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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1901)
VOL. XVI., NO. XXXII ESTABLISHED IN 1SS PRICE FIVE CENTS THE COURIER, EKTBKKOIN TBK POSTOmCE AT LINCOLN A8 SECOND CLASS MATTES. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BI TBE CODRIER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING GO Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS, : : : EDITOR Subscription Rates. Per annum SI 50 Six months 1 00 Rebate of fifty cents on cash payments. Single copies 05 The Courier will not be responsible for toI notary communications unless accompanied by return postage. Communications, to receive attention, must be turned by tne foil name of the -writer, not merely as a guarantee of good faith, bat for publication if advisable. OBSERVATIONS. WILLA SIBERT CATHER. 1 o S Real Strike Instigators. Whatever may be the real cause of the disturbances that come up from time to time in Pittsburg steel cir cles, one fact Is peculiarly significant, that strikes never occur wheu the de mand for worked steel and steel prod ucts exceeds the supply. The press dispatchers, in figuring up the total losses to the steel corporations through the inactivity of the mills, have neglected to figure what the steel magnates would lose by meeting the weekly pay roll when their ware houses are already overstocked, and an inevitable depression in the steel industry stares them in the face. If alt strikes are the fault of the workmen altogether, it would seem but a common sense measure to strike when their labor is indispensable, as, for instance, when the government orders that followed the declaration of war against Spain had to be tilled, or when Russia's orders were heaviest. The repeated occurrence of strikes when orders are light and work is slack would seem to indicate that the steel corporations of Pennsylvania and Ohio can avoid tliem when they find it expedient to do so, and that if they lose money through the idleness of their mills they would lose more in the long run through their operation. Lax Denver Law. The wounding of Professor Howie of the Peru State Normal in Denver by a stray bullet from a gambler's pistol last week gives all western cities a right to make certain sugges tions to the city authorities or that place. Denver is one of the last of the "ring towns" left in that part of the LINCOLN, NEBR., SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1901. west which has indisputably estab lished its claim to recognition as a part of civilization. Other cities to the east and west and north and south of it have worked their way out of the clutches of that debasing form of municipal government which, at one time or another, has existed in most American cities. Even St. Louis lias effected au arrangement whereby the city gets some considera ble portion of the service and protec tion for which it pays. But the funds of the Denver treasury are so largely exhausted in oiling political machin ery and in concealing and repairing the bungling work of incompetent orticers, that the city has experienced severe reverses of reputation during the past ten years. Certain forms of vice and lawless ness are expected and condoned in mushroon mining towns, in the wealth-flushed copper towns and in that line of outpost cities in the new states where the Old West has made its last desperate stand. But Denver is only twenty-four hours from Chi cago, a city with settled and perma nent sources of income which eastern capitalists regard as a tangible fact in the kaleidoscopic history of the west. This prolonged Jesse James' melodrama is unnecessary and un dignified, and is a poor card of invita tion to the tourist. An old argument is that people who come there from the east want to see a wide-open town and would not be satisfied with any thing else. There is, however, nothing picturesque about bad city government and a cor rupt city council: and in the present state of affairs there is nothing to tempt the curiosity of the most jaded sensationalist. The city has long been a menace to the tourist's pocketbook, and now it threatens his life. An excellent and well-chosen police force has been the only tiling which has kept Denver from reverting into absolute and unrestrained lawless ness, but innumerable hold-ups and shootings have demonstrated the fact that though the police may mark the danger, they cannot avert it; and that if a city keeps snakes in its cellars, occasionally somebody will get bitten. The lack of discipline and "I'm as good as you and a little better"' holds throughout all grades of public ser vice. It is one of the first things that strikes the tourist. Everywhere the most, exorbitant tips are demand ed. He goes to a hotel and notices that the bell boys and porters all ride in the guests' elevator, and on tiie second day of his stay the bell boys begin to critically discuss ttie other guests of the house with him. Mrs. Potter Palmer told an amus ing story in Paris about a hotel clerk there who, when she went on to meet Mr. Palmer there, told her that Mr. Palmer tiad been suddenly called up to one of ttie mining towns, but that he himself would be entirely at her disposal