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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1901)
v- -r 1HE COURIEU. 11 KvKlHHHflHHiilHDIkll I uryASVH TTyHlK fHM9flBHMUluBillUl: raViH HANNA'S DRCG STORE, 1400 O STREET?. First Pub. JuneS, 19015. SHERIFF SALE Notice is hereby given. That by irtue of an execution issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third judicial district of Nebras ka, within and for Lancaster county, in an ac tion wherein Isaac Cahn is plaintiff, and Frank E. Romandorf defendant, I will, at 2 o'clock P. M-, on the 16th day of July, A. D. 1901, at the east door of the court house. In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described lands and tenements to-wit: Beginning on the west line of section eight een (18). in township ten ( 10 1, range seven (7 . east of the 6th P. M. at a point nine hundred and forty-eight and five-tenths (9S 5-10 1 feet south of the northwest corner of said section, thence east at right angles to the west line of said section fourteen hundred and seven (1407) feet to a point; thence south two hundred and eighty-five 285 1 feet to the north line of the county road; thence south westerly along the north line of said county road eighty-live Ml feet; thence west thirteen hundred and forty flve (134i) feet to the west line of said section; thence north along the west line of said section three hundred and thirty (330)feet to the place of beginning. Containing ten acres more or less, exclusive of right of wav of the Fremont, Elk hom and Missouri Valley Hallway Company across said tract; and also on the undivided one half interest in two houses situated on the a bove dpprlhd traiK also including all the ma chinery in the mill building on said aboe de scribed tract. Given under mv hand this fth day of June, A D. 1901. Z. S, Branson, Sheriff. First Pub. June 8. i. Notice to Creditors. E 1554. State of NeorasKa, ss. county court. Lancas ter county, In re estate of Polly Wilson, de ceased. Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation of claims against said estate is Oct. 1. 1901. and for the payment of debts is July 1, 1902; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on Oct. 1, 1901, and on Jan. 2. 1902. to receive, ex amine, adjust and allow all claims duly Hied. Publish weekly four times in The Courier. Dated June 7, 1901. (seal.) Frank R. Waters, County Judge. By Walter A, Leese, Clerk County Court. First Pub. June 153. Notice of Final Report-E J4J9. County court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, in re estate of Clarence King, deceased. The state of Nebraska to all persons interest ed in said estate; , ,., . , . Take notice that AnnaGertrude Klnghasflled a final report of her acts and doings a adminis tratrix of said estate and said matter is set for hearing on July 12, 1901, before said court, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at which time any person interested may appear and contest the same. Dated June H. 1901. ( Seal.) FRAN K R. WATERS. County Judge. Walter a. Lekse, Clerk. TILDA. KATHARINE MELICK. For The Courier. She stood in the corner where the dinner pails hung; but it was not noon, and she was not investigating the con tents of her pail. Perhaps she would not have found much there if she bad. It was morning, the second reader class had just recited, and Tilda, as usual, was in disgrace. 2sot one of the nine words had she spelled correctly, and now, in the corner, she was repeating over and over, "t h i c k, tick; thick, tick." With her eyes bent down upon her book so as not t" see the grinning face of little Pete, or the slate that Fred was hold ing up for her edification on which he had drawn an image conspicuously labeled "Tilda," Bhe whispered the letters again and again. She could not see them, for two big tears blinded her blue eyes, and so presently Bhe was say ing, "t i c k, tick; tick, tick." At last she looked up; the elate was down on the desk now, but the picture was still there, and Fred's pencil had just added the words. "En elake Hicka" (Swedish for a bad girl). The tears fell down on the wretched words, and, wip ing the page with a corner of her apron, she saw the forgotten letter. But only for a moment. The mist came again before the book, and so presently she was standing before Miss Jones' desk twisting the corner of her apron and watching Miss Jones' face while she spelled, "t i h c k" and then, seeing the coming frown, quickly substituting "tick h." "What can I do with her?" thought Miss Jones for the seventieth