The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 29, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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unsentimental form of recreation.
Under the proposed conditions the
dance might be harmful. But the
young men ani. women of Lincoln
who earn their own small livings have
social rights that are entirely ignor
ed. They like to see and talk with
each other but there is no place where
they can Innocently meet, and enjoy
in groups the pleasures of society,
pleasures which cannot be enjoyed
where they are segregated in couples.
There are social successes among the
humbler members of Lincoln society
who will never have an opportunity
to exhibit their tact and special gre
garious talent for making a number
of people happy all at once. If Ma
dame Becamier had bad no salon, if
she bad been a blanchlseuse, she
would have died with a terrible, un
satisfied longing for she knew not
what. She bad a genius for society
and she was born into a family which
enabled her to exercise it. There are
probably not many Becamiers in Lin
coin, but there are hundreds of girls
pining to exploit their innocent fas
cinations "in society." And simpli
city would satisfy them. They want
to be admired. Graceful dancers wish
their set to see them dance. Every
girl has some special beauty or grace
which she naturally wishes her
friends to admire. It is not an un
worthy or shameful instinct and
every girl in May-time should have
place, time and opportunity for her
frolics, to choose and to be chosen.
J jt
The Next President.
The most astute politician does not
dare, for his reputation's sake to pro
phesy ahead more than six months.
The rules adopted by prophets as far
back as Moses are that in making a
prophesy it is safe to place the date of
accomplishment solar ahead that the
prophet himself and all of his friends
will be dead when the time comes for
his triumph or defeat, or else locate
it so near that the prophet needs only
the brains of an ordinary grain spec
ulator to foretell exactly what will
happen within the given time.
Not in the spirit of prophesy, but
of calm deliberation on political prej
udices and events it is pertinent to
consider the effect of the nomination
to the presidency of Senator Hanna
by the republican national conven
tion of 1904.
Although Senator Hanna is an hon
orable man, a perfect type of the
hard beaded, de-sentimentalized,keen,
American, business man, his nomina
tion to the presidency would be un
fortunate, not so much for what he
is as for what the people think he is.
To many Americans he is a bugbear
and the embodiment of greed. It
would require an unusually active
-campaign to convince a very large
number of people enough to elect
him that in a controversy between
the people and a corporation Senator
Hanna would be on the side of the
former. Justly or unjustly charged
with a contempt for every thing but
practical politics, it Is inexpedient
for a great party to accept a candi
date who will Immediately place ora
tors and campaign managers in a de
fensive attitude. ' When Blaine was
nominated, and defeated, the party
managers were kept busy all summer
explaining things. Senator Hanna
has demonstrated in Nebraska his
contempt for idealism in politics.
The American people desire a knight
sans reproach. Blaine's strong hold
upon the affections and enthusiasms
of the voters was the possession of a
sort of fairy-tale unworldliness. He
had enthusiasms and could communi
cate them. He was credulous and
very human. Senator Hanaa's busi
ness sense Is his chief characteristic.
The American people arc getting
somewhat afraid or too keen and
sleepless a business talent. Among
them there is a growing temper to
modify the severities of business by
paternalistic platforms. Paternalism
is enervating and unhealthful, but
n-as-much as the propaganda seems
to be growing it is unnecessarily de
fiant to nominate a man for the pres
idency who represents the extreme of
what the socialists say they object to.
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I Edited by Miss Helen 6. Harwood. I
Mrs. Belle M.Stoutenborough, libra
rian of the Nebraska Federation of Wo
men's Clubs, has recently added the fol
lowing books to the traveling library:
Four volumes Biographical Series of
Great Artists, by Jennie Eliis Keysor.
Volume I. Raphael, Rubens, Murillo,
Volume II. Van Dyck, Rembrandt,
Reynolds, Bonheur.
Volume III. Angelo, DeVinci, Tit
ian, Corregio.
Volume IV. Turner, Corot, Millais,
Leigh ton.
