THE COURIER. 0MMOOWMOO0 0tOMIMIM JvINCOIN TRANSFER CO 7 IMMIIMP i IW CXEEIo lOtnond Q Sts. Phone 176 WE DO . . . I Tiano and Furniture .& i 6hLLi . . Hloving I All Grades of Coal. WE CARRY . . A Fine Lino of Car riages and Buggies. . If You Want First-Class Service Call on Us 00 MS IF YOU WANT . . . Wedding Invitations, Wedding Announce ments. Visiting Cards or anything in the En graving bine, call at THE LINCOLN BOOK STORE, 1126 O STHI5RT. Coronet Solo, "Glen Island'' Sweet, Mr. Earl Wehn. Mazurka Russe, "La Czarina"... Ganne. Medley, "The ToplinerB"...Chattaway. Two step, "The Tale of the Kan garoo" Luedas. Auld Lang Syne. The second and third numbers are from Italian and French operas respect ively. The "Serenade" id a typical ex ample of American light opera, and gives especial prominence to the cornets. The "Waltz" is a descriptive number in which the piccolo does effective work. The gratitude of the community is due Professor Hagenow for the pleasure of these evening concerts. Gratitude at least should be freely expressed since the financial remuneration is so conspic uously lacking. It is to be hoped that some definite plan will be acted upon during the winter whereby funds will be Tconcerts twice a week next summer. "HIS WIFE." Has the American woman who writes stories for the magazines a less robust and wholesome mind than her English sister of the same ilk? We know that the English womin, set beside her American sister, has the appearance of firmer physical health. Has she also a mind of firmer and more robust fibre? And is the American story-writer weaker, and, so to speak, more hysteri cal? An American author, in a story en titled "'His Wife," just beginning in the September Ilarper's Monthly, paints a blonde heroine, blue eyed, fair haired, pearly skinned. Our sympathies are enlisted from the beginning upon the angel's side and against the husband, who has a fine face, but DARK. The blonde angel-wife ia ill heart disease and makes a pathetic picture of herself against piles of blue pillows when she faints. Any other woman would look ghastly when threatened with death by heart failure, but she does not; "her mouth began to take on a pitiful expression," hut that is all. Dr. Thorno tells her she is in a serious condition "ho told her the truth." She answers that she will tell her husband herself, assuming that "he'd take it easier if I told him mj self, poor follow." And she makes a pretty picture of herself while she tells him. "She drew his hand over her eyes, so that she might not see how he would look, for ho felt so sorry for her husband." The author concede3 that perhaps the husband had a blundering, masculine notion of doing the best thing for her. He stares out of the window, and at last says, "Cheer up, Jean. You've grown nervous lately." He undoubtedly meant well; but the final and apparent ly unbearable thing he says is, "Don't grow hysteric, whatever happens." Before that brutal speech "she would have clung to him and poured her soul out on his breast, would have spared him the worst of everything and given him the best," although how sparing him the worst is compatible with tell ing him that his wife, the mother of his children, is soon to die, js not made clear to the literal mind. That word "hysteric" cooked his goose. His wife "lay still and unre sponsive. She tried to smile gently upon him. "She began to sob the cruel sobs that wreck a weakened heart and the man fought for her life for an hour." After this "he was quite devoted to her for a week or two, came home early, sent her Mowers like a lover, and spent his evenings with her." The wife receives her husband's acceleration of tender ness "with a kind of fear." How was she to forego it when the time came that it might overlook her again? It is perhaps too captious to remark that this young woman, evidently a sweet young thing, seems to be think ing mainly of herself, as is the fashion of hysterical women. If she had ac quired a normal measure of self-control when she was well, phe would not, when a dnger-fraught illness beset her, liter ally have cast her chances of life away in "the sobs that wreck a weakened heart." The narrative insists upon her angelic blonde care of others, and carelessness o! herself. But caie for one's self is the very first step in the care for others. When a woman refuses to care for that most important factor in the happiness of a home, the health of the wife and mother, as necessary, surely, as that of the other head, she is guilty of su preme selfishness. It may be the author does not intend this woman who so forcibly resents the word "hysteric," to be admired, But at this stago of the story we evidently are expected to love and bles& the darling, instead of desperately gritting our teeth over her conduct in the facoof her danger. It may be that the next chap ter will take her gently oil from the sacrificial pile where she is lying now, the same being the aforesaid becoming blue pillow. It is a most provoking thing not to come up to the author's expectations. The reader is abashed by something that stares from the printed page of Jean's woe something which says "Pig that you are, what, no tug at your heart strings yet, eh? You have no heart strings!" On the other hand, for there always is another hand, "His Wife" has A Husband, a professional man, tied down to worrying cares. "Their only J THE LINCOLN ACADEMY ... S An accredited school to the Stato Universities of Nebraska and Iowa. " Prepares for tho leading Colleges and Universities. 5 AIFFEl$r M. VIL80N,Pli. O. (Yale), Principal. 