rf THE COURIER. ! r J! I pod, a man whom we should ell delight to honor, a change carao over the spirit ot this work; and as he was perhaps the beet educated musician ot his day, and, by no moand an unimportant fact in this connection, universally regarded as such, his influence on musical education was deep and lasting. He did much for church music, more lhan many ot our modern church musicians, who de liberately dbes by the rich literature of sacred music in favor of the sentimental elusions of many or our modern writers and brilliant arrangements of selections that, admirable on the operatic stage, are entirely out of place in the church. He inspired in the younger man a desire to etudy with foreign masters, and as a teacher, composer and performer he must over bo regarded as one of the great forces in the development of music in America. "On a higher artistic plane comes next in sequence the Festival. This has much to commend it, but is open to cer tain objections. If the Festival is an annual, biennial or triennial musical, so called, "feast," to be followed by musi cal dyepepsia or semi starvation, it has no reason for existence and is to be de plored. If it is part of a well developed plan of musical education and an inci dent in the program of the year rather than a whole year's offering, many rea sons may be urged in its favor. In a well considered festival program works of varying.Bcb.ools may be placed in such a relationship to each other as to be, in the best sense, educational. The enthu siasm of numbers is no small factor in its favor. By combining concerts it is possible to engage artists and organiza tions which would bo beyond the reach of the average concert institute, were the three, four or tive concerts of the festival distributed over as many weeks or months. Where the festival is not merely a big thing, but a good thing, it is to be welcomed. The two Peace Jubilees attracted attention because they came at a stage of our musical de velopment when just this encourage ment was needed, but more especially because they appealed to that expan siveness which was at that time even more than now so characteristic of us. We did not have Filipino problems to ap peal to our imaginations. But the in lluence they exerted on choral music in this country was very great. "Before this time choral societies ex isted in many of the larger cities as weil as in a few smaller towns and villages, but the wonderful growth of interest in this branch of music dates from this en terprise. The colleges of New England were foremost in the first half of the last century in efforts to arouse an in terest in the best mueic Dartmouth college was first in that field, closely fol lowed by Harvard. The Pierian Sodality in the latter institution developed into the Harvard Musical association. This organization established chamber music concerts, founded a musical library, and, later, created an orchestra which, after an honorable career, became the nucleus of that incomparable Boston Symphony orchestra. In New York choral and in strumental concerts came into vogue at a much earlier date than in New Eng land, and in the domain of church mu sic she was also pre-eminent. This was largely due to the influence of the Epis copal church, for in Old Trinity, the leading church in the city, the music ? THE HUN Iff GREHM And Dairy Go. Manufacturers of the finest qual ity of plain and fancy Ice Cream Ices, Frozen Puddings, Frappe and Sherbets. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. 183 SO- 1 2th St. PHONE 205. A was under the charge of cathedral trained organists, who brought with them the traditions of the Church of England. Many of the churcheB in New England looked upon the organ as a most sinful instrument and its use as a means of grace was discountenanced. But this prejudice soon disappeared, and today we witness the paradox that, as a rule, the churches whose objections were the most strenuouB are those in which today music occupies a position some times entirely out of proportion to its real service in worship, and those who made at first 'a wry face" are now the oneB who "eagerly embrace." The last quarter of a century has witnessed the application of another decidedly Ameri can principle, viz: that "in union there is strength," and associations like the ".VluBic Teachers' National Association," the various state organizations of like nature, the "College of Musicians," the "Manuscript Society," etc., have flour ished. Besides these, during the past few years the rise of musical clubs and federations is of interest. Of all these organizations little but good can be said. Carping critics may rail at them; self seeking men may utilize them for self aggrandizement; mediocrity may here find an arena for the display of plati tudes, but in Epite ot all that may be urged against such associations they are signs of a healthy interest in art and in dications of a desire to improve methods and throw off abuses." A conspicuous figure in the records of the civil war is Major Arabella Macob ber Reynolds, the only woman ever com missioned regularly in the United States army. Major Reynolds, who has Been more of the horrors of war than many veterans, is now living in Santa Barbara, and is president of the Woman's Parlia ment of Southern California. LITERARY NOTES. When the The Cosmopolitan, in its April number, published an essay, at once clever and philosophic, on "The Ideal Wife," a demand was created for a paper on "The Ideal Husband" by the same author Lavinia Hart. The Au gust Cosmopolitan contains an essay on this subject on which few people agree which is certain not only to prove widely interesting, but to cause lively discussion. In the same number Mrs. Van Rensselaer Cruger (Juliet Gordon) tells the story of the life of the French wife with all its tragic commonplace narrowness. "The woman of email capacity puts up with, and, perhaps, does much toward maintaining present conditions," says the author, "but there are women of brains who die at an early age ot no disease known to doctors, but simply from utter weakness." The fourteenth Annual Educational Number of The Outlook contains half a dozen or more notable articles relating to educational topics. It is fullv illus trated, and the illustrations are espec ially rich in large and striking photo graphs of distinguished educators. Among the contents may be mentioned: "Progress in Education." an editorial survey of the educational history of the year; "The End in Education," two arti cles, by President Hadley of Vale, and Lyman Abbott; "Western State Univer sities," by President A. S. Draper of the University ot Illinois; "Education in the South," by President E. A. Alderman of Tulane University; "Daniel C. Gilman," by President G. Stanley Hall ot Clark University; and "The Yale Bicentenary," by Arthur Reed Kimball. (S3 a year. The Outlook Company, 287 Fourth Ave nue, "New York.) & lLfkibQ&wxvmGr TOILET SOAP ECONOMY. W The other standard makes, the wanted kinds, are fp all here and all quoted as far below the regular as J these are. & They're not all mentioned here, for we carry nearly every good kind known. B? 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We sell every good sort of t3rpewriter in its best form. One of these will suit 3'our requirements. Plent' of unbiased advice, however, if you require it. I. E. ArMCMVD. 1106 0 Street Telephone 7590 IIIVCOIIV. NBBR. Agnes Raiding Whose work with Miss Rivett is favorably known, will continue to do Manicuring, Shampooing, Hairdressing, and will give treatment of scalp diseases. Switches and pompadours made to order and all kinds of hair work carefully done. 143 So. I2tlx. Telephone 38. L