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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1901)
VOL. XVI., NO. XXV ESTABLISHED IN 1SSR PRICE FIVE CENTS LINCOLN. NEBR., SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1901. THE COURIER, ExnttDnr the postoftice at Lincoln as BECOSD CLASS MATTES. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BT IK CMRIER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING GO Office 1132 X street, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS, : : : EDITOR Subscription Rates. Per annum f 1 50 Six months 1 00 Rebate of fifty cents on cash payments. Single copies 05 The Cocriee will not be responsible for toI nntary communications unless accompanied by return postage. Communications, to receive attention, must be signed by the full name of the writer, not merely as a guarantee of good faitb, but for publication if advisable. r i OBSERVATIONS. A Missouri Jury. Sometimes a little boy bullies his older brother or a bigger boy, know ing that the older and stronger one's chivalry will prevent him from re taliating. The right is not always on the side of the weak, though when strangers see a big boy slap a little one they immediately conclude that the big one is a bully. Some women take advantage of their sex to harry the men of their family to drink or into personal violence. It is very brutal to strike a woman and the ingenious torture to which the man may have been subjected for years before the outbreak will never be known, so the world condemns. Dis appointed lovers shoot their sweet hearts, according to the newspapers, every day. Afterwards they either kill themselves or are condemned to death by a just jury. There cannot be one law for man and another for woman. It is as heinous a crime for a woman to shoot a man as it is for a man to shoot a woman. In cases where a man has betrayed a woman and deserted her, juries have practi cally added an exception to the stat ute which forbids murder, making it read that the woman or her father or brother may shoot her betrayer with out fear of the law. Now murder is murder and to kill, another is only where there is killing, as in the Ken- accomplish the tasks set him at nedy case, sympathy, unreasonable and prejudiced, is immediately ex tended to the woman in the case. Considering this fixed and universal habit it is remarkable that a jury in Missouri should sentence a woman to ten years' imprisonment for shooting a man in cold blood. Lulu Prince Kennedy who shot her husband be cause he would not live with her, and then kicked the dead man's head, was justly convicted of the crime and sen tenced to ten years imprisonment in the penitentiary by a Missouri jury. Missourians still profess to believe in the code duello and the old fashioned Missourian clings to the hyper-chivalrous talk and practice of a hundred years ago. It is therefore remarkable and very gratifying to the rest of the United States that a cold-blooded murderess should have received a sentence of ten years by a Missouri jury. The real old Missourian holds to southern prejudices and tradition al southern habits more tenaciously than the man from Georgia, possibly because lie is in direct contact with the north and feels that he must pro tect his southern traditions from as similation. Be that as it may the old-fashioned Missourian is a south erner of southerners and has resisted northern influences successfully. If Mrs. Kennedy had not been pun ished for her brutal crime, any young woman who desires to revenge her self upon a man who has snubbed her, would not have been restrained by the law prohibiting murder and threatening the death penalty. The punishment of ten years in the peni tentiary is inadequate to her brutal crime for which she has exhibited no repentance. But that she is punisiied at all is a triumph of justice which offers no special dispensation to wom en for killing men given to the jilting habit. The sentence is largely the result of the impartial judge's rul ings. He kept out irrelevant matter and insisted that the jury decide the case on its merits uninfluenced by hearsay and gossip. His charge to school. Half of his time he was idle because the tasks were graded to the ability of the average child, and he had a mind that leaped where others climbed. When he left school his character and his mind lacked the toughness of fibre only to be acquired, however fine the intellect, by stren uous endeavor. Life is a struggle, and those who go into training early and keep in training all their lives are those who succeed. Mr. Town ley's duller classmates all rank him now. They are captains, majors and generals, while he is on the point of being dishonorably discharged. At the beginning of the Cuban war, Mr. Townley exerted himself to ob tain another commission in the reg ular army. He was confronted by unexpected difficulties, and if it had not been for the courage and per sistency of Mrs. Townley, doubtless he would not have succeeded. Her energy and persistence final'y won. Another commission was issued to him and he was assigned to the com missary department at Manila. It is not claimed that the system of de frauding the government by dispos ing of commissary stores was originat ed in Manila bj Lieutenant Townley but that he carried on the frauds al ready inaugurated. Genuinely eager to be of service to his country, of