The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 06, 1901, Page 3, Image 4

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in a peaked cap and a long coat. The .Buck, Berlin; Miller and Miss Ewyart We were pleased to have them with us calm with determination ami alovoo
.cneral public associates the water- from Douglas. and bade them come again. These God and fellow-man looking therefrom,
wizard with hocus-pocus work; and The lawn was beautifully decorated pleasant acquaintances formed cannot before the victory can bo won. But
ipvfir Mr. Burns may modify his with blue and white, the Syracuse Wo- end here, but as a pebble thrown into men uo not comenu in inis way. uouoi-
proposition, it will be difficult for him man's club colors and the Federation the ocean starts into motion waves mjly and hesitatingly the car ot reform
...nnnvlncethe voters that he can yellow. We were honored bvarenre- which never cease, so may this little has been pushed along, whilo the re-
manage the water works system bet- sentation of three from the executive gathering disseminate healthful fellow- former has been callod a dreamer or an
tor than a biennially eieciea repre- Doara or tne Nebraska Federation ot
scntative of the people. Women's Clubs: Mrs. Smith, pres.;
According to Mr. Burns' proposi- Mrs. Stoutenborough, librarian, and
tion the city would still continue to Mrs. Page, auditor. It was impossible for
need the services of a water commis- anp one to feel other than welcome af
sioner and the same clerks, engineers, the opening remarks by our local presi
and firemen now employed. If Mr. dent, Mrs. Schneider. In closing, she
Burns can demonstrate to the city said that she had not the authority to
that it will pay bim and pay the city turn over the keys of the city, but ev
to conclude a twenty years' contract erything in the possession of the S. W.
for supplying the city with water at
Bhip and never-ceasing waves of wo- agitator, ana often in tne nour or nis
man's influence, which Bhall prove the greatest need has beon forsaken by his
blessings of women's clubs.
f&irweather friends.
The drama is like a fertile Hold left to
grow up with tares and thistles. Divino
possibilities Ho bidden in its soil, and
what is needed is the enlightened hus
bandman to root out this obnoxious
s'j many cents per thousand gallons,
the mayor, council and water com
missioner should be able to plan an
equally paying plant. Buying the
water according to his proposition,
the plant must support two estab
lishments with the usual number of
A condensed version of the Oberam
mergau "Passion Play" was recently
given by the Indians at Chilliwack, in
British Columbia. Several scenes from growth and to plant in its place the truo
the life ot Christ ware portrayed, most- vine. It is well worth the while of our
C. was at the disposal of the guests for Iy in Pantomime, uui wnu u .f.- reiormers 10 iook idwj inis manor, it
w ? A B : : . 1 mm ntlflmnt hT ? A! .1 .. 1 !...
imeoi 01 biukiuk u ottcuiy g a queBiiuu mm uu uiun wuu luvtu
dialogue. The most impressive scenes
were ot Christ before Pilate, of Christ
tinarino tho Krnu nnrl nf thft crucifixion.
Good of Women's Clubs with hints as 1q & ,ay flgure w UBed
and the flow ot blood from the wounds
the day.
Mrs. Smith was introduced and gave
the address of the afternoon on "The
purity and morality more than vice, can
to organization and work. She said of
women's clubs which is true of all or
ganizationsthat each individual club
The Mail and Times ot Deo Moines
has been appointed the ofllcial club or-
was Bhown by means of a small reser- gan 0f Iowa. This is a merited honor.
figure-heads and extra men employed must be judge of what it most needs
by the city. This combination of and adopt that particular line. She
municipal and private ownership in- Bajd too, that existing for a purpose is
volvesaioonsuiossoi energy, ib uu- thesoulof women's clubs. She gave
voir of red fluid inside of the cross. The
Indian is a natural actor, and there is a
dramatic tendency in his oratory as well
as in his religious ceremonies. In fact,
the drama in some form has existed as
as the paper has a strong club depart
ment ably edited by Emilie Blackmoro
plicates establishments. It would pay the s. w. c. honorable menUoD and at- TZ l.tTZa has been practiced , k , r h-T '
f..--i tn innro t.h municinal own- ..:u... - .-.... ..:,: long as society, and has been practiced passed a by-law to which any
the city 10 ignore uu, uiuu..i,-i u- tnbuteu our Btrengtu or organization . , M natioDB In the Bouth sea
ership sentiment, ana rent tie to.. and high standing among clubs to our -,,- rude kind of performance was
cession of selling water to the city at a concentrated efforts in the interests of diBCOvered a loDg time ago, and in
stipulated price per thousand gallons the Syracuse public library and reading chlna fa , in ia remote. The war-
Wa8 10 ,! it,, rnrlinn onrl African, with
UailLOn UI tUD juuiu nuu --. - --
to Mr. Joseph Burns and let him col
lect the charges from the people di
rectly.The compromise proposed means
nothing tangible to the city. It is
intendei to soften the opposition of
officeholders, actual and expectant,
room, tier strongest appeal
mothers and for mothers'
member desiring to leave the club must
bend in a formal resignation. If sho
tails to do this, simply leaving her namo
to be dropped, she cannot be reinstated
until all back dues are paid for the time
P1!!1'?8: their pantomimic preparation for battle, Bne has been out. When her resigna
tiallv dramatic exhibitions. This is his
trionic art iii its primitive form. In
early Grecian times it is slightly 1m
A quotation from Rev. Newell Dwight
Hillis, which she always uses in every
talk, sounded the keynote. It was
something like this: "The problem of
whose fears of the cutting off of jobs tne cnid jB tbe problem of the nation."
