r-'3arE -1"-.- HHHHHHR99I 12 IHE COURIER. I mimmms iimmh,mi When ; Vfll 1 When you travel to, the mountains, Vr U thp lfllfpc nr thp cpji unn ran jiHH tn TTl5l VPl tne cornfrt anc pleasure of your trip 11 CIV CI by starting with the right sort of trunks and traveling bags. We have trunks and bags that are equal to every emergency of along journey by sea or land. MIkfeiR & PAINg MIIMIHMIHMimMIIHMIMIMIMMHlHHII XIIIIMMMMM m999m9mmsmWOiXDttQtmGG&GOOW9m9m9B99B99BQ Health .and Happiness go hand in hand, Activity is contagious, and imparts" Health and Wealth in this beautiful land. Gonvey it to others by actively engaging In beautifying the woman and strength ening the man. Thus, using an Electric Massage Ex- j eraser, A Home Training Outfit, or a Fountain Bath Brush; Prices $1.00 to $5.00. For sale by X. E. ALMOND, 1106 0 STREET. LIHGOIJI, REBR. 9wSM)C)CCEXI)CwlwtftiBeccC 4. f A XW V P T? en( e Courieryour legal notices l-YV I CI0" files are kept in fire proof buildings. M Tom Johnson Looming Up. doubtedly this happening is uniquaia Another evidence that the late leader the history of magazine literature. The of the democracy ia beiae? cashed out of Cosmopolitan will endeavor to repeat its - V . ... . .. :. T. a CHEAPER THAN EVER :- -.-TO lorado and Jsjtalj Daily Tune 18th to Sept. JOth, J90J-. .VIA THE. GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Round Tnp Rate From Missouri River Points to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, S1 X July 1 to (d-f O June 18 to 30 plD Sept. 1-10 &Lv Jnljr lO-Ang.31 Similar reduced Rates on same dates to other Colorado and Utah Tourist Points. Bates from other points on Bock ltland Boute proportionately lower on same dates of sale. Return limit Oct. 31,1001. THE SUPERB TRAIN, Colorado Flyer, Lcstcs Kansas City daily at 6:30 p. m.t Omaha at 5:20 p.m., St Joe at 50 p.m., arriving Denver 11 KM a. m.. Colorado Sp'gs iManiton ) 10:35 a. m., Pueblo 1 1 -SO a . m . Write for details and Colorado literature. E. W. Thompson, A. G. P. A. Topeka. Kane. John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago. t i i H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Fine Stationery and Calling Cards. 127 So.Eleventh Street. protnwMce, ia in the 'Attitude-of the Chicago Public, the beat of all the conn try reform newspaper. Mr. Poet, the editor, disparages, as he always has done, the. free silver panacea, but he goea further and shows the absurdity of the erstwhile Boy Orator'-a scheme for suppressing monopolies by meana of state exclusion thereof and a system of congressional licensing. The Public is a powerful paper of ita kind, and ita swerving from the unconditional sup port of the Editor Candidate is very significant. It is to the radical element ot United States politics what the New York Nation ia to the conservative force. It ia a dignified organ of the extreme opinion. It ia conducted along scientific lines of the higher politics and commands the respect of thousands who sneer at the sophomoric Commoner. The Public doesn't coldly throw over board the loquacious .leader, but nope the lees veers away from him' and leaves to its intelligent clientele the pleasant taskot reading between thelineaand seeing the bidden argument. As the ascendancy of the Nebraekan diminishes in Mr. Post's paper there is a crescent enthusiasm for all that Tom Johnson stands for. There is a forward of the idea ot past success, with a Pan-American Ex position number, vrhich will be even more attractive, it possible, than its World's Fair predecessor. The most famous writers of the coun try have been invited to take part in tho preparation of this issue. After many days' careful study of all the wonderful scenes of the exposition, more than a hundred photographs have been pre. pared, which, taken aa a whole, give a thorough conception of the marvels of this exposition. It is doubtful if any book, Belling at forty times the price of tbe magazine, will give any description of the fair which will approach in interest and ar tistic value the September Cosmopolitan. Those who visit the fair will preserve this number as a delightful reference book in the years to come, and those who are unable to go there will secure auch a comprehensive view of its main attractions aawill be worthy ot preservation. Kipling's Impressions of Yellowstone Canon. Of the Grand Canon of the Yellow- steady putting stone, Rudyard Kipling writes: "All I a democracy not can say is that without warning or pre- tied to one man or one issue and this paration I looked into a gulf 1,700 feet means that the epell of the personality deep, with eagles and fishhawka circling of the Wordy One is broken, so far aa fr below. And the sides of that gulf concerns to higher class of political, were one wild welter of color crimson, aocial aad economical reformers. The