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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1901)
THE COURIER. .i t When lie begins to talk about how bright he is and how much he has learned at school it reminds me of the doleful, desert hours I spent, years ago, listening to young men expatiat ing on their talents and intellectual achievements. Calypso listened to Tclemachuf with unassumed eager ness, but then Telemachus really had had adventures and he did not men tion what his professors thought of liis examination papers. If he had, Calypso could not have maintained the smiling, interested expression wiiifth lincers upon her face in the 000OO c &b&Ms. i Edited by Miss Helen 6. Harwood. f OOOMOOCOOOMOOooooocoi Mrs. C.F. Stoutenborough baa re turned to her home inPlattsmouth from her northern trip. Sign painting ie a trade regularly practiced by women in Berlin. A reg ular apprenticeship is served where the women are taught to mix paints and .. U I U 1 , pictures taken while she was enter- "DD luou UIUBU tt,B aro Slven a Lining Telemachus. Mr. Bachellcr's orough gymnasium training before model young man approaches himself V V Tt r08- " ii. c,,,h mnflestv that the effort is Wh,le at work " wear " grey linen tVIIia wuw apparent and signalizes the virtues, which he refers to with reverence. He is a bore but there is not much of him in the book. He is only a sketch. And the same may be said of all the other characters in the book. Mr. Bacheller has not the Shaksperean gift of Individualizing all his characters, citizens, clowns, servants and soldiers. Never mind; we are indebted to him for the char acter of Eben Holden, whose epitaph tells more of him than I can: "I aint afraid. Shamed o' nuthin' I ever done. Alurus kep' my tugs tight, Never swore Mess 'twas nec'sary, Never ketched a fish bigger'n it was Er lied in a hoss trade Er shed a tear I didn't hev to. Goin' off somewhere, Bill dunno the waj nuther Dunno f it er east er west er north er south, Er road er trail; But I aint afraid." The book is like David Harum in this respect, that when the hero is out of sight there is a wearisome weight of commonplaceness. But inspiration and the open enters with him, so it does not matter. A Sketch. The August number of Ainslee's magazine contains a page story by Mr. Walt Mason of Beatrice. It is reprinted in the Courier in order that the readers of this paper who are not readers of Ainslee's may read an ex ceedingly clever sketch. "The Spot ted Broncho contains only 550 words yet the story of a man's life and a woman's is told and nothing is left out. Its simplicity and pathos to gether with the fine drawing and the economy of line are remarkable. Mr. Mason has been a Nebraska favorite for a long time. Only an artist can draw figures simply, with so little effort. Among the illustrators, 1 think it was Gibson who first showed the meaning of one line and the im pertinence of many to express the line disorder of Julia's skirt. Now all the illustrators make their drawings simple and strong. The weak ones who still make fussy pictures cannot get a job. De Maupassant showed all the story-writers how to make one word do the work of a score, how to make one situation tell the story of a man's life and foretell his future. His stories take the reader back into his hero's childhoood and forward to his passing. His stories are a matter of few pages, but the perspective is so well managed they ha ire the effect of an exhaustive biography in four volumes. Mr. Mason's story is one of the best in the month's magazine. The mod eling is so bold and free I shall not soon forget the man, his prairie schooner and the bosses, and the wo man with her dead child. irock and cap which are the painter's badge as well as his defense against paint. A committee representing the feder ation of women's clubs called on Presi dent Francis of the Louisiana Purchase exposition urging the establishment of a building to be used for the entertain ment of distinguished women visitors at the fair. The committee received the assurance that such a building would be provided. On no other Bubject do people gen erally have as erroneous conceptions as on the subject of poetry. It is often re garded as simply a pleasing recurrence of harmonious bounds, designed only to gratify the organs of time and tune. Parker says: "Poetry may be properly defined as the language of the imagina tion." Notwithstanding the profound erudition of Parker, from this view I must dissent a little. From his defini- out of the windows shall be darkened. nd tho doors shall bo shut in the streets when the Eound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought low. And when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears Bhall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and do eiro shall fail; because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets. Or ever the silver corii be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at tho fountain, or the wheel at the cistern: Then shall tho dust return to the earth as it was; and tho spirit shall return unto God who gave it." A more felicitous use of metaphor than is here presented, can not be found. "Remember now thy Creator.... when the sun or the moon or the stars be not darkened," refer to the springtime of life. "Nor the clouds return" typifies the infirmities of old age, of which win ter is a proper emblsm. "In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble." The body of man is here compared to a house, the hands repre senting the keepers, or the watch. Here is good ecope for the imagination. We are reminded of the times, now consid ered almost mythical, when overy man's house waB his castle, when each lordly proprietor felt the independence of a king on bis throne. Those feudal days of the past have been prolific of romance and poetry. "And those that look out of the win dows Bhall be darkened. And the doors shall be shut in the streets when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, linn wo nrpi lnntitipri in fsunnnaincr that. it is in the world of imagination, in dis- and a!1 the daughtera t music shall be tinction from the world of reality, where brou5ht ,ow" The word "windowa1 in Poesy dwells in her virgin purity. I dis- thia ca9e refers to the eye8' and the sent from this opinion because in the fact that in old aSe tho corDea and tho world of fact and of reality exist, and humora of the lose the,r, tranBPare- ever have existed, some of the brighteet, The door8 meaa the lips, and the streets, ine caviuea ui iuu muuiu auu living, breathing poems. Take, for example, the shortest verse in the New Testament: "Jesus wept." The sun in the midday heavens is not more radiant of light, heat and glory than is this simple, unostentatious rec ord of fact radiant of poetic fire. There is no