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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1901)
THB COURIER h Y v demonstrate something and, like the children in the child study classes, they object. The labor unions arc tyrannical and foment discontent. The molder's union in Dayton seized upon the slight discontent, caused by the suspi cion that they were being used to demonstrate something and induced the Cash Register operatives to strike though they had no grievance they dared to lay before an arbitration committee of their own number and still less before the national president of the union. Lord George Hamilton, secretary for Indian affairs, in a recent letter to a friend, says that the; reason that American competition is growing more and more dangerous is that we are yearly improving and extending the product ani that we can do this because the trades unions in Ameri ca do not limit; production as they do in England. One of the leading Lon don newspapers commenting on Lord Hamilton's letter says: "We aflirm our conviction that to the ignorance and tyranny of trades unions the de cline of our manufacturing suprem acy is primarily due. We have no hesitation in saying that the methods employed by trades unions today are thoroughly unscrupulous and dis honest." The London Globe says: 'In the next few years the contest be tween American and English manu facturers will be most stringent, and unless the methods of unionism as practised in this country are modi fied, the Americans will beat us out of the field." It cannot be otherwise while the leaders of the working men believe that to increase the profits of labor the output must be restricted, and the lazy and inefficient workmen be forcibly retained in employment. These are only two English papers but it is said by those who read a number that a large number of Eng lish papers are denouncing the tyran ny of trades unions and the harm they have done English commerce. English manufacturers are so thoroughly alarmed by the loss of business to American manufacturers that unless the trades unions conduct their negotiations more carefully and reasonably foreign nations will get the business that it has taken a cen tury of American energy and tireless, undaunted effort to secure, Strikes like that of the building trades in Chicago which was as unreasonable as the Cash Register strike, uproot the sympathy of the people for trades unions, and injure business. The building trades strike in Chicago drove about 200,000 carpenters, ma sons, and other workmen employed in building, from the city, and en tirely stopped all building in Chi cago for a year. The simple state ment of the complete stoppage of building in a city the size of Chicago, conveys little idea of the inevitable inconvenience, financial loss and ter rible suffering caused by such inertia. If American workmen continue to take part in strikes like those at Day ton and at Chicago they will kill the goose that lays the golden egg and a wail will fill the country from work men and employes alike, like that which is sounding through England now. It is much more difficult to recover business than it is to hold it. We have the ball now for the first time since the first Puritan fleet dedicated Ply mouth Rock. The last year of the nineteenth century and the first year of the twentieth is an American epoch of historical distinction. Since the independence of this country was recognized we have been steadily ap proaching the commercial supremacy which we have just attained. The epoch marks the triumph of Ameri can invention and of new-world pa tience and endeavor. The continu ance of the triumph is seriously threatened by the arrogance and tyr anny of trades unionism. The trusts are a combination hard to bully and their growth and power may counter balance the power and arrogance of the trades unions. Trade, like the departments of the national govern ment, has counterbalancing bodies; and if one body increases in strength and importance its coordinate mys teriously increases in weight and im portance. This phenomenon is dem onstrated by the trusts and trades unions. MOOW00000 MBS- Edited by Miss Helen 6. Harwood ooe OO0M00l0il000f OOOOC00000 The Review and Art club of York en tertained one hundred and fifty guests at its third annual garden party last week Wednesday. Mrs. P. B. Daggy was the hostess. The lawn was supplied with seats and hammocks, musicians were stationed in the house, and ices were served to the guests. The two hundredth anniversary of the founding of Yale university will be cele brated next fail. In addition to the musical and literary features of the cel ebration there will be a torchlight pro cession, in which the senior class will be '-disguised as Indians, to recall the founding of the college in the early days of Connecticut;" other classes will represent regiments of continental troops, a regiment of Rough Riders of the Spanish-American war, tho crew of the United States cruiser "Yale," and a delegation from the Filipino body guard of Governor William H. Tatt. Radcliffe college, connecto'd with Harvard university, had this year her first Indian student. She is the daugh ter of a sub-chief of the Pannawabskik tribe, and answers to the name of Wah-ta-Waso, which in plain American means "Bright Eyes." At the age of twenty she has accomplished more in the Eng lieh branches than many high school girls at the same age. Haughty as the traditional Indian, she is determined that previous condition shall not inter fere with her ambition. On the books of the university Bhe will be known as Lucy Nicola. noli; lectures and addresses, Mrs. C. II. Bohn, Mt. Pleasant; chairman of execu tive committee, Professor Fred Wimber ly, Waterloo. Tho Ottumwa Woman's club will unite with the musicians of that city in an effort to securo tho meet ing of tho convention noxt year. At the second mooting of tho now board last week Thursday tho club decided to sell tickets to tho amount of 8100.00, since this sum is required before tho in vitation to tho association can be ox-tended. Governor Yates has appointed Miss Belle Hyman of Chicago a trustee of the Illinois Homo for the Blind. Al though blind since the ago of four years, Miss Hyman is an accomplished musi cian and linguist, and is woll known for her enthusiastic efforts to benefit the poor and sightless. The second school for crippled child ren will soon be opened by tho Chicago board ot education. One hundred and sixty children of this class will then bo cared for and transported to and from their homes each day. Fifty-fivo placos to be used as play grounds this summer have been provided by the New York board ot education. Of these forty are in public schools, fif teen in parks, vacant lots, recreation piers and on roofs, and each playground is provided with games and