The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 27, 1901, Page 10, Image 10
rinirrPHrg III 10 THE COURIER tlf"TrTf" r-MM..3mr.-!ya It ! fr ft If i U! 4 1 JROyER & GIQERy, TiK Undertakers a Embalmer 325 So. JJthSt. .... Phone 7J LITERARY-NOTES. LINCOLN LETTER. Lincoln, Nebr., July 25, IDOL Dear Penelope: Your letter was as grateful as a shower to the ancient peoples who enjoyed them. I have baeo reading lately about a flood they had in the days of old that wet the earth impartially all over. The modern instances only dampen Boca here and Gretna there, with perhaps a mile snaa-water aaen or. moisture at RraBa Tnejr purpose is partially de- Ashland. It is hard to believe that fe"ated by two hundred ruffianly boys, there is more water in the world, three- wh0 set off Borne explosive, whistle and fourths more, than land. Everything who wre8tle with each other amonir the we can Bee ib ary jana ana orassy sny, and it is hard to realize that five hun dred miles away are the great lakes and fifteen hundred miles away on each side is a salt ocean cool as snow and deep as a mountain. I made a resolution, be fore beginning this letter to you, that I would not talk about the weather, but about the Arctic expedition soon to be undertaken by the Duke of Abruzzi to the north pole. But these are the days of realism and I know bo much more about the effect on the minds, manners and dispositions of Nebraska people than I know about- freezing to death in the Arctic regions. They do say it is easy to keep cool there and they have not had a heated spell for a long time. No wonder the Duke wants to go there again. If the north pole rogion were as hot as it is cold I do not believe it would be sown so thickly with the bones of heroes. Hot weather takes the heroics and all desire for the amelioration of the race, all devotion to science out of one more quickly than cold applications, don't you think? But in spite of the heat and dry weather the corn green and self-possessed. Where it geti the chlorophyl for its complexion is more than I kuow. It may hold up the weather man, only he seems just as green as ever. If I were an altruist I should be talking to you about cooling salads, instead of Bending you this roast on the weather man. But this heat affectB like a severe stomach-ache: I can not think or talk of anything ehe, while it lasts. A friend of mine has been visiting Kansas, her affections, not her liking for hot weather, drew her thither. She in tended to stay for two months. pression on Jack's face I know that all says his fortune would-be made if he the effects of the drought are beinz laid could only induce DeoDle to have faith to bad and careless honeekeeping. Jack in his rainmaking discovery. There is A Romance of the Wheat Pit. thinks he is too much of a gentleman to no argument necessary, if he will go to "The End of the Deal' is the title of say anything about his feelings then, work on bis own farm and raise a big an unusually good business serial story But I hear about them sooner or later crop, wet or dry. He is like theimpe- which is to begin 'in an early number of in one way or another. I sometimes cunious necromancers and dream-read- The Saturday Evening Poet, of Phila- look with envy, Penelope, upon your era who advertise that they can make delphia. , A famous transaction on tbo unchained, irresponsible existence. To all applicants rich by intepreting their Chicago Board of Trade is the basis be sure, you have an exigent mother, dreams and foretelling the price of upon which the author, Mr. Will Payne, but a mother is a woman and sometimes wheat. All men are selfish. If a man has founded thiB striking romance has an opportunity to make a fortune, he will not sell the chance for a dollar, which is only one millionth of a fortune, will he, Penelope? Yours, Eleanor. neglects to revenge herself on injuries received from her offspring. A husband never forgets and hardly forgives enough to ignore an opportunity of reprisal. Wo are having concerts, every Tues day and Friday evening, on capitol square. The Hagenow band is a very good one and about 1000 people gather to listen to the music. Or rather about 800 come to listen to the music and dis pose themselves in quiet groups on the patient groups whose purpose they en tirely frustrate. If the patrol wagon could be kept near the grounds during these concerts and the unruly few, who destroy the pleasure of the many, arrest ed, the time would soon come when we should present as cultivated an appear ance while listening to music as Mexi cans or Germans. The boys with whose inveterate diabolism no one