emerald, cobalt, ochre, umber, honey Pullic'e position is an indication that1 splashed with port wine, snow-white, the day of the pilgrim candidate is done, vermillion, lemon and silver gray in As the paper represents tbe high-water wide washes. The sides did not fall mark of intelligent opposition to the sheer, but were, graven by time and purposes and methods of the adminir. water and air into monstrous beads of tration, and as Tom Johnson seems to kings, dead chiefs men and women of be defined in the mind of the Public's the old time. So far below that no editor as a sort of dejMj)ivinty,iineonnd of its strife-rcojild reach ue, the cannot help"sarmieing that Tom John- Yellowstone River, ran, a finger-wide eonie not in sympathy with the con- atrip of jade green. The sunlight took tinued leadership ot the man who made these wondrous walls and gave fresh two picturesque losings in the tight for the presidency. Tom Johnson ia the new. champion of the extremist:ideas and in subtle fashion he is being foisted into the place of honor. Thus we see that not only are the reorganizes op hues to those that nature had already laid there. Evening crept through the pines that shadowed us, but the full glory of the day flamed in that canon as we went out very cautiously to a jutting piece of rock blood-red or pink it was posed to further Willieism, but tbe that overhung the deepest deeps of better Bort of radicals are convinced !' Now 1 know what it is to sit en tbat a new man is .needed to carry radi- throned amid the clouds of sunset as calism to its logical political results, the spirits sit in Blake's pictures.'' PHONE 68 . SAOiLS HAPMESSor5-' HORSE COLLARS jjftllgg m 'THjV T KlUl BUNK . .-. of LINCOLN, NEBR. . . . Jt JtJ Capital . . . . .$ 200,00000 Surplus and Profits . 54255.08 Deposits . . .-. 2,480252.18 J Jt jt aTBBmBLBaBRBaBsBaVV lt.-..til sH0WWffl S. H. Bureham, President. -A. I. .Sawyer, Vice President. H.S. Freeman. Cashier. H. B. Evans, Frank Parks, Asrt Cashier. Art Cashier. UNIJED STATES DEf 0SIJ0JW. M Dealer to BEFORE YOU BUY. MANUFACTURED BY HARPHAM BR0S.C0. Lincoln, Neb. J. R. HAGGARD. M.I). rlraoolxa, Xetor. Office JJOOO Street, Rooms 212, 213, 214, Richards' Block. Telephone 535 Residence 1310 G St. Telephone K9S4 There is no better indication that the disaffection with the former democratic Demosthenes permeates all factions than the skillfully handled editorials of the Public. Not an unkind word has it to Bay of tbe late leader. Indeed its com. pliments are very prettily paid all the time, but always there is the intimation that a new deal of some kind is needed, and always, even though by indirection, it is Tom Johnson who is put forth as the new champion of a reform that bball devote itself .exclusively to putting the screws to 1be plutocracy. The Mirror. Join the Burlington's specially con ducted excursion to Yellowstone Park and Bee this grandest and most beauti ful of nature's marvels. Leaves Omaha Tuesday, August 20. Gets back on tbe morning of the 29th. The entire expense of the trip will be less than $100. Information on request. J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, 8-10-2 Omaha, Nebr. LITERARY NOTES. A Great Newspaper . The Sunday edition of the St. Louis Republic is a marvel of modern news paper enterprise. The organization of its news service is world-wide, complete The Bale of thousands of copies of a in every department; in fact, superior to ten-cent magazine at one dollar apiece that of any other newspaper, waa a very curious happening at the The magazine section is illustrated in time of the Chicago World's Tair. The daintily tinted colors and splendid half Cosmopolitan prepared a World's Fair tone pictures. This section contains number, contributed to by many famous more higb-claas literary matter than writers, and so thoroughly illustrated any of the monthly magazines. Tbe that it surpassed even tbe most expen- fashions illustrated in natural colors are sivebook which had up to that time especially valuable to the ladies, been issued. In those days the maga- The colored comic section is a genuine zine was printed from two sets ot plates laugh-maker. The funny cartoons are only, and when these were worn out it by" the beet artists. The humorous was impossible, without a great lose of storiM are high-class, by authors of na time, to put further editions on the tional reputation. pre6B. The newsdealers, taking ad van- Sheet music, a high-class, popular tage of this condition, raised the price of song, is furnished free every Sunday in The Cosmopolitan's World's Fair num- Ths Republic. ber to one dollar a copy. A few sales The price of the Sunday Republic by were even made toward the close at the mail one year is 82.00. For sale by all h enomenal figure of five dollars. Un- news dealers. 'Y --.