The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 31, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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The S Ranch, Wyoming,
August 23, 1901.
Dear Eleanor:
If there is one thing above another
which a summer outing will show you.
it iu that you never do the things you
plan to do, and the utter futility of plan
ning at all.
I brought books galore up here, and
numerous pieces of fancy work to do,
and odds and ends of sewing to finish.
Not one book is read, no fancy work
the richer for a Binglb stitch, and the
odds and ends are untouched.
I think if it were not for the fact that
Mother is really a rather superior per.
son she would feel inclined to go about
with her bead pretty well up in the air,
saying, "I told you 6o!" You know
she really did not want to come out here
very much, but we overruled her a trifle
Well, we do not any of ub like it so
very much, save Rob, and although
Papa tries to make out he likes it ex
ceedingly, "Methinks he doth protest
too much."
Turn a family in on itself this way,
with neighbors and a poBtoffice seven
.miles distant, and I don't know what is
to prevent its becoming monotonous.
Gertrude and her friend are the most
maddening members of the dilettante, I
ever came across.
They flatly ref ubo to go off on long
tramps, or climb, or to go fishing. They
do not intend to go home all Bcratched
and burnt up, so they inform me.
That may be natural enough. Per
haps if I had a 'bo" I would feel equally
concerned about my hands and com
plexion. The girls go off occasionally, well
swathed, and do a little very amateur
ish sketching, and bring home painful
looking canvases.
Gertrude brought a sketch back one
day and showed it to Papa. He adjust
ed his eye-glasses carefully, looked at it
up-side-down, and then said heartily,
''Excellent! daughter, excellent! Moun
tain sheep, aren't they?"
Gertrude simply took it away, rather
forcibly, eaying, "The idea, Papa!"
I had quite a nice trip yesterday
which has left its mark in the shape of
more bo re muscles than I supposed I
was owner of.
Rob was possessed with a desire to go
up the trail, to a place where Jim said
there was fine fishing, and Jim said he
would take him, and "Oh! please, please,
Mother, couldn't he go?"
Mother would not coneider it for a
moment unless I would go with them.
"Jim" lifted his hat with a bow worthy
of a Chesterfield and said "he thought
Miss Mayfair might enjoy it, if she did
not mind something of a climb." I did
mind it, but Rob threw himself on me
in an ecstacy of pleading which I had
not the heart to resist.
There was a great skirmishing around
to fix up the polee and tackle, and
Phoebe fixed up enough lunch, it seemed
to me, for a small army.
"You g'long, Miss Pennelly," said
Phoebe, when I remonstrated about the
load I was to carry; 'You's liable to eat
dat bull thing yo'eef, 'cordin' to the way
you's been eatin.'."
That was unanswerable, so I took my
book and the basket, and we started.
Rob was joy, sunshine and laughter in
carnate. He was so unspeakably happy.
Jim said: "Go easy, little man; you
will tire yourself out; it is a good long
way to the pool."
"Oh, no; 1 won't, Jim. I never get
tired when they let me do the things 1
want to. It's only when mama says
'no.' That makes me sick to my Btom
ach." Refreshing candor of youth! The
trail wound gently up the slope, some
times leading straight through the icy
cold water, sometimes around a uarrow
rocky ledge that jutted over the restless,
tossing waters of the river on its hasty
downward way.
The sunshine fell in occasional trem
bling mosaics on rock and water. Some
places the trees were knit together into
6uch a close cover that no sunshine
reached in, and the arms of the forest
seemed to fold us in a cold embrace.
Tho pool wbb a round basin-like sheet
of water, which looked like a huge
emerald, and in whose depths shining
fish darted or lay in jeweled beauty.
Jim found a mossy spot where I could
Bit in cool comfort with my book.
Don't worry about Rob, Miss May
fair, if we get out of sight. I will take
care of him."
I heard him giving Rob instructions
about not talking or calling in loud
tones, and telling him in such a man-toman
style that I waB quite sure he would
have no trouble in managing the lad.
Oh! how vast and still it was! With
a vastness and stillness that seemed to
mock my very thoughts.
It eeems puerile to Bay that these
thingB mock at humanity. "These
things" these great, sorrowful pines.
These rugged, uplifted rocks and pure,
sparkling waters from some great riven
heart, mock at nothing, even the poorest
thought of God. They may be sorrow
ful over us, in our unworthy struggling,
but I think if they could reach out their
great, strong arms they fain would draw
unto themselves all the bruised, the
Borrowful, the world-hurt and give them
I had turned but one leaf of my book
when tho snapping of twigs and a boy's
gay laughter warned me that time had
galloped withal, and the fishermen were
returning, if not with sh, surely with
"Pen, Pen! look at our dandy fish!
