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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1901)
It' THE COURIER GREAT RUH s -. ii Our New Quarters n TT L f a m,'!- -'1 v - .1 '' : ' ! .WILL b. i'Jl -A'-1 t it ' .". . On ox About .' We Expect to Ee permanently Located .... IX OUR.... i I ' 6 1 CI N Ui b ft- 9 I I ! ' I f i t H t, i. NOS. 1221 TO 1227 0 STBEET. IN TH WEST. KEEP YOUR EYE ON US WAT6H US GROW. fVlRflSttHG GOODS MlD HfK BIRSMllS. Below we give onty a partial list of the man' hundreds of equally good bargains which for lack of space we are unable to mention. We ask as a special favor of every reader of this advertisement to take the time to go carefully over ever item herein named, note with care the prices, and see for yourself what an enormous purchasing power -our dollar will have during this sale. We honestly and truly believe that there never has been such an opportunity for money saving as we have made possible through this sale, and for this reason we ask ever' reader of this advertisement to read every bargain offer understandingly. REMEMBER THESE PRIGIS HOLD GOOD ONLY UP TO JUbY 1st. SHIRTS. 100 dozen men's linen bosom unlaundered white Shirts, wonb 40c, go at 25c 40 dozen men's percale Shirts, collar attached, worth CO 33c 150 dozen men's imported Madras sort Shirts, come in many handsome styles, worth 81 00, re moval price ...; 49c Men's Negligee Shirts, come in Etylish patterne, have two detached collars, worth ?5c 47c Men's Etylish silk boeom Shirts, 20 styles to select frr.uj, the f 1.00 quality 69c COLLARS AND CUFFS. 15 dozen men's odd linen collars, worth 10c and 15c if clean, only 2c 25 dozen odd linen Cuffs, link or regular style, worth 20c 5c Men's waterproof Collars 3c Men's waterproof Cuff's 5c 'Barker's" 15c Collars 8c Cluette, PeabodyJb Co.'e las Collars 8c 100 dozen "Ivy Brod" 10c Collars 5c 100 do. men's col'd Collars and Cuff?, worth 15c. Ic HOSIERY. Men's black and tan shades Maco yarn Hose. 10c quality 5c Men's fast color solid red and blue Hoce, 10c quality... .r 5c Regular 25c fancy Hose 1 Tc Men's 101 Rockford Socks for woikmen, 10c quality 5c Men's and Boy's fancy top Bicycle Hose, 50.: quality 25c Boys' and Girl's "Ironclad" Ribbed Stockines.l2Kc HANDKERHTEFS. 21 inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs, worth 5c... 1c Men's linen cambric Handkerchiefs 2c Men's tine Japonet Handkerchiefs 5c Men's fine fancy border Handkerchiefs 5c Men's pure linen handkerchiefs 1 5c Men's all silk colored Handkerchiefs 25c Men's fancy border China silk Handkerchiefs, SOcqual 39c SUSPENDERS. Men's 25; elastic web suspenders 12c Men's 40; elastic web suspenders 19c Boys' elastic web suspenders 8c Boys' suspenders, elastic web, Harris wire buckles 12c 200 dozen fine Madras Negligee Shirts, "Eagle," "Monarch" and ;Griffin" brands, our regular SI. 50 qualities, Shirts that are sold by every merchant in the land at $1.50 and 82 00, all go at $1.29 75 dozen men's fine Cheviot Shirts, negligee with soft attached collar, 50c and GOc qualities 39c 93 dozen men's heavy Hickory Shirts 21c Boys' fancy Colored Shirts, ages 4 to 10 years. 50c Youths' Percale Shirts, sizes 12 to 14 neck, 75c qual-. 49c NECKWEAR. Fancy silk Teck Scarfs 21c Regular 25; to 40c four-in-hand Ties 1 9c Men's fancy silk Shield Bows, 15 to 25c quality 5c Men's fancy eilk Bard Bows, latest styles 21c UNDERWEAR. 5 C?ee, ISO dozen in all, Men's French Balbriggan Shirts and drawers, Shirts have French neck, pearl buttons and ribbed tail?; drawers have extension waist bands, pearl buttons atd double seat. True value 75c. Removal price 39c Men's fancy solid blue Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 40c grade 25c Men's regular 35c fancy stripe Balbriggan Uoderwear...25c 3 cases men's natural color Balbriggan Underwear, 25; quality 1 9c 2 cases men's silk finished royal ribbed Shirts and Draw ers 25c Men's elaBticseam Jeans Drawers 49c Men's "Scrivens' elastic 6eara JeanB Drawers, 81 quality.69c Boys' Balbriggan Underwear, ribbed and flat knit ,.2lc MEN'S SWEATERS. Men's 300 heavy wool Sweaters, in plain or fancy colors$2.20 Men's 250 heavy wool sweaters, in fancy stripes or solid colors 189 Men's 200 heavy wool Sweaters, in fancy or plain effect.. 1.49 Men's heavy wool Sweaters, regular 81 50 quality, go in thissaleat 1.13 Men's and Bojs' fancy college &tripe Jersey Sweaters- 49c BELTS. Boys Leather Baits, 25c quality lOc Men's 35c quality Patent Leather Belts !2Ic raeBP'3SSir?5: jy.TZSZs: ussKSS'rtilss- 2G r-tl teS The New Home of thei $9.00 and $10.00 Suits at $6.98. In this range we are able to offer the most eatisfactH merchandise ever placed on the market for the 3 named. Strictly honest all wool suits in worsteds,:--1 viots, serges and the like, perfect fitting and fully guaff teed, suits that you can not buy outeida our house w cent less than 80.00 and 810 00, all goat $69' $7.50 and $8.00 Men's Suits at $4.95. We have a triile over 300 suits in this line. Tfap areg ones pure wool, fa6t c-jlors, rightly cut and hones!';? ms You may have them in black, blue, gray or fancy AH the goods in this line are fresh and clean, they tad be bought at wholesale, in large qjantities for the price' have them marked for single suit. Removal Price 4Y $5.00 and $6.00 Men's Suits at S3 95. Not a large line, perbapB not over 75 suite, a'l 'old.1 what there are of them are good. There iB not a pa made suit in the lot, cor one which is unworbybe called good. True value 85 and 80. Removal Pru S3.' HERE IS I LITTLE BUHCH FOR LITTLE HEN HT A LITTLE We have in the neighborhood of 30 suits which are no two alike. Some are only Coats and Vests, lut wee them all suits. Some of these suits sold at SI'1 '").oll: This sale will save the people of Nebraska $25,000 in cold cash within 30 dars. sale ever inaugurated i; f :j 5 ft il ill t i iiiiwiii I II rl,1 II I'll ill Jim 'III wj' iw RSS;,ESHfllHHHlWIPtP'HV''p'K It is without doubt the greatest money -avr s- ARSTROtlG SSTjftiT. - m,,mB? rf