The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 29, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    1 1
f :
Health and HaDDineSS fro hnnri in hnnH
Activity is contagious, and imparts
Health and Wealth in this beautiful land.
Convey it to others by actively engaging
In beautifying the woman and strength
ening the men.
Thus, using an Electric Massage Ex
erciser, A Home Training Outfit, or a Fountain
Bath Brush;
Prices $1.00 to $5.00. For sale by
M8. Ag11 Ratolings,
Successor to Miss Rivett.
With the aid'of a screw that he invent
ed, bis workmen succeeded in ruling
48,000 lines to an inch, and the photo
graphs of the solar spectrum obtained
through these marvelous gratings easily
surpassed all other attempts that have
been made.
Professor Rowland was essentially an
artist in science. He had the tiery en
thusiasm for his work, the leaping imag
ination, the persistent faith, the mur
curial temperament, and the striking in
dividuality of the true artist. He was
one of the foremost of that band of
scholars and scientists who were
brought to Baltimore by President Gil
man's magnificent judgment, to make
Johns Hopkins university famous
throughout the world in the very flrBt
few years of its life. From "Professor
Henry A. Rowland, the Great Physic
ist," in the American Monthly Review
of Reviews for June.
Manicuring-, Shampooing-, Hairdressing-, and treatment
2 of scalp diseases. Switches and pompadours made to
2 order and all kinds of hair work carefully done.
143 So. 12ttx. Telephone 38.
Water Lilies are Easily Grown
All that is needed to grow water
lilies is a tub, sunlight from six to
eight hours a day, some rich garden soil,
and a little water. The easiest way to
grow them is from seed, and the pret
tiest varieties aie the African, or Zan
zibar; they are purple, blue and red.
To sow them take a common bowl and
half fill with finely sifted soil packed
down level and hard. On the surface
scatter the seed evenly and cover with
not over a quarter of an inch of fine
sand; then very gently fill the bowl with
water so as not to disturb nor wash
away the Band. Place where the water
will be kept at a temperature of about
eighty degrees. In two weeks they will
be ready for transplanting. April
Ladies' Home Journal.
Woman's Conscience
La that night, lying awake, with
her heart stinging with an unwonted
excitement, her ears ringing with
snatches of music, her mind occupied
with confused memories of conversation
which showed the mettle of a man
under the insouciance of boyhood, like
service-stained armor glinting through
a gay silk robe, she conscientiously
asked herself if there had been any
thing unseemly in the mueic and gayety
at that prolonged hour of the night;
anything in such innocent friendly so
cial intercourse with that labelled ex
plosive, a married man, which the
sharpest censor herself, for instance
could condemn? The inward monitor
made no answer, leaving it to her own
decision in the ehirking way of con
s:iences, and she said aloud, with a
laugh half embarrassed, halt indignant,
'Certainly not!"
She prossed an unusually flushed
cheek into the placid, uncontroversial
pillow, raising it again to add reproach
fully, "And if it were, it haB been so
long since any man made me feel I was
a woman!"' Louise Betts Edwards, in
July Lippincott.
Piano Playing in "Blind Parts."
One can scarcely refrain from ex
claiming, What a memory! and what an
experience! when reading a chapter
from Clara Morris' "Recollections of
the Stage and its People." In the June
number of McClure's magazine, Mies
The Leading American Physicist.
Professor Henry A Rowland, who
died in Baltimore on April 16, was un
questionably the most brilliant physicist
living in the New World, and one of the
three or four greatest scientific mon of
contemporary times. Since 1876 Dr.
Rowland has been professor of pnysics
at Johns-Hopkins. Among the great
employers of electrical genius the ex
pression, "a Rowland man," as applied
to a Johns-Hopkins graduate, has a
significance even higher than that of a
degree. No man living is able to make
the microscopically fine gratings on a
concave surface for spectroscopes, of
essential value in astronomical and
chemical work, which Professor Row
land made. These large refraction
gratings which Professor Rowland's lab
oratory produced were different from all
others in being ruled directly on concave
mirrors, thus producing an image of the
spectrum without the aid of lenses.
Morris gives, in her merriest vein, somo
anecdotes of the comedian, John E.
Owens, one of the most popular Ameri
can actors of a generation ago. Mr.
Owena was a very keen critic, according
to Miss Morris, who says:
"I was called upon to play blind
'Bertha' to Mr. Owens' 'Caleb Pum
mer,' in the 'Cricket on the Hearth,'
and 1 was in a great state of mind, as I
had only seen one or two blind person?,
and bad never seen a blind part acted.
I was driven at last by anxiety to ask
Mr. Owens if he could make any sug
gestions as to business, or as to the
walk or manner of the blind girl. But
he was no E. L. Davenport he had no
desire to teach others to act, and he
snappishly answered: 'No, no! I can't
suggest anything for you to do; but I
can suggest something for you not to
do! For God's sake don't go about
playing the piano all the evening that's
what all the rest of them do!'
'The piano?" I repeated stupidly.
"Yes," he said, "the piano! D d if
they don't make me sick! Here they
go all the 'Berthas'."
