ft Tl THB GOURIER i.lll,lliiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiii!iii:iiiiiiiiiliiiii.,"illii;;ii.,,;i::i;iiiiii,:i; i'iiji'tttttttt vl ... .j:j it i.i.ii '".i:.n ,', " iiMriTi-r-iTiT-ir'n-iM tii in. in ".'i,,, i i., i i ."ii!i!ii!:;!iii..!::.;:rrn V N " i vUr TPp t F 9 1 rBJ5fcfl5i5il?T!iMttMfcffirtfcBSfr ? y ' 4 rpMMBVa' HKMfe '' 'iTZ. " pJ " " t" ' l nif'iiii.rt r ' rr .:ni ih'iiihiii-l - - -. " -r- jmrjJ?WX::-v777Z: WEJT VIRGINIA BUILDING. rAN-AntiucAN ExrcxriTio ' " fttJ' ,A.MJT ftXMiTtCT '' -iiiiv'rv;"""-;!"!!!!")";: :vi",i";i-i.ini"" irn'i' ," rii'i'ii;'!!!! ONE OF THE NORTH MEN. KATHARINE MELICK. For The Courier. 1 II. Eliza Ann Matthiason wa& a woman who made life hard for herself. She knelt down to Bcrub her floor, and stood up to pare potatoes, and never eat upon her cushioned chairs. Those three plump pads of red and blue crewel were set apart, dedicate to the use of the ministry. The Reverend James Mat thiason consecrated one to his own service. When, after a morning at the wash board, Eliza went to her own room, with every morsel of flesh tingling in dull, weary aches, she did not even look at her snowy bed. She laid herself down for a quarter of an hour on the bare floor, and then rose to prepare the dinner of the Reverend James. If by any chance she saw a cob web, or a feathery dust-wraith sliding under that white valance, when she took her breath of rest, the foreign substance must first be banished. Even at night, Eliza Ann put her hair into tight plaits, pinned them rigid and fast to the back of her head, and tucked them away iu her night-cap, before she went to bed. For forty years, she combed her hair so every night, and slept, too, as even a Japanese martyr to the cofTure sleeps, in eome inscrutable wise. It waB not, then, altogether to the blame of the Reverend James Matthia eon, reformed jockey and frontier cir cuit rider, that he rode away on his fortnightly pilgrimages with out a thought of providing for Eliza Ann's Hre or chest or cupboard; without even a farewell kiss to the wife he might never ride home to find. Let us who build no stone fences about our hearts to shut out our nearest, wonder at the two devotees to duty, who conscien tiously hardened each other's path through this thorny life. For the Reverend James, ns he jogs forth to face Apollyon and all his em issaries, feels dimly a sense of Eliza Ann's patient, wordless reproach. .Without connecting this at all with the circumstances of the empty wood house, or the mute pots and pans, he is op pressed; and as he meets another horse man, thinks first of the stranger's pistols, and afterwards of his soul. In the log tavern where he is per mitted to hold forth the Word, he dwells with tenacity upon the future Btata of the condemned. Women in se vere bonnets, and men without cravats listen to the tale of tortures in store for the spirit that have chosen "gold and pearls and costly array," rather than the "ornament of the meek and quiet spirit." "For like as the souls of the righteous grow more and more into the perfect day, increasing in their power to hold the ineffable joy of the redeemed, so, my friends, is it unto the lost. They, too, pass through periods of change. They become more and more capable of feeling the sting of the worm that dieth not. Every second counts its weight to the sum of their damnation." It was at this climax that a kitten strayed along the rows of Eeats, arching her back expectantly, as no one put out a hand. When she came to chair of Hester Ann Rogers Rugg, aged seven and very sleepy, the intruder cast one look at Hester, and sprang into her lap. But the place of the preaching of Rev erend James Mattbiason was not to be trifled with. In tones that chilled Hes ter Ann Rogers Rugg for titty years thereafter, the speaker called: "Let that cat be removed! For this hour we are in the house of God!"' And his denunciation of the work3 of Apollyon became caustic. "Ye are a parcel of children, playing with the toys of the world, worshipping the gods ye make of your gew-caws and your ear rings, while the summons of the Almighty falls unheeded. Yo spend your immortal time in reading the in ventions of Satan and all his emissaries, while the Word of God" he smote it fearfully upon the tavern table "the Word of God is forgotten. Ye deck your mortal bodies for corruption, in stead of adorning your immortal souls for incorruption." Wherever Reverend James Matthia eon went such is the power of convic tion and determined will a holocaust of strange offerings rose behind him. Bands of crocheted lace and hand worked embroidery smoked with Wav orly and Pendonnie. Every where were found some in whom the spirit of sacri fice was stirred some who forswore the temporal comforts for what seemed to them spiritual good. And despite the superior intelligences of that day, who held themselves aloof from the van dalism and vulgarity of destroying am brotypes to do God a service, despite the lugubrious groanings and shoutings and spirit dances, those men and women who sacrificed physical comfort for the good of their souls had not an ignoble philosophy. It reverts to the dark ages, perhapB; but I know of little that is brighter in ours. If, at all events, an infancy of denial and arduous toil is better for a race than a beginning of indulgence, then we owe much to the Reverend James Matthiason who by precept and prac tice wrought for our fathers midway upon their march to the sacrifice. For beyond the three score and ten, he was to labor, denying himself ever of those meatB prohibited in the Mosaic law, ab staining very often from all food, and issuing at 6uch times, Bible in hand, from some forest retreat to announce in awful tones: "The Spirit tells me that 1 give the last call, this night, to some one in Bound of my voice. One of you will go from this place to face the Judge of all the earth" a stern prophecy which seldom failed of fulfillment. Eliza Ann fasted also, very often; but not always voluntarily. Her quiet