until her husband's return and would be glad to show her about the town. A Dramatized Omar. After Lis production of Stephen Phillipps "Herod" and Bootli Tark ington's delightful "Monsieur Beau caire," Richard Mansfield intends staging a drama entitled "Omar Khayyam," written by a talented young Pittsburger, George Seibel. Ttie text of the play is so arranged as to permit Mr. Mansfield to quote many of ttie most beautiful passages of the "Rubaiyat" in situations of the play to which they peculiarly apply. The heroine of the drama is the daughter of the potter to whose house the poet often repaired to meditate upon "the things of clay." The play contains a double interest the ro mance which is concerned solely with Omar's affection for ttie potter's daughter, and an exposition of his philosophy in his lialf-humorous pro test against the Pharisaical creed of theMusselmen. It contains a bril liantly written drinking scene; and the last act, which is in blank verse, is an idyl woven about the beautiful tiieme: "A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou Beside me, singing in the wilderness." The scenario of the play is sucli as will give Mr. Mansfield ricti oppor tunities for ttiose feats of stage man agement witli which lie lias occupied himselr much of late years; and an oriental play offers unusual tempta tions in the line of scenic display. The author of the piece is a news paper man, American by birth but German by descent: a scholar by taste and habit and widely read in three languages. His study of Oriental manners and religions has been suf ficient to warrant ttie play's being free from anachronisms in spirit and letter. If the play is s'.cessfully produced, it will be an occasion of no small importance: for, so far, Ameri can dramatists have shown them selves woefully lacking in ability to handle poetic subjects. J Constant's Victoria. The rejection of Benjamin Con stant's portrait of Queen Victoria lias at last been thoroughly adver tised in this country, though Mme. Cecilia, Marquise de Wentworth, who is also a painter after a fashion, brougtit the news of its unpopularity with the royal family to Washington last winter. The Marquise paints portraits in the old, hard manner. One of the Pope 1 believe is accounted a very good one, and she was a pupil of Cabanel and Gorome. She goes about a good deal among the studios of men of the older school, and as she tias a handsome house and a good cook and makes a specialty of dinner-giving, the men of the newer schools drop ii on her frequently. She tiad seen the Constant port rait of ttie Queen when it was ex hibited at the Salon, and Constant had told her the story of ttie paint ing of it. Queen Alexandra had a high appreciation of Constant's work, and had repeatedly urged the aged Queen to sit to him. Ttie artist went to England on that one commission, and received a fabulous price for his work. The old Queen granted lilui only half a dozen sittings, and ttiose were grudgingly given and unsatis factory to the artist. He was obliged to work from photographs, and resort to makeshifts that he abominates, as tie usually requires from fifty to seventy-five sittings from any sub ject. Finally tie decided to transfer his study of the Queen to a large can vas and make it one of the figures in a figure piece, filling the canvas up witli portraits of the more approacha ble people of the court and royal family. This he did; but whether it is this picture or the original study of the single figure of the Queen, that King Edward has rejected and re fused to admit into any of the royal" collections, the press dispatches from London do not state. Ttie picture was completed about four months before Victoria's death, and on the sole occasion on which stic inspected it she conceived sucli a violent prejudice against it that it is quite possible tier disfavor lias caused its rejection by ttie King. Edward MacDowelt. "What is ttie best thing that can be done for American art?"' said Ignace Padcrewski to Mr. Krebbeil, the foremost of New York Musical Critics, "why, buy pictures and get the people to look at ttiem." "What is ttie best tiling ttiat can be done for American music?" "Why, give Ed ward MacDowelt twenty ttiousand a year and make him quit teaching and. write." Yet every day one comes across pedantic music teachers who ask:. "Who is Edward MacDowelt?" With the exception of Dvorak,. Grieg, Massenet and Saint Saens, there is probably no living composer who is writing music of such an in tensely individual nature as Mac Dowell, or whose work seems to have more of that quality which gives un limited youth and tenure to works of art. Ten or fifteen years ago his com positions began to appear in the rep ertoires of foreign concert pianists, and for the last eight years they have figured from time to time in Ameri can concert programs; but MacDowell seldom gives recitals himself, and, except by his pupils, very little is known about his personality. He is a man of leonine head, witli a physique not unlike Rosenthal's. For some years lie has been professor of the theory of music at Columbia university. s i Yl ill i f H r - t 1 ' i Vl ! f l i i'l M '.V hi If ,1 J il il t a d .