The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 22, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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V aV
VI .TT V "
Sweeping" price reductions in all departments prior to our
removal to our large three story and basement building-, 1005
to 1019 O street.
"Do Move"
PRICES on Suits
for boys of all ages
1901 Styles in
large variety.
boys, with veetB and all
the shape and style of
men's suits at prices
away below the regular.
All our $8.50 Suite in
3-piece knee, ages 0 to 15,
all our finest Russian
Blouee Suite, ages 3 to 7,
on sale now at.. ,$5. 99
All our Knee Pant
Suits from regular lines
at 84.50, 85.00, 85.50 and
$5.95, in. one large offer
ing, and your choice
at $3.99
AH our Boys' Suite,
formerly sold at 83.50,
81.00 and 8445, your
choice at $2.99
Boys' Suite, worth up
to 83.45, many styles to
select from $1.99
Our regular $1.50 Knee Pants Suits at 99c
fiurs'iBcuKuwwiiis iyc
Boys' Long Pant Suits, ages 14 to 19, all out finest suits sold by ub at $12.00, 813.50 and $15.00, your choice at $9.99
Boys' Long Pant Suits in many nobby styles, and sold by ua this season at prices ranging from $8.50 to 110.00, your choice 8 1 $6.99
Bojb' Long Pant SuitB, sold by ub at $6.00 and 87.50, now to "move" quick at $4.99
Boys' Long Pant Suits in neat styles reduced to "move'' at $2.99
DO MOVE PRICES on Underwear, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear and Hosiery.
At Very Special
"Do Move" Prices
Ladies' Black Kid Oxford
Ties, patent leather tips, all
sizes 3J to 8. widths D, E
and EH. reduced for this
sale from 81.00 to 59c
Ladies' Black and Tau
Oxford Ties, medium and
broad toes, patent leather
and kid tips, strictly solid
leather throughout, all Bizea
and widths, reduced from
81.00 to 89c
Broken line of Ladies' Ox
ford Ties, in black aud col
ors, many Btyles, including
patent leather Uxiords. sizes
2J to 8, our regular 82.00 and $250 lines at $1.49
Other lines of Ladies' Finest Oxford Ties, black and colors, patent leather and patent
vici. light or heavy soles, all new styles, but broken lines and Bizee, worth up to
$4.00, your choice $2.49
Children's and Misses' Vici Kid and Dongola Kid Shoes, Button
and Lace, Warranted All Solid Kid and Patent Leather Tips.
Sizes8 to 11 reduced from 81.00 to 74c Sizes 11 to 2 reduced from $1.25 to 89c
Children's and Misses' Yici Kid Button and Lace Shoes, Black, Tan and Wine, all widths, all
solid, heavy or light soles.
Sizes 8 to 11, reduced from $150 to. ..$1. 19 Sizes to 2, rednced from 82 to $1.39
Slawaon of Gerard, Kansas; Mr. and
Mrs.Merritt Clifton of Chicago; Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Slawaon, Mr. and Mrs.
E.R. Slawaon, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Dreacher, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Douglas,
Mr. and Mrs. IL H. Barth, Mrs. Viola
Naeh, Miaa Minnie Peters, Miss Gert
rude Dean, Mr. Zeb Martin, Mr. and
Mrs. William Lawlor, Mr. JamjB Law
lor, Mr. Arthur Lawlor, Miss Annie
Hartman, Mrs. Frampton, Miss Cora
Kelson, Miss Estelle Douglas and Mr.
Robert Lawlor.
Misb Happy Theodora Van Wyck,
only- child of the- late Senator Van
Wyck, will make her debut in Wash
ington next winter. Town Topics Bays
that Miaa Van Wyck is tall, superb and
queenly, her copper-colored hair and
exquisite complexion will make her one
of the most beautiful young women in
society, and.ehe may inherit the man
tle of Martha Hichborn, whom she re
, arables ia- her attractive freedom of
meaner asd speech. Miaa Van Wyck
k an heiress of a large fortune. The
Vaa Wyck home, on the corner of Mas
eachoeetts avenue and Eighteenth
treat, ia occupied by the George W.
Fairbankeee, and Mrs. and Miaa Van
Wyck have been occupying the Jeffreys
house on Sixteenth-street.
August Hagenow and his band car
ried off the firat prize of three hundred
dollars at the Woodmen band contest
at St Paai, Minnesota, last week. Not
satisfied with this distinction, they ako
captured the firat prize of twenty-five
doUara for the beat appearing band in a
Woodsaan parade at Minneapolis. Citi
zens of both St. Paul and Minneapolis
declared the Hagenow band to be beet
balanced maeical organization ever
heard in those cities. Twenty bands
were in. attendance, isclading Bsveral
profeaaionil organizations; but only two
cared to compete for the prize: the West
Superior band of Wisconsin and the
Flour City band of Minneapolis, the
latter composed entirely of profession
als. The fact that Mr. Hagenow's
band won the first prize at Kansas City
two years ago frightened the others
away from the contest. The selection
on which the marking was done was the
difficult Von Weber overture "Oberon."