are easily aroused. If two establish- And where can the nation find support nroved in the dithvrambus. a pagan rite
ments can be supported according to ,f not among the mothers? in honor of Bacchus, consisting of an
Mr. Burns' plan of enlarging the sys- Ater Mrj SmUh Mrs stoutenbor. pde accompanied by mU6ic and dancing,
tem, it is up to the mayor, city coun- ough waj preBented She Bpoke eBpe- The Beniua f Aeschylus, five centuries
cil and water commissioner to pro- cig..y of he g w Q from itfl beglnnjDg befora the ChriBtian era, is entitled to
pose an equally economic scheme for to the preBent tirae and aB Mrs stout the credit of perfecting tho drama as
the municipal operation ui uiu i- enboroUEh orsanized the Syracuse club, we now behold it.
all felt the worth of her sincere words of The objection to theatrical perform
commendation. ance in the minds of many good persons
Mrs. Page closed the program part ot
the afternoon with additional words of
welcome and many wishes that each
their imaginary foe, their victory ana tjon na8 been received in due form, she
the applause of the spectators are essen- may bo reinstated without paying back
dues. Residents ot Denver who are not
club members may be invited to the
club only once a year.
cnt plant. If they cannot do tins tne
council would better turn over tho
entire management of the plant to
Joe Burns or some other wizard and
charge them a stiff rate for the con-
caMuu , - a-- w . .. bQth br. and takQ a bleBBiDg
the city of Lincoln, ui course tins ... , ,. iij ,
.,. ui:oi.mK f .!. An informal reception followed ai
wouia uieau tuu auui.3.iu...u ul ... , a;nti with
UliO ttaa mauo .MM.M-- ...
Mrs. A. J. Harris is the busiest wo
man in Fairport, Ohio. She is collector
of customs, the only woman in th'e Uni
ted States holding that position, and is
manager ot the Postal Telegraph com -pany,
manager of the telepbono ex
change, is a freight agent and a writer.
is that its influence is not always on the
side of morality.
This is not to be wondered at, now
Mrs. Laura Schwichtenberg, a
wealthy young widow of New York,
... :: -, every
omceowaierrou.m.uuB..uu-. every other one. After refreshments nf
..r ff-ii-. tirnman rtr T.rrn niui-ri'ii iiiiiuii
ing stations would lose their jobs, as
under an economical regime the dif
ferent plants would be consolidated
into one where one fireman would be
enabled to do the work of several.
For this reason it is not likely that
the city will be able to supply water
to the people any more cheaply or in
a more sufficient volume than at
followed and haB always been opposed to tne ineaire,
hurling against it its severest anathe
mas. The church, speaking of it com
prehensively, ib a great positive power in
the world, and the drama, lacking its
patronage, has been obliged to cater to
the taBtes of other thdn church people.
It has been profitable for managers to
Mrs. Stoutenborough's lecture bring out plays which church members
i;h,0r work. She told us of muBt condemn. The audiencn must be
many very old and wonderful libraries pleased, and if a moral exhibition is not
of long ages ago, following down the what it desires, tne stanaara win uo
.. . . i;i., ; inwnred to satisfy its needs. If unself-
linn flT VRMTM UI UUE UWUKICBa "UiaJ , v
" . . i m n : -
ever, when we remember that the church was appointed at her own request, to
hospitals in the Filipines. When visit-
ice cream, waters ana punco, we onus
each other adieu until evening. Mrs.
