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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1901)
,iO!OF- " THE COURIER. 11 First Pub., Majr, il I Notice to Non-resident Defendant. In the District Court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, i .lu.inl C. Perkins & 1 l lurles S. Maurice. ) Lxecutors of the will of , llort E. Touzalin, deceased. I Plaintiffs f s Horace A. Sibley. Defendant. I To Horace A. Sibley, non-resident defendant You are hereby notified that on the sun dav f Mav, 1801, Edward C.Perkins and Cha,rle S. Maurice, executors of the Will of Albert K. Touznllii. deceased, plaintiffs herein. Hied their in tition in the aboe entitled cause in the DIs trict Court of Incaster county, Nebraska, .i-raln-a you us defendant. The object and tinner of which Is to quiet the title of the plaintiffs in the W. of the N. E. f of section l township 9 north, ranee 0 east of the P. M. in Lancaster county. Nebraska, that jou and all iersons claiming by, through or uncUr ou i foreti er barred from claiming anv right, title ir interest in or to said premises aderse to the plaintiff's and be foreter enjoined from inter rupting their use and enjoyment thereof. You are required to answer said petition on or erorc tnc nrsi aay or juiy, imji. Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, the 21th day of Mav iflul. Edward C. Perkins, Charles S.Maurice, Executors of the will of V" Albert E. Touzalin. deceased. Plaintiffs. By Charles E. Clapp. Their Attorney. Doc . No H). YET WING. It was a gray day, with rain about to fall. Alisa Harvey fluttereu in at the door of the Chinese mission, clad id gray and pink, and with a bewitching child ishness in her eyes, which she hoped might not lead to the undoing of Fung Yet Wing, who was waiting for her at hia own special deal table. Vet Wing bad a smile of his own, and greeted her deal table and teach Yet Wiog to read Bible lessons he did not understand. But whilo Yet Wing's poor little fool ish dream was destined to be crushed, why should she wound him unnecessa rily? Why should she not be as kind to him as she could be under the circum stances? She looked at him gently, yet with melancholy. Perhaps she would ark him next Sunday for her sake to cut off that braid of hair. It would make her with it. What Yet Wing's smile meant Miss Harvey did not know, for she had gad and yet sorrowful, too. to know that been teaching him only two years; and he would do it without a moment's hesi- to learn anything about the pupils of tation. There was something so pathet- the Chinese mission one must take time. ?c about thin hor-Atam lov Ohinman CFirst Pub. May 25. -3 1 Notice of Final Report E 737. County Court. Lancaster County, Nebraska, m re estate of Oliver P. Mason, deceased. The state of Nebraska to all persons inter ested in said estate: Take 'notice that F. L. Harris has tiled a tinal report of his acts and doings as adminis trator in said estate and said matter is set for hearing on June 10, 1901. before said court at ten o'clock A. M.. at which time any person in terested may appear and contest the same. Dated Mav 20, 1901. seal Fr nk R. Wateiis, County Judge. By Walter A. Lfese, Clerk. First Pub. May 251. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that we. the under signed, will at 10 o'clock A. it. on the 25th day of June, 1901, at the east front door of the Lan caster county courthouse, Lincoln. Nebraska, sell as an entiretv at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, thefollowing described real property of the estate of Albert E. Touza lin, deceased, situate in the county of Lancas ter state of Nebraska, to-wit. the n. 4 of lot 1 1, and lots 15. 16, IT and 18 in block 5. Lots 16, 1J and 18 in block 6. Lot 7 in block 8, all in Hillsdale, an addition to thecitv of Lincoln, as surveyed, platted and recorded. Also lots l 2, :t i, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13. 14. 15 and 16 in block 1. Lots 10, 1 1 and 12 in block 3; all of block 5, being lots from 1 to 18, inclush e. All of block 7, being lots from 1 to 16, inclush e. All of block 9. being lots from 1 to 12. inclusive, in Second Hillsdale, an addition to the city of Lincoln, as surveyed platted and recorded. i i Edward C. Perkins and CHARLES S. MaUBIOE. Executors of the will of Albert E, Touzalin, deceased. First Pub. June 11. Notice to Creditors. E J555. Ftate of Nebraska, ss. County court, Lancas ter county, in re estate of Arthur E. Goddanl deceased. Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation of claims against said estate is October 1. 1901. and for payment of debts is July 1. 1902, that I will sit at the county court room in said county on October 1, 1901. and on January 2. 19U2. to recehe, examine, adjust and allow all claims duly tiled. Publish weekly four times in The Courier. Dated May 31, 1901. Iseal. Frank R. Waters, County Judge. By Walter A. Leese, Clerk ft n.-t- .. l X v,yos i-norograpns Athletic Photographs Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior Views Wg THE PHOTOGRAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street. ft New Yi lub Cents. STEVENS & NEVILLE 1228 O Street. Yet Wing's books were in a neat little pile before him; his white, cuffs were linked with gold buttons, his immacu late collar was brought together with a satin tie, which was adorned with the pretty wish-bone pin she had given him for a Christmas present. Miss Harvey always looked him over complacently, until she came to the braid of long, black hair which was coiled in a neat little coil at the top of his head, with a shaved area all around it. Miss Harvey always felt that her hold on Yet Wing lacked something of completeness while that coil of hair topped him off so con spicuously. "Oh, you are alwajs early, Yet Wing!" she cried, looking at him just a