J'HE COURIER. T oowwo mwwuM,,,, U(n,UB WJVCOI.N TRANSFER CO I THE LINCOLN ACADEMY . . . Office lOtli and Q Sts. Piione 176. WE DO ... T rT I WE CARRY . . Piano and burniture f.o . , A pinB LJno o Cflr moving I " ww. riages and Bugg'es. . If You Want First-Class Service Call on Us. 9XXmXMX0900 t c.aj OMAHA LETTER. Omaha, Nebr., July 27, IDOL Dear Eleanor: Still day melts into day, like golden beads strung on threads of fire! I have paused fully fifteen minutes to admire that figure of speech. It would take a prejudiced critic indeed who would refuse to acknowledge the superi ority of the person who could accom plish it, especially when she did so under the realistic impression that the perspiration was surely ruining her last clean shirt waist, and that she hadn't another darned pair of socks in her bureau drawer and not the slightest inclination to darn one from the very formidable bunch cruelly located where she cannot help but see it. Mother's "Pouf" is simply untrans latable whenever 1 murmur anything about the responsibility of genius. To a great extent, Eleanor, you are to blame for my undeniable sbiftlessness. How is it within the compass of one weak feminine personality to put aside, to turn away in short, to rise above the subtle flattery rolled up in your persua sive demands for my letters -your ap parently uncontrollable joy at their ap pearance, your lachrymose reproach when they fail? It is the most insidious injection that ever spread like wine through a pulpy anatomy. It stiffens my collapsing vertebrae, it hardens my limpid digitals. It lifts me bodily from a supine position among silkoline cush ions to an uncurled attitude before my desk, frantically reaching for my indeli ble pencil, scraps of paper, backs of envelopes, anything. In fact, I tind suddenly that 1 have been provided with a fictitious energy projected an incredible distance along the road nec essary to provide you another shower of joy in the way of a letter. 1 am fully equipped in the matter of everything save ideas. You have fired your explo sives, mo&t wonderful Lincoln scientist. You have gathered the clouds. Fitful lightning flashes along my mental hori zon; there is a pregnant rumbling in the distance, but alas! where are the showers your well-meant fireworks should pre cipitate? Precipitation! If there has been anything which has added more to my mental and physical discomfort in the last thirty-six ilas, than the weath er, it has been the precipitation which does not precipitate. I made no prom ise not to talk about the woatbtr or not to write about it. All the printing houses in the town have used up their "slug beads" on the subject, and still there is more to follow! What am I that I should hold myself above the rest of my kind? There is an immense number of people in this world whoso mission, like that of excolsior. is to "fill up epace." Not an ignoble part, by the way, if by bo doing we save some of the finer, more fragile pieces of the potter's wheel from being shattered. There may be bargains in excelsior, just as there are in dimities, but the public is not discriminating, and you are liable to have your feelings hurt if you ravel out the best of your mental tissue for stuf fing. You may have paid 25c per, for jour lawn gown, only tohave Mrs. Jones flutter out upon her front porch in a eown of identically the same stutr for which she gave up only five cents per at the B. S. Monday morning. Whose fault is it if you have to Bee to the wash ing Monday morning and Mrs. Jones has a "hired girl?" You have put the difference into your lawn gowns, while you have been keeping some worthy girl from a good home. The Governor and thb Mayor, the Tax Taker and the Census Maker and their many satellites in the political plum garden have been making merry in the fields and beneath the fruitful vines and trees. They feasted, and for got. Forgot that upon high Olympua Jove was withholding his thunderbolts, garnering the rain and setting the sun, day after day, in unveiled, awful splen dor above the picnic ground of the royal merry-makers, Pan piped amid the reeds and rushes, piped that they might dance, shouting triumphantly, "After us, the Deluge." But lo! the deluge was long delayed; but still they sang and danced. Then the plums began to waste of their fat ness, the grasses to faint along the shtunken streams and the shrill screech of the locust forbode a famine in the land. Suddenly broke the cry of a fear ful people, which even reached the Bot tom like ears of the feasters among the plum tree9, "There is Judas among the mighty; be has betrayed us, else why should the great Jove thus turn his face away from us?" Upon the cry of "Judas," the Tax Taker turned upon the grieving Census Maker, sayirg, "It is thou! Some hate ful fault hast thou been hiding. It is this which angers and brings a hateful plague upon a goodly people." "Not so,'' replied, in wrath, the Cen sus Maker; "not so. More like, it seems to me, to be yon gayly carping Gas Col lector, who has meted out injustice and brings leanness to the land. Let us go hence and bid him turn off the gas he wasteth in the day time." But the Gas Collector, hearing, made answer lightly: "Of truth nothing have I done. Believe me, it is the Mayor who fetcheth destruction upon us. In secret he hath sought to fell the tree, which, by reason of his girth, he dare not climb. Let us fall upon and slay him. Let us smite this dry rock that water may fall upon the desert." But the Mayor, who, in the scanty shade of falling plum trees, was boring yet another eyelet in the belt of state, overhearing, turned upon them sadly: "Why have you no patience that you so wrongly do accuse me? No secret