THE COURIER. VAL SAbE! , ; IIMf5LJIJIt M 1 I amv',gyiarTaK "T ig Clothing Company. BI On or about July 1st we expect to move into our new store which is being" erected at Nos. 1221, 1223, 1225 and 1227 O street. The time being- exceedingly short we arc forced to inaugurate this sale which practically involves our entire fine stock of $75,000.00 ATORTH 3 Iv1 II I Hats and Furnishing Goods. We have started this sale with a determination to sweep from our counters every vestige of Spring- and Summer Goods. We have, therefore, gone over the whole stock with great care and deliberation, and have marked each and every article at a price so that whatever you select will be a huge bargain in itself. We have never known of a sale that was as far reaching- or of such widespread benefit as this sale certainly will be, for the reason that in this particular sale there will be none but worthy and fine goods involved. The Stock Must Be Sold Before We Move If you do not secure your share, it certainly will bo given to some one else. We have done our part, having laid bare the greatest opportunity for money saving ever known. All wo ask is for our friends to carry away the mechan dise, while we stand by and shoulder the heaviest losses ever sustained by us during our business history. I" 1 D I M f "TLIC CA C there shall bo no change mado in our business policy, every privilege i-J U fl IN vJ IOC JnLC heretofore granted will bo as freely granted again. You shall have the right to exchange goods. You shall have the right to return unsatisfactory purchases and have your money returned, and we promise you thera shall not be any "Jew business" on our part; no marking up and then down. Neither shall there be any "dark cabinet work." You shall see what you get, and get what you select. Oue thing more: every item mentioned ia this advertisement shall be produced at the store at the exact price named, and we promise that there shall not be any disappointments or regrets on the part of those who attend this sale. No one will appreciate our liberal otter more than our regular customers, who know our goods and prices, and we urge them to make a speedy investigation into the real merits of th'u sale in order that they may advise their friends and neighbors of the good things in waiting for them. $20.00 Men's Suits at $14.75. In this dale we shall offer over 800 men's stylish spring and summer suits at 814.75 They are made in sacks of all styles, Frocks and Prince Albert styles. They are the finest productions of Hart, Scbaffner & Marx, Stein Bloch Co., besides creations from other noted makers. Every suit offered is new and crisp in cut and fab ric, and was sold by us for $20.00. Sale Price..$ 14.75 $16.50 and $18 Men's Suits at $11.78. Here is a chance. This line is a large one. There is in volved in this one line over 1,000 men's suits. They come in Sacks. Frocks and Prince Alberts. They are Buits suitable for business or dress. They are suits that were sold at 810.50 and 8 18.00. They are suits such as other stores sold at -320. All are on sale at $1 1.78 I and $15.00. while a few sold at S18. $20 25. Thev mall sizes, can be had in SI, 31 and 35 sizes only. una are mostly all Irocks, but there are quite a of Prince AlbertR nmnnn thorn Knmnrnl v $3.50 CRASH SUITS. p on sale over 100 men's Crash Suits which sold at P. el.50, $5 and 86 50. All eo at $1.98 "MTTZyKTiri .1-vttx TTtiNmn H m.njiN O KJUU ViliOTC). Saijifeh of 75 vests in sizpn 34 .T.v .Ifi and .17. Id at'Sl and 75f Tn nlnsn nntcillrrnst .IQ - - W...Ut. Mu ,... WW JOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS. nHl,0.?..'"16 by8' Long It SuitB. we have bunched W, (1350 and 81500 miitR nnrl nlnnprl them nn It CO o B' long pant suit's" worth' 89 00, " 810.00 and '. made by eXDert. tailnro- norfpft in fit nnH hal. Sale nrir-o i a a. 1 long nant BllitR mnHn frnm Btrintlv hiuh fabrics, ranging id value from 86.50 to SO 50, r,a,eai 5.oo long pant suits, nura wnnl nnd clean in . true valup. nmuoi-Ho r.t arinn Ciin n.;ra i o s long pant suits, regular 85 grade; Salepr'c. 3 45 .vuS pan-, buiis, made from Louis Unions, $15.00 Men's Suits at $9.95. This line is large and varied. Blacks, blues and fancy effects of every description are here represented. Every suit in the range is a splendid example of tine tailoring, while all will be pronounced by good judges of merchan dibe the full equal of any suit about town at 815. We are positively sincere when we tell you this, and we'll risk your judgment when you see the goode. Sale Price.... $9.95 $12.50 Men's Suits at $7.48. In this line we offer a big lot of men's Sack and Frock suits, which we sold at 810, 811.50 and 81200, all bunched in one big lot at above low price. We honestly think that here we offer perhaps the most sensational values ever placed before a buying public. There is not a suit in the lot but what is strictly pure wool or worsted; not one but what is handsomely tailored and trimmed; not one but what is worth the marked value from which it has been re duced. There are in round numbers 400 suits in this lot. Removal Sale Price $7.48 not all wool, but very honest, substantial suits that sold at 84.00 and 81.50. Sale price 2 98 25 bojs' long pant suits that we sold during the sea son at S3. 50. Now 2.50 20 boys' long pant suits, worth $3.00. Goat 1.98 Boys' and Children's Knee Panfc, Vestee and Eussian Blouse Suits. We will offer as first choice of our boys and little fel lows' suits which run in D. B. Vestee and Russian Blouse style, any and all that sold at 8G 00, 86.50, $7.00. $7.50 and 8S.0O, choice of the whole lot. . . . 4.95 At $3.95 we are going to sell a big lot of $5.00 and 85.50 values in knee pant suits. A. $298 we'll show over 200 knee pant vestee blouse suits that are worth 83.50. 84 CO and 81.50. At $198 a big bunch of boys' knee pant suits, made from fine, all woo! serges, worsteds, casei meres and the like, which would be cheap at 33.00. At $1 50 Over 100 suits to select from. Nearly all of which are strictly and purely wool, and can not be matched outside of our house for less than 8250. At 98c 50 boys' vestee or D. B. knee pant suits, made from a fabric which is very honest, but not pure wool, true value 82.00. Sale price 98c Read every word and price in this advertisement. MEN'S SPRING OVERCOATS. We are going to give you your absolute choice of any and all our tine spring overcoats that sold at 315.00, 816.50, $1800 and 820.00 for 811.78; we desire to close out every garment of these goods, and we know the price will do it. They are Oxford gray vicunas, serge or silk lined; covert cloth in tan and brown shades. Ts'ot a garment ever sold from this lot for less than 815.00, and from that up to 820.00. Allgoat $11.78 Special assortment of spring overcoats, worth 810.00, $12.50 and 813.50. Marked to sell at 8.98 BICYCLE SUITS. We have a few bicycle suits which we are going to offer at exactly half price. 810. 00 bicycle suite go at $5 OO $7.50 bicycle suits go at 3.75 $5.00 bicyle suits go at 2.50 83.50 bicycle suits go at 1.75 GOLF PANT3 AT HALF. $5.00 Golf Pants go at $2.50 83.50 Golf Pants go at 1.75 83.00 Golf Pants go at 1.50 82.50 Golf Pants go at 1.25 82.00 Golf Pants go at l.OO 81.50 Golf Pants go at 75 Attend the sale and bring you friends. OTYWUG CONPfvUV. i I? $ 1 4 !: 91 4 ffl l 1