2 ADVISORY BOARD: 5 Chancellor E. Hcnjamln Andrew-. Rev. Dr. II. O. Kowl.inits 5 Z Professor Cnne K. Hrler Mrs. A. J. Sawyer Z Z Professor Krwln II. Harlxmr Doan Lucius A. Sherman J 5 Dean Charles K. Ilevscv: Professor V O.L. Tnjrlor Z Z Adjunct Professor William P. Dann Professor Henry B. Ward 2 5 Dean Kllerr W. Davis Kev. Dr Fletcher I. Vharton Z 2 Professor Fred Morrow Fling Mrs. II. II. Wilson. g 2 Dean Manouh II. Reese 2 Address of Principal, ! South llth Street, Lincoln. Nebr. MMMISM HEADQUARTERS I?OR WOOD AK COAL HUTCHINS & HY.Ari hardship had been tho strenuous denial of the professional life." Ab any profes sional man advances in his profession, the "strenuous denial" is an ever strengthening chord. Life in its largest meaning takes hold of the man. He is bound on the wheel. Once in a while he would escape from his bonds and ily to the woods, or on the sea in a yacht, the best imitation of flying. His friend, the yachtsman, entreats him to go; bia friend, the sportsman, beckons to the high hills. Every nerve in the man's body ploads for relief from the burdens on his back, but His Wife says, "I al ways was afraid of guns! GUNS and BOATS-They're like snakes!" The Lady with the Parasol. That serious accidents are averted when the traveling public in street car or railway train meets the "lady with the furled parasol" is by no virtue of precaution on her part, but is due to an agility on the part of the public which has learned to know her ways and be wise in time. The method in the mad ness of this handling of the parasol that invests an otherwise harmless and nec essary article with lethal possibilities is the carrying of it firmly grasped under the arm, projecting with its sharply pointed and ferruled end a considerable distance from the body. Thus equipped a woman has but to enter a crowded car or squeeze along a narrow aisle and even life itself is not safe. If this is not the method and there is variation, the parasol is carried like a lance, pointing straight forward, a bay onet, that is only prevented from spear ing its victim by the interference of Providence or the intuitive shrinking of her would-be victim, for the woman who carries her parasol in all these deadly positions, liable to rake every thing in reach as she sits down or scrapes tho aisle, is always perfectly ob livious to the fact that she is at all men acing any one's beauty, peace of mind, health or happiness. However it is, many are threatened, but few are caught by the seemingly inevitable Jab in the ear or eye, or the straight scrape across the face, or the puncture in the inter costal space when the car jolt and all who stand in the aisla fall on each oth er's necks. It is, perhaps, too much to ask the lady with the parasol to have a care, to carry it demurely by her side, and bo quiet the nerves of her apprehensive neighbors. Tho good fortune cannot last forever, and as a cat may look at a queen, there is certainly no harm in suggesting that the rigid presentation of the parasol at right angles to the body is potentially dangerous for others and is far from picturesque. Woman is never bo lovely as in summer attire, the parasol as a creation of lace-like con fection is often a dream, but need the combination of the two be made a night mare? Philadelphia Press. UTAH AN IDEAL CLIMATE The first white man to set foot on Utah soil, Father Silveetre Volez de Es calante, who reached the GRJEJ A.TD SALT LAKB on the 23rd day of September, 1776. wrote in his diary: ''Here the climate is so delic ious, the air bo balmy, that it is a pleas ure to breathe by day and by night." The climate of Utah is one of the rich est endowments of nature. On the shores of the Great Salt Lake especially and for fifty miles therefrom in every direction the climate of climates is found. To enable pet sons to participate in these scenic and climatic attractions and to reach the famous Health) Bathing: and Plea txv& Reaorts of Utah, the UNION PACIFIC has made a rate to OGDEX and SALT LAKE CITY of one fare for the round trip. pluB $2.00. from Mis souri River, to be in effect June ISth to 30th inclusive, July 10th to August 31st inclusive. Return limit October 31, and 230.00 for the round trip on July 1 to 9 inclusive, September 1 to 10 inclusive. Proportionately low Rates from inter mediate points. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application. E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. CFirst Pub. Aux.-il.-2t Notice of Final Report. Estate No. H25 of Nathan 8. Harwood, de ceased. In County Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. The state of Nebraska to all persons Inter ested in said estate, take notice that P. L. Harris, administrator, has filed a final account and report of his administration which has been set for hearing before said court on Sep tember 10, 1901. at ten o'clock A. M when you may appear and contest the same. Dated Au gust 23. 1901. seal Fiiank R. Waters. Cbunty'Judxc. Ily Walter A. Leese. Clerk. First Pub. Aug. 24-3. Notice of Final Report. Kstatc No. 133! of Jefferson H. Foxworthy. deceased, in county court of Lancaster county, Nebraska. The state of Nebraska to all persons Interest ed in said estate, take notice that the adminis trator has tiled a Unal account and report of his administration, and a petition for Unal set tlement and discharge as such, which has been set for hearing before said court on the 12th day of September. ID01, at ten A. M- when you may appear and contest the same. Dated Au gust 23. 1901. ( Seal.) FRAN K IL WATERS, County Judge. Waltek A. Leese, Clerk.