THE COURIER. 12 4 i K! t ' If II f ll I I R i !R I. ', t! ! u I Hi H 8 fi Ml 'II , r r r When You IM.e Mill III 111 - r Whenvou travel to the mountains. the'lakes'or the ' sea".youycari-dd5 to the comfort and pleasure of your trip; bv starting with ' the right sort of; trunks and traveling bags. We have Travel ; trunks and bags that are equal to every emergency of; : a long journey by sea of land. ' MlbbER & PA1NI iiiiniiimnii minimi iniiiniiiiiiiiiiinii iiiimimii se wnii iiiiiiMiiiQi m wHWimmiMi mill I 111:1 Short time loans made on most any kind of per sonal property security, and on unaecnred notee with two atDruved endorsers. No charge for drawing- pa- pera'or-commiseionon the loan. Permission given to X and payments so made will lessen the interest. We will not file the Daners nor srive the matter the least AH transactions considered etrict'y confidential. Tel. 941 . 12tb. "OIMalKISt.. BurrBlook z publicity. 116 Ko z MiiimiiiiiiiimmiimimiimiiinMiimmMM iimmiciHi clotejy at the top and to the knees, from which point they flare more than ever. The fine white nainsooks, with four voluminous foot raffiof three inch lace, are exceadiagjy .pretty this season. FASHION LETTER. Lady Modish in Town Topics. T ThflToarue for black and white -still contiB,-white,' having perhaps the and are to be 'considerably worn with preference:. 'A -white 'cloth tailor aultr'the simple .lawns -and white point d' worn at one of the recent fashionable esprit so favored by young women. A weddings hade coat built 'along the particalarly handsome nainsook petti Eton lines, with a' wide rounding collar coat has a hand embroidered flounce finished with two large embroidered reaching to the middle and topped by holes, through which long scarfs of white the moat lovely beading, which accom taffeta were passed and tied in front in modatea two-inch ribbon. Thin is a sailor knot The vest waa a work of threaded into the beading so as not to art.-It was of hand embroidered fine hide, much. of it, and bows of the same silk ' mull, fine 'squares 'of t which were color are scattered ever the flounce at joined by strips of gom etuaaea narrow idwttwb. oquKips, uwaioww nu uibkb mmimiimmiiimmnfmmmimiiiimiimiiiMiiim I PURE ICE rRCMWTJPT JSRVICE I ILIN60LN JCE COMPANY. Tel. 225. Office, 1040 O Street. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIMHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIHl THE FAVORITE UNE oncention Saa Fraacaco, California, July, 1901, ...WILL BC. THE UNION PACIFIC ALL COMPETITION DISTANCED. The fast trains of the Union Pacific reach San hours ahead of are in no by one of Francisco fifteen all competitors. If you 'hurry take a alow train the detour routes, but ifjou want to get there without delay take the historic and only direct route, the UNI0jW PyGIFlG , !-. oo from the Missouri River, with cor r reepondingly-low rates from inte rior points on the Union Pacific. ; " PAMPHLETS: All Afeovt California and Howfe Get There and full (information cheerfully " furnished upon application. R B sBIosaaaox&9? j " . Agent. "inula M PAINTING, Furniture Polisnino;. Twenty-eight years experience as an inside decorator. Reasonable prices. " CAEL MYEEE. 2612 Q Pl&orte 5232. Sg)(Bw(3 velvet ribbon. There was also a sug gestion of gold in the belt, which was of taffeta, and wide, showing the metal studding from the bottom to the depth of about an inch. The skirt waa not much trimmed. It had the plain flounce effect at the foot, each flounce being elaborately stitched in gold thread, a novel and very pretty idea. This three shaped flounce model is shown just now at air the beet houses. The formed pieces do not reach quite to the knee. There is Very little fullness in the back at the opening. A word about gowns of nun's veiling. A new white model is attracting much attention. The skirt is made of aide pleats from top to bottom, each pleat trimmed with black velvet ribbon an inch and a half .wide. A superb Rub Bian lace collar garnishes the waist, and the yoke and throat collar are trimmed with small gold buttons and very narrow black velvet ribbon. The sleeves are elbow length, close fitting, and finished with two wide bands pf velvet ribbon tied in short end bows. The hat which completes this toilet is a white Panama sailor, with folds of black and white velvet about the brim' and a large rbuckle of exquisite workmanship in frontj-wlth'Wack-velvBt tolds threaded through it. White camelias nestle againBt the hair at the back beneath the brim. The hat 'is worn Elightly tilted toward the right side. The same idea for a costume is worked out in silky grass linen over a slip of taffeta, seem to be spread out on all sorts of lingerie. They