I?! Us' jtnia fTfrffr'" l-t I f rr s THE COURIER. lfriTr",i1"1TiiTt- hit JROyER & GlJQEJiy, T yndeFtakers ana gmbalmcrs 325 So. Jllh St . . . Phone 7J The Bicycle as a. Strcct-CJcancr. .Almost everything that it is possible to Bay about "what the bicycle has done" would seem to hare been said, but there is a point of view which has not been sufficiently emphasized. And as it is one which appeals even more to those who do not ride than to those who do, to those who revile bicycles in gen eral and in particular, a few words on the subject may not be amiss. They may help soften the revilings of these people, and to those who believe in the wheel they may give it a new attribute. This point of view is one which regards the bicycle as a Btreet-cleaner not a gatherer of mud, or a maker of good roads, but a moral street-cleaner. If any one will send his mind back some six or eight years and recall the city streets on summer evenings, and go down town some evening now and no tice the difference, he will get the point. Formerly the main thoroughfares and all the street corners were occupied by a mob of boys and girls, from twelve to twenty years old, who behaved in a most unseemly fashion fooling objection ably, "guying," nudging and hugging, promenading with arms about each other, and doing and Baying all the rest of the things so indicative of lower and debasing thought know they are liars and we feel that the country's destinies are higher and nobl er and that the ideals of 1776 are the ideals of all the people today. The Dec laration of Independence is not a played-out document. It means all it ever meant to the thinking American. There is no disposition anywhere to abridge freedom, though there is a wider reali zation than ever before that liberty does not mean license, nor independence, law lessness. The things the Fourth of July stands for are still the things in which all Americans of all parties be lieve. The people are supreme. They are the court of last resort. They may be too prosperous now to worry over prin ciples, but their hearts aie sound and their heads are steady and if there be any law or any regulation anywhere in our domain that operates against liber ty, that law or regulation will be abro gated by the popular will when the conscience has been touched. We can not long be fooled by shams. We can sweep away any abuse or wrong and wipe out everything evil at the ballot box. That is a fact that all blubbering and blustering about imperialism and triumphant plutocracy cannot obliter ate. That means that we are still and will continue to be a free republic and that, having freedom ourselves, we shall never consent to our government oppres sion of others. Hurrah for the Fourth of July! The Mirror. A Prediction. Here's a prediction. The next Na tional Democratic Convention wil Many of the short dodge silver, will oppose the Adminis- streets, where there was music of some Bort or other, were positively blocked by these unpleasant young persons. Now all is quite different. There will always Le, of course, a certain amount trauon's "colonial" policy, will hedge and Btraddle on everything, and try to sneak into power. Needless to Bay the party will not succeed. The candidate in the last two campaigns will load a of this sort ot thing, but the improve- "Oil, and insist upon the Chicago and ment is very noticeable, and it 1b dis- Kansas City platforms. The radical tinctly due to the bicycle. This is made Democrats will all be Populists and evident to any observer who goes into nothing else, and they will be strong the parks or the outlying asphalted enough to defeat the regular organiza- streets where one now sees these Bame ton. This is the plan that the radicals young personB on wheels. "But," some have in mind, though they have not for- one may say, "are they not acting in the mulated it. To offset this the organ i- same fashion there?" No, distinctly not, to any noticeable extent. For the exhilaration ot fresh air and exercise, and the necessary attention to the wheel itself, remove the desire and the zers will put a southern man on their ticket, to hold the solid south in line, but it is thought that the radicals, even in the south, will be strong enough in their defection to defeat the regulars. and youth disports iteelf in a decent manner. Let any one observe, and think of this for a little, and another honor must be added to the bicycle. Saturday Evening Post opportunity for unpleasant familiarity, The perpetual editor-candidate and his followers are determined to destroy the Democratic party if they cannot dictate its policy. They are strong enough to do it. The editor-candidate will be a candidate again, in 1901, if he lives, but not on the regular Democratic ticket. The regular Democrats want none of him, and he will, before long, declare he. wants none of them. The situation is now being shaped up to this end. The Democratic politicians are preparing to turn down the fanatics, and the fana- The Glorious FourtE Hurrah fcr the Fourth of There's' not another holiday like July! it in all the world. And it's a holiday that is spreading itself gradually over all the tics are preparing to defeat the poll ticians. Both will succeed in their de sign. Unly alter 1901 will there be any gnment of the forces that were once Democratic party. ths world. Everywhere it means liberty. There's much iroln and splutter in what we call Independence Day oratory. vom&ble fof a harmonioUB reali. oui away uown unuer n mi mere is an abiding, deep, solemn sense of apprecia tion of the value of freedom and the greatness of this country. We Yankees are much like the Gascons. Our bom-, bast k a little too bombastic at times, but whea we are "brought to a show down," we manifest a decided sincerity is our heroics. Again, we are some- Mrs. Crawford They always seem happy when out in society. Mrs. Crabshaw Ah, my dear, that's t what cynical, inclined to be hypercriti- the hardest part of married 'life. Town cal ourselves, to be suspicious of our en- Topics, thusiams outside of business, but when the whole thing is simmered down we find ourselves filled with a faith in our institutions that our own humor cannot Jiggs Why is Porter Calumet con dim. Every other day in the year the sidered such a detrimental by fond Chi orator and the editor may say that the cago mammas? He's rich and good country k going to the doge, that the 'looking. Republic has vanished and the Empire Jaggs True; but he pays ridiculously come, but on the Fourth of July we small alimonies. Town Topics. ' IjCjJ July Clearing Sale. The sale that commands attention, that brings the peo ple in crowds; the sale everyone looks forward to. Obain a Circular giving full particulars if possible. We quote only one item from this circular. There are hundreds more of similar reductions. All Colored Shirt Waists at Half and Less. A seemingly unwarranted offer at this, the Shirt Waist season of the year. We unfortunately have too many Shirt Waists at this time. Fortunately for you we have decided to slip the knife deeply into the prices. 175 dozen of the Celebrated Griffon Waist all this year's latest patterns and styles, only to be seen in this Waist. Every waist made to our order and made to fit. ' ' ' We wish it distinctly understood that this is not a job lot bought foi the occasion. We simply, as stated before, have too many on hand at this time. MONDAY HORNING sees these fine Colored Waits offered for one-half and less their regular price. We have divided this immense stock into 3 BIG LOTS as follows: 50C Includes all of our former $1.00 Waists. $ $2 T f deludes any $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and Jl VFVf $2.25 Colored Waist in the House. ft aft Includesall $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and " VT and $5.00 Waists in the Stock. WHITE IND U WIISTS A special reduction on every White Black Waist in the Store. 1 h 1