The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 29, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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First Pub., June 22-3
Notke of Chattel Mortgage Sale. '
Notice Is hereby given that by vlrtue'of a
chattel mortgage ok us iuc iotu ua j ui w
tober 1900, and duly filed In the office of the
county clerk, Lancaster county, Nebraska, on
the 15th day of October, 19C0,and executed by
uihou n. Snere to Henry F. Peters and as
signed by bim before maturity to George T.
ivinne ana auw uhuou uj swu uiuikc muuc,
toiecure the payment of the sum of seventeen
hundred and twenty-five dollars, and upon which
there Is now due fifteen hundred and thirty-five
,iupL Default having been made in the nav-
ment of said sum and no suit or other proceed
ings at law having been Instituted to recover
said ueDt or any pari, luereut, lucrciurc x win
sell the property therein described,
nnp rubber tire surrey, two seats. 1 Columbus
surrey, trimmed In whipcord,! ball-bearing rub
ber tire DUggy, uP iriumieu iu uip i-uru, i iru
cear rubber tire buggy, leather top. 1 red gear
road wagon, rubber tire, open, 1 top buggy,
leather top, new, I black pacing mare. 7 years
old, weight 1030 lbs., sound, has white legs,
named Bessie, one bay horse seven years old,
named Bay Pat, 10SO lbs., sound, 1 bay horse
named Prince, 8 years old,-sound. 1100 lbs., I
sorrel mare 7 years old. weight 900 lbs., no
name, sound, I bay mare 6 years old, weight 1000
lbs. no name. 1 bay mare, white feet, 6 years old.
sound, weight 1100 lbs., at public auction at
Milton H. Spere's barn, between I3th and Mth
on K St., city of Lincoln, county of Lancaster,
state of Nebraska, on the 13 of July, 1901, at one
o'clock P. M. of said day.
First Pub. June 8, 19015.
Notice is hereby given. That by virtue of an
execution Issued by the clerk of the district
court of the Third Judicial district of Nebras
ka, within and for Lancaster county, in an ac
tion wherein Isaac Cahn is plaintiff, and Frank
E. Romandorf defendant, I will, at 2 o'clock P.
M., on the 16th day of July, A. D. 1901, at the
east door of the court house. In the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction the following described
lands and tenements to-wit:
Beginning on the west line of- section eight
een (18). In township ten (10), range seven (.
east of the 6th P. M, at a point nine hundred
and forty-eight and five-tenths (918 5-10) feet
south of the northwest corner of said section:
thence east at right angles to the west line of
said section fourteen hundred and seven (1407)
feet to a point; thence south two hundred and
eighty-fiie( 285) feet to the north line of the
county road; thence south westerly along the
north line of said county road eighty-five lt5)
feet; thence west thirteen hundred and forty
five ( 1345) feet to the west line of said section:
thence north along the west line of said section
three hundred and thirty (330) feet to the place
of beginning. Containing ten acres more or less,
exclusive of right of wav of the Fremont, Elk
horn and Missouri Valley Railway Company
across said tract; and also on the undivided one
half Interest in two houses situated on the a
bove described tract, also including all the ma
chinery in the mill building on said above de
scribed tract.
Given under my hand this 8th day of June,
A D. 1901. Z. S, Branson,
First Pub. June 81.
Notice to Creditors. E 1553.
State of Nebraska, ss. county court, Lancas
ter county, in re estate of Orissia B. Greene,
Creditors of said estate will take notice that
the time limited for presentation of claims
against said estate is October 1. 1901, and for
payment of debts is July 1, 1902; that I will
sit at the county court room in f aid county, on
October 1, 1901, and on January 2. 1902, to re
ceive, examine, adjust and allow all claims
duly filed. Publish weekly four times in The
Courier. Dated June 7, 1901.
(seal.) Frank R. Waters,
uouniy juuge.
CFirst Pub. June 15. 3)
Notice of Final Report E 703.
County Court. Lancaster County. Nebraska,
in re estate of Edward P. Cagney, deceased.
The state of Nebraska to all persons Inter
ested in said estate:
Take notice that Mary Fitzgerald has filed
a final report of her acts and doings as execu
trix in said estate and said matter is set for
hearing on July 12, 1901, before said court at
ten o'clock A. ML at which time any person in
terested may appear and contest the same.
Dated June 14, 1901.
seal Fhank R. Waters.
County Judge.
By Walter A. Leese, Clerk.
First Pub. June 8. 1.
Notice to Creditors. E J554.
