THB COURIER Pf uMlli) M I iimiuoii I MNCOIN TRANSFER CO 1 Office I Otto and. Q St WE DO I Piano and Moving . Furniture Phone 176. WE CARRY . . A Fins Line of Car riages and Bugg'.ea, . If You Want First-Class Service Call on Us. uUUIIHHMIIIIIMMIMMIMHMfMMMMMMMMII MIIOII WE SELL . . All Grades of Coal. x I i X Punch was served during the evening. The guests 'were Misses Stuart, Melinda Stuart, Katherine Thomas, uarleen Woodward, Beth Marshall, Burruss, Bees Burruss, Kyle, Jennie Barber, Sue Afihmun of Atchison and Katherine Sedgwick of York; Messrs. Edmiston, Wehn, Barber, Bartlett, Kimball, Dales, Funke, Kennard, Benton, Earl Eaton and Gran Eaton of Madison and Dr. Drr. last Saturday to join her daughter, Mrs. H. Percy Silver. They will visit for sev eral weeks in PistBburg. Miss Gertrude Aitken has returned from Los Angeles, California, where she has spent the last seven months. Miss Blanche Garten entertained Del ta Gamma in honor of Miss Gertrude Bagley of Detroit, Tuesday afternoon. rHE LINCOLN ACADEMY . . . An accredited school to the Stato Universities of Nebraska-and-Iowa. Prepares for' the leading Colleges and Universities. AIvFMfcEJO 5VI. WILSON,P1i. r. (Yale), Principal. ADVISORY BOARD:, S Chancellor E. llenjnmln Andrews Kev. Dr. II O. Kowlnnds- S Professor Ome K. Harber Mrs. A. J. Sawyer S Professor Erwln II. Harbour Dean Lucius; a. Sttinun S Dean Charles K. Hesse,: Profevwr V O.L. TJjylor f Adjunct Professor William F. Dann Profcw-Jr Ilenry H.A rd S Dcin Kllerr W. Davis Hev. Dr. Fletcher I., Wharton 5 Professor Fred Morrow FllnK Mr. H. II. Wilson. Z Dean Manoali H. Hecse 9 Address- of Principal, flltf Sonth llth Street, Lincoln. N'ebr. THE HUMBLES TAKE A TRIP. If you are a man and it is too hot or too far to go home to lunch, don't starve yourself and don't eat a cold lunch, go to the PalaceDining Hall, 1130 N dtreet, where you can get a hot meal, well cooked and well served, for 25c. If you Sun- Mr. Fred L. Kimball has modeled from life and photographs many- excel lent portrait busts of prominent Nebras ka citizens. Beginning modeling for his own amusement wheu very young, Mr. Kimball later took a course of in 'ruction under Professor Lorenzo Taft of the Chicago Art Institute, which to- family to the Palace Dining flail. gether with his continuous engagement day dinners a specialty. in the work of modeling and carving Mrfl Atwood and Mrfl Agnew attend. has developed bis natural talent to a ed the wedding of Miss White at Platts- remarkable degree. Mr. Kimball does month Qn Wednesda a great deal of modeling and drawing and carving for eastern wholesale gran- Jhn E.Hickejr left on Sunday for ite and marble dealers, getting their Buffalo, where he will ' visit the Pan ideas and putting them into form. He American exposition. also makes the plaster casts for the BY ELIZABETH. (For The Courier.) Maranthis and are come to that age when the wild woods, as steady thing, or new and startling effects in scenery, no longer entice us. We want three civilized meals, a clean bed, a cool breeze, an easy chair for each, and the well-washed and amiably smiling face of humanity, close at hand. We have no fancy for exile from any are a woman and your cook leaves you of theee. on the other nana-f we hate the " without notice, don't despair; take your brick blocka of thecity in August. XLAr manufacturers to be copied by carvers for their trade. Mr. Kimball has re cently completed a large portrait bust of Doctor R. E. Giffen, which is remark ably true to life and deserving of un limited praise for the beauty of execution. Miss Margaret Kyle will spend Satur day and Sunday in Ashland.the guest of Miss Nellie Dnan. Miss Jennie Barber left on Friday for Holdrege, where she will visit for several weeks. Misses Edith and Irene Rewick of There is a little town, not so very far away a little struggling villago, having no ambition to be called a city. Its streets go wandering in generous curves under old trees alike