4 THE COURIER. in 10 Extracts from Mrs. Elia V. Pcattie's New Novel, "The Bcleaguerec? Forest." , There is really only one misfortune in the world which is worth mentioning, and that is to remain unexpressed. 1 am not afraid of anything but re pression and whisperings and conceal ment and reservations. . . The worst form of impiety to me, is to let the hu man forces be unuBod. The heart and the brain, these are vats filled with grapes, and it is the work of each man to press out the wine. Thoughts are like mother-of-pearl. They alter each second; they hve in describable half-lights, and vanishing, nameless tints. The man who could describe them would be a poet past any poet who ever lived. In moments of confidence we may eay something which approaches a revealing, but it is dull end coarse. It is a base coin employed for purposes of exchange because the true gold is beyond our reach. Souls are balls of crystal, touching at one point only. American caste is something like the mist on the mountain side. It looks as if it were there when you see it at a distance, but as you draw closer to it it becomes impalpable, or can be felt only by a slight chill which pervades your body, but to which you presently be come accustomed. ugly houses with dynnmite and place gun powder under ready made clothing establishments. I'm a sort of peri patetic providence out of a job." Virtues are about. The artistic temperament and the trained conscience make a good com bination and one not often to be .found. Fate is like a merchant; it will take all it can get and it 1b possible for the conscience to be prodigal with restitu tion. Life in the camp in winter is like be ing in a gigantic porcelain vase, and with all the memory of one's life en closed in the vase. "They are the spices of my pot-pourri, for I think my self as mere ashes of rosee, or at best a handful of leaves left over from blos som time." When drab souls get up to heaven J suppose they'll be set a little to one side where the glory can't fade them. Thus fell the tall pine: "I saw the beautiful shaft tremble; a shrill, mu sical vibration ran its length, then a high note of alarm and despair seemed to burst from it it was like the cry of an inconceivably mighty violin and it swayed, then toppled, slowly at first, then faster faster the great trunk dragging it. Then came the tragic plunge, the crash, a chaos of flying branches, a ruEh of scurrying echoes from the hills, and then silence. It would call to the morning no longer; no longer watch the wheeling of slow con. etellatione; no longer gather to itself the perfumes of spring as they floated up from the ardent south; no longer en tangle the streamers of the northern lights in its aspiring top. It is dead!" Quoth John Cadmus: "If I see a man wbo 6eems dissatisfied with.his terms of iifel wonder if it wouldn't be a mercy in me to knock bis brains in. When I see a jaded woman dragging herself down to the city to work every day to support an existence that has no chance (or her or anybody else, I have difficulty to restrain myself from pushing her un der the car wheels and making an end of ber. X always desire to blow up Milly Billy, do you know you've a pretty mouth? It's a pity to waste such a mouth on a man. Billy I never waste it on a man. Town Topics. Missionary Are you going to burn me at the Blake? Cannibal No; I'll just bake you to a turn. Tou don't know what an excel lent cook I am. The Polynesian. " Beware the microbes in a kiss 1 " Stern science ever cries ; But then, when ignorance is bliss, 'Tis folly to be wise. No member of the legal profession ever handed down an opinion requiring such wonderful acumen as did a report er from Washington recently, writing of the weather. While not making any specific prediction regarding the effect of the rains, he ventures the opinion that "all those crops that are not ir retrievably ruined will be benefited by the breaking of the drought. It will take the average mind several houre to digest such a solid chunk of wisdom as that. to be lived, not talked DAYS IN BEAVER CANON. BV FLORA BULLOCK. For The Courier Geologists have almost admitted that the Black Hills is an enchanted land. They cannot explain its formation nor account for its wonders. They simply know that at some time before the Dawn the new Earth trembled, and lifted great stores of its hidden treas ures nearer the sun and within reach of man's prying hands. In all this broad land there is no piece of ground of like extent that is bo rich with a variety of gifts, and at the same time so fascinat ing in beauty. People who have travel ed the world over and have paused in many picturesque spots say that there are nooks and corners of the Hills which are unsurpassed. Yet most of those who journey Hillward know only the main-traveled roads and well-beaten burro tracks. Thrice blessed is he, however, who can get out into the heart of the Hills, where few summer sojourn ers have penetrated, and explore the canons known only to the Indians of old. the deer who are following if not proceeding them on the path to ex tinction, and the ranch man, herald of a new era. He will find lovely slopes by brooks where he will want tc pitch his tent, narrow canons, high-walled with red rock precipices, and always the weird, blue black mountains in the dis tance lure. Do not let them entice you to move from your lookout, for long is the road