hom ing instinct would have done much to soften the edges of her James' dis courses, but she had as little thought of venturing comment upon her hus band as he had of receiving the eame. Jeremiah would as soon have carried the altar coal to bis wife to blow upon. Self-extinction is not bo rare. Eliza Ann was not carrying out just the man ner of self-abnegation she had foreseen, when she left her Canadian pines to spread the Gospel. But! what was the wife of Sam Adams doing while ho fathered our glorious liberty? History recks little of the wash tub which sup ported bis eleven children, or of the woman who stood over it. To adhere to historical unity the story of this north man should concern itself little with the ugly black bonnets which Eliza Ann wore, or the vicarious Bcraps she ate. But I cannot help thinking of Eliza Ann Is That of the British Doctors in the Sheldon Block, Cor. of II th and N Sts., Lincoln, Ncbr. These Eminent Gentlemen are Giving Their Services Free for Three Months to All Invalids Who Call Up on Them Before August 7th, A staff of eminent pbyelcianB and surgeons from the British Medical In stitute, at the urgent solicitation of a large number of patients under their care in this country, have established a permanent branch of the Institute in this city, at tho office, corner of Eleventh and N streets, in tho Sheldon b'ock These emirent gentlemen have de cided to give their asrvices entira.'j tree for three months medicines excepted) to all invalids who call upon them for treatmont between now and August 7th. These services will not only consist of consultation, examination and advice, but also of all minor surgical operations. The object in pursuing this course is to become rapidly and personally ac quainted with the sick and afflicted, and under no condition will any charge what ever be made for any serviceo rendered for three months to all who call before August 7th. The doctors treat all lorms or disease and deformities, and guarantee a euro in every case they undertake. At tho first interview a thorough examination is made; and, if incurable, you are frank ly and kindly told so; also advised against spending your money for use less treatment. Male and female weakness, catarrh and catarrhal deafness, also rupture, goitre, cancer, all skin diseases and all diseases of the rectum are positively cured by their new treatment. The chief associate surgeon of tho Institute, assisted by one or more of bis staff associates, is in personal charge. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 8 p. m. No Sunday hours. Special Notice If you cannot tall send stamp for question blank for homo treatment. Canker Sore Mouth Cured. L.IMOI.X. Xeiiii July 7. Ilill. Kditor Courier. Till Is to certify that I hae leen under tlir care the Krltlsh boetors for two months, ami I now can say that I am ierfectly curtiL I suf fered from canker ore mouth for a number of months ami a.i a consequence mv system was run down and I felt much disheartened. 1 now feci perfectly well and thank the Doctors for their courteous treatment. Kl.IZAIIETH IvKl'I.EK. Secretary Furnas forwards the agri cultural editor some tickets to the state fair. They are "special press tickets," and in an accompanying note he says they ere good for anybody on any day of the big show. This is as it should be, and he knows it. Experience has shown him the newspaper men of Ne braska do not like to be sent a "cour tesy" that can be realized on only after they have been photographed and sworn to on oath and otherwise humbled them selves. If the newspapers have done enough for the state fair to deserve tho recognition of courtesies, then the edi tors are entitled to the courtesies, without having strings placed on them or becoming objects of suspicion. It they have done nothing for the fair then there is no reason for extending any courtesies. And this is a general proposition applying to all newspaper editors under all circumstances. Secre tary Furnas is one of the first to recog nize the proprieties and it has taken him nearly a hundred years to learn it. Fre mont Tiibuno. me to ride in the first coach wud moth er at the funeral." Tim was silent. "Arrah, Tim, promise it now, for your dyin wife." "Verj well, then," said Tim suddenly, "but ye've spoiled the whole day for me." The Mirror. Spoiled His Day. Mrs. Rsfferty laj dying and she called Tim to the bedside. Tim had always been a good and loyal husband, with two defects, unfortunately. One can be guessed by the casual reador, the other was his dislike of hiB wife's mother. He couldn't "abear" her, he used to say. On this solemn occasion Mrs. Rafferty took his hand. "Tim, 1 want ye to promife me somethtn'." "If it's not to marry again, ye- i It ain't that, Tim, at all, dear. I want ye to promise UTAH AN IDEAL CLDIATE Tho first white man to set foot on Utah soil. Father Silvestre Volez de Es calante, who reached the O RI3 A.I' JSAJLT L,AKB on the 23rd day of September, 1776. wrote in his diary: ''Here the climate is so delic ious, the air so balmy, that it is a pleas ure to breathe by day and by night." The climate of Utah is one of the rich est endowments of nature. On the shores of the Great Salt Lake especially and for fifty miles therefrom in every direction the climate of climates is found. To enable peisoqs to participate in these scenic and climatic attractions and to reach the famous Ileoltl, JB&tl-fclxifi: and JPIeaa uxe Resorts of Utah, the UNION PACIFIC has made a rate to OGDBN and SALT IRAKIS OIXYof one fare for the round trip, plus 32.00. from Mis souri River, to be in effect June ISth to 30th inclusive, July 10th to August 31st inclusive. Return limit October 31, and 830.00 for the round trip on July 1 to ! inclusive, September 1 to 10 inclusive. Proportionately low Rates from inter mediate points. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application. E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. :i s 5 I , M I h u i; f t Ml ' il it is 'fl i t i ii i it' : I A '' 1