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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1901)
rHE COURIER. as tbe "Scapa." Startinj modestly about eight year ago. it now numbers oTer one thousand members icd enjoys a group of supporters in parliament. Its influence has prohibited flashlight ad vertisements where they cause danger to traffic, has effected a discontinuance of the recent London innovation of em ploying young girls as advertising pla card bearers on the streets; has secured an ordinance prohibiting advertisements on the omnibuses, a reform greatly needed. And through the influence of Scapa workers parliament has passed an act giving municipal authorities the power to control the places where ad vertisements are allowed. In France every advertisement which can be described as a painted sign is subject to the pajment of a fee if dis played in a public place. An American, who has recently spent a year in travel ing through France, writes: "There is in France no such general disfigurement of beautiful scenery as one finds here at home. This sort of advertising is in the main confined to the railxay lines, and is much more noticeable as one ap proaches the city of Paris." By the municipal ordinance cf Rome, advertising announcements are confined to billboards which are not licensed in appropriate localities. Turning to our own America, while the field of work has not been large, yet some of our states already have laws af fecting advertisements. In New Jersey any city that cares to has the right to pass an ordinance regulating or restrict ing public advertising. Ohio has a sim ilar law, including villages as well as cities, but restricting practically non-residents in their advertisements. San Francisco has an ordinance pro tecting telegraph, telephone and electric light poles from disfigurement in ad vertisement, and prescribing that signs ehall not be over three feet high and those on any premises not over ten feet high. Chicago, with characteristic progres siveness, gives distinct recognition of aiithetic rights in an ordinance passed last July, which, in addition to determ ining the size and height of signs and billboards, forbids their erection on boulevarde, pleasure drive or residence streets without the consent in writing of three-fourths of the residents and prop erty owners on both sides of the street in the block where it is desired to erect the sign or billboard. It has been argued by Mr. Olmstead of the American Park and Outdoor asso looking at tbe question from a legal point of view, that an offensive sight is no less a public nuisance than an offensive sound; an offense becomes a nuisance, by the definition of the "Cen tury Dictionary," when "the selfish use of a right transcends the obligations to reepect the welfare of others." And it is believed by those interested in the work that our courts will soon recognize the offensive Eights ap a nuisance, even if they do not today. In Belgium a municipal art society, some years ago, held a contest for beautiful signs, the beet and most beautiful receiving prizes. The result has been that all over Brus sels you find pretty signs, and the curi ous part is that the beautiful ones pay Letter than the ugly; for, vrhile the lat ter receive a passing notice, they call forth feelings of disgust, and the beau tiful attract permanent attention. This c THE FRH ICE GRERM And Dairy Go. Manufacturers of the finest qual ity of plain and fancy Ice Cream Icee, Frozen Puddings, Frappe and Sherbets. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. 133SO. 1 2th St. PHONE 205 ; is an example worthy of international imitation. This, then, is a work for us to do. The women's clubs of Iowa could not be doing a better work in our struggle for municipal reform and for the evolution of good citizenship and the protecting of our boys and girls from all that is degrading. We have already taken up some of its branches, and our many clubs can testify to good results in our village improvement, tree planting, clean streets, artistic resi dences and grounds. Consolidated with these the work cf improving the adver tising, and the most necessary reform of the opening of the twentieth century will be half won. Our men have cot the leisure, and perhaps not the interest, to take the in itiative, but they will undoubtedly be found willing and helpful when the work is laid out. Mrs. Jeannette Deem er at the meeting of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs, April 30. Colorado Springs has an organization called "The Sheldon Union."" To it be long the progressive girls who do house work for a living, says Ellis Meredith, in the Denver News. One night they had a debate on the subject: "Resolved, That the trials of the bervant are greater than those of the mistress." Some wit ty things were said and good points made on both sides, for tbe mistress side of the case was presented by two disputants, who, having been maids, are now mist i esses, and find their last state worse than their first. One of the shots that was received with great applause was this: "Training schools for servants have often been discussed at great length at women's clubs, at tbe home and else where, but a far greater good could be accomplished if we bad training schools for mistresses." That doubtless sounds well, but any one who will stop and think will be con vinced that fifty women are taking tbe training to make them competent house keepers to one girl who thinks any training necessary to do "general house work.' In some of the colleges scien tific housekeeping is part of the curric ulum, they have a learned Greek name for it, but it means knowing that one should buy linen that has a round thread, and a quantity of soap at a time and put salt into the skillet before put ting in the steak, and charcoal in the cabbage pot to destroy the odor, and other things that nobody would find out for herself. Wherever there is a wo man's club, there tbe domestic science department flourishes, or shortly will do so, and wherever two or three women are gathered together there will be dis cussed manners and methods of house work. This will continue to be so un til we have evolved a scheme of keeping house that comports with the rentury. The average room set apart for -the girl'' is bare and uninviting to a degree; often it is Email and uncomfortable; it is to be hoped that women architects will remedy this fault. It is frequently the haven for all the dilapidated furniture it will bold. On the otaer hand, there are girls who never remember to change their own sheets unless reminded to do so. It is a hardship to be compelled to re ceive company in tbe kitchen, even if it is a nicer kitchen than usual, but what can the best intentioned mistress do about it? Sometimes 6he lets her girl use the dining room, but she can't very well give up ber parlor or sitting room and incommode her family. Auy rea sonable girl can 6ee that. Most of them do. If one expected to keep a retinue of servants, one would make provision for them on a large scale, but the num ber of women who employ even one girl is surprisingly small, less, it has been stated, than ten per cent. One of the clever stories told -vas this: The Christian mistress believes in 3 'iiy 3k 'dLlloLdhiwlmLanCfr "t m a r CAMCWPPDCA! c g t VLrLrna 4JF mk jjtlml -W m tSior ? J? ,f ' & '-Jt Viiw Begins on fllonaac Morning A"gSt 12. This sale is just what its namt J implies a clean sweep, a thorough clearing-of all summer goods. Fall$ stocks are coming- thick and fast, and the' need room. They're go-J? S': ing- to have it, and at the expense of the warm weather wares. Nothing- will be reserved; thc? whole store must put off its sum- mer garb and don the heavier and l$ mote sombre one of fall. -m, It's the last chance to buv the needs of now for fig- f -- i t AiT- &H ures lower than tne matters Knew S a W fh 5? Viy- II jo - ,f t i I 4 1f w atch lor tne circular containing- tne aetaus s- vou don't live in Lincoln, we'll mail you one upon re-w quest. g& & vAl ai3 WXCOIvX, XEBR. preferences WE long- ago learned that to argue against a wo man's preferences was a mere waste of time consequent we never try. We sell ever' good sort of t-pewriter in its best form. One of these will suit your requirements. Plent- of unbiased advice, however, if you require it. I. E. ALMOND, 1I06 O Street Telephone 759 r,i:xGor,iv. :v:e;br. Agiie8 Rawlings Whose work with Miss Rivett is favorably known, will continue to do Manicuring-, Shampooing-, Hairdressing, and will give treatment of scalp diseases. Switches and pompadours made to order and all kinds of hair work carefully done. 143 SSo. I2tlx. Telephone 38. -)