interferes do not come to listen to the muBic, for they never listen to it. They come to create a disturbance and make other people unhappy. Ours is the only coun try on earth where a few brutes are Buf fered to destroy the purpose of a large concourse. The police stand within arm's reach of boys who are making more piercing noises than the band, and do not arrest them. We are not a mu sical people, and these crude, dirty, foul-smelling hoodlums who shout, whistle and swear louder than a band can play, are a proof of our barbarity. Very rarely the band plays something fine. When it does the applause is of the wheat pit. story runs through ing plot. A charming the stern and love stir- CRITICISM. FOR A SUMMER OUTING. The Rocky Mountain regions of Colorado reached best via the Union Pacific provide lavishly for the health of the invalid and the pleasure of the tourist. Amid these rugged steeps are to be found some of the most charm ing and restful spots on earth. Fairy lakes nestled amid sunny peaks, and climate that cheers and exhilerates. The SUMMER EXCURSION RATES put in effect by the Union Pacific en able you to reach these favored locali ties without unnecessary expenditure of time or money. ideal is the test and directing power of ONE FARE FOR. THE ROUND TRIP his life. The philosopher stand before plus 2200 from the Missouri River, in the unseen, majeetic presence of abstract effect June 18th to 30th, July 10th to truth. The philanthropist stands before August 31st, inclusive, humanity. The artist stands before The Union Pacific will also sell tickets beauty. The legislator stands before on July 1st to 9th, inclusive, September justice. The politician stands before let to 10th, inclusive, at S15.00 for the Every man stands before something which is his judge. The child ptands before the father, not in a single act, making report of what he has been do ing on a special day, but in the whole posture of his life, as if the father were a mirror in which he saw himself re flected, and from whose reflection of himself he gained at once a judgment as to what he was, and suggestions as to what he ought to be. The poet stands before nature. She is his judge. A certain felt harmony or discord between his nature and her that vague but awful embodiment of average character, the people. The scholar stands before knowledge, and gets the satisfactions or disappoint ments of his life from the approvals or disapprovals of her serene and gracious lips. The mission of the critic is a thank less one. In matters large or small, human nature resents the implication of anything less than perfection. If driven to a direct expression, each individual would say: "1 realize that I am not round trip from Missouri River points. Return limit October 31, 1901. Proportionately lo rates from inter mediate points. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application. 8 31 E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. louder than after "Whistling Rufun." Innkn a: : .u i . iL . "' " iteets 7"ur"7 n, cmyeaU" Perfect- I have many faults and im- lb Kola catAd tniiniriarK. Iiirn nnndirnoa unnat.. ... .... .... . r . , ' ' perfections, Dut 1 do not wish to be ro om, xu you uave iree, popular, nood- minded of lum-miected concerts in Omaha? Thursday iB a day of prayer for rain. I suppose it ie all right, bat does it not seem queer to ask Him to change His planB and interfere with the natural causes which have caused the present conditions? But every individual, be liever or -agnostic, asks for help when death is imminent and human help of no avail. Every day the clouds gather them by my friends." Yet from the criticism which is prompted by a loving spirit, much benefit may be derived. A certain distance from an object is essential to seeing it in its true proportions, thus our friends are enabled to distinguish both the faults and the excellencies which to our own minds do not exist as individual traits. Criticism, however, is apt to degen- IMMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIHIH LINCOLN INSTITUTE OF iOSTEOPATHY j BrownelL Third Floor. Chronic diseases-of long stand ing successfully treated without drugs. Diseases of women a spe cialty. Consultation and exami nation free. DRS. BIGSBY.& BIGSBY. MMMIIMlllllHl MMHIIUUIIUDgOMOMOOJ ArntA intrt mora foti1ffinrK.i, ntlilnk nr,r1 . 4r. A l.,: U..-J iL ..... uUu.u5,BmUi - .., i .uy men uuruen on ine hnnfifioiiil nithr tr. r, !. t .1.