12 THE, COURIER. MMMIIMIMHMM IIIIIIHIIIMIHIIIIIIHMHIMIHMIIHIMIIII When . VV.fl When you travel .to the mountains,: MM thp lakpc nr thp ;a vnn can add to : TVairttl tne comfort and pleasure of your trip: ; 1 IttVCl by starting with the right -sort of trunks and traveling bags. We have : trunks and bags that are equal to every emergency of: : a long journey by sea or land. JVHfebiR&PAlNi t IIMHMH i ASnes Rawlings, Wfyose work with Hiss Riyett is favorably known, will J contiMe to do Manicuring-, Shampooiaig', Hairdressing, 2 and will give treattmeat of scalp diseases. Switches. 2 and pompadours made to order and all kinds of hair work carefully done. 143 mo. I2tn. HEW. : LAWYERS. CHEAPER THAN EVER J., loraflo ayid Jsjtal? Mvje(Mki ..VIA THE. GREAT BOGK. ISLAND EOUTE Round Twj3 From Mawouri River Points to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pyeblo, 1 X Jlr iu6lQ June 18 to 30 $10 Sept. 1-10 $19 July 10-Anff.31 Similar reduced Rate on tame dates to other Colorado and Utah Tonmt Points. Bate from ether points on Bock ltlaad Koate proportiosateljr lowe? on same date of sale. Return limit Oct. 31, 1901. THE 8UPERB TRAIN, Colorado Flyer Leares Kama City daily at 6 JO p. m., Oman at 5:20 p. m., St-Joe at 5.-00 p. m., arriTlnr Dearer 1 1 :00 a . m.. Col orado Sp'gs i Maniton ) JO J5 a.m., Pueblo 1 1 SO a . m . Write for details and Colorado literature. E. W. Thompson, A. G. P. A. Topeks, Kans. John Sebastian, G.P. A., Chicago. TM FIRST MH M ... of LINCOLN, NEBR. .. . Capital $ 200,00000 SwplaadPro6te . 5455.06 Dewti .... 2,480252.18 S.H.Bvrahamf A. T. Sawyer, Fremiti. Vice rrcmdaA. H.S. Freeman, Caabkr, H. B.Evaas. frank Parks, Aart Cashier. Aaft Cashier. UNIJH) STATES DEf 0S1JOJW. V s c WMIMM 4 tTealopl&ox&e 38. FaanaRanaanBj Send'The'CottrieryourtiEGAL notices ' files are kept in fire proof buildings. WWTfliJX J I H. W. BROWN. Droffistnd Bookseller. t Fuw Stationery i a I and I Calling Cards i 127 So.Eleventh Street. I PHONE 8 HADMESSo HORSE COLLARS ifllteJSjS3sSibA IRPEALERJO BEFORE. YOU BUY. lANurACTUBLO BY HARPHAM BR0S.C0. Lincoln, Neb. J. R. HAGGAED. M. D. Urinoolxa, Nebr. Office 1J00O Street, Rooms 212, 213, 214, Rkhards' Block. Telephone 535 Residence 1310 G St. Telephone K984 A m ICk.-SS-iit,iJ show imm he was not at borne and drafted out the bacon, leaving oaly Ma etaw marks ha biad him aa a aaffiag earaV -The valley of the Little Gaeae m a Iright mid-sammer meraiag it k a eight to make one forget wharf ha ie, forget tkabarreahiltt he fc haft bekiad. forget that .crop failaraa oaat be. Clear tea onmpaaaiea ape as, aad wher we down from that narrow grata Hae raa-" aWi&fer heme ear treat basket a8 aing high along the aala bills, to tha varyfnIL Atdktkke known tha I heavy timber aad baahsa by tha ataaam, caa ceak afieh aad eat one, if I'm not m there m the, greea of alfalfa, tha lighter good at killing. ; ehade of the rich wild hay, the yellow oT Little Goose earn p-I shall call it that, wheat in slieeke, aad staekt of hay ecat- for it id evidently the only camping place tend everywhere. Aad more thaa thie, ie that caapa ieaa ideal place for those there areWbetaaiialrfam hoaeea half who like atrWooM dambering. Tha hidden by treea,jry ckee aad neigh- aaoantain waUarjaahjajh atmirt you, deep beciy too. Te day of the rude aback below ie the roariag water; the moun haangMM aad there are aiany aigaa of tainptnee join with' their eoeg. Beat of coaafort aad wealth. all joye, however, ia the aoceeelble gush. In the rkheat.part of the valley are ing epriag that aweepa oat of a little the palatial ataaaieaa, of two Eagiiafc- pocket ia the aide ef the hill, eelder than aaen. One of theee, Jfr. Moncrieffe, I ice water, clear aa a diaawad. The old an obliged to aae the American Mr. for lady ataamp aaid, "If I had that spring I dea't know' the geatkmea'a title, at hm'I wealdn't take a thousand dol- though it ie whiaparad that ha hi a Lord or ebmethiac othsr'thaaa Mr. baa beea engaged for aaaaa Hate fai bay iag herata tojeead ta SeatKAiriea'. Ieaw eereral huadred oa their wag to tha Eaglih maa'a reach. Thaet they are branded, ridden once aad proaaaaeed "breha," fed well aad shipped oa. Some of them are seed ia tha Eaglieh game efpela. Hat ing a horeaa to eeU, I allowed myself ieme emMion ever tbe fata of the peer, haaati aad tha EagUakaeat of tha taaaa action. I said to a frkad, -What do you tkisk of this baeinem of aaadjag ear harass eaT," ets., etc. "Ifa all right I sold him a horse my aalf. GatfMCarH." -Aat UTt yoa hats to de it, oSdat it make yoa feel nnhappyr - - "Yes, it did. I wanted $50." O. Wer Id,- World! Hamad