necessity here for a translation into the mystic realms of imagination; the simple record in its naked beauty appeals directly to the soul without any medium, save that of a physical sense. The poet condenses and fashions into a thing of beauty life's ethereal essence, and prolongs its more refined but evan escent joys. And as the world grows older and the race of man ircreases, a greater degree of poetic fire will be de veloped. The Bible contains as much, if not more, of true poetry than any other volume in the world. The expressions: "And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters," are truly poetic. How laconically, yet how vivid ly, are tho ideas conveyed of chaotic condition, of emptiness, of darkness, and of a vast waste of waters. Then the next verse: "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." Noth ing could be more explicit, more dimply and purely expressive. throat. The teeth also are gone, and no hard substance can be masticated; hence the sound is low. An old man's sleep is not sound; the chirping of a sparrow will awaken him. His voice, once sonorous and musical, in old age becomes harsh and querulous. "Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken." The silver cord is the spina! marrow, and the gold en bowl the cavity of the cranium, or more properly its contents, the brain, the container being used for the thing contained. "Or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel at the cis tern." Here the pitcher typifies the vena cava, which bringa back the blood to the right ventricle of the heart, while the wheel represents the aorta, the dis tributor of blood through the system. The latter comparison is especially sug gestive. In imagination we can see in the far, dim distance the land of the olive and the vine, the springing verdure of an oriental garden watered by a hun dred tiny rivers, each one going forth on its errand of benevolence, willingly resigning its own existence for the bene fit of surrounding life. When we trace these streams of water to the fountain, we find the object of our search, the wheel at the cistern. With bared arms and perspiring brow, at the crank of sparkling gems which are too numerous to mention separately. Tho principle, the essonce of poetry is as diffusible and as extensive as space itself. Poetry is one of tho most potent, effective influences that can be used for the elevation of the spiritual part of man's nature. This fact has long been recognized by ecclesiastical bodioe, and who is able to compute the benefit, in u moral and religious sense, that has ac crued from that class of pooms called sacred poetry? Men are powerfully in fluenced by thia ubiquitous agency, while they may not be seneiblo of tho cause. The soul, excited, angry, full of revenge, by the silent inspiration of u twilight scene, the moaning sympathy of the healing breezes, the tearful pity of the attentive stars, is soothed and quieted, and is open to the impulse of generous forgiveness. Was it a weakness in Daniel Webster to request the reading of Gray's Elegy, when ho was on his death bed? Ah, tbooe words fell upon his spirit like drops of balm from the tree of life; the sacred influence stole upon him like angels' voices in the "stilly night;" and gently, peacefully, his spirit passed from this earthly vestibule into the celestial temple. Let us, then, as club members and as individual women, improve every oppor tunity of cultivating an appreciation of the poetic, that in future years our memories may be glorious; that, though our present BurroundingB may be unfa vorable, wo may yet say with the poet: 44 I hear the muffled tramp of years Come stealing up the slope of time ; They bear a train of smiles and tears, Of burning hopes and dreams sublime ; But future years may never fling A treasure from their passing hours Like those that come on sleepless wing From memory's golden plain of flowers." Following ib the program arranged by Mrs. S. M. Walker, state president of the W.C.T.U., to be given at the con gress which will be held at Lincoln park August 7 to 14: Thursday, 9 to 10 Greetings and top ics: State officers. Mrs. A. H. Hunt; Advance in Temperance Sentiment; Progress in W.C.T.U. Work; The Out look. Friday "A White Life for Two," Mrs. Jean Shuman, Aurora; "The Home." Mrs. M. D. Nickel. Saturday Mrs. Ormiston Champ, London, England. Monday "Influence of the Ballot," Miss Laura A. Gregg. Tuesday "Duty and Destiny." Rev. C. E. Bentley. Wednesday "The Mission of Flow ers," State Superintendent Mrs. L. S. 1'aite; "The Medical Prescription," Mrs. M. M. Clafiin. Thursday "Domestic Science," Mrs. C. C. Welton; "Humanitarianism," Mrs. M. D. Plumb. The Panama hat capB the climax. Solomon also, in Ecclesiastes, has en- the huge wheel toils one torn from a nome or nappiness, torn away oy me demands of insatiable war, a captive in a strange land, breathing a prayer at each revolution of the wheel for deliver ance from the burden of life! By means of this wheel and its connections, the water ia raised to the desired altitude, and then distributed as desired. A most happy inspiration was it, then, that caused the poet to compare the aorta and the distributing functions of the heart, to the wheel at the cistern. The New Testament abounds in ricbed literature with a unique and un approachable description of old age. It runs thus: "Remember now thy Cre ator in the dayB of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou sbalt Bay, I have no pleasure in them. While the sun or the moon or the stars be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain. In the day when the keepers of the bouse shall tremble, and the 6trong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease be cause they are few, and those that look No young woman in New York who has a good voice need lack opportunity to cultivate it merely because she has not money enough to pay her teacher when she begins her lessons, says the New York Sun. In her voice Bhe haa a valuable asset on which she can realize before she has actually begun her work. It ia thia fact that so often impels teach ers to take charge of the entire musical training of singers and to agree to wait for their compensation until the pupils have begun to earn money. Not only do singers on the stage succeed in making this arrangement with teachers church choir singers also receive instruction on the same plan; and the teacher who re fuses to take on these terms pupils like ly from their natural talents to succeed well enough to pay eventually for their instruction, would be an exception to the general rule. The more prosperous a teacher is the more exacting he is likely to be as to the quality of the voice of the applicant It w n: III t 1 Uj ir 1V9 tr IS. J H 5f! fJ :i 1 i! ,f vi V 3 I t, rs !' ii': m n a r 1 ' : v J' 1 1 Xtti 1l4 1