The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 10, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Ofoe lOtn and Q Sta. Phone
Piano and
Moving .
Furniture WE SELL . .
. ... All Grades of Coal.
A b me Line of Car- 1
mgee and Buggies, .
If You Want First-Class Service Call on Us.
" 11 1 tn ii i mil
of the summer in St. Paul, SONS OF THE MORNING.
Married, on Wednesday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bar
clay, Miss Jessie M. Stanton and Mr.
Zeno E. Crook of Auburn, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs Crook are
the state university.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wright
and Mrs. W. O. Wilson left Thursday
evening for Chicago. After a visit in
that city Mr. and Mrs. Wright will visit
Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will
take a trip up the lakes.
Mrs. Carrie S. Irwin and family of
Quincy, Illinois, spent Friday with Mrs.
Irwin's mother, Mrs. Eliza Polk, en
route to the Black Hills.
f r Mil
"Sons of the M'orning" la the title of
a remarkable new book by Mr. Eden'
Philpotts. Mr. Philpotts' first novel.
both alumni of uyins pnets," attracted consider
able attention lippiiuon nf Ho To-Im,!
m mm Individuality and its picturesque and!
anil fllr, i-'m-mnii nmco. TJIn .. .1 ,. .Irni
o""" !"". ina ocuunu wurK. me
An accredited school to the State Universities of Nebraska and Iowa
Prepares for the leading Colleges and Universities.
AIRKD M. WILSON, Pit. D. (Vale), Principal. 2
Chancellor E. Ilenjamin Andrews Her. Dr. II. O. Itowlamls ?
Profes-sorOroveE. Harber Mm. A. J. Sawyer 2
Profevsor Krwln II. Harbour Dean I.uclu A. Sherman 2
Dean Charles K. Uesseyl Professor W a.L. Tuylor 5
Adjunct Professor William P. Dann Irofessor Henry B. Ward 2
Dean Ellery W. Davis Kev. Dr. Fletcher L. Wharton 2
Professor Fred Morrow Flln Mrs. II. II. Wilson. 2
Dean Manoah U. Iteese 2
Address of Principal, 619 Sonth llth Street, Lincoln, Nebr. e
the real English people depicted by
George Eliot, Henry Fielding and
tll... TI-.l.. .l 1... T-Vtl. .1 kn
The world is weary unto death of
stories about artists and scholars and
convinced nil orlHpni rnniDnl n, potts
new man had entered the ranks of theiwhen he W(
great English novelists. In his last ichronIcIe ot
Mrs.W. W. Holmes and Mr,
Holmes left Lincoln Sunday
for an European tour.
Mrs. E.P. Savage left on Wednesday
for Clinton, Iowa, where she was called
by the serious illness of her mother.
Miss Margaret Kyle will return next
Monday from a six woeku' vacation
spent in the east.
Miss Lennie Stuart returned Wednes
day from an eastern trip.
Mrs. W. C. Griffith will spend the re
maining summer months in Minnesota.
Miss Winifred Sherman is entertain
ing her cousin, MiBS Bagley, of Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Webster Eaton have
returned from a month's visit in the
The American Savings Hank of 132
North Eleventh street, pays interest on
Hon. II. C. Lindsay has returned
from a trip to the Big Horn mountains.
Mrs. F. A. Harrison has returned
from a visit in Omaha.
Mrs. Carl Funke and Miss Claire
Funke left Sunday afternoon for New
ark, Ohio.
Dr. Rosa Bouton is spending the
month of August in Sabetha, Kansas.
Dr. Carr, surgeon. 141 South 12th.
Died, on Wednesday aftornoon, at St.
Elizabeth's hospital, Paul C. Hunger,
aged twenty-three years. Two weeks
ago Mr. Hunger returned from an out
ing in Kansas, where ho was injured
while playing base ball. Soon more
serious symptoms developed, and a surg
ical operation waB decided upon after a
consultation of physicians. He was not
strong enough to rally from the opera
tion, and expired on Wednesday at 1:30
o'clock. Mr. Hunger was a young man
of exceptional ability. Graduated from
the high school in '97, he later received
his diploma from the university college
of law and was admitted to the bar in
Lancaster county. He was a member
of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity,
was president of the High School Alum
ni association, and of the young men's
republican club. Funeral services were
held at the borne of hie parents, Twenty
fourth and Randolph streets, on Friday
He (at the shore) This ocean breeze
is awful damp. It makes a fellow's mus
tache very salty.
She (absentmindedly) Yes, I noticed
that. Philadelphia Record.
Children of the Mist," which was re- aesthetlc freaks. and ot studies In
viewed in The Courier two years ago, fine "artistic temperament." air. -niii-
wua wiser iuuu uia gcueruuuu
went back to racy, rugged
common life again.
4 In his "Sons of the Morning" there
Is a whole troop of working people.
reapers and hay-makers and foresters
and plow-boys and milk-maids, all
presented with a brevity and vividness
and impartiality almost Shaksperean.
Indeed as one Shaksperean reads of
the black rages of Cramphorn, the
wisdom of Churdles Ash and the
Courtship of Llbby, one things contin
ually of Andry and William and
Phoebe and the old shepherd. The
combat between the two sisters, Mar
gery and Sally Cramphorn, In Its rich
humor and lusty spirit recalls the fam
ous battle in "Tom Jones" in which
Mollle, the forester's daughter, lost her
new gown and most of her reputation.
Both the sisters were known tobe In
love with Greg LIbby, a weak-blooded,
cautious country swain who could not
make up his mind which of them
would make the best housekeeper; and
mightily feared the wrath of the re
jected. After mature consideration he
proposed to both and Invited each sep
arately to appear at a certain secluded
spot on the same hour of the same day.