that leads to them, and the blue black haze is as illusive and unat tainable as the rainbow. In truth, there ib something uncanny in the vay certain hills Beem to recede as you ap proach them and follow when you turn your back. Mt.Piegah, a great, long, green hulk with a white stone crown, never leaves you, if you travel north ward from this point, and you never seem to reach it. I have hoped to fol low the horse's nose up its slopes, but I fear I shall never get to it, though it appears to be very near. You will not have been in Beaver Canon an hour before you will hear somebody say, "up on the prairie." Preferences WE Jong ago learned that to argue against a wo man's preferences was a mere waste of time consequently we never try. We sell every good sort of typewriter in its best form. One of these will suit your requirements. Plenty of unbiased advice, however, if you require it. . E. AM&OU&Z, Telephone 759 v T 1106 O (Street: IINCOIN, NEBR. You will booc come to think that is certainly an enchanted region, and a curiosity to go hence will seize you. After the long up-grade drive of seven miles, it will be a joy to come out on a wide, s'ightly rolling prairie, where great fields of oats and wheat are ripen ing for the harvest. No crop failure there, but a land of heavy laden, yel lowing greenness. Isn't it queer to see those large, smooth Btones that He along the road, telling their chapter in the story of creation? Some New England settler has begun to pile them along under his wire fences, and in time they will form a picturesque addition to the prairie landscape. The ranchman landed me at a primi tive log shack on a little hillside close by a large grove of quaking aspen trees that cluster around a spiing of Nature's own nectar. I cannot imagine what possessed the builder of this cabin to locate it on the elope of the hill, the windowless north end being about a foot lower than the south end. From the door I looked straight into a stony hillside, and it was alight compensation to know that from that hill I could see, by the aid of a field glass, the line of the Big Horn mountains far to the west. The ranchman explained that the in clined floor was meant for a watershed; when it rained, a frequent occurrence here, the water that came in under the door would flow right through. But the first settler did not even boast of a floor. When a young man of more pro gressive spirit bousht out the claim and came up for his first night of the re quired tenancy, he found cold comfort. It was in the dead of winter, and win ter "up on the prairie" is a thing to be feared, and he brought his brother in law to keep him company. One slept on the board which served as a bed while the other kept up the fire on the floor. The ranchman regaled me with such cheerful (alee as these while we ate our lunch. Then while he worked at his haying, I sought the solitude of the aspen grove, and filled my fingers with gooseberry stickers just as it I were not alone, away off at the end of the world. Hardly a bird call broke the silence or interrupted the talking of the aspen leaves, the grasshoppers out on the hillside buzzed like rattle snakes, but oh, there are no snakes on the "prairie!" They cannot warm their skinny backs sufficiently in that cool latitude. One is not even afforded the com pany of stray cows, fur the prairie is not a cattle country. So it is possible to be very much alone, and barring poetic moods, very lonely in that high and supposedly enchanted land. Give me, rather, a jolly crowd, with a wagonful of truck, bound for a day's camping. Up the Beaver canon a real narrow canon, not a wide valley is an ideal place. Under pines on a sloping hillside, with a view of red and white' rock ledges and high gypsum buttes in front, beyond which peers the inevitable black-robed Pisgah; in front, the clear bubbling Beaver where trout lurk. The Doctor says they are only good to eat; they take the hook like suckers, that explains my luck. There is a house not far away for shelter from storms, and numerous Bide canons and mountain trails invite the rovers. With the beautiful and great old limestone at yuur use, tieer auu wiiu uirus ruuciy feet, with the anthem of the pines blended with the song of the brook, and the sky opening wide before you what more could a body wish? Add e crowd and the merry laughter and jok ing, the ravenous hunger and the uncon ventional appeasing of it, where are your seaside resorts and summer hotels beside it? Company at the ranch. Such a bak ing and stewing and frying, such rattle of dishes and bustling in kitchen and sitting room. Grown folk, young folk, children and babies, and all happy and young. It is not like having company to tea in town. For the ranch is a long way off, and they must come to stay all night and several days. Do you re member how it was when all the eons and daughters came home to the farm for a holiday? Such gayety, such ei citement. Why, we even forgot to watch the teams that pass, trying to name the occupante, unless we discover some addition to the company. How lonely it seems when they have all gone away, when there is no baby to play with, no little chaps to amuse. One may love mountains and skies, finding contentment among them for awhile. But, after all, the human interest is supreme, and no one can be truly hap py long alone. E. H. PIERSON, and gtoebs. 1035 K St. . Lincoln, Net- 1