The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 22, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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box of luncheon, and when the party
was Bottled around odo of the tables on
the terrace they took up the subject of
the day, which was the decorations of
St. Peter's at Rome.
The president called the meeting to
order and mado an appropriate little
speech about the fitness of discussing
the great art work of St. Fetor's while
sitting about under the only less deco
rated dome of nature's temple as they
beheld it from the vantage point of
Pairmount park. She spoke feelingly
of the color display in the floral decora
tions of the park and compared them to
the tints in the paint pots of Michael
Angelo. Then she corrected herself and
alluded to the palette, remarking that
Bhe had used the term paint pot purely
in a figurative sense. Her speech was
received with enthusiastic applausn,
after which one of the members sug
gested that it the table was Bet and the
luncheon in progress the club could
then discuss the subject and listen to
the papers between the courses of the
"When the men give u dinner, Madam
President," Baid the woman in the taf
feta tailor made gown, "it is customary
to discuss the subjects after dinner. I
move that we partake'of our refresh
ments first and then proceed to the feast
of reason and the flow of soul. Besides,
I have a salad that was on the ics until
the minute of starting and if it is not
eaten soon it will get all warm."
"I move in favor of the salad first, and
St. Peter's afterward," said the woman
with the red cheeks.
"Second the motion," announced the
woman at the far end of the table, as
she lifted the cover from a ehoe box and
Bet a bottle of pickles od the table with
an emphatic flourish.
"Can some one tell ub how long
Michael Angelo worked on the home of
St. Peter's?" as the ladies passed about
thehnrd boiled eggs and exchanged
samples of deviled ham sandwiches for
others made with lettuce and mayon
naise. "Who is posted on that point?"
"Well," said the woman at the far
end of the table, "excuse me for inter
rupting, but I wish you would look at
the number of things my right hand
neighbor has stowed away in one small
tin biscuit box. I never saw anything
like it. There are sixteen wooden plates,
a bottle of salad dressing, a bunch of cel
ery, a head of lettuce, two bunches of
radishes and well I wish you'd look.
She has etuck a wooden toothpick in
each radish, bo that i may be used as a
fork with which to eat the salad, to say
nothing of one dozen and a half of Jap-
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aneeo napkins. Well, I call that high
art up to date art, I call it."
"In the work on the dome of St.
Peter's, ladies
"Oh, that reminds me," said the wo
man with the red cheekB to the fifth vice
president, who wa3 carving a chocolate
layer cake, "I wanted to ask you how
much that man you sent to me charged
you for whitewashing your cellar. He
charged me $3.00. I thought it was
"He only charged me a dollar and a
half," said the woman with the cake.
"But then he made some flower beds
for me and I paid him extra for that:
Perhaps your collar is larger."
"Well, of course, he did whitewash
under the stairs, but then he needn't
have done that."
"I wish you could see the little pane
of glass a man had the courage to
charge me two dollars and a quarter for
putting in my cellar window this morn
ing," said a woman who had been listen
ing to the conversation. "By the way,
do you cook your chocolate frosting?"
"I think we are getting far away from
the subject," said the woman with the
Renaissance collar on her gown. "I
have been interested to know that the
great master of art in the dome of St.
Peter's used the face of his lady love in
many of his angels-"
"Hear! hear!" came a voice from the
extreme end of the table; "it the lady
with the beautiful new Renaissance col
lar that she made all herself will start
the lemonade down this way wo would
be pleased to learn anything interesting
she may have ferreted out in the life of
the gay and ancient bachelor artist."
"Did you really make that charming
collar yourself?" asked the lady in the
white pique waist, as she peeled the
shell from a hard boiled egg. "How
many lessons did you take?"
"Xonly took three, The whole thing
cost me less than four dollar?."
The idea! Why, if you had bought
it it would have cost you not less than
thirty dollars."
"What was that you were saying
about economy?" asked the practical
woman. "My husband says that I leave
the gas burning all day to save matches.
That's not so, by the way; but I suppose
everyone has some favorite economy."
"Mine's rubber bands," confessed the
woman who had not spoken before. "I
never destroy a rubber band, and 1 never
buy one."
"The cook saya my economy is saving
little scraps of rags," spid the woman
who had brought all the fried chicken.
"That reminds me. I have got a new
girl, and Pd like you all to know that
last night she roasted the soup meat
and brought it on as big as life. We
had company, too. This morning she
melted one of the legs off my silver cof
fee pot, and when she was dusting the
library I caught her trying to straighten
my leaning tower of Pisa."
"Well, she can cook chicken all right,"
said the woman sitting opposite, as she
tossed a bone over her shoulder.
"Speaking of servants," eaid the presi
dent, "I, too, have troubles. Mine is
new. Just over. Her name is Nora.
Last night she locked all the screen
doors after we went out to the theatre,
then she went up to the third floor and
slept like the dead, so that after resort
ing to every legitimate means of getting
into our own house we gave it up and
broke a ten dollar pane of glass. It was
very trying. But I believe we wore to
discuss the artist's work on the dome of
St. Peter's. Pardon me for straying so
far from the subject."
"Well, I should have thought your
husband .would have been furious,"
said the woman with the whito pique
waist, rising to brush some crumbs from
her lap.
"Do you know I think you wear some
of the stunningest shirt waists,"' said
For the Table . . .
U Li ifS J
Dainty table delicacies I
of the high class variety,
priced nere tower tnan is
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Choice lemons, per dozen lie j
Choice country butter, per lb 12c
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Choice whole rice, per lb 5c
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Campbell's con. soup, per can . 8c
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Lincoln, Neb.
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114 So. 1 2 til St.