THB COURIER. t, I r I M !!i It' !'! t! Hi y mi i;i? 1 1 1 n. I I the largest and best sculpture was At the present time many women have turned out of that studio, and three of come well to the front as portrait and the women received medals for individ- genre painters, one or two pushing into ual merit. the very front ranks, in consequence of Marie Lawrence Tonetti collaborated the acquisition of superlative technical with an eminent American sculptor in skill or the possession of vital imagina- creating the big ColumbuB in front of tion. Miss Geceilla Beaux is easily-the the Administration Building. moBt notable among the former; and Enid Yandell, Bessie Potter Vonnoh Mies Mary Cassatt. of world-wide fame, and Mrs. H. II. Kiteon have been ad- for her remarkable impressionistic pic- mitted on the merit of their work to the tures. Many other clever women are membership of the National Sculpture crowding not far behind these two bright Society. A few years ago Mrs. Hun- stars, among whom Amanda Brewster preferences t neker won the commission for a statue to be erected in memory of one of -our pioneers. Miss Mears and Miss Bracken received medals at the Paris exposition for sculpture. A woman is to make a statue of MiBS Frances Willard for the rotunda of the capitol at Washington. Two years ago Enid Yandell won the award in the competition for the big fountain at Providence, R. I. The Athena at the Tennessee Centen nial exposition, forty feet in height, was the work of a woman. One of the foun tains at the Pan-American exposition Leslie Cotton and Miss B. becoming more and more Sewell, Mrs. Emmet are noticeable. In the branch of churchly decoration MiBS Maitland Armstrong and Ella Can dea Lamb hold honorable place among decorators. For women the gentleness of the labor of painting makes it very naturally a favorite pursuit, for there is nothing in the whole course of study, severe and unrelenting though it be, that a woman with gifts along that Hue is not fully equal to understand and conquer. The WE long ago learned that to argue against a wo man's preferences was a mere waste of time consequently we never try. We sell every good sort of typewriter in its best form. One of these will suit your requirements. Plenty o unbiased advice, however, if you require it. II06 O Street Telephone 759 was made by a woman, and other pieces richness of opportunity given in art, the of sculpture in the same exposition shows the strong and delicate handling of a trained woman sculptor. Miss Cohen, in Philadelphia, is hold ing her own among the men. Janet Scudder is the trusted assistant of a great sculptor. Many of the small and beautiful bronzes for household decora tion are the work of women. A woman is at present designing a fountain for an manifold variety included in that little word, is so enticing that the only won der is that the whole world, both male and female, does not rush into expres sion in some one of its forms. Little wonder, then, that woman, who for so many ages has been denied any outer form of competition and expression, should regard it with fascinated eyes and a secret determination to adjust her IINCOLK, KBBR, MMIMMMMMIMMIMMIMlMlllIMt Agnes Jaioliii is elegant Fifth avenue residence, and one life to it in some form, if possible. of the most beautiful ballrooms in New York is in part the work of a woman. Applied sculpture is most interesting, as all art is stronger when applied to a sister art. For applied sculpture in home decoration women stand pre eminent ENID YANDELL, 23 East 75th Street, New York. Women as Painters. In many respects painting is a profes DORA WHEELER KEITH, Flushing, New York. Kenunics. From prehistoric times potting has been recognized as the "art of arts" among American women. The woman of the aboriginal races was always the potter. The world famoua Hookwood pottery at Cincinnati was founded by a woman. Whose work with Miss Rivett is favorably known, will continue to do Manicuring, Shampooing, Hairdressing, and will give treatment of scalp diseases. Switches and pompadours made to order and all kinds of hair work carefully done. 143 So. 1 2 tli. feletstioxxe 38. m sion eminently fitted to the temperament Its staff of artists is largely composed of and talents of women. This, however, women. They u&ed the clays from their is a fact only developed within the past own valley to form their ware, and the ten or fifteen years, since so many fine flowers from their dooryards as motives facilities for study have been opened to for decoration. The originality brought them in the great cities of America and to bear upon the production of this pot in the art centers of Europe. tery has won rich reward in artietic rec Back of this period women painters ognition. Every great museum of Eu rvere rare indeed, and one finds a very rope treasures examples of its ware on casual survey of the past generally account of their national characteristics, brings to light the solitary but charm- Not one of the women who has labored ing figure of Madame Ie Brun, and in in this field is unknown to fame. The? Harvard, who Ib devoting himself to especial adaptation for their particular