-. .iT First Pub. July 27 I. Notice to Creditors. E J546. State of Nebraska, ss. county court, Lancas d F d re CState f Henn,nS Peters, Creditors of said estate will take notice that She" "'" lf" around them habit nor to the object again whom it SSTS55 She BUCkB it Up and holds it in suspended ! -:.. ti, . ? . F,TOe.nt of dfbt u P- - m-' ""at I will irh- o eoL ,.. .u '"!.. aed. The mission of the true S'feS&fJ? d enty. on MLKnu himiu l. Liirnn wmhkh nnrrinnrrn .j. a m " -.- . uHmrjuBbH LDO iar nnnvn no tnrin amr ter.whowas her hostess, lives in a good. The farmer, whose season's work small town whose market is supplied by i destroyed, watches the clouds with the immediately contiguous farmers, anxious trepidation ever since the dry The drought has burnt up the fruit and spell began. He is praying all the time vegetables,! that my friend had to with an iteration that would tire him if subsist entirely on meat and canned it were audible. These thousands of things. The diet, the treeless, graeeless prayers from farmers and farmers' wives plainB, the terrible Bun who has his own have been BBcendiug for a month, with- unmitigated way with the people of out affecting the deep-seated meteoro- KanBas, weighed in the balance against logical cauBe. I am like poor Mr Dick affection, held even for three weeks, and the head of King Charles which he But the day came when endurance was was unable to keep out of the conversa- exhausted and she fled back to Lincoln tion, try as he would. The state is in lu uK0. -alining nouertnan an attitude of waiting for coolness Lincoln these days is inconceivable, ex- moisture, and while we wait we cept to a Lincoln visitor to Kansas. think of nothing except what we juy mumiBgviBii to me grocer ib a waiting and praying for. discouraging expedition. The toma- Wright, the rainmaker, is going to toes are measly little shriveled things, shoot off his guns next week. He is the cauliflowers have not blossomed and sure he can get rain. But they say he are tough as leather. Peas, beans and is not a rich man. It is certain that if other vegetables are of poor quality and he can make rain when he wants it he flavor, and are very dear. Jack, of can rent or buy a farm, and a large crop course, does not appreciate my market- in a dry year will make him very well ing difficulties, bo he thinks I am neg- to-do. Then he can buy a contiguous lecting his table, which in our house oc- farm and keep on adding to his territory cupies the place which a shrine does in on which he can rain in aeasonB of bouio ibiuu.cb nuu wuoa i iook across drought A few years of this sort the table a.nd observe tha,t martyred ex. thing would make him a Croesus. critic is to build up, while that of the chronic fault-finder is to tear down and destroy. We are none of us bo free from faults that we do not need to have the best possible construction put on what we do. It is more congenial to the natural heart to convict than to acquit. Our .-.... ., 1PV1, BUU r curuaiy i, jsv.', to re- r!,yu,led'f SSfi- weeWy four times in The Courier. Dated July 26, 1901. (8EM Frank R. Waters, County Judc. By Walter A. Leese, Clerk. and can are ruuu&n weeklv four llm i n. rW.f First Pub. July J71. Notice to Creditors. E 1567. StatC Of Npnraetra cc n..n. . .- fl.: i,.: i 4 .us fnv,,m.. 7: '. "".""H tyuri, iinca.- mDiiuipuiguuuutiuHi; ptoiwiiui tilings deaji'" '" lv K-al or Kiizabeth Mitchell, about people, but unpleasant ones. We Creditors of said estate win take notice find just what we set out to find, and aVaM see exactly what we want to see. And HK"?? of debts ls Sept- 2. ie7 that 1 win because we do not much care to see ex- Nov. is! iandyFeb,rit5r0?w.,ntSl,l,vnctye0xn cellencies in people, the first thine we PnMict, JIi?, auow ?u claims duly filed mention about them regularly is their faults. The fault is not in men alone that their blemishes are so conspicuous, but in the jaundiced eye that puts its own bad complexion on all it beholds. A part of what we 'see is only the dingy shadow cast by our own spirit. Spiders do not weave their webs in a clean room, nor suspicions build their nests in a guileless heart. Dated July 26,1901. (SEAL.) By Walter a, Leese. Clerk County Court, Frank R. Waters. County Judge. of Rolf.rAar.opf nllo-hf tn main Uly filed. more than a comfortable sense that you seal. First Pub. July 271. Notice to Creditors. E J557. tc? wuntfvNlnb Sb ? F,unty . -ncas-dMSSedf restate or Harriett S. Burnett, thatheKtoellm??81316 W,U ke nolicc against ,,H to,r EtatIon of claims rtUnfofTb1!, What11 1 receivo ViVl '1 ""u 'curuary is. iwe, to He have not, been found out. Town. Topics. On 1 llet. nnrl n11A -11 -1-1 Publ Sh ISMrl, "?""?." "" ""1S Dated July 357 lWi. U' "mes m 1DC Frank R. Waters, n.. ti.. . unty Judge. By Walter A, Lzzsz. Clerk