The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 03, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Professional Directory.
J lice 618
"8 Dr. Benj. F. Bailey
Evenings, by appointment. Sundays 12 to 1 p. m and by appointment
Office. ZehrnnK Block 1 9 to 10 a in
12 to 12:30
Residence. 1313 U street J 2 to 4 u m
I Dr. J. B. Trickey,
I Refractionist only
Office. 103.1 0 street.
19 to 12 a. r
I to 4 p. m.
nine. mlLouis N. Wente,D.D.S.i!B3i '&
I I so 11th street. I
Oliver Johnson, D.D.sJ&VoTerHarley''l
I 1110ft O street j
iiione...Lio.J Dr. Ruth M. Wood, -j r,us.i. Huh st. J.n""rs-
I ( I A. M.:ito I I..M
via "The Burlington"
$15. JO
$18 60
"3 8."C
e e
cJS n
Q rt
2 a
U rt
$11 10$14 00S!8.50,$15 00
$14 30 $17 50,$2J. 50
' I
$18 25
$15 00
$25 00
$19 00 $30 25
e i
"J Ufl
$32 00,
June 18 to 30
July 10th to
Aug. 31st
All tickets sold at the above rates are limited for
Return to Oct. 31. Call and get full information.
Gity Ticket Office
Gor. lOtn and O Streets.
Telephone 235.
Burlington Depot
7th St., Between P and Q.
Telephone 25.
i lf?lu I,011 JSuep
know a woman to put her foot
in it who was not glad of it?
We mean the
in tun
si. w.uu
Sold only by
1043 O St ,
Lincoln Nebraska
F urnitu i-&
I o 1 i as li i n g.
Twenty eight years experience aa an
inside decorator. Reasonable prices.
Plione 5232.
Members Chicago Board of Trade.
Private Wires.
Teleplione itiit.
l"irr".poniI,iit Wreire Comiiiiv.nii Co.
1029 N St Lincoln, Nebr.
Nebraska Infirmary of
Second Floor Brownell Block, Lincoln.
C. B. Hutchinson, D. D ; R It.
Browntinld, Secy.; Mary B. Hutchin
boo, D. D. Charity patients treated
Fridays. Phone 1113
M. B. KETCHUM, M. D.. Phar. D.
Practice limited to
Bye, Ear. Nose, Throat, Gatarrh
and Fitting Spectacles.
Phone 818. Hours ! to ."; Sunday 1
to 2:.t0. Rooms .'H.I-.'IM Third Floor
Richards f JIocP, Lincoln, Nebr.
Blewit's wife and children were in
Europe. lie hoard from them by cable,
and ho eont a return message and wished
that he could go with it. But no. he
was chained to Boston. After their de
parture he learned that thero was some
business that imperatively demanded
bis attention, and he resigned with a
sigh his proposed trip across the water.
Ho wroto Mrs. Blewit a pathetic letter,
in which he regretted the escapade
which made him miss the boat on which
she departed for foreign shores; and ho
said, in his usual effusive vein, that he
had given up all hope ot ever seeing the
white clitTs ot Albion. He had just
posted this letter when he met his evil
genius, Staggers, who said:
"How do you like keeping bachelor's
"Not at all," was Blewit 's reply; "itB
deucedly dull. Nobody in town, and 1
feel lino Robinson Crueoo and bis deso
late island."
"Minus the animals," suggested stag
gers. "Hardly," was Blewit's response. "I
have plenty of homeless cats to keep me
company. I have a kind of sympathy
for them, because they are in much the
same condition that I am myself."
"A fellow feel'ng makes us wondrous
kind. Why don't you open an asylum
for abandoned felines? I'll head a sub
scription list for raising money to sup
port the institution.'
"Perhaps if you looked after some of
your poor relations it would bo more to
the purpose,' said Blewit, sarcastically,
as the thought of Staggers' father bend
ing under a load of debt to support his
family, while his son was a rapid man
about town, who was always ready to
make a big fellow of himself by opening
wine for people who laughed at his ex
travagance behind his back.
"Hang it, don't be personal!" exclaimed
Staggers, not at all pleased by Blewis's
not too delicate sarcasm. "Come down
to the shore with me and I'll show you
how to banish the blues. Let care kill
the cat. You've got to live, even if Mrs.
Blewit and the kids are having a good
time in London foggy London."
Blewit weakly accepted this invita
tion, and was soon on a train going to a
near-by watering place, which was de
scribed aB an earthly paradise that com
bined the charms of seashore and coun
try in an eminent degree.
