The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 31, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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M till IHIIIIIIIU(l(llfl0(ftO0oocooonuiin
Office lOttaand Q. St. Ilxorx 176.
Piano and Furniture WE SELL . .
Moving I A11 G"dea or Coal
A Fine Line of Car
riages and Buggies, .
If You Want First-Class Service Call on Us.
'HOP oH)M(ionnifti)()l)iilo(iuuuu(iuuuiujc
Wedding Invitations, Wedding Announce
ments. Visiting Cards or anything in the En
graving foine. call at
Monday evening. The porch was decor
ated with palms and sunflowers, and was
furnished with rugs, pillows and divans.
Punch was served during the evening
and a two course luncheon also was
served at eleven to the twenty-five guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Maxwell gave a
most enjoyable party on Tuesday even
ing, complimentary to Miss Oakley and
Mr. Clark. American beauty roses were
used in both bouse and porch decora
tions. Refreshments were served on the
porch, and music waB furnished by Miss
Oakley, Miss Hoover, Mr. Clark and Mr.
Thatcher. The guests were Misses Oak
ley, Hoover, Burr, Mount of Omaha,
' Nance and Gaban; Messrs. Clark, Back
us, Thatcher, Richards, Joyce, Mont
gomery, Powers, Fitzgerald, Armstrong,
and Daugherty; Messrs and Mesdames
Leonard, W. il. Wilson, Walter B. Har
py zreaves, Crittenden, Buckstaff, F. W.
Brown, Yate6, Fitzgerald, Irvine, Ladd,
Lewis Marshall, McDonald; Mesdamt3
I Fitzgerald. Muir, Smyser, Griffith and
Ashtou of Grand Island.
Miss Oakley gave an elaborate break
fast to her bridal party and a few other
friends on Wednesday. The house was
lighted with green candles, and the table
decorations were in green and white.
Thirty-six guests were present. On
Wednesday evening Mr. Clark enter
tained at dinner at the Lincoln. Here
also the table decorations were in green
and white. Twenty-four guests were
present on this occasion.
The merchants of the city have ar
ranged for a complimentary concert by
the Pawnee City military band, to be
given at the auditorium Tuesday eve
ning. No admission will be charged,
dg but tickets will be in the hands of those
who subscribe to the fund, for distribu
tion to the patrons. Pawnee City sends
to Lincoln the oldest and probably the
strongest amateur musical organiza
tion in the west. The instrumentation
will be forty pieces, including the reed
sections so much admired in the great
bands of Innes and Sousa. A program
of a very high standard is promised, and
the citizens of Lincoln are to be congrat
ulated on the opportunity of hearing
this popular Nebraska band under such
favorable circumstances.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hussong and Miss
Margaret Hallett spent Sunday at Mil
ford with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hallett and
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lahr, who are
camping at that place.
es Garten, Welch, Honeywell, Hamil
ton, Belle Hamilton, Webster. Polk. Mul
ligan, Watkins, Cochrane, Richards, Out
calt, Burnham, Abbott of Grand Island
and Bowen of Omaha.
If you are a man and it is too hot or
too far to go home to lunch, don't starve
yourseir and don't eat a cold lunch, go
to the Palace Dining Hall, 1130 N dtreet,
where you can get a hot meal, well
cooked and well served, for 23c. If yon
are a woman and your cook leaves you
without notice, don't despair; take ynur
family to the Palace Dining Hall. Sun
day dinners a specialty.
Miss Stuart and Miss Melinda Stuart
entertained informally on Friday even
ing in honor of Mies Ashmun of Atchi
son and of Mr. C. F. Steckelberg. Pro
gressive games furnished the entertain
ment, and after refreshments were served
several musical numbers for violin and
piano were acceptably rendered by Miss
Stuart and Mr.Sieckelberg. Those pres
ent were Misses Turner, Henry, Gladys
Henry, Ashmun, Marshall, Rieser, Houtz,
Richards, Thomas, Burruss, Bess Bur
russ, Morrill, Stuart, Melinda Stuart;
Messrs. Rickett, Edmiston, Henry, Bar
ber, Mudge, Kimball, Webn, Funke,
Bartlett, Andrews, Steckelberg, Cook,
Stuart and Dr. Orr.
Miss Emma Hedges entertained about
thirty members of the Young Women's
Christian Association on Thursday even
ing with a trolley ride ending with a
watermelon party at her home at Thirty
fourth and Q streets. The large lawn
was decorated with Japanese lanterns,
and supplied with seats, rugs and ham
mocks. The evening was spout in play
ing games.
Married, at the home of the bride's
parents, Thursday noon, Miss Laura Per
sia Bentley, youngest daughter of Rev.
and Mrs. C.E. Bentley, and Mr. Winford
Lester Hall. After an extended visit in
Denver and Colorado Springs Mr. and
Mrs. Hall will reside at Blair, where Mr.
Hall will teach in the high school.