This number also appeared on the pro
gram at the band concert at the audi
torium on Tuesday night. It is an
old saying that a prophet is without
honor in his own country; but the resi
dents of Lincoln have occasion for great
pride in an organization like the Hage
now band, and during the summer
monthB their concerts at the auditorium
will be a source of great pleasure, and
should receive enthusiastic support from
the public.
Mrs. H. Dierks entertained a party of
young people Thursday afternoon in
honor of the thirteenth birthday of her
daughter May. Sandwiches, ice cream
and cake were served on the lawn. The
guests were Ethel and Pearl Burr, Anna
Merten, Ella Schmutz, Nora Dierks,
Martha Gericke, Fred Dierks, Arthur
Dobson, Minnie and Winnie Garey,
Beatrice Dierks, Ruth Grievish, Laura
Merton, Vera Axtell, Edward Dierks,
Gervis HbII, Lelia Keith, Mac Wood
ward, Elsie Reeder, Helen and Olive
Keller, Arbur Barch, Otis Hall, Harold
Hall, Harold Waters, Jessie Hamilton,
Ina Kirkpatrick, Chauncey and Luella
Dierks, Emma Steele, Ernest Elrod,
Fern Elrod, Harry Brooks, Maud Garey.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Jaques, who
will shortly remove to California, were
given a large reception Thursday eve
ning at the home of MrB. Watson, Pop
lar and Seventeenth streets, by the
ladies' aid society of Trinity M. E.
church. AH the members of this church,
with which Mr. and Mrs. Jaquea have
been closely identified for many years,
were invited. Those in the receiving
line were Rev. and Mrs. N. A. Martin
and Mrs, Jaques. The decorations were
roses and palms and the scene was
lighted with candles. Refreshments
were served up stairs by Mrs. G. G.
Cook and in the dining room by Mrs.
O. H Smith, assisted by Misses SimmB,
Cook, Powers and Hunt. A quartette
comprising Mr. and Mrs. George Sand
erson, Miss Robinson and Mr, Bivens
sang, Miss Elsie Fawell and Miss Robin
eon sang a duet and Mrs. Smith gave a
recitation. Rev. N. A, Martin spoke
feelingly of the departure of Mr. and
Mrs. Jaques and Mrs. Jaques responded.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaques expect to start for
their new home at Passadena next
Mias Blanche Hargreavee entertained
informally Thursday morning in honor
of Mrs. Edwards of Chicago. Delight
ful music was furnished by Mrs. Ed
dwards, Misa Jessie Lansing and Miss
Laura Houtz. The guests were Misses
Belle Holbrook, Mabel Bennett, Grace
Bennett, Jessie Outcalt, Emma Outcalt,
Dorothy Griggs, Nellie Griggs, Margar
et Whedon, Charlotte Whedon, May
Whiting, Adelloyd Whiting, Mabel
Richards, Hammond, Clara Hammond,
Vine Gahan, Mabel Hayes, Claire
Funke, Laura Houtz and Jessie Lansing.
Miss Lillian Newbrancb, daughter of
Mr. O. P. Newbranch, and Mr. Ned C.
Abbott were married Wednesday
evening at the home of the bride, 3040
Q street. The house was decorated
with flowers and lighted with candles.
Miss Shank of Red Oak, acted a brides
maid, and Mr. L. J. Abbott, brother of
the groom, Berved as best man. The
wedding march was played by Miss
Grace Newbranch. After the ceremony
ices were served by Misa Edna Curtias
and Miss Martha Chappell. Mr. Ab.
bott has received the appointment of
government teacher in the Filipinos,
and Mr. and Mrs. Abbott will sail for
Manila July twenty-sixth.
The marriage of Miss Myrtle J.
Wheeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert. Wheeler, and Dr. Charles E.
Humiston of Chicago took place Tues
day evening at the home of the bride,
2545 P street. Thirty-live guests wit
nessed the ceremony, which was per
formed by Rev. F.L.Wharton. Miss
May Belle Hagenow played the wed
ding march. Miss Leila A. Wheeler,
sister of the bride, was maid of honor.
Dr. and Mrs. Humiston ''left Wednesday
for Chicago, where they will be at homo
at 107 Howard avenue.
Mrs. Ogden ia spending the summer
in the country on her mother's farm
near Newark, Ohio. She says that
there is no place like the country. The '
hens' cackling, little chickens peeping,
birds singing, cows lowing, been hum
ming is an irresistible rhythm that lulls
the spirit into a content and repose un
known to the residents of a city, and
adds: "Let me go where-e'er 1 will 1
hear a sky-born muBic still."
Mr. and Mrs. John Dorgan and Mr.
and Mrs. George Woods will leave to
morrow for New York, sailing June 29
for Europo on the steamship Minnehaha.
They will first make a tour of Ireland,
will do England thoroughly, then will
go into Germany, France, Switzerland,
down the Rhine, and will visit London,
Paris, Brussels, Vienna and many other
points of interest, returning to the Uni
ted States the last of September.
The Ladiea' Whist club held its regu
lar meeting with Mrs. M. Ackerman,
142G L. Street, Thursday afternoon.
General Fitzhugh Lee announces the
engagement of his daughter, Miss Ellen