ia ha who has no horsss to sett! ' " - v- The town of Big Horn, ten miles nearer the mouatalae thaa Sheridan, bat still-six or sevemUee from them, hae the post office, three saloons and a few minor conveniences. It would be a lovely summer resort if reached by rsilbut please do not saymuch of that, for any iw&Vead would steal good acres out of the greenneee of Little Goose. Tele phone poles mark the road from Sheri dan to Big Horn a point worth remem bering if yon must peer-your way home ttrmih m. moonlM niabt r Your horses will be stiff in the knees nH Um on ll form hv tkA tiA vnn have got them through the river by the bad bridge and down and up several break-neck bills and boulder roads to the place where the wagon road ends at the Spring. We found a family' party in possession of tha perfect camping ground and at first sight feared our chances for getting trout were impaired. As it tnrned.out, the good people were quite a .rroviaence io.hb. You see, I can't catch a trout any more man a cosm n sparrow on me wing, much ae I ehould like to do both, At least I could't do it that day. We followed the fisherman's trail away up the canon and 1 awitched my fly down in a pool, juet as the boy said to do. I sought other pools, and risked my life clambering out to alluring boulders. Finally I climbed up the hill again and watched the little girl while ehe labored ae vainly as:I had: Then the man from camp came along and.said he'd ehow me bow to catch a trout. "Got a graaahoo. cajch a trout. "Got a graaahop- per un winii i d uiiu Biy rOU. L. ..1. T u: You can't catch trout with those flies; get a grasshopper." Then he said also, that a sinker wae needed, thus shatter ing two of my cherished notions about "Write" we know ib written righ trout fishing. Jast think, a flyof bril- when we see it written'rite," but when liant color, so poetic and surely alluring we ese it written "rite" we know it is m foi those poets of the brook. And a right; for "write," to have it writte sinker! But the. man put the hopper on right, must net be written "right" n -the hook, tied a Email nail on the line, "rite," nor yet must it be writte went down to the pool where the little "wrighr," but "write," for so 'tis writte girl had been whisking her fly around right. for an hour, and in len thin five n ,Q ttirhe had fear af the pretty creatures m hi wag . 80 1 aHd aiy waary t dWa MM aad triad seme more. aeVar a Mta did I gat. Aad i nn wall tall the tratk, aiaca I'm not Isaak WeHoa aad ooaldBi tell b tea ut as au lh t a atocy to ptti ay Hfe the good v- lara far it.'? .The-BJOuntalnB are full of joet'sach streams, and of all the treas ures that theylhaard within theft forbid. dee walk this, that they give forth bo freely, ia after all the greatest boon to man. : At a ceaeiderahle eataaae east ot the railroad aomswhere, talrnVs ot the sta tioo Mentcratt ia tJafweK.hsown freak ofaaiarakawwa aa tha Devil's Tower. na from the car wic mi diataat dark red nlliatsi,7;rhaTS heird that It is very higk'aaa) ao arlyBrpsaiIicuUr at simypelat Hmt aw aaa has aver ascended it AMhaagh itiaaa faraway ihe peo pla wams themeslvsa ap.f ram thlir noon day ajestao to take a long distance view. There ia ao little to break the monotony oa the rosd to the, City of the Two Gesefc TheMtaaiaf eflaiy." The much abased word,4Lady," ia modified.direct from the early Anglo Saxon, and means "loaf giver;! for the higheet4deal of woman in those days was to be a good manager of her household in every particular; bread was then the real staff of life. The Delineator for September devotee its illustrated cook- "tide tbe ubiecfc ot. read in its V",UUB lvlm nu OTer '""J ouou,u Btudy the rtic,e- . The injury to St. Paul's cathedral, caused by excavations for the .Central railway, is already serious, with danger ot still greater ruin. Eight piers are broken, walls are split, windows and vaulted ceilinge are cracked, and the western towers have been perceptibly lowered The underground boring of the cathedral hill for sewer and otherr, purposes has been eo extensive that for years there have been indications of settlimr. but the mnv.m.nt, latelv have seemed to be .rMait.l. Sarlnmee for other excavations are pending, and in order to protect the great cathedral an injunction will be neceesary.'forbidding all future excavations 'in its vicinity. There is room elsewhere for railwajs, bat there is only one St. Paul's. Even this commsrcial age would ecarcely vie -,k mw,i. tu ...: . u ..m,,- with eomnLer, th. ,s f th nohie " "- - rwmwmM VWIUjIiaVOUV WO AUIU ll MiV dome which Wren hung in the air -1 iil:8 m i