In the preface of volume I. we catch
the keynote of the whole, in one simple
paragraph: "Above all, work to culti
vate a love for good pictures, not to fill
young minds with uninspiring facts."
Another addition to the library: two
volumes "Sketches of American Writ
ers;" the last were gifts from the author,
Jennie Ellis Keysor. The six new books
are a valuable addition and the patrons
of the library are sure to appreciate
these "helps" to study in the coming
year. Mrs. Frank M. Hall of Lincoln
has promised to furnish a list of refer
ence books on art, and the librarian ex
pects to add at least six new books from
her list. Mrs. Stoutenborough will at
tend the twenty-third general meeting
of the American Library association,
which will be held at Milwaukee, Wis
consin, July 3-11. She will speak on
morning of the 10th on "What women's
clubs can do to further the work of the
The Lincoln Y.W.C.A. will start a
Woman's Exchange in the near future.
May its prosperity be as great as that
of tho New York city Woman's Ex
change! Twenty-three years ago the
work was started in New York in one
small room where thirteen pieces of
fancy work and a few cakes and pies
were exhibited. Todvy it owns the
building at 331 Madison avenue, and
has recently received gifts of several
thousand dollars which will be applied
to the building of a two-story annex to
contain sales rooms and a dining hall.
The work received at the exchange in
addition to food is embroidery, painted
china, menu cards, picture frames and
The Omaha Salvation Army has se
cured the use of Elmwood park for a
"fresh air camp" during the months of
July, August and September. Poor
families in relays of ten will be taken
out and cared for by the army.
The Plattsmouth library board will
serve ice cream and cake in the library
building once a month during the sum
mer. The proceeds will be used in pay
inn the remaining indebtednes on the
building. The first entertainment was
given last .Thursday evening, resulting
in a profit of $15.
ii 1891 and consists of twenty-eight
members, with the following officers:
President, Mrs. Sarah N. Moore; vice
president, Mrs. Lizzie Love; recording
secretary, Mrs. Ella M. Worthington;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. Lena
Mead; trrasurer, Mrs. Gertie Wood.
The program committee, to whom great
credit is due for. the excellent programs
laid down in the year book, is composed
of Mesdames Runner, Worthington,
Northrup, Wright and Snedeker. The
subjects for study will be French his
tory, literature, education and philan
thropy, science, home and art.
The taxpayers of Exeter are
sides in regard to the proposed estab
lishment of a kindergarten with an extra
teacher next year. The opposition is
based solely upon lack of funds. It is
also maintained that electric lights and
water works would be of greater benefit
than a kindergarten, since the Exeter
schools are dow in a flourishing condition.
Last week Thursday the Syracuse
Woman's club entertained seventy-five
guests at a garden party at the home of
Mrs. O. Thorne. The club colors, blue
and white, and the federation color,
yellow, were used in the decorations,
which were beautiful and elaborate.
Each guest was presented with a dainty
rosette of club colors as a souvenir. A
short program was given, consisting of a
piano duet by Misses Lena and Reba
West, address of welcome by the presi
dent, Mrs. Schneider, vocal solo by
Mrs. Home, address on "Clubs and
Club Women" by Mrs. Draper Smith,
president of the Nebraska Federation,
piano duet by Misses Godding and Web
ber, remarks by Mrs. Stoutenborough
of Plattsmouth, a talk by Mrs. Emma
Page, member of the state club exten
tion committee, and closing with the
song, "Blest be the tie that binds," by
the club. Punch, ice cream and wafers
were served by the hostesses. Guests
were present from Tahnage, Unadilla,
Berlin, Douglas, Burr and Palmyra.
The study of botany is rapidly in
creasing in favor with women. The
opportunities for making practical use
of this knowledge also are increasing.
Teachers of botany are in great demand;
women are employed in all the botanical
gardens, and women botanists with lit
erary or artistic ability find a wide field
in the form of stories and text books
for children, with illustrations, also in
contributions and illustrations to the
various magazines and garden journals.
