The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 06, 1901, Page 5, Image 6

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Proelonal Directory.
Dr. Ben j. P. Bailey
I Office, Zebran Block 1 9 to 10 a m
: to 13:30
1., .. V12 to 12:30
i seiiaenee, isa u itreet;2t
Eveninft, by appointment. Bandars 12 to 1 p. m. and'bj appointment
JDr. J.B.Trickev,
Refractioniat only
J Office, 1035 O street I to 4 p. m.
obc. 63o.iLouls N. Wente.D.D.S.rBro'
I sollthitreet. I
office ess louver Johnson, D.D.S.j"3Har,e',,.
I (11050 street J
Phone. Dr. Ruth M. Wood.
612 So. 10th St.
) Hours;
I A. M.;
10 to 1
i to t P.M
via "OPtie Btairlington'
$18 25
5 a
$15 00$25-00
$19.00 $3025
$32 00
July 1 to 9
Sept. 1 to 10
June 18 to 30
July 10th to
Aug. 31st
All tickets sold at the above rates are limited for
Return to Oct. 31. Call and get full information.
City-Ticket Office
6or. lOtn and O Streets.
Telephone 235.
Burlington Depot
7th St., Between P and Q.
Telephone 25.
i id Ypu Kmv
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5 in it who was not glad of it? 2
2 We mean the g
1 80R0SI8 ?7 rn 1
IE. iu.&uf
6 Sold only by a
1 1043 O St., I
Z Lincoln, .... Nebraska
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that can be
Dis- ,
Cycle Photographs
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Chronic diseases of long stand- o
ing successfully treated without
drugs. Diseases of women a spe
cialty. Consultation and exami
nation free.
porch I see robin and blackbird and
woodpecker dart away down the hill
from the mulberry tree. And the old
willow tree by the barn do not look for
any bugB on ita venerable trunk. The
woodpecker brought his whole family
there to give them their early lessons in
tapping; it 1 were another woodpecker
I should hunt another tree.
Down behind the barn is an old dead
locust tree which reaches up straight
and stiff above the green branches
about it. There a brown thrush, I think
it is, sits many an evening and sings its
rapture forth. The blackbirds stop their
in a few minutes the tree of heaven was
full of a noisy army. The blackbirds, a
wood-pecker and other neighbors came
over to Bee what all the clatter was
about. It subsided after a time and a
little muscular exercise on my part.
Nevermind, children; your pet is rea
sonably safe. I never succeeded in
throwing a stone where I aimed it in
my life. I have the word of a universi
ty professor that this cat is a vory in
telligent animal. lie certainly is.
Imagine my feelings upon hoaring that
at four o'clock in the morning after an
evening when several stones had cbang-
quarreling around the water barrel ed locations, his catahip had been found
close by another special convenience lying in majesty beside my barrel. Ad
forthe birds and sit around in the vice: When raising young robins in a
dead tree aa a respectful congregation barrel put a screeu over the top at bird
while the soloist sings. Their taste is bed time.
commendable. I sit on my porch. In the matter of diet, can Eome good
The mourning dove that rests patient- bird doctor tell me if it is proper to give
Iy on her nest in the apple tree does not infant robins water to drink? Is thero
understand my ornithological craze, some secret hydraulic system by which
She flew in terrible affright when we the little birdies in the nest are refrosh
climbed the tree to see the one pretty ed in the days of hotness? I observe
egg. There will be another tree clixb- that a Bpoon does not work very well.
ing some day, when the yellow mouth
gapes for worms. Why did they build
so close to the house? Out on the hills
there is peace, worme wriggle, and cats
are not everywhere.