time. She looked at the drooping figure, the fin gers clutching the coarse, faded apron, the face there was little to be seen of it eave two great blue eyes tilling with tears. It was the old, old story. And for the seventieth time she said, "Tilda, listen to me. You can get this lesson just as well as Peter or Minnie, if you only try. Stop crying and take your elate as I have told you and write the words." Tilda only shook her flaxen braids and said in a half whisper, "I can't." Nevertheless she was soon sitting at her desk listening to the voices of the chil dren outside and looking at the nine words before her. Miss Jones had told her to write them each ten times and then she would know them. She was counting the times on her fingers. They were thin fingers; thin and bent as if with tasks too hard for them. Tilda often looked at Miss Jones' white, ebape ly hands with wonder. Miss Jonej did not notice Tilda's. She. was very much occupied with a new novel, and she found "Ina's Heart" far more interest ing than Tilda's grimy little fingers. When the bell rang Miss Jones was happy. The story was going very much to her taste, Tilda was happy too. She had learned three words, which was better than she had done for a whole week, and as a reward for her diligence Miss Jones had allowed her to study her numbers and leave the remaining six for noon. She liked the numbers, for were they not just the same "on Swede?" And in class could shf not answer some times as quickly aa Hannah cr Peter or even little Minnie? But her joy was changed to chagrin when she returned to her seat and found on her slate a picture of a row of very small children with one tall figure at the foot and the legend, "de biggest de dumest," in Fred's round hand beneath. She felt that she waa indeed very "big" and she bent her thin shoulders yet more when she looked over at little Minnie. Minnie was Tilda's little neighbor. Tilda had not had time to get acquaint First Pub. June 11. Notice to Oeditors. E J555. State of Nebraska, ss. County court. Lancas ter county. In re estate of Arthur E. Goddard, deceased. Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation of claims against said estate Is October 1. 1901. and for payment of debts Is July I. 1902; that I will sit at the county court room in said county on October 1, 1901, and on January 2. 1902. to receive, examine, adjust and allow all claims duly filed. Publish weekly four times in The Courier. Dated May 31, 1901. seal. Frank R. Waters, County Judge. By Walter A. Leesc Clerk First Pub. June ?.3 In re estate of Harriett S. Burnett, deceased, in county court, of Lancaster county, Nebraska, E. 1357. The State of Nebraska, to all person? in terested in said estate, take notice, that an instrument purporting to be the last will nnd testament of Harriett S. Burnett deceased, is on Hie In said court, and also a petition praying for probate of said will and for appointment of Lewis C. Burnett and Thomas MrCulloch as ex ecutors thereof; said petition will be heard and proof taken on said instrument by said court, on June 26th, 1901, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. and un less you appear and contest, said court may probate and record said will and grant admin istration of said estate as prayed for. Dated June 7th, 1901. seal. Frank R. Waters. County Judge. By Walter A. Leese, Clerk County Court First Pub. June Ss-l-Notice to Creditors. E J553. State of Nebraska, ss. county court. Lancas ter county, in re estate of Orissia B. Greene, deceased. Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation of claims against said estate is October I. 1901, and for payment of debts is July 1, 1902; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on October 1, 1901, and on January 2. 1902, to re ceive, examine, adjust and allow all claims duly filed. Publish weekly four times in The Courier. Dated June 7, 1901. (seal.) Frank R. Waters, County Judge. CFirst Pub. June 15. 3 Notice of Final Report E 703. County Court. Lancaster County. Nebraska, In re estate of Edward P. Cagney, deceased. The state of Nebraska to all persons inter ested in said estate: Take notice that Mary Fitarerald has filed a final report of her acts and doings as execu trix In said estate and said matter Is set for hearing on July 12, 1901, before said court at ten o'clock A. M at which time any person in terested may appear and contest the same. Dated June It, 1901. sealI Frank R. Waters, County Judge. By Walter A. Leese. Clerk. 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