little. These Chineee were so peculiar, and she was in a flutter when she thought of the danger. It would never do to encourage anything like that but now, were they to be blamed so dreadfully, if once in a while they well, if they really learned to love some pretty girl who chanced to be their teacher? Neither was tne girl to blame for beta; pretty. Not that Miss Harvey would have this happen to her oh, not for a thousand worlds. She would die of mortification, she said to herself, as she puffed out the pink silk vest a little more and glanced at Yet Wing. "Yeh me come ea'l-ly," he said with the same smile. "Me lakkee Iearu'n." In another minute Yet Wing was la boriously getting through the Bible lesson for the day, each word going off with a sharp explosion, not unlike a train of fireworks: "An' Jeiss enteled an' paBs' llou' Jolicho. "An' bee-hol dewass a man names" Zacchou-us whiss was de de chief amoung de pullicans an' he wass lich.' The fireworks exploded all along, down to the end of the lesson. "Now, do you know what that means?" asked Mies Harvey. "No me not unnestan' Eogliss," said Yet Wing with calm readiness. Miss Harvey did not understand what it meant, either, so she put her head to the side and cried archly. "Oh, Yet Wing, what shall I do with you if you don't try to undeiBtand? Well, here is our reader come now, read this." Yet Wing bent his Celestial counte nance over the book and set another train of explosions going. "Once dewass a man who had -a " "Now, Bpell the next word," command ed Miss Harvey, in the cooing, kinder garten voice she had found so effective with him. "P-l e t-t-y," spelled the pupil. "Plitty." "And do you know what that means?" chirped the teacher. "Yeh like you," said Yet Wing, his smile widening into a grin. "Like me.. The idea," cried Mies Harvey. It had como at last just as she feared. This was the Chinese meth od of imforming a girl that she was be loved. She had unwittingly ruined Yet Wing's peace of mind. How anxious she had been to avoid this, all the Sun days she had come here against her brother's wishes, to sit beside the little for a lady of her station and she must be bo careful not to ancourage him. Her brother would be so angry and he bad such a high temper, and was so dis tinguishing brutal when he began to talk about about the things she did. But she would always Bay that it was not her fault, and it waa not Yet Wing's. "It lainin'," said Yet Wing whose Ori ental eyes were turned toward the win dow. "It rains every Sunday," said Mies Harvey, gently. "I shall have -to wait until my maid brings my umbrella and cloak." "What he name?" asked Yet Wing, with the guilelessnees, directness of his race. She smiled sadly. He was inter ested in everything that pertained to her. "Her name is Annie," said Miss Har vey softly, "Here is the hymn now, Yet Wing 'At the Cross.' Now sing your best for my sake." In response to which timid plea Yet Wing was presently throwing great unc tion into: "Al-a-at an' did, my tlavileed, An' did mysloveldie? Woald he Iclote lat sacled head Fo' such a wollas I ? Atte doss, arte doss, wha'ee fluss saw lelite " Yet Wing frowned mightily while he sang, for thiB English was truly a devil ish language, and was not to be sung without great enlargement of the mouth. It was all gone through with, even to the jerky concert of "Ou' Fader who aht in heben " and Miss Harvey and her maid were hurrying homeward through the rain. Miss Harvey justly felt that she must confide in someone or die. "It has come about just as I feared, Annie," she said tragically. "My pupil has has lost his mind, I suppose and is half crazy about about me! Did you ever hear of anything so absolutely pre posterous! Think of it! A a Chinese laundry man! Wouldn't my brother be furiouB?" "Well, faith an' it'ud be a great savin' of laundry bills," said Annie, who was from up Belfast way, and could see a bright Bide to everything. Miss Harvey's just indignation kept her scornfully silent until they had reached home and gone into the side door. While Annie shook out the wet umbrella and stood it in the rack Miss Harvey glanced out of the window and suddenly screamed and sat down, clasp ing her hands. "Look, Annie!" she cried; "look out of the window! Can that be is that Yet Wing?" "It looks like the bilious heathen,' said Annie indignantly, after a hasty inspection of the figure that Btood pen sively under an awning on the opposite side of the street. "A pretty subject, he is, to stand himself up in front of peo ple's houses! Shall 1 go and shoo 'im away, Miss?' "Ob, that would be too cruel!" moaned Miss Harvey, walking up and down and wringing her hands desperately. "Oh, what shall I do? Waa there ever any thing so unfortunate? He may begin to follow me about town and perhaps sing under the windows he has a good voice but think how it would look. NICE DRESS SHOES Patent Kiel, Turned Soles, Glove Ilttlng. NMRon 6 ffHTNysTD 2I3 0STMEET. THE FAVORITE LINE Tim... Kpworll? League (onoention San Francisco, California, July, J 901, ...WILL liE... THE UNION PACIFIC ALL COMPETITION DISTANCED The fast trains of the Union Pacific reach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead of all competitors. If you are in no hurry take a slow train by one of the detour routes, but if you want to get there without delay take the historic and only direct route, the UNIOJ PyGlFIG- from the Missouri River, nith cor respondingly low rates from inte rior points on thn Union Pacific. PAMPHLETS: All About California and How to Get There and full information cheerfully furnished upon application. 13. B. SloaiaoKi, Agent. II PAINTING, Poll snin g. Twenty-eight years experience as an inside decorator. Reasonable prices. CARL MYKEE, 2612 Q Phone 5232. J. . Steoenson, HOSES M Manages Property. I'lURIRY 8LK. . . IITHJIIDI. i I I ! 'm