The joy and the tribulation of my
heart these days, However, is the old
barrel under the apple tree. I am not
thinking of going into the business of
robin incubation, but tbern is the barrel
and down in the barrel are two young
robins, and on the edge of the barrel
frequently is the old robin with some-
xraruapa my porcn ornunoiogy pro
fiteth little. But when I see shut-in
places where never a tree gives lodg
mentfor a bird, where no patch of
grass nor flower bed allures the worm
hunter, where only sparrows chatter all
day long, I think how lonesome it
would be to live there. There are blind
ones who live among trees who have
never chirped back to the robin, nor
noticed with sympathetic Joy "the hap
piness of the wren. But to some lho
birds are very sweet messengers. I
thing that squirms in nis Deatc. it think or a cozy stone cottage out on a
nearly breakB his heart to go down into country road close by a great tangle
that hole, I know, for he deliberates
long and hops from the tree to the barrel
and back and forth before he feels that
it is safe to venture. His call is very,
very short, but it grieves me that the
barrel is not transparent. The first
and thicket of trees, a Nebraska forest.
Out of it and into it dart thrush and
thresher, oriole and canary, scarlet tan
ager and red-breasted grosbeak, and
their songs and calls make the day
beautiful with melody. With all their
baby robin who hopped by the porch is joyousness they miss the one thing that
very tame and docile; he was the inhab- is best. In thoir wildness they do not
itant of the barrel for several days be- know what sweetness they bring to
fore the other one fell from the nest in their gentle friend who sits by the deep
the catalpa tree and fluttered through window when she is able, and some
times steps out of doors to learn to
know them better, to name them by
their color and song and call. If the
wild creatures only knew how to be
.The blessed rain. We sit and laugh
half tearfully, saying it came because
you left your umbrella at home, or be
cause the weather prophet of the family
the grass. There was a dreadful com
motion in the robin community when I
put Robin II. into the barrel. The
whole clan perched in the tree of heaven
and jawed me, and the olJ robin who
had seemed from the first to understand
the philosophy of the barrel, though
disliking the necessity, seemed dazed at
finding two where before was one. If I
went near the bird-cage all that day
there were at least lour robins protest- bad foretold its coming, or because the
ing from trees near by, and I felt as if day was blue Monday. All the time we
my mother were scolding me. It oc- know, down in the part of ns that keeps
curred to me that Robin II. must have the sacred silence while our idle tongues
fallen from another nest than Robin I. chatter on, that He gave who alone can
Now I am almost sure of it, for Robin give. What though we read the weath-
II. is pining and hungry enough to 1st er maps day after day we still must
me stuff mulberries into bis yellow know this, we still must feel the thrill
throat, and Robin L is fat, and though of worship with the thrill of victory,
tame and willing to sit on my hand, he Can you eit still in a darkened room
demonstrates ability to fly occasionally, while the trees sing their majestic song?
I wonder if he gets all the worms, and if Out on the side porch what matter if
Robin II. is regarded aa an interloper? the drops spray your face you can feel
If the barrel were only transparent! as one of the rejoicing chorns, look up
There! Where is that cat? Every with the flowers and the erase, swav
time the wren talks that way I know
Mr. Cat ia sneaking around. The wren
follows the cat and sasses him; on the
fence, up in a tree, very low in the cedar,
the little warrior flits, keeping up that
chatter that ha seems to mean for a
hiss. The cat will sit and meow under
the cedar with the wren up among the
branches not two feet from his nose.
Then he either feels his powerlesenees
to get through any such tangle of
branches or else concludes that the wren
would make hardly a mouthful anyway,
and he hangs his head and stalks off.
with the trees. Drench, drench, on the
leaves, on the roofs. Let ub give
A glory is upor the earth and in the
sky, from the oncoming of the great
long "roller" in the west and the first
joyous toss of the branches till at last
the day dies with a blaze of gold all
over the sky how prettily the leaves
dance on that bright floor and the arch
of promise perfect in the east. The
wind sweeps up and follows the sun
through the night. The birds huddle
in xneir swaying nests under the wft
onlytobefollowedbythepersistentlittle benediction of the rain. In thair hearts
tease. "Not until the enemy is out of perhaps, is something o! that unex
aight does the wren change his note to pressed gratitude which we of greater
the happy little warble we all know, destiny shut in behind frivolous words.
The day of the war, when Robin II.
came, the cat crept into the yard. The Summer has its paradoxes. Coal is go
wren and the robins saw it before I did; ing up, and so is the thermometer.