brilliant parts, skillful and success ful in all sports and games, a good fellow, and a favorite with men and women, poor Townley's career is end ed before his time. It was so easy for him to do and to learn that the discipline of life has never had an opportunity to toughen liim. Not de lighting in scholarly pursuits, and not having lost his youthlul zest in the pleasures of life, enervated by years of idleness out of service, Mr. Town- ley was an easy, unconscious victim of the gaming habits so prevalent in Manila. Of the many Nebraska friends of this graceful, accomplished tention from his teachers and par ents, and for tills very facility he will not get it. Some gifted children have clearer spiritual Insight,, and. some are girls not exposed to the same temptations that appeal to the poor, bright, little boys. The over whelming majority of dull pupils who attain a prominence in business life that they never reached in school, and the compartive obscurity of the bright boys in the world of business, has not ceased to surprise both the parents of those who develop slowly as well as the parents of the preco cious children. The latter spend half of their school days waiting for the other little children to catch up with them, and in the meantime Satan is suggesting occupation for their spare moments. Whereas school lias de veloped in the dull boy courage, pa tience, and a sure confidence in the final triumph of persistent effort, the clever boy thinks he has only to turn his attention to a project to accom plish it. His first failure disheart ens him, and his life is not a success. The Wise Man's Portion. Dreams, although they seem ir regular and erratic may be classified into partial order. Considering the number of people in the world and their diversity, there are not enough dreams to go around. There are more men who have had identical dreams than those whose actual experiences coincide. Most of us are thankful to the ready wit which supplies us with the word or the incident we have been groping for. It is perplexing to strie to remember what just eludes the backward reach of our minds. Some dreams recur frequently, yet. cannot be remembered in the morn ing. They torment us through the day, because we have dreamed them so many times that they have made a deep, but not a clear impression, upon our minds. If we could remeni- " the jury was a clearing away of rub bishy nonsense and it inspired them to call murder murder, even when the prisoner at the bar was a woman. Facility. The investigation of the Manila sub sistence accounts has implicated Lieutenant Richard Townley, who for a number of years was a resident of Lincoln. Graduated at Annapolis, Lieutenant Townley served for a few man, there is not one wiio does not ber the details we might be at peace regret his punishment and the cir- and forget, cumstances which have made it "Old Fires and PrnHtfihi" - - wwvw IIUJbO justified as a means of protecting life, years in the navy. He was aiincted Where the fault lies between two who with rheumatism, and applied for have transgressed is beyond human and received a discharge on half pay. insight. Most women of twenty He led an inactive life after his re are safeguarded by instinct and ex- tirement, and although not vicious perience of the world, and if they fall was peculiarly susceptible on account a prey to passion they are equally to of his enforced idleness to the wiles blame. "Ent. n x-ica nf t.rnfrpriir and blandishments which are the necessary. He, himself, never spared pains or trouble to serve a friend, and it was partly on this account, coupled with his unwillingness to make trou ble and to pose as an extra-virtuous orticer, that he agreed to be a party to a scheme already in operation when he arrived in Manila. The trouble began when he was born with a happy-go-lucky temperament and little fibre to resist temptation; but the war department cannot take cognizance of extenuating circum stances antedating enlistment. To apprehend slowly and by force of effort, to cultivate the mind by main strength is the lot of man. Genius does not have to work its way and that is why so many geniuses fail of real service to their genera- is a oook or snort stories by Mr. A. T. Quiller-Couch, whose nom-de-plume-is"Q." He has my gratitude, and that of hundreds of other dreamers, for interpreting our wordless, recur ring, tantalizing dreams. Like Ne buchadnezzar, though we cannot re member our dream we recognize the true interpretation when itappearsin. print, and desire to honor the proph et who remembers and interprets it. When Daniel was a youth and a prisoner of King Nebuchadnezzar who had conquered Judah and its king Jehoiakim, he had already demon strated his extraordinary powers of divination. King N. ordered his chief eunuch to select four of the most beautiful and unblemished youius irom among the Jews, fepd tion. The child who learns too easily rji - ... ... - ... - -.-- , like the Kennedy affair in Kansas devil's favorite temptation for grace- is not to oe congratulated, neitner them a daily portion of the meat and City, the woman bears most of the ful, idle, brilliant men. are ms. pareuw. wu aauuuo oi ,.,, wine set aside for the king's disgrace for a mutual folly. But It was easy for Dick Townley to very raciniy ne win neea extra at- ana after three years of this table, special f SH s a t ll t '1 4'