Stoutenborough delivered the evening
lecture, but Mre. Smith and Mrs. Page
gave short, interesting and hopeful re
was on UDrary
ing the leper colony on the island of
Cebu her sympathy for tho sufferers
was aroused to such an extent that she
has decided to devote her life to tho
lepers. She will necessarily make Cebu
her home.
In Ems the wearing of trains by wo
men is forbidden on account of the dust
which they circulate which may be in
jurious to the invalid guests. Smoking
also is forbidden by the men while the
i Edited by Miss Helen G. Harwood.
tOIOMMHmlM oocottoono
Last fall Tyna Helman, a little Rus
sian girl, entered the Wells school in
Boston without knowing a word of Eng
lish, and was placed in the lowest grade.
w..MDfu,D, d. o . - J? ""E..7 n.T.u,a " wi -i-.
copies oi every ooon puuimueu. ouo --
then spoke of the marvelous influence subserved by elevating the moral status
of gooTreading, upon the minds of the of their auditors. Moral, Christian peo- Many young girls are employed as
oi guuu reouiubI F ; am lewe ry polishers in the larce lewelrv
pie ueeu uhdioiuu m .u.....-.rf ....... CT- --
bad people. There is no other time houses. They generally are taken at
whec men are so willing to receive moral the age of fourteen, with papers signed
admonition as when they are. pleased; apprenticing them until they are eigh
their moral receptivity iBgreatestatsuch teen. While learning the trade a girl
t-.moa Man is an imitative beine. and receives three dollars a week. At the
dramatic representation must ever take
a deep root in his nature. Yet the
drama has been a follower, not a leader,
human progreea. It is supplying
young especially, ouu ouwuioncu
school libraries, public libraries and
reading rooms, and urged particularly
that the children shall attend these
places, for in their hands rests the fut
ure of the nation. She, too, quoted Dr.
Hillis, when he said: "The problem of
the child is the problem of the nation,"
and cited the library and reading room
t ... ntlfl. ffio mn1fiorain
Last week Bhn was graduated from tne as u- -- - . appetite as old as humanity
.nwi ..., thrnh all the fluence. Great caution was urged in the food for an spptf ui '
wwuwV(, UBW.UK &"" O
grades in one year. She will go to the
Girls Latin school, and then to college.
selection ot books, that only good books
be put upon the shelves. Mrs. Stout
enborough further said that Nebraska,
with all her educational renown, waB
Woman's 'club, reports sadly in the rear in public Ubiy ork.
The drama, under the control ot good
men, might be made a most efficient
agent in the work of human improve
ment. This view of the matter is not
new. The Rev. Dr. Bellows of New
York began its agitation half a century
close of her apprenticeship, when she is
considered a skilled worker, she receives
six dollars a week. The polishing is
done with rapidly revolving brushes
which remove all the scratches and file
marks made in the modeling.
Mrs. Lillian M. Beach, secretary of
tl, o. tit -- nlnK -an mrtn
iuo ojrauuBO viu.u.u i..u, .,.-..- - - i:i,., hill . oh all
that Thursday, June twentieth, was in- dui now, wit ofTB:ro anf , ago meeting with success as is accorded been valedictorians of their classes at
Miss Zipporah Joseph, a colored girl,
carried off highest honors this year at
the manual training hign Bchool of
Denver. Three older sistere have aleo
a "red-letter" day to the club wo- come a uow ",. ... n , moat men who have the temerity to the Southern University, an institution
of Syracuse. At the reception at every cuy uu question the infallibility of hoary- for the colored race located at New Or-
headed dosmas. Old and indurated leans.
deed a
Mre. Horn's in the afternoon a
number of zuests from home
auroau were maoe we.t-u.uB. -f -- .. orcbeBtra who8e efforta
atives from six ot our neighboring vil- our ever will R
vrto nrnnnnt. Mesdames Kooa
laro nort ite own public library.
a it .t A H v v n ti a.
A wora ot manna iu iuuod wuu ao-
in the music of the day and to
most highly appreciaiea. xnis
ages were preseuw ""- -, , , . n fn ho rpmembered by
and Gillman from Talmage; Sweet ana """ Woman8 club and we repeated, a fearless meeting of
Winkleplect from Palmyra; Porter. Syr Worn. migcbieta q . .
Unadilla; Ward and Tubenpr, tlurr;
trust by those who were our guests.
wrongs can never be removed by gentle
reproofs and feathery invitations to take
themselves away without noise or con
fusion. It needs trenchant blows, oft
coblin mischiefs face to face, an eye
The Chicago Bureau of Charities sent
forty-five children to Ridge Farm, Illi
nois, last week for a two weeks' vaca
tion. One hundred and ten children
a week will be accommodated at the
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