"Ah! this is delightful," said Blewit,
after dinner, as he sat on the piazza of
the Top Knot House. "The ozone giveB
me new life, and the odor from the
woods is full of healing balm to the
lungs that have been tilled with the vile
smells of city thoroughfares."
"Ozone be blowed, you old sentiment
alist! Come up stairs and have a little
"You don't mean to say that you came
down here to play cards. Don't you get
enough of that in town?"
"Well, a man must do something.
What is the use ot sitting here listening
to i lot of women gabbing about dress,
or abusing their neighbors? You'll hear
more scandal here in five minutes than
you will upstairs all night. Come
"I suppose I'll have to," replied Blew
it, resignedly, as ho cast a lingering
look at the water where the boats
seemed to be nodding to him to stay and
enjoy the outdoor beauty of the night.
"Let me take a long breath," continued
Blewit, "before I go into the tobacco
laden atmosphere where you are bring
ing me."
"Oh! if you want exhilaration, I'll
take you where you can get it," was
Staggers' reeponse, as he took his com
panion into a little closet where about a
dozen men were crowded, all intent upon
taking what they called "three fingers"
from sundry black bottles.
"Ah, Blewit!" squeaked Poppers, a
very largo man with a very small, bitld
hoad and very weak lungs; "catno down
to get a little fresh air. did you?"
"Yes," was tho rejoinder," but there
doesn't seem to bo much of it here?"
"True," interrupted Balmy, a little
man with a deep bass voice; "but we've
gut something that's hotter."
"Perhaps you have," sneered Blewit."
"but is thero any necessity for going
into tho Black Hole of Calcutta to swal
low it?"
"Well, the fact is, this is a temperance
hotel, and there is no bur. Therefore,
we have to come in hero to take a nip;
but you mustn't givo it away, now that
wo have let you behind tho scenes. Our
wives don't know that this place ox'sts."
"I should think thoy would nose it
as they go upstairs," said B.'ewit, with a
weak attempt at a pun.
"Mrs. Blewit might," ejaculated Balmy
"I've heard she could smell out most
anything, but as she isn't in these parte,
and you are enjoying a selfish picnic,
you needn't bo afraid. I'll promise not
to write to her, so drink heartily, my
boy, tho cable won't carry the nowB to
Blewit couldn't stand dialling, so he
took his poison with as good grace aa
possible, not only once but so vera! times,
and he soon forgot all about tho ozone,
and was as eager for bluff as anyone, as
he followed the party into a room at the
top of the house, in tho cupola, itt fact,
which was dimly lighted with kerosene
oil lamps. It was even more stuffy than
the closet they had just loft, and Bmwit
couldn't help laughirg as ho remarked:
"So this is what you call coming down
to the shore to pass a quiet night with
your families?"
"So moralizing," piped up Poppers;
"shuttle the cards and play for mum."
How long they had forgotten their
cares in the fascination ot poker Blewit
did not know, but it must have been
somewhere about midnight when,
through a haze of smoke, he saw a fe
male figure in the doorway It belonged
to a diminutive but determined appear
ing woman, who exclaimed:
"Mr. Blewit, how dare you keep Mr.
Poppers up until this hour? A man of
your age ought to be engaged in better
business than leading married men
astray. I'm not surprised that Mrs.
Blewit went off to Europe without you!"
Having delivered this tirade, the mite
of a woman led the gigantic but submis
sive Poppers from the room, as Staggers
"I say, Blewit, what do you mean by
coming down here and upsotting a nice,
quiet family hotel?" Boston S.ttunl;iy
Evening Gazette.
Lady You say you are a ood washer
and ironer. How do you tell when your
irons are hot?
Servant By the smell of tno btirnin'
linen, mum." The Mirror.
A Great Newspaper.
The Sunday edition of tho St. Louis
Republic in a marvel of modern news
paper enterprise. The organization of
its news service is world-wide, complete
in every department; in fact, superior to
that ot any other newspaper.
The magazine section is illustrated in
daintily tinted colors and splendid half
tone pictures. This section contains
more high-class literary matter than
any of the monthly magazines. The
fashions illustrated in natural colors are
especially valuable to the ladies.
Tho colored comic section is a genuine
laugh-maker. Tho funny cartoons are
by the best artists. The humorous
stories are high-class, by authors of na
tional reputation.
Sheet music, a high-class, popular
song, is furnished free every Sunday in
The Republic.
The price of the Sunday Republic by
mail one year is $2.00. For sale by all
news dealers.
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