generous of shade and bird-songs. Behold, Maranthis and I arrived. The spirit of the place has breathed upon the solitary hackman, a gently minded Dutchman his horse as rotund as himself. We jog to the door of our hoBtesB of last summer and summers before last. Yes, we are arrived, aod the cool breeze is found, and the clean room, and here are the" easy-chairs, each by its shaded window looking upon the quiet Invitations have been issued by Mr. Carleton are the guests of their uncle, street ot .trees and .gardens and . scat- and Mrs. Rolland. Hector Oakley to the Vamage of their daughter, Pauline ' Maude, to Mr. Frank King Clark on Thursday evening, August twenty ninth at halt after eight o'clock. The cere mony will be performed at Holy Trinity church, and will be followed, by a re ception at the Oakley home, 162'! M street. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Winger gave a dinner last week Friday in honor of Miss Bagley. On Tuesday evening they gave a dinner to twelve guests in honor of Doctor Bagley. The color scheme was green and white. Miss Bagley left on Friday for her home in Detroit Mrs. Harry Howell Harley gave a de lightful dinner last Saturday for Miss Winger and Miss Broady. The other guesti were Mrs. E. C. Foleom, Misses Grace Broady, Margaret Winger, Edna Harley, Eleanor Raymond, Mabel Rich arris, Mabel Lindly and Gertrude Bagley Detroit. The engagement ib announced of Miss Elizabeth Russell Wing and Professor Dewitt B. Brace of the University of Nebraska. Miss Wing is spending the summer at her home in West Newton, Mase. Mr. E.C. Rewick. Mrs. C..E. Yntes attended the wed terea nouses-c - -- - -- And if the cool breeze blows over kitchen gardens, bo much the better. Our middle-aged noBes like a whiff of old-fashioned flowers mingled with the American Savings Bank of 132 homely odors of sage and onions. Eleventh street, pays interest on ding of Miss Lulu White at Plattsmouth on Wednesday. The North deposits. Born, August 11, to Mr. and Mrs. C I. Jonea, a daughter. Here we can live a peaceful life with not one of our middle-aged comforts lacking. To keep us still linked to our city world, there is even a dot of a morning Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kirby have gone newBpaper which we read over our toast to Shelter Island, New York. and q witn reai cream. I say we Mrs. Alfred Metcalf is spending tho truthfully; we dmue tne ioiqs week with Mrs. J. M. Metcalf in Omaha. materials at lady'B homes. Studies face and advises styles and shapes.' " "There," said Maranthis, llrmly; "none of my bonnets suit me. I'll have Miss Daly come for a day and have them all made over at once. Then my mind will ' be free for amusement. Listen to this: Miss Nellie Bly invites you to her Tues day and Thursday afternoons. She reads, sings and gives musical sketches. Cool parlors at her father's home on A'lthern avenue. Admission fifteen cents.'" "And here," said Maranthis, excited- ,'s drive out here often and often: Red Clover Farm, north of Every-Day Comfort Town. Mrs. Tolly Clover serves simple lunches at all houre. Home made brown bread and milk ten cents. Dutch cheese and cookies fifteen cents. Served under the trees.' " "This girl," said Maranthis, "I know is a darling. We'll have her in for a regular going over before we leave for home. Our clothes will need many a stitch after our tramps this summer.' For this is my vacation: 'Miss Cosio Help, mender. Lines ' coat sleeves.' Mends lace and Btockings. Darns torn clothing neatly. Terms reasonable.' " "And these organ recitals. We'll not' miss one of them: 'Twice a week, at twilight for half an hour, a pupil of Professor 'Diapason plays the organ in ' the Ivy church. Occasionally there will be a Bong by one of Madame Trill's -pupils. Admission ten cents." "It is a joy," said Maranthis, solemn ly, "to hear the organ. Not an over whelming concert with a long; tiresome program, but the peaceful day cloeed by a grand, inspiring melody. You dear little pupils, whoever you aro, how kind of you to think of giving us this pleas- i Lee Bohemiennes were entertained by Mrs. Frank Irvine on Wednesday. Mrs. Billingsley and Mies Beatrice Billingsley are in Des Moines. