5Sv-- 10 THE COURIER. LINCOLN LETTER. Lincoln, AWr., July ii, 1U01. Dear Peneloite: Against absoluto and persistent si lence 1 am helpless. It is eo exasperat ing, bo actually maddening. I bare no weapon of dofense which can be used with effect against a blank wall of silence. Penelope, if you wish to lire up to your opportunities if you wish to continue to receive my valuable weekly epistles, you must prop up your end of the bargain a little more strongly. It's getting very shaky lately, and is in danger of tumbling down. What a wonderful thing this letter-writing is after all! What a mat velous fact that by means of a few irregular marks on a sheet of paper I am able to convey an idea to you, or you one to me. I only wish you would convey yours to me a little oftener! How strange that so im palpable, bo indefinable a something as a thought, perhaps when just ready to tly away again into the infinity from whence it came, is caught by this won derful artist and compelled to ptay its Ihght until its image has been sketched in characters true and permanent. You cannot see a thought, how remarkable that it should cast a shadow! Vet what is a written text but shadows of thoughts? You cannot tame a thought, but its representative you can hold; it cannot fly away as the original ie sure to do. The representatives, shadows of thoughts, we yoke and harness together like chain-gangs of doomed spirits, and confine them between prison walla some times secured by a lock. The world is full of these pr'iBon houses, and we call them books. William Ellery Channing Bays with authority: "In the best books great men talk to us, give us their most precious thoughts and pour their souls into ours. God be thanked for books!" Thomas Carlyle also says with no uncer tain tone: "The true university of these days is a collection of books." But in the face of the medley of books which is sent into the reading world every month, we cannot fail to appreciate the force of the statement of Lord Bacon, that "some books are to be tasted, others swallowed and some few to be digested." But my letters evidently do not interest you, Penelope, or you would answer them. I realize that as a vender of news items I am a dismal failure; and since news is the legitimate subject for a letter rather than abstract ideas, 1 can blame myself alone for the infrequency of your re plies. Yours faithfully, Elkanok. TALE OF THE SUAG-EYED SHARK. The mackerel bit as they crowded and fit to grab at our gange-in' bait , We were flappin' em in till the 'midship bin held clus' on a thousand weight ; When all of a sudden they shet right down an' never a one would bite , An' the Old Man swore an' he r'ared an' tore till the mains! nigh turned white . He'd pass as the heftiest swearin' man that ever I heared at sea, An' that is allowin' a powerful lot, as sartinly you will agree. Whenever he cursed his arms shot up an' his fingers they wiggled about , Till they seemed to us like a windmill's fan a pumpin' the cuss words out . He swore that day by the fodder hay of the Great Jeehookibus whale, By the Big Skedunk, an' he bit a hunk from the edge of an iron pail , For he knowed the reason the fish had dodged an' he swore us stiff an' stark As he durned the eyes an' liver an' lights of a shag eyed, skulkin' shark . Then we baited a line all good an' fine an' slung 'er over the side , An' the shark took holt with a dretful jolt , an' he yanked an' chanked an' tried To jerk it out, but we held him stout so he couldn't duck nor swim , An' we hlsted him over - t'at old sea-rover we'd business there with him . . A yoopin' for air he laid on the deck , an the skipper he sa ys, says he : "You're the worst, dog gondest, mis'able hog that swims the whole durn sea . Mongst gents as is gents it's a standin' rule to leave each gent his own If ye note as ye pass he's havin' a cinch , stand off an' leave him alone . But you've slobbered along where you don't belong, an' you've gone an' spiled the thing , An' now, by the pink tailed Wah hoo fish , you'll take your dose, by jing I" So, actin' by orders, the cook fetched up our biggest knife on board . An' he ripped that shark in his midship bulge; then the Old Man he explored . An' after a while, with a nasty smile, he give a yank an' twist , "Hurroo!" yells he, and then we sec the liver clinched in his fist . Still actin' by orders, the cook fetched out his needle an' biggest twine With a herrin bone stitch sewed up the shark all right an' tight an' fine . We throwed him back with a mighty smack an' the look as he swum away Was the most reproachf ulest kind of a look I've seen for many a day . An' the liver was throwed in the scuttle butt to keep it all fresh an' cool , Then we up with our sheet an' off we beat, a chasin' that mackerel school . We sailed all day in a criss cross way , but the school it skipped an' skived , It dodged and ducked, an' backed an' bucked, an' scooted an' swum an' dived . An' we couldn't catch em, the best we' do an' oh, how the Old Man swore ! He went an' he gargled his throat in He, twas peeled so