State of NeDraska, ss. county court. Lancas
ter county, In re estate of Polly Wilson, de
ceased. " Creditors of said estate will take notice
that the time limited for presentation of claims
against said estate Is Oct. 1. 1901. and for the
payment of debts is July 1, 1902; that I will
sit at the county court room in said county, on
Oct. 1, 1901, and on Jan. 2. 1902. to receive, ex
amine, adjust and allow all claims duly filed.
Publish weekly four times in The Courier.
Dated June 7, 1901.
(seal.) Frank R. Waters,
Countv Judge.
By Walter A, Leese,
Clerk County Court.
First Pub. June 15--3.
Notice of Final Report-E 1419.
County court of Lancaster county, Nebraska,
In re estate of Clarence King, deceased.
The state of Nebraska to all persons Interest
ed In said estate; , ,
Take notice that Anna Gertrude King has filed
a final report of her acts and doings as adminis
tratrix of said estate and said matter is
set for hearing on July 12," 1901, before said
court, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at which
time any person interested may appear and
contest the same. Dated June 14, 1901.
C Seal.) FRAN K R. WATERS, County Judge.
Waltke A. Leese, Clerk.
Oriektk Hotel, Manila.
In Bumming up the charge against
Captain Read the commissary, scandal
develop a loje among army officere that
makes " Damon and Pythias look pale.
Whether this self-sacrificing love ia
confined entirely to the broad, unselfish
heart of the volunteer officer remains to
be discovered. Major Davis baa not
yet been heard from; ill health drove
him away. Captain Read, who waa.his
assistant in the Manila commissary de
pot, and who has a good, strong Penn
sylvania political pull, worried much
over his superior officer not so much
about his health, but lest bis cash and
supply account might show a shortage,
The contingency of a surplus did not
seem to be in his category of worry, and
he did not want to go through the ac
counts to see whether shortages or sur
plusage would be the trouble to contend
with. He simply worried and woiried
because he did not have a lot of money
in the private safe to use in case of an
emergency to save the good name of
his dear friend Major Davio. Dollars
would make up for lacking pounds of
beef and bundles of cigars. He could
do the dollars up in little brown paper
packages, and could mark them "short
age." But he did not have the dollars.
He did not have any shortages particu
larly that could not be balanced by sur
plusages. But he could not stop worry
rying until he had started a reserve
fund. So he began on "estimated
shortages" from different firms, and
gathered in several hundred dollars, but
felt that he ought to have about $2,000
from each big concern.
He used to talk over his worry with a
friend in the navy named Townley, a
lieutenant in charge of the nautical
school. The navy is proud and haugh
ty, and, generally speaking, has no love
for the army, but Townley got to wor
rying, too.
The government in purchasing sup
plies does not pay favorites; it tries to
distribute its patronage fairly. It does
not expect a firm to pay commissions or
percentages, or to put up a bonus for its
patronage. It has an eye to business
sometimes and expects better rates
than the smaller purchaser gets. So
Lieutenant Townley happened to re
member that, eighteen years ago. hn
knew a man named Castle who belonged
to one of the largest supply firms in
Manila. He would go to Castle and get
32,000 for bis friend Captain Read to
stow away in little brown packages and
mark "shortage." He would do some
thing more he would get a ten per
cent commission for his friend on all
future orders turned in to this firm.
Mr. Castle remembered Lieutenant
Townley vaguely, but the affair seemed
to the business man not army-like, as
he knew the army. So he said to the
navy man, "Isn't this a little irregular?"
or words to that effect. Truthful Lieu
tenant Townley replied: "Well, we don't
do these things in the navy, but they go
in the army, you know."
It suited Mr. Castle, who was an ac
quaintance of Colonel Woodruff, the
chief commissary, to encourage this
payment of 32,000. and he put the con
versation down in black and white for
future reference. The hopo of the $2,000
was reported to Captain Read. The ten
percent commission, however, touched
him in a conscientious spot. I suppose
ten per cent commissions cannot be
wrapped up in brown paper and marked
shortages on beef. Anyhow, he refused
the percentage. Shortage on beef was
easier. Everybody knows that beef has
a way of running short in weight.