are of lace or embroid ery, and occasionally silk, on the most elegant undergarments. One very showy model of . nainsook, a petticoat, has the entire body made ap of the delicately embroidered squares, hemstitched to gether. A deep umbrella flounce, also embroidered to half its depth and edged with another smaller flcunce of the Bame, completes it. These skirts are very pretty under the dotted. --Swisses and mulls so much in evidence for summer wear. id Ypu Er know a woman to put her foot in it who was not glad of it? We mean the "I $3.50 9 m Sold only by webster . mm. . H. W. BROWN: Druggist and - . Bookseller. Haw Stationery Had 127 So:Bleventh Street. I S PHONE te - -Z 1043 O St Lincoln, .... Nebraska WWWWWc1! s IIS velvet ribbon iselso very effective with the linen, and the lace collar shows to even better advantage than upon the white veiling. With the linen costume was a beautiful Tuscan hat, with a wreath of pink rosea and foliage about it and a large bow knot of black velvet on the side. One still Bees the more sub stantial and more practical fabrics. The black eilk, etamines, pongees and bril liantines hold their own, partly on ac count of' the peculiar spring weather, but mostly because they ire vastly be comingly. Light gray hopsacking, unlined, is the favorite material for shirt waist skirts. These cling and fit Buperbly about the hips. They are'- worn over a silk slip with deep accordeon pleated flounce. It is beet to have the slip of exactly, the Edward Quits All His Clubs. King Edward has resigned active membership in all his English clube, remaining as patron, however, on the roster of the Jockey club, the Royal Yacht squadron and the Marlborough club. When be ascended the throne he con tented himself with giving up his place on the committee of the Marlborough, believing it would be possible to retain his.ordinary membership. But experi ence has shown that this was impose sible. ClubTife implies equality among all membera, who have equal rights and are on an equal footing. This was to such a degree recognized that the Prince of Wales was treated by his fellow-members of the Marlborough, the Royal Black Tacht squadron and the' Jockey as if he were a private citizen instead of heir to the throne. No one rose or doffed his hat when he appeared in the smoking rooms, card rooms, reading rooms, etc, and he would stroll about and take hie ease without anybody paying more attention to him than if he had been an ordinary mem ber. This attitude was all very well when he was still Prince of Wales. But the etiquette that surrounds the monarch of the British empire is much more strict and elaborate. There are certain forms of respect which are in dispensable, and which he could not al low his subjects' to forego without im pairing the dignity of the crown, and, realizing that all the charm of club life would be at an end, not only for himself,.. but likewise for all the members of the same shade as the skirt Marked con- club, if whenever he appeared they were trasts in linings have gone out of fash- obliged to bare their heads, to rise from ion to a great extent. The finer silk their seats, and to refrain from conver- y5 SftMMl J. ,. Stecenson, " 8 AND FARMS. Manages Property. I'MtTtTM. . .IITIMDI. 5 : I 8 petticoats are soft in material and deli cate in shade. Vivid colors are now of the past. The 'black and white plaids and checks are still worn, but they be came entirely too popular at the outset to hold their own long with the Mod ishes. Petticoits' in exquisite lilac foulards, measuring yards and yards and yards about the bottom, with elab orate flouncinge, are favored among smart women. There is aboelutely no eation until he addressed them, he de termined to resign, which he has now done. The Mirror. LITERARY NOTES. One of the most attractive publics tions which has come to our notice is the July number of the DAlinMtor. swiah nor rustle to these dainty articles, Not alone inthe reading matter, which but they are beautiful and far too costly is of "exceptional, interest, but in the to grow common. One in white foulard illustrations, both in color and in black has three very full accordeon pleated and white, this magazine has reached flounces vandyked about the bottom a high point of excellence. The views of and reaching well to the knee. Each the Buffalo exposition, done in three flounce is trimmed with, fine real Valen- color printing, are very beautiful, and dennes insertion in two rows, with an were taken directly from the water edging perhaps half an inch wide. color sketches of 0. Y. Turner, director All the underskirts are made to fit of color to the Pan-American exposition. -V K ,1'if