r jmmmmm ir r 1 10 THE COURIER I i' i " "A ji. SSfJfe ?- .i. ,su ?- ririi. E y 5flM 5 r'-SI'hgr I'gi swtOTEj w-wr - y -z:,"t ""J m ha " i I 1 I - . -t-r!"! PieS'-3SSSJTWSS--J&S- :&UIZ .1! V -X' .- 5 - Ti .J'? ." rrS: BEAUTIFUL ARCHTrECTURE. pose of body and mind. Tbe dining room and amusement room share tbe brunette in rare and a trailing cloth skirt cams in. She blushed still redder, when she saw him. 'Harry," she said. "Grace and George are encased. I read it in the paper, tonight, and Harry, 1 don't care bo much if she did go to those parties with you " (Tbb tory i written la rood faith by a joacciri aid is printed as an illustration of a stare o'derelopnnt and a an example of the inaoence of the yellow covered no el upon adol escence. Ed-1 For many weeks the sound of tbe wUh the carpenter's hammer has been heard A . operatInp i5 in the vicinity of Lincoln Normal. Painters, paper hangers and house furnishers also were busy in their turn: and on July 13th. the Doctor B. F. Bailey Sanatorium was formally -opened to the public provided for surgical cases: and bath rooms in which every form of vapor and electric baths can be given, are important features of the institution. This sanatorium is not for insane or tubercular patients, but is primarily The location of this sanatorium is for the treatment of non-contagious .... .t-c.-t - chronic diseases, though acute cases peculiarly favorable. Easily accessi- will be received at the discretion of b!e from the city, either by carriage lhe president. Doctor Bailey, or street cars, yet away from the noisy Fortr patient n accommoda pavements and surrounded by beauti- ted at once in this beautiful building, ful scenery, this sanatorium conveys and are under the care of competent the impression neither of a hotel nor nur- Hi a point for congratula- ... , . ... . tioo that the enterprise is alreadv on a hospital, but of a beautiful subur- . i payiug ikisis. ban home. In addition to the duties of presi- Twenty thousand dollars have been den and manager of this establish expended in the furnishing and equip- ment. Doctor Bailey sti1! attends to nient of this magnificent building, his down-town patients, with the able and excellent judgment with unlimit- assistance of Doctor Flanagan, ed artistic discrimination on the part From the ashes of an institution of the directors is manifested at every erected for the development of tbe turn. Beautiful furniture, rugs and mind, has arisen this noble sanatori- pictures delight the eye in parlors um dedicated .to the service of tbe and bedrooms, while unexpected body: and who shall say which one is porches and coxy corners suggest re- of greater service to mankindl- A WOMAN'S REPLY. (FerTheCoHrier A School Girl's Idea, of a Thrflfag Love Story. In the first place there were two girls who were churns. Their names were Maude and Grace. Grace was light and always on the defensive. Maude was dark and inclined to be on the offen sive. So of course it wasn't long till they quarreled. A genuine quarrel it was. They spoke to each other after wards but that was all. Then came the man. He was tall and light, he wore his hair parted in the middle and his name was Harry. Grace liked him, quite well, and he liked her. Maude liked him too, but he didnt notice her. In the early autumn Harry took Grace to a party. It was moonlight and Maude saw them come across the square. She had want ed to go with Harry herself, but Harry didn't see it in that light. In the win ter Harry got quite sweet on Maude and she almost forgave him for taking Grace. Then a tall, dark young man with black eyes, happened in at Grace's quite often of an evening or on Sunday afternoon. His name was George, but Maude liked Harry better. Now Harry and George were great friends, and George thought Grace might get away from him, so when he went home for the summer he told Harry to take care of her and in par ticular to take her to a certain recep tion. Harry told Maude about it be fore he told Grace. Maude nodded her head and 6aid, "Oh, yes," out loud, but she thought, -Oh Harry, if I don't get even with you I"' One day when dark, gray clouds covered tbe sky and the wind blew cold from the east. Maude and Harry stop ped to rest, after a long tramp, on an old log. Of course they talked as all young people do, but incidentally Har ry said, "Maude do you know that I love you!" Maude poked the gray leaf mould at her feet vigorously with her umbrella. "Since you told me, I do." she said. Harry looked at her in surprise . 'Why, Maude," he said, "don't you care!" "Yes,' she answered, slowly. "Will you marry me then, sweet heart!" he said. His arm slipped around her waist and he looked plead ingly down into her face. "No." she said, shortly. "No, and do you want to know why? It's 'cause you took Grace to those two parties." Harry was astonished, but she re mainedfirm. "So," she said. "No. I do it to punish yon." Autumn wore into winter. But Maude's answer was still the same. Harry had ceased to plead with her though he vas a rather disconsolate bachelor, as he sat before the fire in his room. It was late in February and he had piled many logs on to the blaze. Outside a chill rain was falling. Of course he was thinking of Maude, and wishing ehe would change her mind. The smoke rings curled away from his cigar and faded. "Just as my happi ness does," he thought. The door opened and a radiant little LOVER EIGHT. The Pullman-car porter had settled himself for a comfortable nap, having snugly tucked away the last of hJ charges, including the fat man in "Low er Eight" and the timid young thing who had boarded the train at Norfolk. The porter stirred uneasily in his nap, for the snoring that was arising from Lower Eight" drowned the roar of the train. The snoring came in gurgles, moans and whistling, the like of which had never been heard in heaven above or on the earth beneath. The curtains iot "Lower Eight" had swung slightly open with the lurch of the train, and the fat man could be seen lying on his broad back, with his mouth gaping wide-. As his slumber deepened, he was ap parently in the last throes of choking when a neatly rolled umbrella, held iu a slender white hand, crept out from "Lower Seven," where the timid young thing was ihrinking, and made a vicious jab between the curtains of "Lower Sight." Porter! Porter!" came a whoop from "Lower Eight," and the bell trilled wildly. 