Miss Alice Auld has returned from
Iowa, where she has spent the summer
at Knoxville and Os:eola. Miss Kola
Auld will leave on Monday for a visit of
two or three weeks in Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davis and Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Turner left Saturday
evening for Louisville, Ky., where they
will attend the Knights Templar encampment.
Mrs. Henry E. Lewis entertained ' ,,,.
Monday evening at five o'clock tea for G"0' The MaD-llth -her
daughter, Miss Edith. The table Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kennard and Mr.
was set on the lawn, which was enclosed and Mrs. Bert Davis returned on Tues
with canvas. The following were the day from a visit at Spring Lake and
invited guests: Mrs. John S. Reed, Miss- Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Chicago.
An accredited school to the Stato Universities of Nebraska and Iowa.
Prepares for the leading Colleges and Universities.
AIvFVRJBJI r. Wir,0:iV, tl. X. (Yale), Principal.
Chancellor E. llenjamln Andrews Itov Dr. H O Kowlands
Professor flnne K. l!arlcr Mrs. A. J Sawyer
Professor Km In II. Harbour Dean Lucius A. Sherman
Dean Charles K. llcvscv: Prores.sor W O L. Taylor
Adjunct Professor William F. Dana Professor Henry ii Ward
Dean KUerv W. Davis Kov Dr Fletcher L. Wharton
Professor Fred Morrow Fllnj; Mrs. II. II. Wilson.
Deau Manoah It. Keesc
Addrcvs of Principal, f.10 South llth Street. Lincoln. Nebr.
HXjorojEjjK & nYAorr.
Mr. W. C. Wilson returned from his
eastern trip on Tuesday. Mrs. Wilson
will spend several weeks at Port Huron
and other northern Michigan resorts.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and family of
Quincy, Illinois, are spending the week
with Mrs. Irwin's mother, Mrs. Eliza
Dr. E. A. Ross, of the state university,
and family, have arrived in Lincoln, and
will reside at Thirty-third and R streets.
Mis3 May Prentiss, who has been visit
ing her aunt. Mrs. W. M.Leonard, left
for the east last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. McMurtry have
returned from a visit to tho BulTalo ex
position and a trip up the lakes.
Mrs. E. Benjamin Andrews has re
turned from Colorado Springs. Chan
cellor Andrews returned Friday from
Mrs. L. W. Garouto is entertaining
her sister and niece, Mrs. D. C. Bice and
Miss Beatrice Bico of Des Moines.
Mies Willa Cather visited Lincoln
friends on Friday, en route to Pittsburg,
Mrs. C. O. Whedon and Misses Whe
don are home from their trip in Wyom
ing. Mrs. George W. Gibben and Mrs. II.
T. Folsom have returned from a trip
through Colorado.
Prof. Max Westerman is expected
home tomorrow from Chicago, whero he
has spent his vacation.
The American Savings Bank of 132
North Eleventh street, pays interest on
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fleming returned
yesterday from a two weeks' trip to
Denver and other Colorado points.
Mrs. Jennie E. Hays and Miss Mabel
Hays have returned from Colorado,
where they spent two monthB.
Miss KatherineMelick left on Tuesday
for Washington state, where she will
teach during the coming year.
Married, on Saturday evening, August
twenty-fourth, Miss Edna Ilartman and
Mr. Harry W. Hinkle.
Mrs. C. S. Sherman returned Tuesday
from Georgetown, Colorado, where she
has spent the summer.
Mrs. Mary E. Hawes of 1G24 K street
is spending the week with her eon, Dr.
Hawes, in Fairbury.
Mrs. Charles Parmeleof Plattsmouth,
is the guest ot her sisters, Mrs. Atwood
and Mrs. Agnow.
Misses Mariel, Ellen and Frances Goro
will return next Tuesday from their
western trip
Miss Helen Mitchell will spend next
week in Omaha, tho guest of Miss LouiEo
Miss Laura Houtz will have for hor
guestnext week Miss Barber of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Crittonden havo
returned from their trip through Colo
rado. Mr. Willard Yates returned on Mon
day from a trip through Yellowstone
Miss Anna Hawes will return today
from a visit of several weeks in Indiana.
Miss Jessie Lansing has returned
from a camping trip in the Black Hills.
Hon. Ross L. Hammond, of Fremont
was in Lincoln Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. John Randolph has returned from
his summer vacation at Chautauqua.
Dr. II. Winnett Orr roturned on Mon
day from a week's visit in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. A. Williams are
spending ten days in Iowa City.
Mrs. John N. Hyder and children will
visit friends in York for a week.
Miss Sue Ashmun of Atchison is the
guest of Miss Anno Stuart.
Miss Edna King of Osceola, Neb., is
visiting Mrs. C. E. Bessey.
Mrs. N. K. Griggs has returned from a
visit of two weeks in Ohio.
Miss Fanchon Hooper is spending the
week at Harvard, Nebr.
Miss Clara Hammond i3 spending the
week in Hastings.
Miss Darleen Woodward is visiting in
York this week.
Mrs. Paul Holm is in DeKalb, III.
Dr. Carr, surgeon. Ill South 12th.
Uncle 5am Remedy
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