??wajS(a"- i- ,.- -.--aert - 'State Historical Society, -Urn "LlUr; J5 THE COURIER 1 f' I ? I'll ! V fill IHIMIII I II II II ! 1 1 1, 'I II I i When Vnil When you travel to the mountains,: ' 1 tU thp Ifllrp? nr thp sea von can add to TVivaI tne comfrt and pleasure of your trip: rdVCI by starting with the right sort of trunks and traveling bags. We have : trunks and bags that are equal to every emergency of; a long journey by sea or land. MlbbBR& PAINE: IIIMMMIMIIIIIHMIIMIIMMMMIMIM I 8 i n nfu . i.i ii niN6 5 I II llllfl W W W 1 1 xsxsx Successor to Myer A Cox. ' , HOT WATER I STEAM 111 I 1332 O St. Phone 762. & ' S(' DS(a)SXS)aXS)SXSa 3 f iiiooiciiininmniiiceniiinniiooiocoooBotinniioi rURE ICE rJOIET SERVICE I LINCOLN ICE COMPANY. Tel. 225. Office. 1040 O Street. 'GOO ?tSS Health and Happiness go hand in hand, Activity is contagious, and imparts Health and Wealth in this beautiful land. Gonvey it to others by actively engaging In beautifying the woman and strength ening the men. Thus, using an Electric Massage Ex erciser, A Home Training Outfit, or a Fountain Bath Brush; Prices $1.00 to $5.00. For sale by 1 ,-s"""- 1106 0 STREET. LINCOLN, NEBR. '&S&t)&? A W Y F R S S?? ThC Courieryour Lr YV 1 L lo files are kept in fire i LEGAL NOTICES proof building's. 6 H. W. BROWN 2 Druggist and $ 2 Bookseller. $ J VnltlrK' Fine Stationery ? V Calling Cards x 127 So.Bleventh Street. A PHONE 68 A PIP1 tt PAINTING, Furniture Polislxingg. Twenty-eight years experience as an inside decorator. Reasonable prices. CARL MYRER. 2612 Q Piione 5232. CHEAPER THAN EVER ... to .... lorado and Isjtal? Daily June 18th to Sept. 10th, 1901.. ..VIA THK.. GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE KounU 'rii Me; From Missouri River Points to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, 81 July I to C- A June '& to 30 1 ! Sept. 1-10 1 J July 10-Aus. 31 Similar reduced Kates on same dates to other Colorado and Utah Tourist Points. Rates from other point on Rock Inland Route proportionately lower on same datesof tale. Return limit Oct. 31, 1W1. THE SUPERB TRAIN, Colorado Plyer Leaves Kansas City daily at 5:30 p. m., OmaliB at 5rJ0p. m., St.Joe at artO p. m., arriving Denver 11 AM) n. m., Colorado Sp'gs t Manitou ) 10:35 a. m., Pueblo 1 1 0 a . m . Write for details and Colorado literature. E. W. Thompson, a. G.P. A. Topeka, Kane. John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago. enough to lose hie own, with provoca tion at least, moat of ub thought bo. 'The doctor had been to the sub-poet on the Mexican border on some duty or other, and the day after he came back Captain Lane, the goeeip of the post, stopped as be was passing the doctor's house for a few minutes' chat with the doctor's wife. She was reclining neg ligently in her hammock, which was stretched acioes the corner of her porch. The captain stood on the board walk, some five feet lower than the porch Moor. Ab they chatted about nothing in par ticular, along came one of those naugh ty breezes that are always up to some mad mischief in the prairie country and the captain told every officer in the post, except Gaul, all about it be fore call to quarters, omitting none of the harrowing details. Indeed, he de clared, on his word as an officer and a gentleman, there was not another pair in the world like thsm. He eaid the silk elastic was a peculiar 6hade of red to be had nowhere outside old Pablo's tienda in the Mexican town across the river from the sub-post, and that the buckle was a tarantula, done in gold, a work of art, also Pablo's, the work of a true artist, who wouldn't duplicate a design foi love nor money. Years and and experience lent authority to the captain's statement. "The morniug after the captain's in teresting adventure, he, two other ofli cers and the doctor went to Gaul's quar ters to see him about one of his troop era, whose discharge had been ordered. Gaul was out, but the boy who looked after 'bachelor quarters' said he would return in a few minutes, so all of them went into his room to wait for him. They were no sooner itside be fore something on Gaul's dressing table caught the captain's eye and held it. Naturally the others looked in that di rection, and in two strides the doctor was beside the table. From it he took a dainty red circlet clasped with a tar antula worked in old gold. Then he swore awfully. He was still swearing in his beard, in a muflled, dispirited sort of way, when Gaul walked in, humming a Mexican love song and looking as inno cent as a