He himself hid behind a rock and the
maids met, began to twit each other
and finally fell into a furious battle,
fighting with stones and finger-nails
for weapons while Greg sat by and
watched them, determined to wed the
I am sure there is no other living
man besides Thomas Hardy who could
have written that scene. If Mr. Fhill
potts were not absolutely without sen
timentality, it would have been impos
sible for him.
Fiction writers are becoming more
and more "sicklied o'er with the pale
cast of thought;" given over to psycho
logical studies so that they have lost
all kinship and knowledge of that part
of society which lives in its ears and
eyes and stomach and uses its fists
oftener than its handkerchiefs.
Old Dumas said that to make a play
he needed but four walls, two people
and one passion. Now-a-days to make
a story we need but a studio, a woman
who is more than half man and a man
who Is more than half woman and an
intellectual affinity. If there were one
man who could write of the American
common people, the people on whom
the burden of labor rests, who plant
the corn and cut the wheat and drive
the drays and mine the coal and forge
the iron and move the world, then
there might be some hope for a litera
ture of and from the American people.
But so far our men who write of the
people at all write of trusts and strikes
and corporations and man-devouring
railroads, of the mere condition of la
bor and not of men at all.
The wealth of descriptive writing
which from the first marked Mr. Phill-
tii:Jisli novelists. In his last
work, "Sons of the Morning," he has
entirely avoided the fault of diffuse
ness which detracted somewhat from
his second novel.
In "The Children of the Mist" Mr.
PhlUtoits attempted to depict the life
of an entire Dartmoor village,
and to chronicle fully and
sympathetically the lives of some
twenty persons. In view of the diffi
culties of the task he set himself, his
success was remarkable; but the di
versity of interest In some measure de
tracted from the congrulty and com
pactness of the novel as a whole.
The scenario of "Sons of the Morn
ing" is much the same as in his former
novels; but the plot is concerned chief
ly with four characters, picturesquely
attended by a train of country-folk and
retainers which Mr. Phillpotts handles
with notable success. Indeed the most
hopeful of this young man's many
brilliant qualities is his clear and sym
pathetic understanding of the British
yeoman and the laboring men of that
part of England of which it Is his
pleasure and perhaps his necessity to
Thomas Hardy, George Meredith and
George Moore are all of them old men,
to whom very many more years of
literary activity cannot be left; and
among the newer writers there seemed
none of sufficient vigor and body to
succeed them worthily.
Sir Walter Besant has chosen easy
and flowery ways; Hall Calne, who
even in his best days wrote always at
the top of his voice, is now quite be
yond the province of serious consider
ation. M'r. Anthony Hope Hawkins,
who might have done what he pleased
with us eight years ago and made us all
for a space prisoners of Zenda, has
since done nothing much above the
clever dilettante, and Mrs. Cralgle has
never cherished any ambition other
than to surprise.
For the sake of so much that was
beautiful in "The Forest Lovers," we
willfully stopped our ears to that note
of hysterical effeminateness which
crept now and then into Mr. Maurice
Hewlett's work; but the lamentable
collapse of the latter third of "Richard
Yea and Nay" demonstrated that he
ha3 not sufficiently matured to be ab
solutely trustworthy and that his taste
is capable of very gross lapses.
Then there Is a whole host of the
disagreeable people of the Voynich
and Cholmondeley order and a host of
the light and subtle people, passionate
imitators of all genre work, ancient
and modern.
The notable thing about Phillpotts
is that he has withstood the tempta
tions of the historical romance and
the illusive and recompenseful short
story and has gone back to the life of
potts style Is, If anything, enhanced
In his last work. It seemed that noth
ing more could be said about Moor
land rivers and trees and sky and birds
and flowers, than was said In "The
Children of the Mist;" but the man's
passion for the visible forms of nature
seems inexhaustible.
I Buspect it was to tell of these
things that he first wrote at all. Ho
paints a dozen different sunrises seen
from practically the same place; all
complete, presentive, and wholly dis
tinct. He tells of nights and noons
and morns over and over without ever
wearying the reader's patience. Such a
knowledge of botany, forestry, horti
culture, geology, ornithology and zool
ogy as underlies this fervid and pic
torial descriptive writing.
Whether he will sustain his objec
tive study and delineation of charac
ter as wonderfully as Thomas Hardy
has done it, is too soon to say; but
like him he has heard the heart-beats
of the people, and he Is more of a poet
than Hardy ever was.
'So Miss Charming ia going to marry
oldjimaon? She'll look lovely in or
ange Mowers.
"But how much lovelier she'll be in
weeds." Chicago Record Herald.
Analyzing His Affection.
The young lovers sat beside the water
fall. The rapids and the near-by whirl
pool had a strange attraction for the
romantic young girl. She had heard
the story of the unhappy maiden and
the young brave who had gone to their
doom, clasped in each other's arms, to
the slow music of the swan song. That
seemed very beautiful to her.
"Jack," she said, "if you saw me
struggling in the water near the edge of
the falls would you jump in after me?"
"What wauld be the use, my dear,
when I can't swim?" he answered.
"But at least we should perish togeth
er," she replied, bravely.
"Yes, there would be no doubt ot
that," he returned, shuddering at the
Bound of the cruel waters.
"But haven't you often said you would
die for me?" she aeked, piqued at hiB
"No, my dear," replied her practical
lover. "If you'll remember, I've always
told you that I had an undying love for
you!" Smart Set.
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For Sale By.
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