And I caught two of 'em, didn't I, Jim?"
His cheeks were veritable roses of fire,
his cap off, and great rings of moist gold
hair curled on his forehead.
The string of fish being duly admired,
Jim went to leave them in the water
while I opened and spread out our
luncheon. Phoebe had not overesti
mated our capacity. Sandwiches and
hard-boiled eggs went down with a rel
ish which would be an inestimable
blessing if it would only last.
Think with what a comparative in
difference one could contemplate the
possible inferiority of one's dinner with
an appetite like that.
After we had finished Rob crept over
and laid his head into my lap, and very
soon the "Rock-a-by lady from Hush-a-by
street, came stealing came creep
ing." I do not recollect just bow it came
about, but come about some way it did,
and Jim was telling me his story with
deep, deep breath, and sudden pauses.
He was obliged to come out here dur
ing his last year in college. That sounds
a simple, bold statement, but it meant
complete Calvary for him.
He built tho cross and nailod thereon,
in agony of soul, his hopes and all the
fair promise of bis life.
It meant the renunciation of career,
honor, possible wealth. It meant the
tearing out of his life the "one fair wo
man under the sun."
"But," I said, pityingly, "if aho loved
you, as you her, wouldn't she havo come
here and been with you? Surely any
thing would bo better than life-long
He threw his arm out aB if to ward
aside the blow, and a look of helpless
desperation filled his eyes.
ThiB, then, was "sorrow's crown of
sorrow." She had not cared enough.
We went home rather sorrowfully.
Poor little Rob was tired out and
dragged heavily. Poor big Jim was re
morseful. "I should not have told you
all my troubles, Miss Mayfair. I am
really ashamed."
"Don't, don't, I beg you, regret what
jgfr&ftM Hi FALL
are all opened and displayed for your inspection. Our
assortments are larger, more complete, more beautiful
than ever before shown by any house in this city. The
Trading- Public look to us for all the new things; we
always show them first. We are showing very many
strictly new effects now, although a little ahead of the
season. We invite your critical inspection,
AlwajTs the largest stock to select from here. We
are special selling agents. All the newest styles in the
well-known Priestley Blacks will be found on our coun
ters. The Priestley Blacks are guaranteed.
New Fall Venetian Cloths in brown, gray, blue, red,
reseda, castor, etc. A beautiful line, 55c to $2.50 yd.
New Granite Cloths in tan, blue, red, castor, reseda
and gray; 49c to 98o a yard.
New Fall Whipcords and Melrose Cloths the correct
thing for fall. We show them in rose, reseda, red, gray,
brown, blue, castor and all the staple shades, 46 inches
wide, 98c a yard. New Fall Suitings in immense
variety, 43c to $3.50 a yard.
Handsome exclusive styles in All Wool and Silk and
Wool Fabrics.
A soft, clingy cloth so suitable for fall waists.
Beautiful colorings. Prices range 25c to 98c a yard.
75c tan and gray Cotton Blankets, a pair 49c
85c extra size gray Cotton Blankets, a pair 61c
$1.20 11-4 gray and tan Cotton Blankets, a pair. . 85c
$1.75 11-4 gray and tan Cotton Blankets, a pair.. $1.25
$2.25 12-4 large gray Cotton Blankets, a pair. . . . 1.50
$3.50 gray and tan Wool Blankets, a pair 2.68
"$3.98 fancy plaid Wool Blankets, a pair 2.95
An especially interesting line is being opened and
placed on our counters. See Window.
All the newest lengths in Automobile Coats and
New Fur Capes and Jackets. New Scarfs.
Garments for the little folks in great variet', includ
ing a splendid line of Reefers the best and largest ever
displayed here. We invite Tour early inspection.
Wedgewood Blue Plates 9 inches rim to rim en
graved on which are historic buildings, patriotic sub
jects, as the Boston Tea Party, Signing ot Declaration
of Independence, ere; 35 different historical reproduc
tions, only to be found here. Choice for 50c
Just the thing for the plate racks.
We opened this week a cask of specially imported
9-inch Salad Bowls, with the old willow blue decora
tions. There are 300 of them in the lot, worth 50c, on
sale for, each 25c
O 2 lots of nicely decorated China Creamers and Milk
Jugs big varietr of decorations. The creamers are
worth to 25c, for, each 15c
The Milk Jugs are worth to 35c, for, each 19c
We are showing a new line of lamps different to any
ever shown in Lincoln bef6re. The Cerise, with ten
inch lace etched globe mounted in black trimmings, is
a marvel for $6.50