Sunday school picnic. "'What does this mean, sir? What does it mean? shouted the doctor utter ly beside himself at the sight of Gaul, waving the innocent cause of his ex citement like a battle flag in the face of the enemy. " 'None of your damn business!' said Gaul, as promptly as you pleasp, but he colored to the rootB of his hair. "Whereupon it took all of us to hold the doctor and hustle him out of the room, and then we had to divide our forces to keep Gaul from following him, for the doctor held on to the piece of elastic and gold like grim deatn to a gravestone. "Eventually we got the doctor to the hospital and sent Captain Lane to the major, for the doctor swore he'd kill Gaul on sight and his wife afterward. 'The major swore some himself, and then he ordered both the belligerents in arrest, one fn the hospital, the other in his quarters. He also posted a sentry at both places to see that his orders were obeyed. "Before proceeding farther the rtajor waited till he was calmer and felt the others must have cooled off a bit. Then he sent for Gaul. " 'What explanation of this matter have you to offer?' he asked as sternly as he could. "'None whatever, sir,' answered Gaul, defiantly. "Report back to your quarters in ar rest, then,' roared the major, his temper asserting itself for the second time that day under stress of the situation, and, possibly, some little curiosity. When Gaul was gone he walked the floor and tried to think. "Ten minutes afterward the major's orderly, his adjutant and his office worn taken successively and literally by storm, and the doctor's wife waa asking him between bods what on earth was the matter. "As the major's explanation progress ed she became calmer, then angry. " 'Absurd!" she exclaimed. 'He ought to be ashamed of himself.' "The identification of the ah, art i tile was complete a very peculiar clasp, a golden tarantula, I believe,' continued the major. "With a little scream her hand? reached instinctively downward the gesture was not finished. Blushing rosy red, she said: " 'Take me to him at once.' "'I beg pardon, which him?' asked the major. "To my husband, sir!' Her eyes Hashed angrily. "Not just yet,' said the major. 'He threatens your life: ' "The major's desk was between them. A moment she leaned forward, A slight movement of her shoulders showed that her little hands were busy. Before he had time to suspect what she was doing, she said: " 'Take these, then' with averted face she laid two silken circlets of red, each clasped with its golden tarantula, on the desk 'and tell him for me that he is a jealous old fool,' and with face still more averted, 'I I will sit here until you bring them back.' "Just how and when and wherefore Gaul came into possession of his golden tarantula none of us ever discovered. His devotion to the doctor's wife was another matter. When he married the room-mate of her boarding-school days, and it came out that she had patched up their first and only lover's quarrel at a time when Gaul's letters were be ing returned unopened, about the date of the doctor's discovery and demonstra tion, Gaul's reputation as a gay Lotha- non collapsed, but he was dubbed d "Knight of the Garter' by his brother officers to the day of his retirement. Town Topics. 7V; CHECKS A LA CUPID. The other day a young lady, daughter of a well known millionaire, drove up to the door of a jeweler's shop, went in and selected a turquoise and diamond ring valued at $230. She quietly made out her check for that sum and passed it on to the assistant. The alert young man glanced at it ard then looked inquiring ly up at the young lady. "There is Borne mistake here, I think," 6aid he with an apologetic smile. The young lady Hushed and demand ed to know if the check was not for the right amount. She was told it was but "But what?" she exclaimed, haught ily. "Do you mean that my check is not acceptable?" The assistant mildly acknowledged that he knew who the young lady was, but explained that the check was not made out ju&t as it should be, and band ed it back. The girl ran her eyes over it and then turned a deep crimson. "Oh," she exclaimed; "I see." And then 6he proceeded to make out another check. She had signed the first one, "Your own sweetheart, Jessie." The New Yorker. r rTt?na THE HUN ICE CREAM And Dairv Go. Manufacturers of the finest qual ity of plain ana fancy Ice Cream, Ices, Frozen Puddings, Frappe and Sherbets. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. ISO SO. 1 2th St. PHONE 205. 9 u F