The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 06, 1901, Page 4, Image 5

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Evanston camp, while the Ravenwood
camp, in charge of Mrs. Caroline Catlio,
will accommodate seventy-five. Other
tenement house children will be taken
to Odelbolt, Iowa, Fewaukee, Wiscon
sin, Berrien Springs, Michigan, and
Gato, Wisconsin. The bureau will
break all records in the number of chil
dren given outings this summer.
The New York State Federation
library committee has decided to found
at least one free library a year, to be
known as the New York State Feder
ation library. An appeal has been sent
to each federated club, asking for con
tributions of books or money or both to
help in the enterprise. It is probable
that a library will be established in
Phoenicia, as an argent request' for one
has come from that place.
Miss Marie Louise Meier of Atlanta,
Georgia, has been appointed superin
tendent of nurses in the famous Hospit
al Lanneau du Chantel in Paris. Miss
Meier is a graduate nurse of the Jewish
hospital in Cincinnati, and during the
last six months has done creditable
work as brad nurse of the white charity
wards at Grady hospital, Atlanta. She
will be accompanied by Mrs. H. Jones,
who will complete her training in Paris
under Miss Meier's supervision.
An illustrated booklet has been sent
out by the Buffalo Woman's club, em
bodying their plans for the Pan-American
exposition. While there is no dis
tinctive woman's exhibit, there is a
board of women managers composed of
twenty-five representative wcmen, head
ed by Mrs. William Hamlin, who will
have charge of the women's interests.
The committee on entertainment and
ceremonies consists of Mrs. John Miller
Horton, chairman, fine arts, Mrs. Chas.
Cary; educational. Dr. Ida C. Bender,
publicity and promotion, Mrs. Alfred G.
Hauenstein; applied arts, Mrs. Tracey
C. Becker. The women's administra
tion building will be a typical country
club set in a rose garden, and will be
headquarters for social and more eeriouB
affairs of women visitors. It is two
stories high, surrounded by a broad,
hospitable veranda, and contains besides
the officer, a series of tea rooms and a
large hall which will be employed as a
reading room when not engaged by
small meetings and social gatherings.
Invitations have been given to two wo
men commissioners from each state and
honorary members of the board from
various parts of this country and Eu-
J. F. Harris,
No. I, Board of Trade,
Grain, Provisions, Cotton.
j j j
Private Wko to New York Gtyand
Many Gties East and Wot.
New York Stock Exchange.
Chicago Stock Exchange.
Chicago Board of Trade
rope, to make this home their head
quarters during the exposition. Among
the organizations that will meet at the
exposition are the New York State Fed
eration, which will begin its sessions the
first week in October; the Federation of
Women's Literary and Educational
clubs of Western Xew York the first
week in June; the New Jersey Feder
ation, the D. A.R. and the D. B., the
Daughters of the Confederacy, the Na
tional Women's Christian Temperance
Union and the National Household
Economic association.
For The Courier
If you would be a little of an orni
thologist, plant a mulberry tree a few
yards from your side porch and culti
vate only friends and neighbor who
have the refined good sense to dislike
mulberries in whatever form of pie,
jam or jelly they may be offered. I am
thankful that moat people do not crave
mulberries; the birds rejoice, too. It is
a great delight to sit without envy on
the porch and watch them as they come
swiftly to this corner grocery for their
morning meal, and speed away again.
There is a robin now, and now a young
woodpecker, not yet a full-blown star
spangled banner; there comes a family
of black birds, and you may be sure they
will "jump" the whole claim in a min
ute. Afterward come more robins,
then that Rhode Island of feathered
things, the happy wren, a single oriole
fluttering like a spirit of sunshine among
the leaves, and all the time the jibber
ing little sparrows, which the neigh
bor's cat may kill, if he can, and whose
perpetual nests shall not hang under
the eaves of my happy corner if a broom
stick can help it.
But the mulberry tree is not the only
blessing. Just a passing glimpse of Mr.
Robin that will afford you. He does not
build hiB nest there wise bird he
does not sing there, he hardly chirps &b
he hope from branch to branch; he is on
a still hunt and is too busy to talk. But
think of the happiness of having a long
back lot behind the old barn with a
dense thicket bo far away that the
children used to say they must take
their dinner and stay all day when they
trooped down there. I am almost afraid
to thread the long potato patch and in
vade the sacred grove. But from my
There's Another Week of
I! 11
jiil (i
Here are some of the happenings:
A social settlement work of unique
character is carried on each summer
under the auspices of the Kentucky
Federation of Women's Clubs. At the
beginning of the season a band of young
women go into the most remote regions
of the Kentucky mountains where they
establish a camp and give the mountain
people lessons in cooking, sewing, clean
liness and the rudiments of home deco
ration and nursing. The children are
taught games and innocent, healthful
formB of amusement, and magazines and
illustrated pipers are freely distributed.
The first camp was established three
years ago at Hazard, forty miles from
Jackson, the nearest railroad station.
Great interest was manifested by the
mountaineers in the classes, women and
children often riding ten or fifteen miles
to attend. Last year the camp was at
Hindman, forty-five miles from Jackson,
and an effort is being made to establish
a permanent school at this point. This
year the scene of operation is at Sassa
fras, where the party of workers is com
posed of Miss Katherine Petit of Knox
ville, Miss May Stone of Louisville, Miss
May McCartney of Pittsburg, Pennsyl
vania, and Miss Eliza Taylor of Canada.
The young teachers will board with a
woman who profited by the instructions
given at Hazard three years ago, and
the tentB will be used only for the
classes r
'All remnants at HALF
; Minerva cords, worth 12c, sale
price, per yird 5c
I Batiste and dimity, worth J 5c to
18c, in one lot, per yard... 11 21c
'Remnants of unbleached mualint
per yard 3c
' All our beet dark standard prints,
per yard... 4?tc
All the lunch cloths, trays, scarfs
and center pieces, during this
Mill ends of white goods, worth
up to 25c, sale price per yard..
Table cloths, bleached and half
bleached, worth 12.50 to 13.25,
8-4 and 10-4 $1.79
Remnants at HALF
Waist and uit department.
On Monday morning' from 9 to 10 o'clock only
they won't last longer children's dresses of percale,
nngham, etc., sizes 1 to 4 years, regular price 70 and
t7c, sale price, each 25c
From 9 to 10 o'clock Monday morning, 50 dozen
1 shirt waists in fine percale, gingham and madras,
istripes, Persian stripes, linen batiste, all sizes, as
sorted colors, none worth less than $1.00 and more
I than half of them worth $1.25 and $1.50, for an hour
only, each 75c
Even7 aisle in the store will be a place of inter
est to the shrewd buyer.
Preferences i
WE long ago learned that
to argue against a wo
man's preferences was a mere
waste of time consequently we
never try. We sell every good
sort of typewriter in its best
form. One of these will suit
your requirements. Plenty of
unbiased advice, however, if you
require it.
i. e. AXdkEoacD.
II06 O Street
Telephone 759
Ms. A&ws Rawlings,
Successor to Miss Rivett.
Manicuring, Shampooing, Hairdressing, and treatment
of scalp diseases. Switches and pompadours made to
order and all kinds of hair work carefully done.
143 So. 12th.. Telephone 38.