fault of mine doth so delay the favor of the gods! Why do the people cry against me? I, who have ever irrigated the waist places, have opened wide the doors of plenty? Ilarken to me, for it is the Governor the Ruler of the Seven Cities of Cibola, who Bkims the heavens of clouds and piles the dust before our portals. He gathereth his glad rags about him and refuseth to beseech. Let us fall upon him. Let us lay him low." "To the Governor! For some secret of his, doth Jove refuse us!" "It is enough," replied the Ruler of the wasted land of Quivera, turning the signet ring upon his shrunken finger. "I have done no evil thing, that the juices dry within the corn, but my chil dren oppress me. I am weary. Get you to your houses. Pull close the blankets of your tepees; put forth rain barrels, for I will abase myself. I wi'I bring down 'zwei rain' from those Olympian heights. For the people! For the people!'" A crackling as of meeting An accredited school to the State Universities of Nebrasku and Iowi Prepares for tho leading Colleges and Universities. A.II?II5r 2Vr. WILSON, F. r. (Yale), Principal. ADVISORY BOARD: Chnncellor E. Henjamln Andrews Kev Dr. II. O Uo lands I'rofessorCroveK. llarber Mrs. A.J Suwjer Professor Erwln II. Harbour Deun Lucius A. Sherman Dean Charles K. llesser Professor W C L Talor Adjunct Professor William F Dann Professor Henry li Want Dean Kllerv W Davis Itcv Dr Fletcher I, 'A'harton Professor Fred Morrow FIIiik Mrs. II. II Wilson. Dean Manoah II Keese Address of Principal, till' South I Ith Street Lincoln Nelir clouds ran along the south. "Hark ye! It thundereth." "Not so," replied the wily Census Maker. "His Excelloncy goeth upon his knees!" Then of a truth the rain barrels over flowed, the breathless grass lifted and the shrunken stream rose up and hast ened to the sea. The people laughed who late had Bor rowed, and like he of ancient lore, who had but to put in his thumb to pull out a plum, His Excellency murmured, "What a brave boy am I." The Salva tion Army woman, with tearful eyes, bent upon the dust wherein she kneeled, murmured, too, and bending low, 1 heard, "God is good; God ib very, very good." Perhaps she did not know about His Excellency. Two little birds are standing in the rain which fills the gutter on the ve randa roof. They are dipping their beaks as far as possible in the cooling water, then lifting their shining beads to the fresh-washed sunlight. They are fluttering tiny wings across the sur face of their little stream no doubt to them an ocean and shaking the round raindrops about in a very ecstacy of de light. In their swelling, thankful bird hearts I am sure the echo rings, "God is good. God is very, very good." I have not read anything lately; have not seen anybody or heard "things," and it is Bcarcely necessary for me to dem onstrate any more fully than I have al ready done that I do not know anything. If 1 were sensitive about thiB lack I would, no doubt, stop writing letters. Nobody is at home, and if they are, they do not wish it spoken about. The saints forbid that I should be ashamed of the Blight strain of Celtic blood I inheiit from Paw. Mr. Thomas J. Kelly, late of the mu sical columns of the Bee, has gone to join his wife on the shore of Lake Mich igan, where, I believe, they expect to combine work with pleasure during their vacation. What a deplorable habit the work habit is. It leads one to take his pleasures so seriously. Mr. Kelly has left an "understudy" in charge of music al Omaha during his absence. Somebcdy will probably play thunder, but perhaps the "understudy" will not hear it, as he has stuffed cotton in his ears, so that nothing will distract his attention and make him forget the last wordB of the master. His highest am bition is to do everything "like 'ell he did!" "The bell strikes one!" It is all very well for Duncan not to hear it, but it behooves Penelope to pay attention, if she does not wish the iced tea to warm up and the 3teak to cool down. I will write you perhaps once more before we, the family, leave town. As always, Pf.nf.loit. Our dachshund is a clever beast : He wagged his tail from west to east And back again, until we leased Our flat and moved up town : But now his compass hath no East Nor Vest; he wags-eh, prudent beast ! He wags it up and down . Town Topics. csmfNio. CHOCOLATE BON BONS For Sale By J. F. Harris, No. I, Board of Trade, CHICAGO. STOCKS -AND- BONDS Grain, Provisions, Cotton. - Private Wires to New York Gty and Many Cities East and West. . fc MKMHEK New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago lioarii of Tradp FOR A SUMMER OUTING. The Rocky Mountain regions of Colorado reached best via tho Union Pacific provide lavishly for the health of the invalid and tho pleasure of the tourist. Amid these rugged steeps are to be found some of tho most charm ing and restful spotB on earth. Fairy lakes nestled amid sunny peaks, and climate that cheers and exhilerates. The SUMMER EXCURSION RATES put in effect by the Union Pacific en able you to reach these favored locali ties without unnecessary expenditure of time or money. ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP plus S2.00 from the Missouri River, in effect June 18th to 30th, July 10th to August 31st, inclusive. The Union Pacific will also sell tickets on July 1st to 9th, inclusive, September 1st to 10th, inclusive, at 15.00 for tho round trip from Missouri River points. Return limit October 31, 1901. Proportionately lo rates from inter mediate points. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application. 8 31 E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. t j. . ! ' !rl 1 ; i 1 I 1 t ? j ' f 1 ' 1 fj H 'v 1 i II . I I & :& il,