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Lee return ed Wednesday from Chicago. Miss Florence Woods is home from a tour through Colorado. Dr. Carr, surgeon. Ml South 12th. It isn't the big troubles but the little ones which worry the life out of people. This year the bathers on the New Jer sey coast are often driven from the water by the hosts of jellyfish which have invaded the breakers. The mic- Gregory, The Coal Man, llth & O. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullen and Mr. Slid Mra Mumn UThnolnv loff TllAurlav night for Marquette island, Michigan, to roecopic lances and poison sacs which Bpend several weeks in Mr. Wheeler's cover the tentacles of these strange summer cottage. creatures get in their work as effec tively as a hypodermic syringe, and Hied, Sunday morning, Mrs. Hannah there aro thousands of them. Lee, mother of Mrs. Willis L. Johnson. 1' unertl services were held at St. The resa's pro-cathedral Monday morning: Mr. and Mrs. W. D. FitzGerald and daughter will Bpend the remainder of the summer in the east, visiting Atlan tic City, New York and Buffalo. Mrs. Albert R. Mitchell is visiting in Chicago. Mrs. T.W.Sewell. went to St. Louis I Northwestern Line. Augugt 11-13, round trip tickets at one fare, plus two dollars, to following points: Hoi Springs, Deadwocd, Man kanto, Kasota, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth. Final limit October 31. City office 117 South Tenth. Depot Ninth and S streets. Maranthis, the practical, the alert, who believes Change is Rest, appropri ates the page of advertisements. And as Bhe reads in a soft, murmuring tone, suited to the calm of the morning, half to me and half to herself, I catch a new glimpse of this dear Town of Every-Day Comfort from Maranthis' standpoint. You must know that Maranthis' house keeping garment, or captain's toga, or whatever, is never left at home. She clothes herself with the mantle of a gen tle authority every morning, and when her foot strikes the quarter-deck of home, even this temporary home, she takes command of the ship. "Ah," murmurs the voice, "here's the place for our linen! 'Sweet Lavender Laundry! Ladies' muslins personally conducted through the tubs. Negligee Shirts Never Starched!' " "Ab," delightedly; "Here'e where we'll spend an afternoon occasionally: 'Miss Ten-Spott will conduct a whist class at her home in Maple Grove, every afternoon from 1 to 5. Twenty-five cents a lesson, forty cents for two from the same family. Reduced rateB for the course.' " "Decidedly," said Maranthis, "we need some expert teaching in whist. I've known for a long time our game does not compare with the young folks'. But how we will astonish them next winter in our club!" "Oh, and my bonnets! 'Eflie Daly, visiting milliner, makes up ladies' own ure!' "Roses, sweet peas, grass pinks," reads Maranthis with a shriek of delight. 'Lcafie Lee brings to your door three days in the week, an old-fashioned posy of sweet-smelling flowers, such as roses, sweet peas, grass pinks, etc Ten cents a bunch.' We'll have a bunch on every window-sill," said Maranthis. "And we'll remember this summer as the Festa of Grandmother's Flowers." It was reported that hundreds of horses died of the heat in St. Louis. By actual count the number was nine. Doubtless it was a St. Louis boy whoso "thousand cats" turned out to be "our cat and another one." The lees men think, talk. Mon tesquieu. the more thoy n 0 MM M I U 00Vt I lllll IIUW Li uuuL unit i Bring your Fur Garments and have them repaired or remod eled, because it will be cold again this year. By the way, you can order a Fur Garment made in the latest stvle at 0. STEELE. 1X7 Tt IQTUCT . . IIVPMU MOD a 110 0U. kid 01. unuuin, niun