Captain Read, in a childlike way, said
that, of course, if there were no short
ages discovered ia Major DavtV ac
counts, the brown paper shortage would
be returned. He told hia atory smooth
ly and plausibly, and won some friends,
, particularly among the Manila news
papers that would not print all of -the
"testimony given in court? presumably
for fear it would prejudice the public
mind against Captain Read or Lieten
ant Townley. The newspapers bad
never given the detail of the resignation
of Captain Read before the scandal
burst, nor had they dwelt on the fact
that he had at the same time withdrawn
his application for a commission in the
regular army. He was willing to do
anything to make it easier for the high
er officers who discovered his worrying
qualities and who desired to keep the
trouble quiet until a thorough investi
gation could be made. Some feared
that be would make things still
easier by committing suicide. He
threatens now, if the case goes against
him. never to return to the States nor to
any other state where he is known. He
is almost without sympathizers in Ma
nila, but there is the Pennsylvania po
litical pull in the background and a
question of the legality of the proceed
ing against him which may set aside the
decision. His lawyers claim the court
martial trial is illegal because the court
was composed of regular army officers,
instead of volunteer officers. Th.B regu
lation, I understand, was established by
Secretary Root.
All kinds of stealing have been going
on where it would be impossible to trace
the guilty parties, and no one officer in
charge could be held responsible for
shortages that show up in the investi
gation. For instance, a box of jellies
opened in the commisary department
had the middle compartments filled
with blocks of wood. They were native
woods of the island, which proved that
the change had been made here in some
jelly excursion. These are losses that
must occur, but the surplus usually
balances the losses in money value.
While Captain Read was worrying the
books showed a loss of $40,000 and a
surplus of $50,000, which ought to have
comforted him. The $125,000 steal that
was reported has dwindled down to lees
that $10,000, and probably will be less
than $5,000. It is rather amusing to
note the disposition of those under sus
picion to criticise the "crooked army
officers," yet they were always ready to
take government goods from him.
Civilians are here to make money.
They do not care very much how they
make it. They would not object tn
scoring one against the United States
any more than against the Filipines. If
supplies with the government tag are
offered them, or can be obtained in any
other way. the question of honesty does
not occur to them. They work on the
eternal getting-something-for-notning
principle of the American business man.
When the honor of the army is con
cerned the business man is the first to
reflect upon the "crooked army officer."
As a matter of fact, in these cases the
civilian who left his business in America
to become an "army officer" is creating
all this disgrace and trouble for the
army. Two enlisted men of the regular
army have been brought into the scan
dal, but so far the "crooked army offi
cer" is the volunteer, who is apt to reiter
ate how much he gave up in a financial
way to serve the stars and stripes.
Town Topics.
Patent Kiel,
Turned Soles,
Glove- IMttina:.
Of Special Interest to Women.
It is doubtful if any other newspaper
in the United States caters so success
fully to the varied interests of the home
as does the great daily combining the
Chicago Record and the Chicago Times
Herald, The Chicago Record-Herald.
There is a fashion article in every issue;
a department devoted to interesting
items of unending variety concerning
matters in which women have special
interest; Mme.Qui Vive'B "Woman Beau
tiful" column in which questions con
cerning the toilet, etc., are answered and
useful bints are given; a humorously
illustrated article daily on the latest
edibles for the table; "Meals for a Day,"
including menus and recipes for the
three meals everyday; an installment of
a high-grade serial story; and in addi
tion, the "Stories of the Day" column
on the editorial page, S. E. Riser's hu
morous "Alternating Currents," the
boys' and girls' page, and Dr. Withrow's
article on the Sunday school lesson in
the Saturday issues; also entertaining
and valuable book reviews, the Current
Topics Club, and in the Sunday issues
numerous special fashions, household
and other articles, all very interesting
to the sex.
Alas, I resemble poor little Bo-peep,"
The editor cried to hk throng;
I'm followed by naught but illiterate sheep,
And they all bring their tales along."
A Great Newspaper.
The Sunday edition of the St. Louis
Republic ia a marvel of modern news
paper enterprise. The organization of
its newB service is world-wide, complete
in every department; in fact, superior to
that of -any other newspaper.
The magazine section is illustrated in
daintily tinted colors and splendid half
tone pictures. This section contains
more high-class literary matter than
any of the monthly magazines. The
fashions illustrated in natural colors are
especially valuable to the ladies.
The colored comic section is a genuine
laugh-maker. The funny cartoons are
by the beet artists. The humorous
stories are high-class, by authors of na
tional reputation.
Sheet music, a high-class, popular
Bong, is furnished free every Sunday in
The Republic.
The price of the Sunday Republic by
mail one year is 32.00. For sale by all
news dealers.
"Papa, what is a syndicate?"
"My son, it is a body of human beings
entirely surrounded by money."
Mrs. Bizzy The girl is alienating
your husband's affections, and still you.
retain her in your employ?
Mrs. Dizzy Yes, she is so careful with
the bric-a-brac. Town Topics.
1 )i
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