The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 27, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Ivy Press
125-127 North Twelfth Street
A Western Printing Place where you cm get what you want when you want It
Daintily gotten up Booklets and all kinds of Wedding
Stationery and Calling Card are Specialties V
Phone 832 LESH . LEMON
gfclf! -4
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Office, U06 O St. T3l. 105. S
if ra 1 llw m (0 1
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111 Ml W 1V
Gas as
c Fiel
Ladies . . .
Vhen you buy a Sort or a Suit or a
Jacket; consider ......
1st, FIT; 23. STYLE;
4th, Where you can get the best for the
least money. You can get all of these at
The Tailor,
1416FarnamSt. : : OMAHA, NEBR.
iHf d m my
111 UUUL Ulllili
Bring jour Pur Garments and
have them repaired or remod
eled, because it will be cold
again this year. By the way,
you can order a Fur Garment
made in the latest stvle at
no ou. inn oi. liruuln. rum
Meals orv Time
Good Digestion.
Summer Comfort
Home Happiness
Rest, Recreation
in m knd raic
Shoes for
Little Feet
Should be selected with the
utmost care. The comfort
and proper support of a child's
foot is of gTeat importance.
Our stock is full of the best
st"les and the best makes
the selection of just the right
shoe is a very easy matter.
They are easy to pay for, too.
O Street.
Newport ia busily discussing and ar
ranging its fete day, which will be the
thirtieth of July. Th committee in
charge includes Mayor Garretson, Con
gressman Bull, Mr. Henry F.Eldridge
and Mr. Pembroke Jones, and every
effort is being made to make it a mem
orable occasion. Sail and steam yacht
regattas will occur, and during the
morning and afternoon elaborate lunch
eons will be Berved aboard many of the
large yachts. Rear-Admiral Higgin
soo, of the North Atlantic squadron,
with the army and navy officers sta
tioned at Newport, are lending their
able assistance to the committee. The
secretary of the navy and other digni
taries will be invited to take part, and
it is expected that Sir Thomas Lipton
will also be present. The North At
lantic squadron will be brilliantly illum
inated, as will the other war ships, and
the army and navy stations near by.
Ten thousand dollars have been sub
scribed for the magnificent fireworks
and illcminaiions of the evening, to say
nothing of the individual expense of
the yacht owners and cottagers.
It has been rumored that golf is on
the wane, but such indications certainly
are not noticeable in the east, and at
the winter resorts it undoubtedly will
always be a leading sport. During the
torrid days the golfers have shown their
good sense, rather than a waning en
thusiasm, by vacating the links to a
large extent. The first day of even
moderate temperature will bring out
the usual number of players, and make
the hearts of the little caddies glad.
More than a little interest is mani
fested in the local matches which are
played every evening. Two teams of
four men each have been chosen, the
first team consisting of Messrs. G. C.
Marley, F. W. Brown, I. M. Raymond
and F. M, Hall, who are matched
acainet Messrs. Joe Burnham, S. H.
riurnham, Jesse Calbertson and Earl
McCreery. A third team will be select
ed in a few days, making a club of
twelve star players who will meet Oma
ha, St. Joseph and other townB in a
tournament to be held some time soon.
Thirty years ago Americans abroad
were self-assertive; now they are quiet
ly self confident. Several decades ago
they might almost have been divided
into two classes the blatant "spread
eagle" democrat and his family, thrust
ing their nationality and personality
to the front, and those who were not
only ashamed of their traveling coun
trymen, but affected English ways and
speech, and were flattered it they hap
pened to be mistaken for British sub
jects, comments an observer in the New
York Tribune.
People who have quietly stayed at
home for the last twenty-five years can
hardly realize the change that has
taken place, not only in the estimation
in which our countrymen are held in
England and on the continent, but in
our own national characteristics.
Self-respect and self confidence have
given ub modesty, or at least the quiet
breeding which passes for modesty, and
no really "nice" man or woman would
be guilty of the solecism of affecting an
English accent or habits other than
thoee which belong naturally to his
own method of living.
"You may walk in my shadow, dear,"
says one of Du Maurier's pretty maidens
in Punch, to her little sister, with whom
she is walking, presumably on a hot
afternoon. "Thank you, Maud," an
swers the little one independently; "I
have a shadow of my own." America
abroad has a shadow of her own nowa
days, bat far from making her pert and
aggressive, it has softened her asperi
ties and improved her in every way.
At home the change is also very curi- Y
ous and interesting to those who have
seen the beginning and end of the two
wan that have given ub stability at
home and respect abroad.
"When I was a girl," remarked a
matron with married daughters, "with
the exception of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'
and a few standard novels, we never
cared for romances with the scene laid
in our own country; we always pre
ferred English characters and surround
ings. Now, however, my family care
only for American books with Ameri
can heroes and heroines. Our young
people huve suddenly dicsovered that
we have a history, every detail of which
is of thrilling interest.
An acute observer is quoted by the
London Queen as remarking: "Women
have given up growing old. I suppose
they are tired of it "
Most of us soon tire of growing old.
It is a fatiguing process, and one that
humanity in general would be glad to
dispense with. According to our ob
server, women of today do dispense -.
with it, but men do not. He went on
to remark: "A modern woman of forty
looks, say thirty to thirty-two." What
is the secret of this eternal youth?
Wood carving appears in the list of
this eeason's fads. Nor is this the only
art that is called into use; for copper
work, hammering on brass, silver-shaping
and tracery all are needed to pri
duce the parasol heads, the fan handles,
the bracelets, the belt buckles and the
brooches which are not only beautiful,
but many of them wonderful in execu
tion. Princess Carl, the beautiful daughter
of the King of England, sits by her
window and fashions the wonderful
heads for which the parasols of Queen
Alexandra are remarkable. A light
room in the palace at Copenhagen has
been devoted to studio purposes, and
the only pretty princess of the English "7
royal family passes a part of each day
there, carving.
Mr. Haven Metcalf, professor of
biology in Tabor, Iowa, college, has ac
cepted a position in the department of
botany in the Nebraska university. Mr.
Metcalf was graduated from Brown uni
versity in 1896 and occupied the posi
tion of instructor in botany there for
three years before going to Tabor. He
also did work in Harvard college, and
for four years was lecturer in botany at
the Martha's Vineyard summer insti
tute. The marriage of Miss Emily Weeks
and Doctor Julius Sedgwick will take
place tomorrow. Only the family will
be present. Doctor and Mrs. Sedgwick
will live at Eveletb, Minnesota, where
Doctor Sedgwick is connected with a
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs
Roecoe Pound, Professor and Mis.