ways."
Separate waists of cashmere, albatrose,
viyella and Scotch and French flannel
will be worn this autumn. The colors
most used will be bright and dark red,
tan, the light, dark and French blues,
gray, pink, and dark and reseda green.
Buttons of steel, gilt and white and
smoked pearl will be used on tho new
waists, which are made with plain backB,
long shoulder seamB and stitched or
tucked front, with long waifcted and
slightly bloused effect. The latest
sleeve is a bishop shape with a trifle
more fullness at the top than that of last
year. The wristbands are made large
enough to permit the hands to slip
through. The necktie finish is now
seen on almost all waists, particularly
the more dressy ones.
It's really a pity that more of us can
not see ourselves as others see us after we
have passed them on the street. There
would be fewer sagging belts for one
thing. Stocks would be pinned on more
securely for a second thing, and petti
coats would be decently mended and
partially respectable about the hems for
a third thing. What a trio of beautiful
benefits would come from the use of
double mirrors.
We all know that petticoats wear out
in no time, and that skirt facings will
pull and part and tear. But we mu9t
have Bilk petticoats so we think and
in that event we mu6t keep ourselves de
cently mended. Some of us argue that
safety pins are better than buttons, be
cause you don't alwayB have to keep
them in the same place, but that's tho
excuse of the girl who has to havo an in
troduction to the sewing machine to
know what it's used for.
It is the manner of womankind to im
agine that money spent for shoes is
money thrown away. Womankind pre
fers to spend her money for green snake
bracelets or for belts that tarnish at
sight of a cloud in the western sky. And
the funny thing is that green bracelets
and tin belts never give style or dress
polish to a girl. Far from it. Half the
women who are badly dressed are merely
overdressed they pile on fripperies un
til they look like the bargain counter in a
5 cent store!
Shabby boots, heels that look like nut
meg graters, raveled skirt facings oh,
what a combination is this! Why will
the dear girls spoil the effect of a pretty
gown by wearing under it a befrazzled,
bedraggled, miserable, ragged old petti
coat? The woman who is born with a
love for luxuries and the nice things of
life would a deal rather spend money for
lovely, nice, frilly, beautiful undergar
ments than for feathery hats and gowns
with Paris labels on the waist bands.
An exchange remarks "that it is not
much wonder that the human race finds
it up-hil1 work to be decent and keep
straight. The first man was a liar and
a sneak; the first woman kept bad com
pany and pried into things that did not
concern her, and the first child born into
the world killed his brother. Our first
parents were a tough lot, and it is hard
so get it out of the blood."
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