In the famous Kew gardens in England
the women gardeners and assistants are
obliged to wear men's attire when on
duty, partly for their own convenience,
and more particularly on account of the
damage done to delicate shoots and
sprouts by the skirts.
Miss Josephine Drexel recently pur
chased a brick dwelling with four stories
and basement, and will furnish it as a
home for poor students at the normal
college of New York city.
A twelve story hotel, exclusively for
women, will soon be erected at a cost of
S350,000 in New York city. The build
ing will be of fire-proof material, and
the front will be of Indiana limestone
and terra cotta. It will be constructed
and managed by the Woman's Hotel
company, and will be conducted on the
American and European plans. Only
women guests will be admitted.
The new year book of the York Wo
man's club is an exceedingly dainty
piece of work. This club was organized
The annual poor children's picnic in
Chicago was given by the Volunteers of
America in Washington park last week
Thursday. Twelve hundred urchins
were gathered from all parts of the city
and taken to the park on street cars
which were furnished free of charge,
while several coaches and 'buses wero
filled with women and cripples. Twenty
hundred lunches, in neat pasteboard
boxes, were furnished by the children
of the public schools. Ice cream and
lemonade were provided in large quan
tities. Many of the boys threw away
the bread and sandwiches in their boxes;
these were carefully gathered up and
carried away by old women with bas
kets. In the afternoon came the field
sports under the direction of Brigadior
General Fielding. The picnic was a
success and unusually free from lights.
Miss Marie Herndi ot Milwaukee is
gaining wealth and fame as a designer
of church windows. At the World's
Fair she received a medal and diploma
for a window seventeen by six feet in
aize. At present she is making a set of
six windows for a church in San Fran
cisco. These windows will depict scenes
in the life of Christ, and will occupy two
years from beginning till completion.
Lady Gladstone, sister-in-law of the
great statesman, who died recently at
Fasque House, was well known for her
works of charity. She was the originator
twenty-five years ago of a scnool for
children, where besides an elementary
education instruction in sewing, knit
ting, baking, carving and modeling was
given. Warm dinners also were served
to the children, many ot whom caiuo
long distances.
A free public bath is one of the latest
acquisitions of Kansas City. Nearly
$14,000 were raised through various en
tertainments, and the money was held
in trust until a suitable location was
decided upon, when it was turned over
to the architects and the work was rap
idly carried forward. The new bath
house is not complete, as the plans wero
drawn with the idea of making extensive
additions from time to lime. A summer
swimming school, with well equipped
dressing rooms, check room and plunge
and shower baths are amoDg tho fea
tures of the enterprise.
Mrs. Gertrude Saunders is serving
her second term as postmistress of New
Castle, Henry county, Kentucky. She
is fighting hard for a third appoiutment,
and her efforts are seconded by the citi
zens of New Castle and many prominent
officials of the postoffice department at
Washington. Opposed to her are Sen
ator Deboe and the republican central
committee of her county.
Miss Vau Slyke of Detroit is building
up a paying business in the cleaning of
gravestones. While attending a funer
al last winter she noticed the neglected
condition of the gravestones, and de
cided to experiment in the work ot
cleaning them. Her knowledge of chem
istry enabled her to put together the
right ingredients for a cleaning mixture,
and she has already restored several
large monuments, with many contracts
Nearly twenty-five hundred women
are employed at the Pan-American ex
position, at salaries ranging from $2.00
tp f60.00 a week. Of these nearly five
hundred are doing work in the Midway.
Truly, though a man may die, his
works live after htm. Hundreds of
families who are reaping the benefits of
Pingree gardening will testify gratefully
to this fact. In Chicago alone two
forty acre tracts of land were secured
from non-resident owners by the bureau
of charities and divided into gardens of
one-quarter ot an acre each. The coun
ty agent's list of families who have re
ceived help during the last winter is in
spected, the most deserving ones are
picked out and the use of the free gar
dens offered them. A superintendent is
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