raw an' sore . But at last, way off at the edge of the sea , we suddenly chanced to spy A tall back fin come fannin' in, against the sunset sky . An' the sea ahead of it shivered an' gleamed with a shif tin' an' silvery hue , With here a splash an' there a dash, an' a ripple snootin' through . An' the Old Man jumped six feet from deck; he hollered an' says, says he: "Here comes the biggest mackerel school since the Lord set off the sea ! An' right behind, if I haint blind, by the prong jawed dog fish's bark, Is a finnin' that mis'able hog of the sea , that live-less, shag eyed shark!" But we out with our bait an' down with our hooks, an' we fished an' fished an' fished, While round in a circle, a cuttin' the sea , a that back fin whished and slished ; An" we noticed at last he was herdin' the school an' drivin' em on our bait , An' they bit an' they bit an' we pulled "em in at a reg'lar wholesale rate. We pulled 'em in till the Sairy Ann was wallerin" with her load , An' we stopped at last cause ther wa'n't no room for the mackerel to be stowed. Then up come a finnin' that liverless shark, a an he showed his stitched up side , An the look in his eyes was such a look that the Old Man fairly cried . We rigged a tackle an' lowered a noose an the shark stuck up his neck , Then long and slow, with a heave yoho, we h isted him up on deck. The skipper he blubbered an' grabbed a fin an' gave it a hearty shake ; Says he, "Old man, don't lay it up an" we 11 have a drop to take ." An', actin' by orders, the cook fetched up our keg of good old rum ; The shark he had his drink poured first, an' all of us then took some . Still actin by orders, the cook he took an' he picked them stitches out . An' we all turned to, an' we lent a hand ; though of course we had some doubt As to how he'd worn it an' how twas hitched' an' whuther twas tight or slack But as best we could -as we understood we put that liver back. Then we sewed him up, an' we shook his fin an we give him another drink, We h'isted him over the rail again an' he giv" us a partin wink. Then he swum away, an' I dast to say , although he was rather sore , He felt that he'd started the trouble first, an' we d done our best an more . 'Cause a. dozen times 'fore the season closed an" the mackerel skipped to sea, He herded a school an drove 'em in, t as gentlemanlike as could be, We'd toss him a drink, an' he d tip a wink, as sociable as ye please . No kinder nor better mannered shark has ever swum the seas . Now, the moral is, if you cut a friend t before that you know he's a friend, An' after he's shown it, ye do your best his fcelin's to nicely mend , He'll meet ye square, an he'll call you quits providin' he's got a spark Of proper feelin at least our crew can vouch this for a shark . By Holman F. Day, in The Saturday Evening Post, FASHI0N LETTER. Lady Modish In Town Topics. Dainty chiffons and laces are now in favor. 2bw that really summer weather is upon us we see the blossoming forth of dainty chiffons and point d'esprits. Exceedingly sheer white batiste made over white taffeta is also fa voted. Ecru Venice guipure collars are worn with the foulards, and are wider than those of last year. A pleasing costume worn by an early arrival at a summer hotel was of gray foulard with a black trail ing vine figure. The front of the bodice was of white Bilk crepe, and literally covered with French knots in black. Where the foulard met the front it was edged with a heavy silk band of palest blue. A cluster of tiny black velvet ribbons, with innumerable ends, each finished with a small gold spike, was worn at the throat with good effect. The skirt of this gown was tucked all over in medium-sized folds running horizontally. The foot deep flounce about the bottom was tucked up and down in clusters. The result was ex tremely pretty. There was no other trimming on the skirt, and only velvet ribbon bands on the sleeves. Theee were about four in number, and were joined by gilt buttons, harmonizing nicely with the gold spikes on the front. A stunning belt vorn with a costly lace gown was composed of strips of half-inch velvet ribbons running up and down at intervals of about an inch with a gilt button at top and bottom. This belt was boned in every other strip of velvet, and was unlined. The same scheme was followed in the garnishing of the tops of the sleeves and at the neck of the gown. This is one of the prettiest conceits of the Bummer. The ribbon waistbands of Empire style, with big, beautiful clasps, are being worn, as are also the embroidered silks built wide to wear with the boleros. Because of the undiminished popularity of the bolero and bolero effects many of the belts are very wide, and much taste is shown in the selection of these impor tant accessories by the modishes. In the park at five o'clock one still sees smart costumes, although most of the fashionables have left town. -One, conspicuous for its simplicity, was a foulard of dark blue trimmed only in effects brought about by tuckings. The hat was blue with cornflowers, and tho parasol matched the gown, and