gymnastic apparatus and is in charge ot a teacher. In addition to these playgrounds forty five free kindergartens are open half ot every day. Twelve evening playcentera also are furnished. No regular school work is carried on in any of these places, but lessons in kindness to ani mals and in politeness and kindness to each other will be impressed. A hospital for women and children has recently been established in Denver. This hospital will be controlled by wo men physicians and surgeons and will be managed by a board ot fifteen directors, twelve of whom are women, and seven of the twelve are practicing physicians. The object is to provide competent phy sicians and surgeons of their own eex to suffering women, and to train nurses for practical service. Tho sixth annual convention of tho Iowa Musical association will bo held in Waterloo Juno 25-29. The officers of the association are Frank Nagel of Des Moines, president; Miss Frances Wy man of Burlington, first vice president; Mr. Charles H. Bohn of Mt. Pleasant, secretary and treasurer. Following iB the program committee: Piano, Dr. A. Rommeli, Mt. Pleasant, and Henry Ruifrok, Des Moines; vocal, Alexander Emslie, Indianola, anJ Grant Hadley, Des Moines; violin, Arthur Heft, Des Moines, and Mendell Heighton, Des Moines; organ, Rossiter G. Cole, Grin- It is exceedingly difficult for a woman graduate of pharmacy to secure a posi tion. Many women are successfully managing their own pharmacies, how ever, and the number is rapidly increas ing, especially in tho small towns. One woman in New York has conducted a pharmacy without assistance for three years. Her husband died, leaving her with a baby, a littlo corner drug store in a quiet residence neighborhood and a debt equal to more than the value of the store. During their ' married life she had assisted her husband in the store. Upon bis death she secured a coach and in the time between August and February prepared herself suffic iently to pass the examination before the state board of pharmacy. "I have customers now," said Bhe,"who have told me that it was six months or a year after I started here before they would tru6t me to put up a prescription for them. The first year it was a question whether I would sink or swim. But I have supported myself and my child for three years, and got so far through my debt that I can see tho end of it. And my etoro is 20 per cent better stocked now than when I began. There is no profession in which I could have done what I have in this store in the first thiee years. Of course, I practically never step out of the store. I am in it from seven in the morning till eleven at night. I live in the room behind, and I never eat a meal without jumping up to come front. I never make a visit or go on an excursion. I have had neither relaxation nor amusement for three years and I never can have until I am able to employ a clerk." The Clean City club of Chicago was organized by Miss Gertrude Howe, head of the kindergarten and club work at Hull House, about eight weeks ago. This ciub has a membership of three hundred children, every one ot whom Miss Howe knows by name. Each mem ber is pledged to pick up and destroy at least one piece of waste paper every day. During the first month of the club's ex istence the club members numbered only 120, yet 150,000 pieces of paper were picked up and destroyed in the twenty-two blocks which are under the supervision ot the Clean City club. A Bub-committee and chairman aro ap pointed for every block. It is tho duty of tho chairman to Bee that that the work in his particular block is properly accomplished and to report delinquents and causes of untidinoea to the club president, Miss Howe. Tho club mem bers lange in ago from five to fifteen years, and a kindergarten branch will be enlisted very soon. That great en thusiasm is felt in the work is shown by the fact that one little girl nine years old picked up and destroyed over 1,000 pieces of papers during the first week of her club membership. Tho papers are usually put into the nearest garbage box, though in a few instances bon fires have been made of them by the children. A shed for the storage of waste paper is under seriouB considera tion. In this way considerable revenue might be derived from tho sale of ths paper, and since tho members are large ly recruited from the Hull House play room and from other clubs of which Miss Howe is president, the money thuB received would most appropriately bo used for the support of Hull House. The club meetings are decidedly inter esting. At every meeting reports are made by each sub-committe chairmen regarding the amount of work accom plished since the last meeting. The work of any member who has done un usually well or unusually little iB dis cussed, with the reasons for the excep tional character cf the work, after which general questions of street improvement and betterment are talked over by ail the children with, perhaps, a short talk from some recognized authority on street necessities and conditions. A better neighborhood for this paper picking experiment could not bo found than the one in which null House is located. Papers and debris of almost every kind are thrown into the streets all day long by careless persons. Yet at four o'clock in the afternoon, half an hour after the Clean City club members get out of school, scarcely a paper can bo seen. The Hull House door bells rings continually, after that time, in answer to the eager pulling of club members who nave gathered up papers which they wish the Hull House residents to burn or otherwise dispose of. . i' I Mrs. Frank Griffrow of Sterling, Illi nois, is the regularly appointed mail carrier on the star route between Ster ling and Milledgeviile. Mrs. Griffrow secured a new wagon and a Bpinted team and will carry paesengers and merchandise in addition to the mail. She will drive thirty miles every day and will receive $120 a year for her service as mail carrier. Another Sterling wo man, Miss Ethel Wahl, is substitute carrier for the three rural free delivery mail routes out out of Sterling. Miss Elizabeth Kenmuir of McKeea port, Penn., enjoys the distinction of being the youngest girl who has ever received a permanent teacher's certifi cate in Pennsylvania. Though barely twenty years old. Miss Kenmuir has taught school in her native town since 1893. St. Paul, Minn., has a city hall and court house commission whose fund of common sense is a credit to the entire city. A woman was employed at $40 a month to do the scrubbing. The jani tors' salaries were S5o a month, and the commission decided that Bince the wo man did as much work as any one of the men, her salary should be increased to 255 a month. The Dscussing of the Dome. The Renaissance club held its last mooting of the season in Fairmount park Every member came laden with a small !M i