"He closed bis eyes, screwed up his
face dismally, and advancing, his hands
before him, began moving them from
left to right and back, as though they
were on a keyboard. It was just ridicu
lous. "And that is what they call blindness
playing the piano and tramping about
as securely as anybody."
A fish sat him down
with a blink to think,
And dipped his fin thoughtfully
into the ink;
Then finned this short note :
"Dear Tommy," he wrote ,
"In response to your line
of the other day
I hasten to thank you
without delay.
But, had not that squirming ,
delicious young worm
Shown a set in his curves
too suspiciously firm ,
I might not be here
To write you, my dear
(What you may not believe ,
'tis so monstrously queer ,)
That the wriggler you sent
With most kindly intent
Had swallowed a pin that
was frightfully bent I .
"You see if I'd greedily
taken a bite,
The pain and the shock would
have finished me quite ;
So, the next time you send
My juvenile friend,
Just mark if the worm
has a natural bend
Ere you dangle him temptingly
down here to be
The death of some innocent
young thing like me'
And he grinned as he used
some dry sand for a blotter
(Ink dries rather slowly ,
you know, under water ,)
Then signed it in haste
And sealed it with paste .
It was growing quite dark
and he'd no time to waste ,
So he posted it slyly,
without wasting more ,
On the crest of a ripple
that ran toward the shore ;
Then, shaking his scales
in a satisfied glow,
All shining and shimmering ,
sank down below ,
Where he soon fell asleep
In an oyster-bed deep
With the green sheets of water
his slumber to keep .
Jessica H. Lowell, in
June St. Nicholas.
poniing emotions in mon. Womon aro
what men make them, and while men
are still appreciably far from perfection,
why, women will still be a little short
of the angels they are sometimes rep
resented, and what is worse, expected
to be.
To Drive Ants from the Lawn.
Fine coal ashes rprinkled about the
burrows of ants will cause them to
leave.' Ashes may be used on the lawn
without injury to the grass. Sifted
ashes are best, bat those fresh from the
stove, shaken from the stove-shovel, will
answer the purpose very well. April
Ladies' Home Journal.
To Clean Soiled Millinery.
Milliners clean soiled wings that ac
cumulate in thejir Block; by shaking them
gently in a box of white cornmeal,
brushing all the meal out carefully
with a fine brush. White aigrettes are
cleaned by washing them gently in
warm soapsuds made from good soap,
rinsing in cold water and shaking them
dry over a fire. April Ladies Home
Daughters of Eve.
Are women better than men? This
is a question that E. S. Martin asks and
answers in an article entitled, "Women,"
in McClure's magazine for June. No
better, only different; or it better, mere
ly in a negative fashion. They drink
less, smoke lees and certain of their
emotions are less strong than corres-
From the Greek of Anacreon, translat
ed in the same measure as the original,
but with the semi-modern invention of
'Twas once among the roses,
Where many a bee reposes,
It chanced that Master Cupid
(Who's often very stupid)
Saw not the dozing vagrants
Amid his roses fragrance
Till one bee stung his finger !
Then Cupid did not linger,
But swiftly, sorely smarting,
With sobs he could not smother,
And babyish tears outstarting,
Hied to his Goddess-mother.
"Oh, mother! ' said he, crying,
"I'm dying ! oh, I'm dying I
For in my rose dominions
A cruel creature hit me
A' nasty serpent bit me
A tiny snake with pinions,
Called honey bee by farmers."
Said Venus, Queen of Charmers :
"Oh, Love, if bees hurt badly, '
Just think, dear boy, how sadly
Men suffer oh, how madly !
The men you sting so gladly I "
Town Topics.
Thit boy o Rogers', Lord spare me
From rasin' seen a brat as he I
Ef ever mischief was boiled down
Into a freckled, red-haired clown
An' turned loose on two spindlin' shanks
T bother mankind with his pranks,
'Twas that ar boy o' Rogers'!
The wa'n't no question that he'd be
Inside the penitentiary
Afore he was a man full grown.
He could conspire more tricks alone
Than any boy I ever seed,
Th' biggest scamp, we all agreed.
Was that ar boy o' Rogers' I
He turned up missing: went out west ;
I low we thought it was th' best
Thing that had ever happened yit
When he made up his mind to git.
For us he couldn't go too fur
An we all said, Good riddance," sir,
T that ar boy o' Rogers' I
He left us twenty years ago;
I was out west a month or so
Las' spring, an' Jack, my boy, says he,
"III take ye up today t' see
Th guvernor f " Waal, sir, I'm cussed,
I knew him when I seed him fust
'T was that ar boy o' Rogers' I
Bismarck Tribune.
Cincinnati, O., July 6-10.
The following lines have been chosen
as the Official Route to the above con
Special cars will leave Omaha at 4 :5o
P. M., July 5, arriving Chicago early
next- morning, Cincinnati the following
morning. ONE FARE PLUS 82.00
Full information cheerfully furnished
upon application.
E. B. SLOSSON, Agent.
. l'l
1 tl