was also tucked around the edge to a depth of about four inches. Miss Evelyn Bur den is now wearing a lovely dark blue foulard. It is perfect in the lines and sets off her remarkable figure to good advantage. Another gown was of bril liant scarlet etamine. The short coat had a wide rounding collar, and the little vest effect in front was of elabor ate embroidery in various shades of red on white. There was no other trim ming save hemstitchings, through which white showed. This was around the skirt, collar and waistbands. Imported very sheer lawn shirtwaists are the very latest cry. These vary in price from fifteen dollars to fifty, and are works of art. Generally they are fastened in the back, and are so sheer that the undergarment is of quite as much importance as the blouse itself. One that was the evident source of de light to its wearer was made of a tissue like silk mull with a delicate tracery of embroidery in front and groups of in finitely smaH tucks at the shoulders and wrists. The cuff waB turned away with a costly bit of the embroidery out lining it. This also edged the collar. Those of all-over embroideries are par ticularly to be desired. They are often so tine as to be mere webs worked in most artistic designs of round, square or diamond shape. These are untrimmed and are made severely plain, yet noth ing is handsomer. With a handsomely tailored skirt at 1 a plumed hat the plume wound d I about it few costumes are more elTi-i . tive, and certainly none more comfort able for evening wear during the hut weather. The plumed hat, by the wnv, is growing more popular, with tho plumes more exaggerated in length than when I wrote of it a few weeks ago. A large hat of tine hand mad-, pale yellow braid, with a Boft crown ami curving, semi-soft double brim, is ouo of the latest models. This is simply trimmed with one very long and very full snowy white plume. A Great Newspaper. The Sunday edition of the St. Louis Republic is a marvel of modern news paper enterprise. The organization of its newB service is world-wide, complete in every department; in fact, superior to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section is illustrated in daintily tinted colors and splendid half tone pictures. This section contains more high-class literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. The fashions illustrated in natural colors are especially valuable to the ladies. The colored comic section is a genuine laugh-maker. The funny cartoons are by the brat artists. The humorous stories are high-class, by authors of na tional reputation. Sheet music, a high-class, popular song, is furnished free every Suuday in The Republic. The price of the Sunday Republic bv mail one year is $2.00. For sale by all news dealers. UTAH AN IDEAL CLIMATE The first white man to set foot on Utah soil, Father Silvestre Volez de Es calante, who reached the GRESAT SALT IAKE? on the i'lrd day of September, 1776. wrote in his diary: '"Here the climate is bo delic ious, the air so balmy, that it iB a pleas ure to breathe by day and by night " The climate of Utah is one of the rich est endowments of nature. On the shores of the Great Salt Lake especially and for fifty miles therefrom in every direction the climate of climates is found. To enable peisoas to participate in these scenic and climatic attractions and to reach the famous Health, Bathinc xci. Plean. ure Resorts of Utah, the UNION PACIFIC has made a rate to OGDEMV and SALT IVIiEJ CITY of one fare for the round trip, plus $2 00. from Mis souri River, to be in effect June 13th to 30th inclusive, July 10th to August .'list inclusive. Return limit October 31, and 830.00 for the round trip on July 1 to !i inclusive, September 1 to 10 inclusive. 4 Proportionately low Rates from inter mediate points. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application. E. B. SLOSSON, Agout. First Pub. July 6-i. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. . Notice is hereby j;icn that we. the 11ml signed, will at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 3d d.i Aucust. I'.hii, at the east front door of tho I.., caster county courthouse, Lincoln. Xcbnis sell as an entirety at public auction to hlchest bidder, for cash, thefollouingde-cni.. real property of the estate of Albert K Ton lin. deceased, situate in the county of Lam . ter state of Nebraska, to-u it. the n i of II, and lots 15. 16, IT and IS in block 5 Lots J:,?,m! '.H in ,,lock - Lot " in "lock t .11 Hillsdale, an addition to the city of Lincoln sunejed. platted am! recorded. Also lots $J: ?' 6- ;' '9' ,3-' ' 15 an1 's In "lock I I 10, 1 1 and 15 in block 3, all of block h bcim: from 1 to IS, inclushe. All of block. t lots from 1 to 16, InclusUe. All of block '. Ik lots from 1 to 12, InclusUe. in Second Hillsl an addition to the city of Lincoln, as sure platted and recorded. This property was ofI for sale on the Slh day of June, I!ll but it found best to postpone the sale. Edward C. I'ehkiss CllAIII.hS.S MM'RK k Executors of the il Albert E. Touzalin, ilea .1 V. -ifi, s ."tVi ::2&M$m f-J-g-l