compiling a grammar of art, has said branch, a concentration of energies in more than once from the public plat- one direction, and years of training in form that a woman in this country is art schools or other fields. doing more to teach the public art with her camera than any portrait painter with his bruBh. A woman photographer was invited to be the United States com missioner at Paris last summer to rep resent the women photographers of the United States. It is claimed that the United exhibit she presented at the GERTRUDE KASEBIER, 273 Fifth Avenue, New York. Glass Mosaics. While for many years women hare made designs for stained glass, and one well known woman in New York person ally superintends the making of stained glass windows of her own design, and the daybreak of our own time Rosa Bonheur looms up, an impressive char acter, from time to time etill claiming our respectful and admiring attention. nave been everywhere honored by na tional and international laurels and medals, J. F. Harris, No. I, Board of Trade, CHICAGO. STOCKS AND- pnoiograpnic congress was ine feature one in Philadelphia has placed illumi of the hour. The Russians secured the nated glass windows in churches, the loan of the exhibit to use as a weapon actual artisan's work of nuttimr and One of the largest art associations in 1 obtainiD copyright law, which had putting together colored glass in the iu yjyyuavu uu mo grouuu mm in i0rm of windows and mosaics has been photography there can be no individu- done by women for less than a decade, ality of expression. The exhibit is still a woman in sympathy with the idea in Russia, but flattering press notices found it possible to cut glass herself, and are finding their way over here, saying selected as assistants three students that the work of the American women from the schools, several of whom are in photography baa been a great eye etill working with her in the now large opener and source of inspiration to the and aunMoofni Hm,fm0n r nmmnn this courtry is a Keramic League, ninety per cent of whose members are women. Women succeed not only as art potters, but in the Bterner commercial lines. One of the beet glazed brick and drain tile makers in the United States is a woman; another has owned and success fully managed a large brick yard for BONDS Grain, Provisions, Cotton. j jt o Private Wires to New York Gtyand Many Cities East and West J J J MEMBER New York Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade twenty years. For decorators the nm mosaic workers. Their windows are to of American wares is urged. The por- . woman ia "presented by invita- be seen in churches and private houses celains of this country are often very tion in a ,oan co"604'011 of eighty-five in this country and in Europe. They beautiful in form and of excellent body P00?1" now being shown in all the have been especially successful in glass and glaze, entirely worthy of encourage- PrinciPal cities and towns of Gsrmany mosaics. The first work that they pro ment and appreciation. and. Au8t &" works of art, the regular duced a picture panel called the "Three Our country is so extensive, its re- liit of each 8xnibitor being three Bishops" was exhibited at the World's sources so varied, its flora so diversified, print8- Se has five 0le woman in Pair, in the Tiffany chapel. Since then that there must always be fresh inspire- New yrk. i8.on tne Btaff ' an mP"- hy have executed a frieze of glass tion and individuality of Btyle if artist f80 Publirf"DK house as photographic mosaic, ninety feet long and four feet potters use the material which nature i,,UBtrator- Two women in New York high, illustrating fhe exploration of the offers them nearest at hand. photograph all the celebrities for sever- northwest by Marquette and Joliet, for SUSAN SIUART FRACKELTON, aI m?gazlDe8- A womlul waa "eot by a the Marquette building in Chicago; also HOG Cedar Street, Milwaukee, Wis. eyndicato to intercept and photograph four figure panels, ten feet wide and Photography Admiral Dewey on his triumphal voy- nine feet high, illustrating Homer, for Phnbun..!.. i- 111- - , .. aefroniMak- A woman made the the Alexander Commencement hall, -m..r, . uuw iwjguizea me nnest photograph on record of nutiuuter.ii not aa a nne art, as an inirtnn nrhnni nh;w in Wash- action, and Princeton, N. J. The largest, and in many ways the most interesting work ErJEZZZz i- -1 ? ttZS -" -w luo DwiuD ui uur dudiic Hrnnnia anrf chapel of the Wade Memorial mauso leum, at Lake View cemetery, Cleve- photographers land, Ohio. This mosaic is composed most marked SUC of two nnnntn narh tan tnnt hicrh bv brOlloht tfl thair nrn.U tk... 4L!-4 .. .. ll society in the world-i n Am; .....:... !T" -"?" """ ""-"" " long, representing ..:- - 7 """" obujo uuwui cnaracter wmen are """ xww proiessoror aesthetics, essentials of success in of the best professional photography in exclaim at the types of children in at , .uu, uoing aone ny women, tendance. The women xuo utbi woman elected to the "Linked who have made the iting tne most exclusive photoeranhic rnonhavA the any field an gorically "The Progress of the Christian Soul from Birth to Death." mj 4