'What is it. sahr'" cried the startled porter as be bounded down the aisle. "Did you stab me in the side!" de manded the fat man in dire wrath. "Oh. no. sah!" replied the porter. "I never done no thing like that! You must have been dreaming, sah. '' "Confound you! I'm not areaming!" growled "Lower Eight." "Well, sah," argued the porter, his black hand concealing his gleaming ivories, "yon know that when you turned in you bad took a little moah than was jess good fo' any gemman." It's mighty funny," muttered ''Low er Eight;" but he was not in a position to contradict this statement, so he sub sided. The porter returned to the smoking room, ruminating on the strange hallucinations produced by too long a dallying in tbe dining car. The snores began again in rising crescendo. Just as the teeth of ner vous passengers were well set, the um brella stole again from "Lower Seven," and another vicious lunge made the snore change to a howl of rage. "Porter." yelled "Lower Eight," '! tell you some one is stabbing me'" "Kaint be nuffin' like that, sah," replied the porter, coming up sooth ingly. "I aint slept a wink, and no body's been movin in this car, or I'd a-seen them. You're jess bavin' a bad dream." "It's no dream!" shouted the fat man. "Wbj, my Eide is sore. Feels like there's a hole there you could stick your first in." "Now you go to sleep again, sah," coaxed the porter, "and I'll watch that you aint tetched." The rumble of the train was once more lost in the vocal exercisos from "Lower Eight," and the porter, pulling hi3 cap over his eyes, napped in the smoking compartment. "Ouch! Ouch! Help! Help!" and a red face shot out of "Lower Eight." The porter slouched ap the aisle, dis gust written on his countenance. "Gawd, porter," groaned the fat man. "Is there a doctor on board! I'm hor ribly punctured! Did you see the w. lain when he stabbed me!" "Kaint nobody stab you, sah,' re monstrated the parter sternly. No body aint moved in this car. You've got the deleriam triraminB, that's what's the matter wif you. If you don't he still and stop your hollerin', me and the conductor is goin' to strap you down ' "I don't see what they mean by put ting drunken brutes in the car with ladies," exclaimed an acid voice from "Upper Ten." "Put him off at the next station This is supposed to be a Bleeping car,'' growled "Lower Four." "Ha hasn't done a thing but keep every body awake with his infernal grunting since he turned in." From all along the line of curtains came uncomplimentary comments, but there waB silence in "Lower Seven," where lay the timid young thing who bad got on at Norfolk. "Never had such dreams in my life, ' Baid "Lower Eight," addressing the car in general. "Dreamed the same thing three times in succession. I believe it is a warning. If any accident is goiog to happen tonight, I die witE my botfts en. I'm going to get up." A thrashing about told tbe other passengers that the fat man was as good as his word. A sigh of relief was breathed through the car as the fat man lumbered by the curtains to the Emoking room, to spend the rest of the night brooding over the myste'ry. When the timid young thing crept from her berth the next morning, there was something about the smile wnich lurked about her mouth that made the porter Bcratch his head. Caroline Lock bart ("Suzette") in Lippincott's. They had gone out on the lawn to play, these two small lads of fire and seven. It was oppressively hot even for little folks and their hands and feet that Bfem never tireless, but full of ceaseless , activity, grew languid. They threw themselves on the grass, lying rUt upon their backs and chatted quietly together much as might older persons. A circus was soon expected and great had bt-n the speculation concerning it that ab sorbed the small fry of the neighborhood. The seven-year-old had been going to Sunday school and his mind seemed of late to have taken a religious turn. The wonderful questions born of childish wonder and the artless prattle of lip that knew no guile were the source of great pleasure to the mother. Sh was watching them from the window where she sat sewing and could hear their clear, young voices plainly. Tney bail been silent a few moments while th'ir blue eyes looked dreamily up at skies of ot the same hue. "Doddie," spoke the elder very slowly and impressively "which would you rather see, God or the circus!" Ica moment the answer cam short, decisive, "The circus."' Mail and Times. tFirst publication Aus:. 3-1) State of Nebraska. s.. in county coii'i Lancaster county In re Adoption Xo. 191. of Viola Horton t John Haines. Abraham Horton and all others interttft take notice: that John Haines ha tllol herf i the relimiubhment by the "Society for in Home of the Friendless." of Lincoln. Ncbra.i and his petition and declaration for adoption said Viola Horton. said matter i- -'t for ha injr before this court on Aujrast 31 IWI 't ' A. M. Dated August i lftu. seal. Frank K.Vt vttt Count v Jud- By Walter A. Leese, Clerk Count C'our; ft t J Cycle Photograph J nujrac rnotograens Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior Views m m m 9 9 m m 9 9 9 9 w . ajuuift x.icicni ojrecj. j THE PHOTOGRAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street. 999999999999999999PP9 ' 'SaSSS rf